Read Merry & Seduced Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #sci-fi romance, Christmas romance, shapeshifer, New Zealand

Merry & Seduced (17 page)

BOOK: Merry & Seduced
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The idea of leaving Autumn and Marcus made her heart-pump ache, and she didn’t know what to do.

“Amme.” Camryn snapped her fingers in front of her face. “I asked you what you thought of this dress.”

It was plain and cream with a fitted beaded strapless bodice that took the gown from simple to stunning.

“You look beautiful. This dress is perfect. This is the one.”

Camryn nodded. “I think so too. At last! I feel as if we’ve been shopping for days. Now a gown for you. Which color would you like?”


“Yes, you’re going to be my bridesmaid. My special attendant. Let me see.” Camryn turned around and started going through the rack of dresses. “No. No. No.” She pulled out a gown in a similar style to hers, the shade a close match to Amme’s eyes. “This one. Try it on. Go. Go.” She made a shooing motion with her hands.

Amme stood, wavered a fraction while her cybertronics behaved plain weird. Everything inside her leaped about then clenched—sort of like dancing an energetic jig before dropping into an exhausted heap. She pressed her hand to a spot between her breasts and rubbed to ease the turmoil. The entire time she stared at Camryn, the weird stinging malady striking again. The tingle smarted so much a drop of water leaked from one eye. She trapped it with her fingertip and stared at it in confusion.

She was crying. She never cried.

“What’s wrong?” Camryn asked.

Amme shot a glance at the storeowner who was still dancing attendance on another bride and her mother. She leaned closer to Camryn. “My body is malfunctioning, I tell you.” She held out her wet finger. “I’m leaking water and my cybertronics, my heart-pump keeps jumping out of beat.”

A slow smile spread across Camryn’s lips, a mysterious smile, one that hinted at a juicy secret. “I know this isn’t normal for cyborgs, but what you’re describing sounds like emotions. How do you feel about being part of my wedding?”

“I’m excited and honored and…and…” Another tear rolled free.

“You’re touched by my request.” Camryn hugged her and the show of friendship sent her heart-pump jumping like a skipping-bean from the planet Greet. “You’re experiencing emotions.”

“I…me? I don’t feel emotions. I’m designed to supervise children, to care and nurture them. That is all. I don’t love them.”

“Maybe not in the past. What would you do if someone attacked Gweneth?”

“I’d gut them.”

Camryn nodded. “Yet according to you, your programming should only work for Autumn since you are now her minder.”


“And what if someone tried to hit me?”

“I’d try to protect you,” Amme said without hesitation.

“And Marcus?”

“I’d stop them,” Amme said with a ferociousness that took even her aback.

Camryn tapped a finger against her temple. “Emotions. Now go and try on that dress, so we can meet the others at the mall.”

Amme took the dress and walked into the changing room, her mind only half on the task. Emotions were impossible for her. Weren’t they? She removed her denim skirt and her sleeveless cream shirt and took a moment to admire her lingerie. Her body didn’t require lingerie, but she liked the lacy bits of nothing. They made her feel feminine. Human like Camryn. She shook her head at the thought. An abnormal notion and one that her fellow cyborgs would despise. They were a race who’d deleted their emotions in order to live good, solid and useful lives. Productive ones without the useless clutter of feelings and physical limitations.

Somehow, her mind and body had suffered a blip.

While she slid on the whiskey-colored dress, she did a quick internal self-check. Nothing appeared out of ordinary.

“What’s taking so long?” Camryn asked through the dressing room curtain. “Doesn’t it fit?”

Amme tugged aside the curtain. “It’s a perfect fit, but I need help with the zipper.” She turned to present her back and Camryn pulled up the zip.

Camryn clapped her hands together when Amme turned in her direction to display the strapless dress with the embroidered flowers on the bodice. “It’s perfect. This is the one. Now on to the mall and shoes.”

* * * * *

’m going to ask Amme to marry me.” Marcus blurted the words to Olivia during a quiet moment with just the two of them.

“You what?”

“You resemble a fish. You’ll catch a fly if you’re not careful.”

“Well, you took me by surprise,” Olivia said and smacked him on the shoulder. “I thought you were a confirmed bachelor.”

“I didn’t think I had it in me to be a father either. Hell, look at our parents.”

