Merry Mitchell (Mitchell/Healy Family #3.5) (3 page)

BOOK: Merry Mitchell (Mitchell/Healy Family #3.5)
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“I thought it was funny. Ethan did too.”

“Noah, there’s some things you shouldn’t say.”

“My sister’s tougher than you give her credit. Besides, we can’t shield her. She needs to know that we ain’t holdin’ back to protect her. Chris hates that.” He pulled me back against his chest, making me immediately forget what I was upset about. “Let’s finish this decoratin’ crap so we can work on somethin’ else.”

“Like what?” I pretended I didn’t know what he was implying.

“Like, trimmin’ some of these here clothes off of you.”

“What about the tree?”

“I’ve got my own bush to trim,” he chuckled and coursed his palm over my crotch.

“I seriously doubt that it’s grown into a bush since this morning.” I snickered thinking about it.

“I’ll need to double check.”

“How about we check now, and decorate later?”

He picked me up with little effort, kicking the box of decorations out of the way so he could carry me up the stairs to our room. This was the life.

Home sweet home.




Chapter 4



She still got to me, so much so that I had to stop what I was doing and let her consume me. I craved her touch, even more when she’d been gone on the road. Seeing her putting so much effort into our new home made me feel things I never thought existed. The only thing missing was the wedding, and I was going to make it happen.

Since the family was already beginning to arrive, I knew I wouldn’t have her to myself much. That’s why I had to take her up to our room and give her a good lovin’. I wanted it to be her only thought every time her eyes met mine.

Our Christmas quilt had probably only been out of the package for a couple of hours. Now it was in a ball on the floor. The flannel sheets had been kicked down to the foot of the bed, after she climbed in naked. I took my time watching her before even removing my belt. I wanted to savor the sight of her smooth skin, imagining all the places I needed to tend to. When she noticed how long it was taking me, she opened her arms, welcoming me into them. Our lips connected, and within seconds we were all over each other. I pulled her supple thighs around my waist, feeling the urgency to enter her. This wasn’t about taking our time, or making love. Our afternoon delight was about release for both of us. Once I’d teased her a little with the tip of my hard cock, I pulled away and ducked down between her legs. Her hands dug into the soft sheets as she cried out from feeling my tongue flicking her little clit. The taste of her, so familiar, sent me into a frenzy. I kept going at it, not slowing down until I watched her body buckling up. She cried out and bit down on her bottom lip until it turned a white hue. Her breasts moved up and down with each of her heavy breaths. I’d succeeded in part of what I’d set out to do. Now it was my turn.

Shalan didn’t argue when I flipped her around, guiding her to bring her ass up in the air. Her face rested on a soft pillow while I held onto each of her hips. Her slick entrance beckoned me to fill her, and I refused to hold off any longer. The slippery friction gave me chills as I slammed my rock hard erection inside of her, over and over again. Each time I heard her making a sound it got me going. I wanted to hear the slapping as our bodies made contact. I needed to hear how much she loved it.

My name echoed in the room as she begged me to go faster. I clutched a chunk of her hair, pulling it back right as I began to lose control. I kept yanking on her head while I filled her with everything I had.

Slowly we both collapsed on the bed, out of breath, but full of smiles. “Now I’m hungry,” she said as she traced my lips with her fingers. “Do you want lunch?”

“I’d rather stay in this bed for a little while longer. Maybe we could take a nap, or just lay here naked, coolin’ off for a bit.”

“I can’t believe your sister thought I was pregnant.”

This was where I had to hold back my feelings. Shalan had a career and I was willing to accept that, even if we had to wait to have kids, but it didn’t mean that I was happy about it. The truth was that I wanted at least two or three kids running around. We had this big house and it was just the two of us. I knew it was temporary, but every time I was reminded of how long I’d have to wait, a part of me felt disappointed.

“How crazy would that be?”

“I’d have to cancel my tour and all of my plans for the next nine months.”

“Or eighteen years,” I suggested.

