Read Micah's Mate (Dark Sky) Online

Authors: Beverly Leahy

Micah's Mate (Dark Sky) (5 page)

BOOK: Micah's Mate (Dark Sky)
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“That is enough for him to view.”
Micah looked down into her half closed eyes and felt the need to keep kissing her. She was so open, so trusting. Suddenly, he understood. It wasn’t just him that made this strange connection work. It was the two of them together. It was her complete openness with herself, with him; it was her calmness that called to him; it was the two of them together that compounded the effects of this connection. She was his Niflet; the other part of his soul.

Katlyn shuddered feeling the change of his mood; she felt the connection between them deepen and spread over them. He leaned into her again and ran his tongue against her lips seeking entrance. When she gave it to him he slid his tongue against hers slowly, deeply tasting her.

slowly pulled back; “You taste so sweet.”

Katlyn gasped slightly allowing his tongue to rub against hers again. A feeling of complete pleasure radiate through her increasing her reaction almost to climax. Who the hell was this man that he could do this to her?

.” Katlyn moaned against his mouth and tightened her hold on him, she needed more. She needed to touch his skin; she needed to feel him against her.

“Kat, I need to back away from you. I don’t want to hurt you.” Katlyn opened her eyes to look into his and saw the struggle he was facing trying to back away.

“You wouldn’t hurt me that is the one thing I am sure of.” she whispered against his lips. Pulling back slightly she gazed into his eyes, understanding. “You’re feeling it too.”

“Yes.” Micah said unable to stop himself from leaning forward one more time to slowly press his lips to hers; once again causing her to shudder and arch against him.

took the advantage of the kiss and slowly ran her tongue against his; smiling at the groan that came from him. Almost immediately she felt a burst of pure pleasure coming from him that surrounded her, stroking every inch of her skin with slow shuddering movements.

“Micah.” She groaned feeling her stomach tighten as heat pooled between her legs.

              Micah tightened his hold on her as need washed over him. Cupping her jaw with one hand he took her mouth with his in a deep, shuddering kiss. Need washed over him; his or hers, he wasn’t sure at this point. The ache radiated across both of them and compounded.

Pulling back Katlyn tried to catch her breath, “Micah, what's happening?”

“I don't know. I have never felt anything at this level.” He lowered her feet to the ground and took a step back. “I am sorry, I took advantage.”

“No, you didn’t. Just give me a second.” Katlyn leaned back against the door, closed her eyes, and took a couple of deep breaths in order to gain control of her body. It took a couple of minutes to slow her heart rate to normal. Whatever had just happened was something neither of them had expected; it had been a complete merging of mutual need. Katlyn opened her eyes and saw Micah looking at her concerned, “Are you okay?”

“I'll make it. But we may have to avoid doing that again.” The grin she received was purely male and sexy as hell.

“I can’t promise that Katlyn. This feeling between us needs to be explored, tested. And I will tell you now I have every intention of continuing this at a later time. Come, let us sleep.” He held out his hand and without thought she placed her hand in his moving up the stairs.

Stopping in front of her bedroom Katlyn felt his hand cup her jaw once again, “I probably shouldn’t do this but I don’t seem to be able to help myself where you are concerned.” He lowered his lips to hers slowly, giving her plenty of time to move away if she chose.

Knowing it
was a very bad idea but wanting to feel the sensations of need coursing through her body again, she rose up on tip toe and tangled her hands in his hair.

covered her lips with his in a kiss that radiated throughout his body and hers. Every touch, every breath pooled together causing a merging of need and excitement. It twirled around them faster and faster causing Katlyn to gasp against his lips. Taking advantage of this Micah slide his tongue against hers, deepening the kiss.

“Kat,” Micah growled low in his throat.

eaning down he wrapped his hands under her thighs and lifted her against him once again, pinning her between him and the door to her bedroom. It felt so good to feel her pressed against him, to feel her need spread over him, to know what she needed, to know what she was feeling. He ran his lips over her jaw and growled softly against her throat feeling her tighten her hold on his hair.

could feel every hard inch of him pressed against her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. This was crazy, this overwhelming need that radiated between them. It made no sense. It was unexplainable, it was all encompassing. It was so good, so right. Katlyn moaned arching against him, needing to get closer.

Katlyn, we should stop. There are so many things we have yet to say to each other.” Micah slowly lowered her back to the floor. “Come sweet Katlyn, it is bed time and you will need a clear head for the morning’s conversation.”

Katlyn opened her eyes slowly knowing the truth in his statement but wishing it could be otherwise. “Good night, Micah.”

She watched as he moved to the other bedroom. With one look back he crossed the threshold and moved to the bed.

Wanting to follow him but knowing that that was a very bad idea Katlyn moved into her room and climbed into bed. Being responsible really sucked some days. Her lips still tingled from his kiss and her body was throbbing in places she had forgotten she had. Rubbing her finger across her lips she smiled; whatever the risk she was taking was well worth it.

