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Authors: Heather Miles

Merger (24 page)

BOOK: Merger
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The moment had turned from pure passion and need, to sexy and fun
. I kissed her and laughed into her mouth. “You better never quit talking about how amazing my penis is or else I’ll withhold it as punishment.”

She smirked and answered, “
whose punishment would that be, yours or mine?” I brought my forehead to hers and looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

“Point taken.”

I regained my momentum and moved her back against the tile wall thrusting into her and focusing on her climax.

“I want you to come for me
,” I spoke into her ear as her stride met mine and the weight of her hips now slapped against my thighs. I was so close to losing myself to the feel of her tightness around me, so I pulled her back enough to rub my two fingers over her swollen nub causing her to shudder around me.

“That’s it
, baby,” she gasped as she screamed out. I moved my mouth to hers.

“You feel so good.” I sucked her tongue into my mouth and continued my assault on her sweet tender sex
, taking her over and over and losing the last of my will before spilling every drop of my seed inside her.

Her kiss was soft and consuming as I moved her legs down underneath her
. She’d taken care of me and now I wanted to show her the same tender affection by washing her completely. I lathered her hair with shampoo and conditioner and proceeded to wash every inch of her, cleaning myself from her sensitive skin and gently caressing her body with each stroke of the soapy washcloth. She looked at me adoringly and then kissed me as I finished with her and started washing myself. I gave her a wink and a light tap on the ass. Urging her out to let me finish up. She teasingly glided her hand over my still, slightly erect cock.

“Out, or we’ll never make that plane
,” I warned. She turned to get out, and looked back, smiling brightly. I knew as she turned and walked out of the steamy heat, my heart was swollen, and that I’d never walk away.


Chapter 21



My heart was about to leap out of my chest as I stepped out of the shower
. I grabbed the towel and dried myself off. The sex was incredible, but the care with which he handled me, was better. I’d pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, but the tenderness between my legs let me know otherwise.

Josh emerged from the shower slick and if we weren’t in a rush, I’d have licked him dry
. He curiously gazed at me, smirked, and shook his head.

What?” he questioned.

“Oh, nothing.” I
sang, looking back at the mirror and smiling at his reflection.

“I know how that brain of yours works, something
is going on in there…do tell.” I continued to look at him through the mirror.

“Okay, I imagined licking you dry
,” I confessed.

“Sounds good to me, shall I jump back in and re-wet myself
?” He took two fake steps toward the shower.

o late,” I replied and licked my lips teasingly. He snapped his towel at me and I dodged it, but swiped my mascara across my cheek in the process.

“Nice.” I said
That’s what you get for being such a tease.
I rolled my eyes and cleaned my cheek off. “Next time I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself,” I grumbled.

He moved over to kiss my shoulder and replied, “next time just do
it, and don’t think about it.”
God I love this man.

We finished getting ready with our bags packed and lined up by the door
. We sat at the island counter waiting for Benny to come take us to the airport. I’d already talked to my Dad and let him know that I’d be working from the L.A. office for the next several weeks. I told him that it was a great way to hit the ground running on the merger and ingratiating myself into the California office, but he knew better and gave me a break by not saying it out loud. For that I was grateful. I think he wanted me to see this thing with Josh through, one way or the other, and trusted that I’d make the right decisions. I was sure going to California was absolutely the right thing. But I’d never know for certain unless I took a leap of faith and I was knee deep, so it was the only logical choice.

“So, I must admit I’ve been nervous to ask how your
Dad reacted to you coming to L.A. for two weeks.” Josh questioned.

. He was great about it,” I said. “I think he knew it was more about us, and less about business, but I’m a hard worker and he knows I’d never let him down. He’s cool.”

. He’s definitely cool.” Josh leaned in and kissed me. “How do you think he’d feel if you moved to California permanently?”

I didn’t know what he was playing at, but if I took the bait I’d lose myself to him and never recover
. It was so early in our relationship and talk of permanency had me scared. I brushed over his question with levity.

