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Authors: Sophia Johnson

Midnight's Bride (23 page)

BOOK: Midnight's Bride
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“I was much like you,” Brianna said softly. “When Damron brought me here, he knew my every move. If he could not be near, he assigned guards to shadow me and made David their captain. I no longer notice someone is forever close-by.” At Netta's wide-eyed look, she explained. “I've all the freedom any woman could want. Damron has a terrible fear something will happen to me when he's not by my side to prevent it. I don't mind the guards, for I know it's a sign of his great love for me.”

Netta saw the truth of it moments later when Brianna rose. The morning had tired her, for her face was pale.

“Poppa Dougie, I think it is time for our morning rest.”

Brianna gently took Serena from his arms, then kissed his cheek and told him she loved him. She had not taken two steps afore a young warrior stood close-by, proving her point. Brianna smiled, and he puffed up his chest as if she had given him the greatest courtesy of his life. Lord Douglas accepted the guard's help as they left the room.

“Damron fears for Brianna. We all do.” Meghan nodded at them. “On bringin' her from England as his bride, knaves abducted her. When Damron gained on them, their swinish leader tossed her from his horse. But not afore he bit her so she'd ne'er forget him. 'Tis the crescent scars ye see on her jaw. Later, other attacks occurred. Damron's leman was behind them. He ne'er ceases fearin' he will lose Brianna.”

Netta knew Brianna to be different. Mystery lurked in her eyes, and her words and tone of speech were unusual. Brianna radiated such love and compassion. How could Damron have been so foolish to have a leman for even a day after they wed?

It was common practice for men to keep a lover. Did Mereck? Could one of the women who drooled over him at his battle practice also be his leman? Anger rolled through her.

During the noon meal, she watched to see if Mereck gazed overlong at any woman. He kissed Brianna's cheek. But it was his habit when he saw her for the first time each day. He patted Elise's head and nodded at Elizabeth Neilson. Hmm, Elizabeth. She was beautiful with straight, red hair and large sky-blue eyes. She oft glanced at Eric, who teased Elise most when Elizabeth appeared nearby.

The rogue sought to make Elizabeth jealous. A cruel ploy. Had he not already spoken to Damron, offering for Elise?

“Come, Netta. Fletch crafted the finest bow in either Scotland or England. He waits to gift you with it.” Mereck grasped her elbow and urged her to rise.

Fletch awaited them near a man's replica fastened to a post. He beamed when he showed her the bow made from supple wood. It weighed less than was usual for a woman. He had also crafted a quiver filled with arrows. Each arrow, identical in size and weight, bore the initial “L.” After she thanked him and told him how lovely they were, he left to attend his duties, a grin lighting his face.

Mereck showed her how to aim and release the arrow and explained the reasons behind each motion. He had her heft the bow several times to grow accustomed to the weight. When ready, she notched an arrow with his guidance. Her first attempt to loose the arrow was weak. It fell to the ground a short space away. She laughed up at him.

“I pray no curious worms are about.”

“At least ye pointed at yon target,” Meghan said with a chuckle.

Mereck smiled and handed Netta another arrow. “I will help you this time.”

He moved behind her, his hot, muscled body molded against her back. His hands covered hers, the hair-roughed skin of his arms teased her own. She inhaled his scent, enjoying the tingling it evoked in her. Being held within his strong arms, his body surrounding her, she could not stop the shivers his touch created.

His breath ruffled the hair on her neck; her breathing became rapid.

By the time the arrow sped toward the target and struck firmly in the heart painted on the target, she panted.

Once they loosed several arrows, she was in danger of melting into the ground.

“May I try the next one on my own, Mereck?” Hearing her unsteady voice, she flushed and hoped he did not notice her reaction to him.

He stepped back with a knowing smile. Rats. He noticed.

Netta aimed her next arrow at the straw man and repeated what he had shown her. Pleased, she watched the arrow whiz through the air a good distance. It went left and wide of its mark.

“Humph.” She held her hand out for another, tried again, and this time sighted a bit right of the target. The arrow struck low on the base.

“Blessed Saint Wistan, did you see it?” Netta crowed and grinned with delight.

“Saint Wistan? Did ye make him up?” Meghan huffed out a breath. “I vow ye sneak in saints no one has e'er heard of.”

“Nay. She did not.” Elise defended Netta. “Saint Wistan lived until the year of our Lord, 850. June is his own month.”