“True. Thank God I’m not, that’s all I’m going to say about that. I know your mom wants a grandchild, but she’s just going to have to wait a little longer. We still need to get married.”

“I can call an official to come out here right now and get that taken care of.” It was the truth. They probably couldn’t come out right away, but certainly within the week.

“Noah, we talked about that. We agreed we’d wait so it can be perfect.”

“You’re right,” I lied. She had no clue I had it all arranged. She was going to be so surprised when she saw what I’d done for her. “I’m sorry, darlin’. You know I’m only givin’ you a hard time. We’ll get hitched, and eventually we’ll have a couple of kids. We’ve got a lifetime to make it happen.”

Finally she smiled again, letting me know she was content with my response. I couldn’t lead on that I had a big secret. It was going to be the best day of our lives, so I didn’t feel bad at all about keeping it from her. She’d forgive me when she saw the whole family sitting in that barn waiting for her to walk down the aisle. I could hardly contain my excitement.

Our little nap was short-lived. Rapping at our door, followed by my mother’s voice got us right out of bed. “Noah, it’s me.”

“Be right down.” I looked over at Shalan, who was already rummaging around for her clothes. “Shit!”

“She knows what we’re doing.”

“She does not. Hurry up. Don’t come downstairs with a red face like you have right now.”

It didn’t matter to me if my mother knew what we were doing. We were adults, who lived together, but Shalan always wanted everyone to think she was so innocent.

I found my mother in the kitchen, paying us no mind at all. “Hey, what’s up?”

She never turned around from what she was doing. “I started this sauce for Shalan. All she has to do is add the macaroni and bake it.”

“Okay, I’ll tell her.”

I saw her walk back out of the kitchen without a second glance. “Oh, and Noah, if you’re goin’ to have quickies in the middle of the day, when the whole family is on their way, you should probably lock the door, or at least put a note on it.”

I scratched my head and watched as she turned around to face me, at the exact moment Shalan was walking down the stairs. I could see the horror in her eyes as she reveled in my mother’s words. “Thanks for the tip, mom. We’ll be more cautious. You know sometimes I just can’t help myself,” I knew she was going to kill me when my mother left. “She gets me all worked up. It’s all her fault.”

She shook her head. “You are your father’s child. That’s for sure.” She turned to head out. “I’ll see you both at dinner, and Shalan honey, you might want to put your shirt on the right side before then.”

When I looked over I saw her face as she realized her shirt was on backwards with the tag right under her chin. She sank down on the step and covered her face. “Oh my God. I’m so embarrassed.”

It was entertaining to me. She was so cute when she was worried.

“I can’t have dinner with them tonight. She’s going to tell your dad.”

“My uncle Ty told me that one Thanksgiving my parents were caught doin’ it in the pantry.”

Shalan looked up and let out a tiny snicker. “Really? They did that while everyone was around?”

I shrugged. “Apparently. I guess I get it honestly.”

“I better go get changed. I can’t look at your mom while I’m wearing these clothes. I might as well burn them now.”

I laughed as she marched up the stairs, feeling humiliated.

While I sat down waiting for my girlfriend to stop freaking out, I began going through the bag and box from my mother. It wasn’t surprising that I found a little present from my sister. Christian left a note that said, “Retaliation.”

I didn’t know what that meant until I opened the box to find a stink bomb, and not the kind that only lasted a few minutes. This was one of those that teens used in schools, causing hallways to have to evacuate. It was the kind of stink bomb that brought tears to the eyes it was so potent. I hadn’t seen one in a long time, and knew she had Ethan help her obtain it. I knew exactly what my sister had in mind when she wanted to retaliate, and the twins were in for a big surprise when we were done with them this holiday. This year we’d have the last laugh, and it was going to be bittersweet.

I could hardly wait to see them puking in the driveway.

This holiday would go down in history, and the inner child in me felt invigorated.



Chapter 5



After being completely humiliated, I was reluctant to leave my bedroom. Sure, we were grown-ups, and it was obvious that we had sex, but she was his sweet mother. I went to church with her and his grandmother. Now they were going to look at me and pray for my sins. I felt dirty over it, which only entertained Noah. I think in some ways he wanted to get caught, just so he could brag about it happening.