“I’m sure he’s
considered it.” I said. Was I supposed to leave my life for his and if so, would I? As I stared into his deep blue eyes, the answer I concluded was absolutely…

Just when I thought I was going to be baited into a conversation about my life in California, I was saved by the bell, or at least the buzzer
. Marcus announced that Benny and our car had arrived. I jumped up, threw back the last swig of my coffee, and started to walk to the sink. I hadn’t even rounded the counter when Josh grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. I was suddenly thankful that my cup was empty and not spilling against the crisp cleanness of his shirt.

“Don’t think for a minute that we are going to avoid the talk of closing the gap between us
. You cannot be in New York without me and I don’t intend to be in California without you. We will have to address it sooner or later. I’ll just give you the space to roll it around in the big beautiful head of yours. I know you have to brood about everything. Just know this—I don’t intend to let you go, now or ever.” He reached down and brushed his lips to mine, teasingly drawing me in. I fell into step with his supple lips and kissed him deeply. I knew in that kiss I’d leave everything behind if it meant spending everyday loving him.

“I’m not avoiding anything
,” I proclaimed.
I was truly avoiding it.

“You are, but
it’s okay. I’ll wear your down, and when I do, you or I will concede,” he said smiling but dead serious.

“You’d concede to me?”

“Probably not, but it did sound good coming out of my mouth didn’t it?” He was now laughing and I could feel the vibrations of his chest and stomach muscles against my body.

“How can you be so cocky and confident but sweet all at the same time?” I shook my head at his brazenness

“I told you when I met you that I am accustomed to getting what I want and I don’t play games
. I’m confident because I had strong parents that taught me to be self-assured. I’m cocky because I always say what I mean, and mean what I say, and as for my dick…it’s all yours.” He placed his hands on both of my cheeks and licked at the opening of my mouth. His words were powerful, but my need for him greater. I opened to his advance and kissed him like he’d stolen my breath.
And he had. I was madly and hopelessly falling more and more in love with him with every word.

We arrived at the airport at
10:40 and Josh and Benny proceeded to get our bags from the trunk of the car. The pilot began loading them onto the plane. As Benny and I said our goodbyes and Josh shook his hand, Jake and Mr. Crawford arrived in the limo from the hotel.

“And how the love birds today?” Jake questioned
. He advanced me quickly, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into a hug.

,” I replied. I looked at Josh, who was rolling his eyes.

“Can’t you stop all the touchy feely stuff
?” Jake looked at his brother while he hugged me. “It’s driving me insane.”

Jake pulled free from me and wrapped his brother in the same warm embrace
. “I’m sorry, did I make you jealous? Next time I’ll kiss and hug you first. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, Joshy.” He was now in a fully belly laugh as Josh pulled away from him.

“You’re a dick, Jake
,” he said slugging his brother in the shoulder, causing him to almost fall.

“Hey, quit being such a turd
,” I said to Josh and grabbed Jake around the arm as we walked to the plane. I turned and winked at Josh as he stood behind me, steam viscerally floating out his ears and his fists clinched at his side. I saw Mr. Crawford join the son I was in love with, patting him on the shoulder and urging him forward, they were both shaking their heads at Jake and me, but we paraded on board and took our seats.

Josh finally
boarded, shrinking his height as he made his way through the door. His eyes met mine and I could feel the weight of his stare as he advanced me. He came to my seat and leaned down over me. He held onto each side of my seat with both hands and brought his face with inches of mine. I felt fully aware of his dominance and looked into his stunning blue eyes without fear.

,” I said, meeting his stare.

“You are mine.”

“Yes, I am. So quit being a baby and sit down.” I gripped the top of his shirt, pulling him closer to my face. “And you are mine.” I kissed him with abandon. He lapped at my kiss and I could feel my temperature rise. My stomach clinched and my sex drew up.

He pulled away from my kiss, but not from my eyes
. I stared him down, never breaking eye contact because it was one of his pet peeves.

, I said.” His Dad and brother were now shaking their head at his dominant display.

, son,” I heard Mr. Crawford say. “She’s on the plane and shy of a parachute she’s captive.” We all began to laugh. Josh shook his head, rolled his eyes, and took his seat next to me. He reached over to fasten my seatbelt before securing his. He took my hand in his and I smiled at how possessive he’d become. I didn’t know if it was good or bad, but I liked that it was all for me. Within minutes, the low rumble of familiar butterflies settled into my gut and I knew we’d just taken off.

