Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-The-Spirit-Within.doc (7 page)

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-The-Spirit-Within.doc
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He grabbed Eric’s prick at the base, delighting in the way the other man sighed and gently thrust into the touch. Eric was thick, uncut, and the veins on his cock were blue and protruding heavily under the need for sex.

Ivan pulled back on the foreskin, revealing the head.

“Do it. Please do it,” Eric said, staring down at him with begging


Ivan did. He wrapped his lips around the head and sucked back on  it with all the pleasure of sucking on a candy. He’d missed this so  much.

The Spirit Within

Eric’s hands went into his hair, gripping tightly, and he moaned deep within his throat.

Ivan worked on the head for a minute, swirling his tongue around and rediscovering the hard feel of Eric’s cock inside of his mouth, the salty taste, the everything.

He went down farther, taking more of Eric inside of his throat.  Eric pumped his hips obscenely, but Ivan didn’t mind. He loved it.

“Oh, Christ. That’s good,” Eric said, and when Ivan turned his head up, he noted the way that Eric was looking at him, watching as  Ivan’s head bobbed up and down and how his mouth looked with  Eric’s prick inside of it.

Ivan’s cock throbbed painfully, and he was more than aware that he and Eric had not lain together once since they came here. He swirled his tongue around only a few times more before pulling away and climbing back on top of Eric’s body.

When he was practically sitting on the other man’s chest, Eric grinned wickedly before leaning forward just enough, wetting his lips, and taking Ivan’s dick into his mouth.

Ivan grabbed the headboard and hissed, and then he moaned, thrusting his hips against Eric’s mouth, fucking him.

Eric took hold of Ivan’s waist, but it was not to stop him or make him slow down. Was it possible that a spirit could choke while sucking cock? Ivan didn’t know, but even if it were a possibility, Eric seemed to be doing fine regardless.

The bed shook beneath them as Ivan rocked against Eric’s mouth.  Not for the first time he wondered what it would look like should a

stranger walk in on them. Would it appear as though Ivan was on his  knees, humping the air? Or was it at all possible that, so long as they  were touching like this, Eric would be somewhat visible to anyone  who looked for him.

Probably not, Ivan thought. If love really could cure all things,

Eric wouldn’t wish to leave him alone.

Ivan pumped his hips harder, reaching down and grabbing Eric by

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the back of the head and gripping his hair. He didn’t care if it hurt the  other man either. He needed to forget about everything that had just  gone through his mind.

Eric was equally free to grab at Ivan, and he reached up and found  his testicles, massaging them gently as Ivan thrust into Eric’s mouth.

He came, imagining that they had the rest of their lives to be  doing this.

The orgasm was hardly sudden, but it went through his body so  quickly that his body shook with it, his cock pulsing even after the  rush of pleasure shot through him.

He gasped hard, catching his breath. Ivan’s fingers hurt, and he  pulled them away from the headboard with some difficulty. He’d been  digging his fingers into the wood, and now he’d left an indent.

Eric nudged him enough that he got the hint and climbed off of  him. He fell on his back next to his lover.

Eric rolled back on top of him and planted kisses all along Ivan’s neck, stopping with a gentle bite alone the shell of Ivan’s ear. “We’re not done yet.”

Ivan’s dick twitched and swelled ever so slightly, despite being so recently satisfied. He lifted his knees, inviting Eric inside of them. He wished the other man would stay there forever.

“It’s under the mattress,” Ivan said, staring into Eric’s dark eyes, brimming with lust.

Eric grinned at him as he reached down and stuck his hands between the mattresses. He came back out with a small bottle of lube.

It was in a neon purple bottle. Eric leaned back on his knees to read it. “Warming massage oil.”

He looked down at Ivan, a dark brow raised before he grinned and chuckled. “Where did you even get this?”

Ivan blushed. He didn’t want to admit that he’d asked his younger brother to go out and purchase it for him. That alone had been one strange conversation that he’d just as rather forget.

“Never mind. Use it.”

The Spirit Within

“The seal’s broken. Have you been using this?”

Yes. Many, many times, and always while fantasizing about Eric  putting his dick inside of Ivan’s ass, pumping into him as hard as he  used to, thrusting home.

It had been the only way Ivan had been able to relieve himself  ever since coming here.

“Just hurry and use it!” Ivan practically yelled.

Eric, it seemed, was in the mood to be playful. He grinned and  was slow about pouring some of the lube onto his fingers, making  sure Ivan was watching the whole time he rubbed his fingers together.

Ivan spread his legs farther apart, but Eric grabbed his dick and  stroked him.

The organ practically jumped in Eric’s hand. Ivan’s body shuddered at the touch as Eric stroked him. “What are you…ah. What are you doing?”

“I want to do something different,” Eric said, his eyes completely serious.

Uh-oh, that was never good. Usually. What could he have in


Ivan understood when Eric lifted himself up and over Ivan’s lap, keeping a hold of his dick and lining it up with Eric’s pucker.

His eyes widened. “Wait, you cannot…”

Eric looked down at him. “Why?”

Why? He didn’t know why. Perhaps it was because that, in all of his fantasies involving the two of them together, Ivan had never been in this position. He’d never been with another man like this.

There was the possibility that Eric was only doing this because he was still going to attempt to leave him, and that he wanted their last time together to be a first for the both of them.

Ivan shut his eyes. “Do it.”

Eric did. He lowered himself slowly onto Ivan’s prick. Ivan could hardly believe the sheer pleasure that shuddered through him.