When I finally found my way back downstairs I could tell he was up to something. His ornery grin made it obvious. “Whatever you’re up to, don’t. I can already tell it’s something bad.”

“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, darlin’.”

“Don’t you dare darlin’ me, Noah Mitchell. I know that look. What’re you up to?”

He chuckled and pulled something out of a small container. “It’s a stink bomb.”

“For what?” I probably shouldn’t have asked. It made me an accomplice. “Never mind, don’t tell me. I don’t think I want to be involved. I can already see the wheels in your brain turning, and that means trouble when I know it involves your cousins.”

“No one will be injured in this prank though. It’s completely safe. Come on, you were all for the vinegar.”

I threw up my hands. “This is all you, babe. I’m not involved. I love you, but I’m not involved in this one. I can see it ending badly.”

For the time being, Noah put the item back in the box and got ready for us to go over to his parents for dinner. This would be the last night before we were overwhelmed with guests, so we needed to enjoy it. I collected two good bottles of wine before we left the house. While Noah and his family schemed against their cousins, I’d be content with my glass of red sitting by the warm fire with the older adults. After being caught red-handed earlier, I needed to be on my best behavior, since they were the only family I had left. I couldn’t stand to disappoint them.

Stuffed shells were one of my favorites, and Noah’s mother made them like no other. I ate four, and slowly went into a food induced coma afterwards. I was so full that after helping clear the table I plopped down on the couch and stretched out my body. It was a good thing I was wearing yoga pants, because I’m sure my jeans weren’t going to button.

Noah came over and sat down next to me. “You ate more than me. Are you sure you ain’t pregnant?”

I looked around the room, checking to make sure nobody heard him. “Would you stop? So what if I over ate? It was delicious. That doesn’t mean I’m with child.”

Noah leaned over so no one else could hear. I could feel his lips tracing the lobe of my ear, while I tried hopelessly to ignore the hot and bothered feeling it was giving me. “I’m in love with you. If you were carryin’ my child, I’d be ecstatic. You’ll be a beautiful mother, Shalan. I just know it.”

How was I supposed to respond to that? How could I look at him and argue with that kind of compliment. “I’m not pregnant.”

He snickered and took a sip of his beer. Once he turned his attention to the rest of the people in the room, I found myself daydreaming about being pregnant. It got to me so much that I kept to myself for the remainder of our visit. When we made our short ride home, Noah seemed indifferent. He never mentioned it again, and I wondered if he’d been teasing me all along. Still, I couldn’t shake the way he was pushing it.

After having one too many drinks, Noah was ready for bed as soon as we walked in the door. He made it to the couch and started snoring almost immediately. I managed to remove his boots before trying to convince him to come to bed. Even though he fussed at me, he finally followed behind, trampling up the stairs. We climbed into bed, saying nothing about our night, or anything else for that matter.

While Noah fell back asleep quickly, my mind pondered about being a mother. I loved holding our niece, and felt the urge to have my own child every time she was around. Maybe that’s what Noah was experiencing.

Then I thought about my busy career, and how being a family would become difficult. I’d have to give it up, or at least slow down and awful lot.

When I rolled over and looked at my sleeping man I knew I was willing to make sacrifices for him, no matter what they were. He was everything to me, and it pleased me so much to see him happy. Noah wasn’t about material things. He valued what one could keep close to their heart. It was one of the many reasons why I was  in awe of him. 

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon. Since I’d had so much to eat the night before I still felt bloated, like I could be sick at any minute. The aroma filled my nostrils, making me feel like it was rancid, even though I knew it wasn’t. To alleviate the ill feeling, I turned on the ceiling fan, hoping it would air out the scent of the fatty meat.

After putting my head under the covers I was able to fall back asleep. Noah came into the room with a tray full of food. He no sooner sat it down on the bed when I got up and ran into the bathroom. I couldn’t stand the smell of the coffee, eggs, and especially the bacon.