Katlyn rolled to her side and tried to make sense of what had happened tonight. It was crazy to believe that he could have come out of the sky. It was crazy to believe that he was so perfectly male. Where ever he came from he definitely wasn't a little green man with almond shaped eyes. But, who was to say that they had to be a certain shape or color? There was so much to talk about in the morning. That is if he were there come morning, if Scotty didn’t beam him up. Katlyn grinned into the darkness at that thought and closed her eyes. 




Chapter 3




              Katlyn awoke around nine o’clock and rolled over; right into a very warm, very male chest. For a second she froze then she remembered where she was and with whom.

Refusing to open
her eyes she growled low in her throat and smiled as she felt a chuckle from him.

“Ahh, someone is grumpy come morning.” Katlyn felt a hand run softly up her back to rub the nape of her neck. “I think I like you this way. Soft and warm from a good nights sleep, and a little rumpled. You remind me of a kitten.”

Katlyn arched her back stretching and peeked up at him, “You are way too perky in the morning. I need coffee.” She slowly rolled away from him and out of bed. She needed to get downstairs and turn on the coffee pot. Waking up next to him was way to disconcerting.

wondered how long he had been there watching her sleep. She was only guessing but she thought he had been there awhile. The bed where he was laying had been warm from his body heat.

Walking into the kitchen she went directly to the coffee pot, she could not function without coffee. Throwing the water in and the grounds she started the coffee pot and perched on the edge of the kitchen table waiting for it to brew.

“Did you sleep well Micah?” she looked up as he moved around the kitchen table to stand in front of her.

“I slept very well, thank you.” Katlyn felt her heart rate increase as he lowered his lips to her neck. “You smell nice in the morning.”

Micah could not get enough of her. He had spent all night wanting to be next to her, wanting to be able to touch her, needing to hear her moan for him. It had been all he could do not to lay next to her during the night and pull her against his body. 

Liquid heat pooled low in her belly as she arched her neck giving him freer access. Having him this close was wrecking havoc on her thought process.

“Micah, I think we need to talk.”
she whispered as his lips trailed from her neck to the corner of her lips.

“Yes, we do. But when you hear what I have to say you may no longer allow me these liberties. I would like to touch you one more time before I risk losing this.” Micah slowly covered her lips with his and lifted her against him. He needed to feel her body molded against his. He needed to hear her moan as she was swept away by his kiss. Then he would tell her why he was here, and then he would risk everything to keep her.

“Micah.” Katlyn moaned opening to him and felt herself being pulled into a swirling storm of need. She felt him lower himself into one of the kitchen chairs with her in his lap.

“Ah, much better.” Katlyn felt him smile against her mouth with the realization that his hands were now free to roam over her body.

took advantage of having her this way by running his hands slowly up her sides to cup her jaw. Softly, he bit her lower lip causing her to gasp softly.

Katlyn slid her tongue against his and moaned with pleasure as he tangled his hands in her hair. Her entire body was molded around his and her one thought was that she needed to get closer; she needed to be able to touch more of him, she needed to feel his skin against hers.

The buttons of Katlyn’s shirt seemed to open on their own leaving her vulnerable to his gaze and touch. Micah pulled back slightly and watched her face as his hand trailed down her throat and chest until he came to her breast. “Beautiful.”

She gasped as he cupped her breast and raked his thumb across her nipple. She felt a sensation of need course through her body causing her womb clench in need and heat pool between her legs.

Micah lowered his head and ran his tongue across the hard nub of her nibble and smiled at her gasp. Gently he sucked it into his mouth causing her to arch against him. Pulling harder against the peak he felt her shudder before he released her from his mouth and moved up to her neck again.

had to touch him, had to quench this thirst that was drowning out all else. Running her hands up his chest Katlyn leaned over to kiss his neck softly. Immediately she felt a wave of pleasure from him and she smiled against his skin. He was right; this needed to be explored a little further.

she licked his neck and bit lightly gasping as the pleasure hit her moments later. She was playing with fire and it was going to consume her. How would it be to make love with him? Was that even possible? The thoughts alone made her moan against his skin in need.

“Kat.” he moved his hands to her hips and pulling her more tightly against him, pressing himself more fully against her causing her to moan. He was on the edge and barely able to keep himself from taking her right there on the kitchen table.

Katlyn o
pened her eyes and gasped, Micah’s eyes had gone from grey to glowing neon blue.

“Micah; your eyes.” She whispered amazed at how beautiful they were.

He closed them quickly and almost dumped her off of his lap in his hurry to stand. “I am sorry.” He stood with his head down hands on the table breathing deeply. “It is a reaction that I cannot control.” Damn, that probably scared the hell out of her.

Slowly, Katlyn began to button up her shirt with shaky hands, “I understand. It took me by surprise, I apologize for my reaction.”

Micah looked up and Katlyn found his beautiful eyes once again grey. “Let us sit; we have much to talk about.”

“Let me grab us some coffee.” Quickly Katlyn got two cups and sat in one of the chairs.

“It is a long story. I am not sure where to start.” He rubbed a hand down his face tiredly. Explaining this could very well push her away.

“How about the beginning? It's as good a place as any.” Katlyn took a sip of the coffee trying to control the need that was still running through her body and settled in for their talk.