“Stop. Stop,” he commanded.

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Eric looked down at him with confusion in his eyes, and Ivan bit

the inside of his cheek.

“You okay?” Eric asked.

More than okay. He was just fighting as though his life depended  on it to not spill himself inside of his lover.

When he was certain he was master of his body once more, he  nodded to Eric. “Yes, keep going.”

Eric grinned at him and sank all the way down. Ivan could not  help but throw his head back and groan. His entire body arched under  the beautiful sensations washing through him, but the weight of Eric’s  body prevented him from moving too much.

Already Eric began shifting himself, thrusting against Ivan’s prick  and slowly bobbing up and down. Eric gasped and shut his eyes  against the pleasure he felt, and Ivan could not help but look at him  and admire the majesty of his body.

Every muscle on the other man was tight and gleaming with sweat  as he moved on top of him, his pace becoming shallower and faster.  Ivan gripped his hips to hurry him along as well, his toes curling  against the sheets as they fucked hard and fast.

Eric moaned loudly. “Holy shit. Holy God.”

The lucky bastard. He could be as loud as he wished and no one  would hear him. Ivan had to keep his pleasure contained. Or, as  contained as was possible. Keeping his sighing moans down to a  minimum as he watched Eric ride him was becoming difficult,  especially as the other man cursed like that.

Eric then fell forward onto his hands, the switch in position  allowing Ivan to capture his pink, plump lips and grip his back as Eric  fucked himself on Ivan’s cock.

Why had they never come together like this before? This was…it


Ivan cried out as he spilled himself inside of Eric, and somehow, just knowing that he was coming inside of his lover, marking the other man as his, only served to heighten his pleasure and prolong his

The Spirit Within


Eric groaned as his anal muscles clenched around Ivan’s shaft  almost painfully while he bucked and humped against him. Eric  reached down and grabbed his cock, stroking himself as the pleasure  consumed him.

Ivan sighed, his body relaxing with satisfaction and the want for sleep, and then, strangely, he felt that invading presence he’d come to loath and fear as his body was possessed by an intruding spirit.

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Chapter Six

Eric didn’t know what happened, but he knew it had felt good.  Good in the sort of way that his orgasm shared with Ivan had been.  He felt cocooned, wrapped in warm blankets over every inch of his body. Every part of him, every nerve and hair, felt alive and wonderful.

He opened his eyes and was shocked to be looking at the ceiling of the bedroom he’d just been in. The mattress was beneath his back, and he was naked.

That last part was hardly a surprise considering he was always naked, but when he shifted his body to sit up, the strangest thing happened.

The bed dipped beneath him and the sheets moved as he did.

Not a lot, only what was to be expected considering he was moving slowly, but it was still there.

Eric looked down at himself, and his heart quickened and breathing hitched as he realized he was not inside of his body.

He jumped up from the bed, his feet making smacking noises on the hardwood floor as he ran to the dresser. There was a large mirror on the wall behind it, and it would tell him if what he feared had

actually happened.

Ivan’s pale face stared back at him in shock and horror. The red  vampire eyes were gone, replaced with Eric’s dark ones, and he shook  his head.

Goose bumps pimpled up along his, or Ivan’s, skin, and he stepped away from the mirror.

Jesus Christ. What had he done?

The Spirit Within

Eric pinched his skin, surprised to feel pain for the first time. He touched his face and put his fingers to his neck, listening to the healthy heartbeat pumping blood through the body he inhabited.

He inhaled deeply and tasted the air. It was cool, and the scent of sex hung thickly in the room.

He was alive. And he felt great.

Eric shook himself. No. He was not alive. He was inside of Ivan’s

body. Where the hell was Ivan? Had he pushed the other man out?

Eric swallowed, not enjoying the fearful lump in his throat. Had  he killed him?

Eric sat on the bed, clutching his hands together and keeping his head down. He needed to be calm about this. He needed to focus.

What was it that Ivan had said happened to him every time a spirit possessed him?

He’d had to fight back to keep them from pushing him out, and to push them out in return, but Eric felt no resistance. Ivan was not taking command and flinging himself onto the ground in an attempt to beat the ghost out of his body.

Could that mean…?


“Ivan? Are you there?”
Eric inwardly asked, his body, his

body, shaking with every second there was no answer.

“Ivan, please answer. Please be there.”

“Get out.”

Eric lifted his head. It had almost sounded like the voice ahead

come from outside, within the room, not in Eric’s head.

“Where are you?”

“Get out!”
Ivan’s voice shouted again.

Then he felt it. The distinct push of someone trying to force him  out. It was painful. It felt like he was being squeezed through a hole  that was way too small, but he didn’t try to resist.

He needed to get out, and he didn’t know how. If whatever Ivan  was doing was the only way, then he’d take it.

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Eric fell onto the floor with a heavy thud, his body becoming tight. Everything on him felt cramped and was getting worse. He cried


“Get out! Get out!”

“I’m trying.”

He thought he would pass out from the pain. He hadn’t felt pain  like this, he hadn’t felt pain period, since the day he’d died.

Then it was over. A cool rush of air washed over his body, like  he’d opened a window after spending some time sweating over his  exercises.

It felt good. Well, not good, but definitely better than what he’d just gone through. He looked down at himself and saw his normal pale, spectre hands, his chest, his naked body, everything was the way it was supposed to be.

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-The-Spirit-Within.doc
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