“I’d rather not,” Olivia said. “They still don’t know I’m here. As far as I know they haven’t tried to contact me.” Her mouth twisted. “I don’t think they’d miss me if I left Earth.”

Marcus reached for her sister and gave her a quick hug. At first she resisted then she pressed against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, giving her the comfort she needed.

After a long moment she pulled back. “Would you miss me?”

“Yes.” Amme’s presence had done more than help him with his daughter. She’d help him become closer to his rebel sister. “In fact, I was going to ask if you want to stay with me.”

“And crash a couple of honeymooners?”

“The house is huge,” Marcus said. “Say yes.”

“But I need to do something,” Olivia said. “I can’t just mooch off you.”

“So work out what you want to do and make this your base. You’re my family, Liv. I want you here.”

Olivia stared at him, then brought a shaky hand to her chin. “You haven’t called me that for years.”

“I know. I lost my way for a while. Amme has made me take a hard look at my life, and I didn’t like what I saw. Slowly, day by day, I was turning into our parents.”

“Yuck.” Olivia wrinkled her nose. “A fate worse than death.”

“So you’ll stay?”

“Yes, for the time being anyway.” She hesitated. “I’ve thought about doing something in travel. Not the same as Mum and Dad’s business, but more adventure-related travel.”

Marcus grinned. “Adventure like our ancestor the great Marco Polo?”


“So do it. I’ll help you in any way I can.”

Olivia flew at him and wrapped her arms around him in a fierce hug. “Thank you.”

“So I guess this means you’re happy about Amme joining the family?”

“It’s the best move you’ve ever made,” Olivia said. “Amme is perfect for you. Don’t you dare let her escape. When are you going to ask her?”

“I pick up the ring tomorrow. I need you to babysit Autumn tomorrow night so I can take Amme out for a special dinner.”

“Done deal.” Olivia rubbed her hands together. “I love Amme. I can’t wait for her to join our family—the new, improved Polos.”

Chapter Nine

y feet are sore,” Amme said.

“Mine too,” Camryn said, stretching her bare feet out in front of her and wriggling her toes.

“I’m not surprised,” Ry said. “I think you bought out the shops.”

“It’s a special occasion,” Amme said. “I can’t wait for the wedding.”

Marcus lifted one of her feet and placed it on his lap. He rubbed her arches with gentle pressure, and a soft groan of pleasure rushed past her lips.

, that’s good. Don’t stop,” Amme said.

Camryn sighed. “We should go back to the cottage. I promised Max I’d help with the training in the morning. Early morning,” she added. “I don’t want to miss this since we’re leaving soon.”

Ry stood and pulled Camryn to her feet. “Let’s go then. Are the others still out?”

“Olivia has taken them night clubbing. I doubt they’ll be back for hours,” Camryn said.

Marcus gave a theatrical shudder. “It’s kind of scary knowing my sister is legal now. She got into enough mischief before she turned twenty. She got herself expelled from countless schools for sneaking into pubs.”

Camryn laughed. “The way I hear it, daughters can be a lot of trouble. You have that to look forward to.”

Marcus groaned. “Don’t tell me that.”

“I need to recharge,” Amme said. “We have to start party prep tomorrow.”

“It’s not too late to hire a catering company,” Marcus said. “We can find one somewhere willing to cater the party.”

“No, we want to do this. It’s our way of saying thank you for sharing your holiday and home with us,” Camryn said.

Amme nodded. “With all of us helping it’s fun, not work anyway.”

“Good night,” Ry said and urged his mate to the door. “We need to rest.”

“Is rest a different word for sex?” Camryn asked.

“It’s a word meaning bottom spanking,” Ry said.

Marcus grinned and walked them to the door. “See you tomorrow.”

Amme stood too and went to check on Autumn. The little girl was just as exhausted as the rest of them. Her arm and leg stuck from beneath the covers, and Amme resettled the sheet. She looked cute and peaceful. Although she was a serious child, she’d blossomed under Marcus’s attention. Amme smiled as she exited Autumn’s room and broke into a little dance shimmy, which took her into Marcus’s bedroom. She liked to think she’d helped too.

“Is Autumn asleep?” Marcus wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her temple.

“Yes, I think we tired her out today.”

“I’ll run a bath for you.”

“You’d don’t have to do that.”