“Ladies, enough quibbling. Netta must keep her mind on her training,” Mereck ordered. “Raise your sight on this next arrow, wife. Allow for its weight.”

Why must he call her “wife”? He knew she did not favor it. She started to protest, but he brushed a stray curl from her eyes. She took a deep breath. His hand held his arousing scent. His smoldering eyes meet hers and made her forget what she had thought to say. He continued handing her arrows until her arms and back quivered from strain. He praised each effort.

“I believe ye are much more apt with the bow than at knife throwin'.” Meghan punched her fist high in a salute and yelled a battle cry.

Netta beamed with pride.

Soon after, Spencer arrived with a summons for Mereck.

“Rest a bit while Dafydd gathers your arrows.” Mereck patted her shoulder and motioned his squire to stay with her. “When you are ready, Meghan will guide your practice.”

Connor clasped Elise's hand, and Mereck moved to her other side. Netta's eyes widened in surprise. Had they chosen a husband for Elise? She started forward. Mereck frowned, and held up a hand to motion her back.

“Nay. Damron wishes to speak with Elise. She will rejoin you soon.”

Netta had promised to protect her friend. When the men turned and led a reluctant Elise back to the keep, she stubbornly followed.

Mereck glanced back and scowled. “Obey me. Stay with Meghan. I'll protect your friend.”

Meghan's hand on her arm stopped her.

“Ye must listen to him, Netta. Mereck willna permit anyone to thwart his orders.”

Chapter 16

Elise tried to pull from Connor's demanding grip. He frowned and tightened his fingers.

“Dinna fear, Elise, you willna come to harm,” Mereck murmured.

“Meghan's bound to stick her nose in where it isna wanted.” Damron closed and latched the solar door. He ambled to the fireplace and beckoned Elise to come to him. She stood before him, but had not the courage to look at him. She studied the tips of her shoes and fidgeted with the pocket on her tunic. He sighed.

“Ye will look at me, Elise, while I instruct ye.” Her gaze moved from her shoes to the tip of his black boots. “Look at me. Not my boots; not my knees.” As her eyes meandered up his body, he grunted and added, “And not my chest.”

Mereck noted she twitched when her eyes passed over Damron's plaid. By Lucifer's toes, were all Saxon virgins so frightened of a man's sex? At first he feared he had spoken aloud, but since she did not shriek or faint, he knew he had not.

“My face, lady, my face. I dinna ken what has come over ye.” Damron threw up his arms. “Did ye hear yerself speakin' words ye shouldna be privy to? Ye spoke of men's body parts. Until ye met Meghan, I'm sure ye ne'er thought o' such. How am I to find a suitable husband to rule ye if ye get a reputation for bein' ill-bred?”

Elise's glassy-eyed stare had returned to his boots. Damron shifted and waited. At last, she noticed the quiet. Her chin raised and her voice quavered.


“What? What do ye mean what? Were you no' listenin' to me?”

“I was. When you came to a ‘suitable husband to rule' me, I got stuck on it. What do you mean rule? If it means do I want a husband to tell me all the things I cannot do, then I will learn something disgusting every hour to keep him away.” She stared at Damron's chin.

Connor's snort drew her attention.

“Prick! That should remove your interest, Connor.” She glared at him. “I'm sure Meghan will supply me with enough new words to repulse every Scotsman for leagues around.”

Mereck would never have thought timid Elise would become braw enough to defy a man. He approved of her new-found courage. He kept his face impassive, but Connor's chin near dropped to his chest. Damron tilted Elise's face up so she had to look at him.

“Did ye not listen to a thing I have told ye?” His voice thickened with disbelief. “Ye willna speak about vile words with Meghan.”

“If they are vile, my lord, why did you speak such when we were present in the hall? We overheard you and Connor refer to men's body parts.”

Damron's brows hiked up to meet his hair.

“Every word used to describe your wild doings was clear when you boasted among yourselves while talking with Sir Eric.” She frowned, took a deep breath, then near shouted, “Why, Father and Sir Galan never used such words around Mother and me.” She cleared her throat and whispered, “We knew when Galan had a, ah, willing partner for the evening. But he never discussed her in our hearing.”

“She willna stop until she insults every man she thinks might seek her marriage bed.” Connor huffed and slapped his thigh.

“Aye. She is makin' a good start.” Mereck grinned. No wonder the women oft had their heads together whispering.

“Do you agree her beautiful lips spoke the words?” Connor asked. “They are the source of her misconduct and therefore deserve the punishment.”