I stood over the toilet dry heaving. I could feel him standing behind me, even before he handed me a warm washrag. “I ain’t goin’ to say what I’m thinkin’.”

In between my gags I warned him, “You better not!” It was obvious that I wasn’t very convincing. Noah said something smart behind me, while I began to hack again. I didn’t have the energy to ask him to repeat it.

A few minutes later I was back in bed, waiting for a cold glass of water.

He came back into the room and handed me a couple Tylenol and a tall glass with ice clanking around in it. “Were you sick overnight, darlin’?”

I shook my head before downing the pills and half of the drink. “No. My stomach hurt from eating too much.”

“Are you constipated?” He asked calmly.

I knew he was being concerned, but talking about bowel movements wasn’t my idea of a conversation I wanted to have, especially with him. Unlike his family members, talking about poop or anything fecal wasn’t my idea of a proper subject. “Noah, seriously? I’m sick from eating too much. I’m not used to that much cheese. Just give me a couple hours and I’ll be fine.”

“It’s Thanksgiving. We’re goin’ to be eatin’ all day.”

I ran to the bathroom two more times that morning. By lunchtime I’d begun to feel better. Noah made me some soup, which I managed to keep down. While I rested on the couch, he went out and made sure his family was arriving, and that they were all settled in.

Isabella and Rusty showed back up a little after that, without Sarah. Her grandmother had offered to take the baby for the night, so the two of them wound up staying at the main house for a little time alone.

We wouldn’t have bothered them. In fact our guest room was clear across the house. Though they had a whole wing at the large mansion, I suppose I couldn’t argue with that.

As soon as she came in and saw me lying around, instead of decorating or cooking, she knew something was wrong. “I was wonderin’ where you were. I didn’t see you at uncle Colt’s and aunt Van’s this mornin’. What’s wrong?”

“My stomach is killing me. I threw up earlier.”

She raised a brow and gave me a once over. “Maybe Noah scared you so bad you’re sick.”

We both laughed. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

“I know he’s jokin’, but could you be pregnant?”

I was shocked that she’d asked me that. “What? Not you too? No of course not. We’re careful. I take the pill.”

“The pill isn’t one-hundred percent. When are you due for a period?”

“Bells, seriously? It’s Thanksgiving. I don’t want to discuss this. I’ve got food poisoning or a bug. I’ll be fine.”

“We all ate the same food as you, Shalan. None of us are sick.” Did she have to rub it in? I was beginning to get worried.

“I’m not pregnant. I know you all want me to be, but I’m not. I think I’d notice a missed period, or my body changing. I’m just sick. I ate too much food and it made me ill.”

Bells dropped the subject when she realized it was making me upset. She helped me prepare the food that I was supposed to bring for dinner, and together we loaded it up and took it over to the carriage house.

It took a while for me to greet everyone that had arrived during the day. One by one I either hugged or kissed every one of Noah’s family members, even his two twin cousins, Jake and Jax, who I knew he was planning on sabotaging during their visit.

After Noah’s dad led the family in a prayer, we all made our plates and started eating. Since I had no appetite, I found myself people watching.

It was fun to see the cousins communicating with each other. All of the ones that lived in North Carolina stuck together at one large round table. Bells and Rusty sat with her parents, and grandparents. Noah’s uncle Conner and his wife sat with his parents, while they kept their eyes on their sneaky kids, who always seemed to get into trouble.

Noah and I sat with his parents, sisters, and Ethan. I think Addy wanted to hang out with the younger kids, but knew it wasn’t a good idea. I’d heard the stories of them smoking pot behind barns before. She needed to stay away from that for sure.

The older family members had a table of their own. While everyone was busy consuming large amounts of carbohydrates, I sat there thinking about being Mrs. Noah Mitchell. This was the family that I wanted to be a part of for the rest of my life. Even though I couldn’t enjoy the delightful food, I found solace in knowing that this was my beautiful life.



BOOK: Merry Mitchell (Mitchell/Healy Family #3.5)
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