“My people are not from here. We are from Teclit, about 300 light years away.” He hesitated and waited for her reaction. Getting nothing but a nod he continued. “Over the years we maintained our planet about the same as you have here. We had our wars, our pollution. We had our space expeditions, our technology growth. Where we differed from your world is in the technology growth. Ours was much broader, more detailed and we thought we were on a breakthrough when it came to space travel and weapons. One of these weapons we devised released a chemical into the air as a byproduct. It seemed harmless at first; it did not affect the biosphere to our knowledge; until we noticed that our females were not having children.”

“It caused sterility.” Katlyn glanced up and caught his grim nod.

He wrapped his fingers more tightly around the coffee cup as he stared off into space.

, but only in us not in the animals that inhabited our planet; otherwise we may have caught it before it spread. Instead it was years before we realized it was an issue. By trying to become more advanced we in turn set our race on the path of extinction. This is why we are here.” He paused to look up at her guardedly. She was quick it wouldn’t take her long to connect the dots, he waited.

Katlyn took a deep breath her mind going over a million possibilities.

She stilled
a minute later and met his gaze in shock, “My God; you are here to collect females for breeding.” She set her cup down trying to keep from over reacting. In all honesty if it happened here, if it were their society faced with the same circumstances would they do anything differently? She knew as a race they would survive anyway possible, it was in their nature.

“Kat, it’s not like that.” He reached out and covered her hand. “Those of us that were selected would never force a woman to mate with us.”

Those ideas were abhorrent to him; taking a woman against her will. In all honesty he had been disgusted with what he had found about the men on this planet and how some of them treated the women here.

Katlyn raised an eyebrow; “Micah, if your world is like ours as you claim then there are those on your world that would use the women brought to them. Correct?” Standing, Katlyn paced across the kitchen; she needed to move as her thoughts raced.

Micah watched her from his seat;
“Yes, there are those that would not be kind to women. We have issues in our culture the same as you do. There is abuse, neglect, hate, but there is also love, compassion, caring.” He rose also and moved to stand before her.

Reaching out he t
ouched her hand. “But, we came here to find mates, life mates. There are six of us that have come to your world to find companions that we will take back with us, for us alone. Each of us was selected to convince the women to come back with us with full knowledge of what they were agreeing to. We are not here to collect multiple women to take back like cattle.” He tilted her chin up, “We were to see if your race was adaptable to our kind; to see if we were attractive to you and you to us. If so, we were to return with you to help populate our race. That is if you chose to join us.” He cupped her jaw and searched her gaze for understanding. “I promise you that we are not here to hurt anyone. That is not who we are, it’s not who I am.”

Katlyn pulled away from him and moved back to the table to sit. “How do you know that it will even be possible? How do you know if our two species can even blend to have children?” She wasn’t much on biology and DNA splicing but she seemed to remember that breeding between species was a very difficult process.

Micah sighed, she was asking the same questions he had asked multiple times, “Our molecular structure is almost identical and there is a very good chance
we are compatible, but we are only guessing at this point. We cannot say for sure.”

Katlyn took a sip of coffee
thinking. In order to know with any kind of certainty they would have to test the females here, by choosing not to they were taking a risk. Changing the subject she wondered allowed, “How do you know our language?”

Micah ran a hand through his hair, “We have studied your culture for years and collected information on many things. With our advanced technology we are able to learn your language quickly.” He moved back to his seat trying to gauge her reaction to everything that he had told her. It was a lot to take in and digest in a very short amount of time.

Looking at her he was very relieved to see that she was at least willing to try and understand what they were doing and why.

“Is it only the women that were affected on your world? Why not the men to?” she took a sip of her coffee and let her thoughts run ramped.

“The bi-product only damaged the X chromosome. Our scientists have worked for years on the destruction we have caused. Unfortunately, they have not found a way to reverse it. They are still working at it but it has been over ten years. The odds of finding a way out are now against us.”

“What happens when we go to your world? I’m sure this bi-product is now in the food, water, air; how will it affect us? Will we then also become sterile?” The thought of not having a child of her own was not a concern at this point but she knew she would not want to lose the ability.

Micah caught her slip even if she had not. She was already thinking in terms of her accompanying him. He fought the urge to smile at her and took a drink of his coffee instead.

“We don’t know for sure.” He leaned forward and gazed intently at her, “We have done studies to show that the bi-product is now contained and out of the atmosphere. It disappeared on its own after a few years without a trace left; but until a child is born on our world I will not promise you otherwise.” Again he took her hand in his, “It is a lot for you to take in.”

“Yes it is.” Katlyn ran her fingers across the top of his hand absently and smiled slightly, “I believe I promised you breakfast.” She needed a distraction as she thought on what he said.

Micah could see she was trying to digest what he had told her. It was a lot for anyone to have to deal with. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Katlyn stood up and began pulling things out of the fridge to cook.

“For at least giving what I said thought. I know that it sounds crazy to you, your species does not really believe life on other planets is possible.” He smiled slightly, “If they do believe they think we are all little green men.”

BOOK: Micah's Mate (Dark Sky)
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