Damron nodded. Mereck saw where he led.

“Do you plan to wash my mouth with soap?” Elise's chin thrust out. “Well, let me tell you, my lords high and mighty. Mother did so more than once. If you want me to spew all over those skirts you wear and ruin your best boots, go ahead.” Her shoulders squared in an fitting imitation of Brianna.

Mereck swallowed a laugh.

“Nay, Elise. There's a more pleasant way to still your unruly lips should you decide to belittle a man.”

Elise eyes squinted, eying Connor. He did not hold soap. Nor did he remove his belt. She backed away until he caught her and tugged her to him. His eyes roved down her face to her rosy lips.

He stared; she swallowed.

He wrapped his arms around her and molded his lips to hers in a thorough kiss. When he drew back, she was stiff with surprise, her eyes wide with shock. Connor drew a deep breath, steadied her and turned to Damron.

“That takes care of the word prick to me. But the lady aggrieved both Eric and Marcus.” He looked loath to have another exact such a penalty.

“I think we should assign you the task of correcting the lady.” Mereck looked at Damron for confirmation. At his brother's nod, he continued. “We wouldna want her to become acquainted with the lips of every man with whom she comes into contact.”

Elise edged toward the door. She reached the latch and tugged. Connor caught her.

He clamped her arms to her sides before he raised her chin to look into her eyes.

She gasped. He groaned low in his throat.

She began to struggle in earnest. Someone banged on the door, creating a din as he again captured her lips. No soft kiss this. His tongue invaded her sweet mouth and stabbed deep. She whimpered. It softened and swept over hers, caressing her. Long steaming heartbeats later, he lifted his head and inhaled with shuddering breaths.

“That was for Marcus' ballocks and Eric's swiving,” he whispered, his voice hoarse as an old codger's.

Tears streamed from Elise's eyes. She shoved at him until he released her.

When Damron unlatched the door, Netta and Meghan burst into the room. Netta spied Elise's swollen lips and rushed to put her arms around her.

“What have ye done to the little one?” Meghan shouted. “Dinna tell me ye have hit her and caused her mouth to swell. Shame on ye that ye wud batter such an innocent.” Her glare rounded on the men.

Connor's body was obviously in urgent need of release. Meghan stared at his soft, puffy lips, and the lust lingering in his eyes. Before he guessed her intent, she struck him square in the stomach; hard enough that air burst from his lips.

Connor doubled over clutching his belly.

“Satan's pointy tail, Meg. I kissed her for punishment. I have done her no harm.”

“How do ye know what harm ye have done? She is gently reared and hasna been around men such as ye. Ye have all tupped every doxy betwixt here and Edinburgh. What harm? How do ye know if ye have set a craving she will satisfy with another? What great foolish lumps men be.”

Meghan's scornful gaze took in Damron and Mereck. Mereck knew she ached to hit them too. His gimlet stare warned her. She replied with a defiant look, then turned on her heels to follow Netta and Elise back to their room.

“What have they done, sweetheart?” Netta wrapped Elise in her arms and cuddled her head against her breasts as they sat on the bed. Elise bawled and clutched her so tightly Netta could barely breathe.

“Oh, Netta,” Elise wailed. “I d-dreamed of kissing CConnor some day, but not like that. He has been g-gentle and laughing, but t-today he was all hard and unyielding.” She took a deep, ragged breath.

“What part did Mereck play in this?” Disappointment in him was like cold water flowing over her.

“N-Nothing. He but nodded to Connor. At first, I thought they meant to wash my mouth with soap. I threatened to spew on them. Perchance that is why Connor did it?” Her voice sounded hopeful. “He didn't want me to splatter his clothes and boots? How c-could he stick his tongue in my mouth? Surely it is an evil thing to do? Now Father Matthew will have to give me special penances,” she ended in a wail.

“You have done nothing which needs a penance. Father Matthew may ask you to govern your words, but I'm sure God isn't upset with you. Shh, love. A girl's first kiss should not be this way. A kiss should be beautiful. But, sometimes it can be a vile touch. When Roger came to Wycliffe, he often tried to force his attentions thusly.” Netta shuddered, thinking of the cruel man.

“What did ye do?” Meghan cocked her head.

“Why, I bit his tongue, of course. He couldn't eat for days.”

“Did he not try to punish ye?” Meghan asked, surprised.