Marcus placed his lips on hers then took the contact deeper until their tongues tangled and excitement flared in a bright burst. She clung to him, gloried in the quivers of pleasure, of desire. The roam of his fingers. When their mouths parted, her lungs labored to catch a breath and Marcus seemed in the same condition.

“I love you, Amme. Go and grab whatever sexy lingerie you’re going to torture me with tonight. I’ll start the water running.” He strode away and disappeared into his en suite, leaving her staring after him. Secs later the sound of water splashing into the tub drifted to her.

He loved her?

Amme blinked. Other people loved, spoke of their feelings. She was a childcare cyborg because she’d exhibited the trait in early childhood. Cybertronics enhanced her body to increase the characteristic.

Love wasn’t meant for her.

She wasn’t meant for love.

Yet, Marcus’s words made her knees tremble, and she tottered to the drawers containing her lingerie to follow his instructions.

He loved her.

“The bath is ready,” Marcus called, and the water shut off.

Amme hurriedly grabbed the first nightgown to hand. It didn’t matter which one because she usually ended up naked anyway. Besides, the ability to think seemed to have packed up and gone on holiday.

She stepped into the bathroom and found Marcus stripping off. Soft music played from concealed speakers and several candles flickered, saving the room from full darkness and giving it an intimacy that increased the
boom, boom, boom
of her heart-pump. She halted, her gaze tracing his muscled chest, trim waist and strong thighs. Immediately, she went gooey inside.


It wasn’t a word Amme had used or understood until she met Camryn. Evidently, Ry made Camryn go gooey, but Amme had never quite comprehended the feeling, not in the same way as her friend.

Now she did.

Marcus made her feel this way, and she liked it even if it meant she should seek a tune-up from Mogens.

“I thought we’d share,” he said.

“I like the way you think.”
Boom, boom, boom.
Was this love?
, she didn’t know. All she knew was that the idea of leaving Marcus and Autumn made her eyes sting and her stomach churn. And her heart-pump…out of control.

“Let me undress you,” he murmured, his breath warm against her ear. A tremor went through her, and she shivered again at the touch of his fingers against her ribs. When she was finally naked, he helped her step into the bath and turned on the jets. Soon Marcus settled into the bath behind her and drew her against his chest.

“You always smell good.”

One of her cyborg traits, but she couldn’t tell him that. “Thank you.”

“I love spending time with you. These last few weeks have been amazing.” Marcus paused to pump liquid soap into his palms. He ran his soapy hands over her shoulders and breasts, using seductive strokes that pushed at her desire.

She relaxed against him, her neck pillowed by his shoulder. “It’s been special for me too. It’s hard to believe it’s almost time to leave.”

“What if you didn’t have to go? Would you want to stay?”

“Yes.” She didn’t even need to think about it, but secs later the problems, the differences between them pounced into her mind like a big cat. She bit her bottom lip and pushed away her fears. Somehow…there might be a way. Her teeth dug deeper into her lip.
Who was she trying to fool?

Staying with Marcus would be like living a lie, and she wasn’t sure how long she could keep up the pretense. What would happen if she malfunctioned?

Not that this happened on a regular basis, but malfunctioning was always a remote possibility.

Unaware of her inner turmoil, Marcus kept touching and stroking and caressing until she wriggled in his embrace.

“Well, we’ll have to see if we can manage that.” Marcus’s hands slid over her breasts and he kissed her neck. “We’ll talk about a plan tomorrow because right now I want to enjoy you.” His hands slipped down her torso, over her hip and between her thighs. His finger stroked and delved, her flesh soft and hot and needy. Pleasure swirled through her. Not with an urgent tempo but something gentler and sweeter.

A plan? The thought pierced her foggy pleasure then dispersed like Martian mist.

The bubbles forced from the jets helped to soothe her aching muscles, and she floated in a blissful state. Marcus stroked her—
oh yes
—did some precision work on her clit, rubbing and teasing until the pleasure burst over her.

“Marcus,” she whispered, her internal muscles moving in hard spasms for long moments. The press of his cock into her back reminded her this loving was very one-sided. She attempted to twist her body, but he held her in place.

“Don’t worry about me,” he said. “We have the rest of the night.” He nibbled her neck and her head fell back, exposing more flesh for his attentions.

BOOK: Merry & Seduced
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