It was after two when we arrived in L.A
. Michael was waiting on the tarmac with the limo ready to take us to our designated homes. I knew Mr. Crawford had a house, as did Josh, but I wasn’t so sure about Jake. I’d apparently failed to ask that question on my last visit. I saw the bags being placed in the trunk in the limo and noticed that my bags and Josh’s still stood stacked next to the plane. I turned back to the car, curious about what was going on when Jake came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
he asked.

I didn’t want to appear stupid, so I kissed his cheek and replied with a simple, “yes.
” Mr. Crawford followed behind Jake and pulled me into a warm hug.

“See you tomorrow
, K.K.,” he said. I wrapped my arms around him and nodded into his shoulder.

“Yes sir.

I looked over and saw Josh walking inside the nearby hangar
. A low level beep sounded in the distance and I watched as he slid into the driver seat of a black sports car. The car came barreling forward and all but screeched to a halt next to me, my hair flying back and my eyes wide as he beamed with delight from within the car. He talked about loving fast cars, and I knew without a doubt that this Audi R8, in polished black, was one of those cars. It was sleek and impressive, like its driver who was out of the car and was now loading our luggage.

,” I said as I walked towards the door he’d just opened. I ran my hand across his cheek, eliciting a moan, and slid into the supple tan seat. He shut the door, casually walking to the driver’s side and sliding in.

“You ready?”
He looked at me playfully from the other seat.

“For what?” I
was nervous for his answer.

“For everything
,” he said, reaching for my hand and kissing my palm. He put the car into gear and within a flash we were flying across the tarmac and out of the airport.

The ride bordered on treacherous, to say the least
. It wasn’t just that the car was incredibly fast, but the man behind the wheel drove like an Indy racecar driver. I had one hand on my thigh and the other on the door rest, trying to appear like I was relaxed, while clutching on for dear life.

“Are we in a hurry?” I

“No why?”
He was now looking at me and not the road. His eyes were mischievous.

“Good lord
, keep your eyes on the road. I’d like to see twenty-seven if at all possible.”

He continued the relentless speed weaving in and out of the cars
. We pulled onto Wilshire Boulevard and his driving came to a slow. He was stifled by the unavoidable stoplights. I exhaled, grateful to have survived the highway. A slow chuckle escaped his throat and I slapped at his arm.

“Not funny
. You are never driving my Porsche; I don’t think she could take the abuse.” He looked at me stunned like I’d insulted him in some way.

“You can’t be serious
. You don’t buy a car like this for cruising. Cars like this, and your Porsche, I might add, are meant to be driven. I’m sorry I scared you, baby. I promise to take it easy when you’re in the car.”

He stroked his thumb over my hand and I could barely remember why I was so anxious, until the light changed to green and off we went in a blur of black

“Holy hell
,” I said laughing. “Tell me there is an end in sight. Are we going to eat soon? Between the plane and your driving, I’m feeling a bit peaked.” My stomach was now honestly churning with every rev of the engine.

“I am actually trying to get us home
,” he replied. “I have arranged to have lunch brought to us and I really want to see my dog.”

I looked over at this incredibly gorgeous and dominant man sitting next to me and felt my heart swell at the fact that he’d missed his dog so much
. I’d never really had a pet, because living in the middle of a concrete jungle just didn’t seem fair. I’d always loved the idea of having an animal, but it was just never the right time, and I was too busy to let it be more than a passing thought.

, right?” I asked.

“Yes ma’am
,” he replied. “She better love you or I don’t know what I’ll do.”

I laughed and remembered his little remark about how I’d be out if she didn’t like me

“Ah, that’s right
. I’ll be out if she doesn’t,” I said with a smirk and playfully squeezed his hand.

“She’ll love you, just like I do.
” He said it so effortlessly.

I let my eyes drift out the side window as I contemplated the thought of what he’d just said
Did he just say he loves me?
I was sure he was just using the “L” word in the context of conversation, but it didn’t go unnoticed by me. We’d both admitted that we were falling in love, but neither of us had been brave enough to come out and just say it.
I love you.
No girl alive ever missed the use of the word

BOOK: Merger
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