“Aye. But I ran much faster than he. It was fortunate Father heard his ranting, even with Roger's tongue swelling and like to burst from his mouth. Father put a stop to it and sent me to my room.”

“Was it after your father betrothed you to James of Hexham? Was he as disgusting as old Baron Durham?” Listening to the dreadful things that had happened to Netta, Elise began to calm.

“Nay. James came first. He was another matter. Though he was grossly burdened with fat, I could not outrun him.” She shuddered. “His hands were filthy, his fingers thick as sausages with dirt-encrusted nails. He forced food into my mouth and tried to make me suck his finger. I bit him, too, but didn't get away as easily.” She swallowed remembered fear.

“He lurked in the darkest part of the keep and grabbed me in his arms. He bruised me with pinches, and he tore hair from my head trying to force his kisses on me.” She near gagged at the memory. “He bruised me badly a day before Lord Bleddyn came to visit. Father locked me in my room. He told him I was visiting you, Elise.

“Later on, I learned James and his knights had been set upon. Unhorsed and badly overweight, he wallowed like a giant turtle on its back. He couldn't get up from the ground.” She shuddered. “His great weight was his downfall.”

Mereck, outside the partly opened door, heard her stories. Lord Hexham had been no challenge for Bleddyn. No wonder Netta was loath to have a man feed her.

Wishing the news he brought her was at a better time, he worried how she would take it. He retreated several steps and returned, walking heavily. His boots striking the floor warned them before he called out and asked for entrance.

At Netta's “Come,” Mereck entered. The women sat in the middle of the bed. He studied Elise and saw she had come to no real harm. When she wed, she would soon accustom herself to the ways of men. Netta looked impatient. If she knew what he intended to say, she would not be eager to hear him out.

“Bleddyn left to meet Father Matthew. They will soon be here to perform two weddings.”

“Two weddings?” Netta asked. Her face blanched, but she did not protest.

“Aye, two. Our own, and Damron has selected the man to husband Elise. He speaks to him now.”

Elise's voice squeaked. “Did I not disgrace myself enough there will be no wedding? How could he marry me to someone when they know the things I said and what Connor did to me? I will tell the man, that's what I'll do. Then he won't want to marry me.” She looked hopeful.

“Dinna count on it, Elise.” Connor appeared beside Mereck. “You'll be sadly aggrieved.”

“Hmpf! Why should you care?” Her puffy, red-rimmed eyes lit with hope. “You should be afeared the man will beat you within a breath of your nasty life. I will beg him to avenge me.” She started to scramble off the bed.

“Start begging.” Connor put his fists on his hips and widened his stance. Laughter sparked from his eyes.

“What?” Elise asked, uncertain.

“You must beg most earnestly, and convince me why I should beat myself within a breath of my nasty life. Though it may prove a most irksome chore. What think you, Mereck?” He rubbed his jaw. “Would fists against my shadow do the deed?” He fisted his right hand and jabbed the air in front of his face. “Or by chance a broadsword would be best?”

Elise gasped and scrambled behind Netta. Mereck was pleased to see the color return to his own bride's face while she listened to Connor's teasing. What took women so long to realize their desires? A strong attraction pulsed between Elise and Connor. Netta realized it. Did Elise not know her eyes followed Connor whene'er he was within her sight?

And Netta. Her gaze heated and roved over his own body whene'er he came near. If he touched her, her eyes dilated, and her breath quickened. If his face came close to her, she dampened her lips, readying them for his kisses. Did her woman's flesh betwixt her thighs grow hot and weeping? She showed every sign of being a passionate woman.

He pictured her naked and writhing beneath him, the sheets tangled and pillows tossed to the floor. He imagined her voice as she begged him to drive deeper into her. His body tensed. His heated blood pounded through his veins. Swallowing, he hooded his eyes to mask the lust flaming there.

“I have arranged for the noon meal to be brought here to you.” He looked the women over. “I thought perchance you needed time to accustom yourselves to the idea and do whate'er it is women do to prepare for their weddings.” Sad yearning struck his chest like a fist. He turned and left the room.

Elise peeked at Connor over the tip of the pillow hugged to her chest. Amusement flickered in his eyes. He blew her a kiss and followed on his cousin's heels.

The afternoon passed quickly. When their meal arrived, Netta saw all of the things she liked best. Roasted chicken, small boiled carrots and greens cooked with salted pork. The smell was heavenly. Wine arrived with the food, not watered as usual, but rich and full. She was grateful for its calming effect.

BOOK: Midnight's Bride
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