Read Mercenaries Online

Authors: Angela Knight

Mercenaries (6 page)

BOOK: Mercenaries
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“A little over the top, boss.”
Trin didn't think so; she paled. Still, she gave him that confident smile again, and her voice quavered only slightly when she said, “Sorry, I'm afraid not.”
“Too bad. I was really in the mood to pop your cherry.”
“Definitely over the top.”
“Fuck off.”
Nathan contemplated that lush little body with a twinge of regret. As much as he'd love to just screw her brains out, he didn't quite buy her denial of virginity.
He needed a test just uncomfortable enough to make her think twice, but which wouldn't do permanent damage to her hymen in case she did decide to back out. The loons on Orville's Paradise probably attached a lot of significance to that little bit of flesh. He didn't want her to end up paying the price for her escapade.
Wicked inspiration struck. “Ever had your mouth fucked?”
Trinity rocked back. “Uh, no.”
“Good.” He gave her a toothy, deliberately menacing grin. “That'll do.”
“God, I'm horny as hell, and you're trying to run her off,”
Sebastian complained.
“What do we do when she leaves us literally high and dry?”
Nathan drawled back,
“I thought I'd fuck you up the ass.”
There was a long, long silence.
“So what are we going to do until I have to shoot you?”
Nathan turned the nasty grin on him.
“Well, first,”
he said,
“we tie her up.”
Sebastian moved toward her like a big cat stalking something small and tasty. Trin instinctively backed up a pace, but he grabbed her by the waist. Before she could do more than yelp in surprise, he tossed her effortlessly through the air. She landed on the gel mattress with a soft plop.
Trin strangled another yelp as the blond merc pounced on her and flipped her onto her stomach, then grabbed her right wrist and pulled it behind her. “What are you doing?”
“Tying you up.” There was laughter in Sebastian's voice as he caught her right foot with the other hand, then bent her leg until ankle met wrist.
“Why?” Frightened, she tried to kick free, only to discover she couldn't break his grip. “I told you I agreed! I'm not going to fight!”
“We have no intention of hurting you.” As he looked down at her, the wicked humor faded from Sebastian's face. “It's a game. Haven't you ever heard of bondage?”
“Let her up,” August ordered.
Instantly the blond released her, but Trin didn't scramble to her feet. If this was another test, she was determined not to fail.
Rolling onto her side, she looked up at the captain. He held a length of something gold and metallic. She recognized it as the same kind of magnetic cable she used to hobble goats.
“Some people enjoy being bound during sex,” Nathan told her. “They like the sense of helplessness. But if the idea frightens you, we won't do it.”
Trin's heart was pounding, but she lifted her chin. “I'm not afraid of you. Any game you want to play, I'll play.”
The captain lifted a dark brow. “A rash statement. And one I'm not sure I trust.” He studied her face. She fought to hide her instinctive nervousness. “If you decide at any time that we're going too far for you, say
” he said at last. “That's your safe word. We'll end it then.”
“And I'll have failed your test.”
“No,” Nathan said instantly. “I don't want you hurt because you're trying to prove a point. If you use the safe word, I won't hold it against you. So I expect you to use it. Is that clear?”
“Perfectly.” She rolled back onto her stomach and stretched her arms back until she could grab her ankles. “I'm ready to play your game.”
Nathan looked down at her face for a long moment. Then his blue gaze traveled over her naked body, and heat gathered in his eyes. He smiled. “Good.”
He reached for her.
NATHAN'S erection surged to its full length as he used the two restraint cables to tie Red's delicate ankles to her slender wrists. By the time he stepped back, she was bound, naked, and thoroughly helpless, and he was hard as a neutronium rod. Gazing at her delicious ass, he began stripping out of his armor.
“You know,”
Sebastian said, following suit,
“it occurs to me if she's never given a blow job, she's probably never had her pussy eaten, either.”
Nathan watched her thighs flex as she twisted to watch them, fine muscle rippling all up and down her body. Between her long, smooth legs, he could see the delicate flesh of her sex, furred in bright copper curls. He smiled slowly as he dropped his armor on the deck, imagining how she'd react to a male tongue flicking over wet flesh.
“I suspect you're right,”
he commed.
“Let's expand her . . . horizons.”
He slid a knee on the bed and grabbed Trin by one slim shoulder, flipping her onto her back again. Her breasts bounced temptingly. Big green eyes watched as he spread her legs wide.
The unease in her gaze touched him. Nathan hesitated, realizing she needed reassurance in this moment of profound vulnerability.
So instead of sliding between her legs, he tilted up her chin. “Don't be afraid, Trinity.”
“I'm not.”
“Good.” He bent his head and took her mouth. Her lips were velvet soft, damp and sweet, and he explored them thoroughly in a slow, sweet kiss. By the time he finished, she looked dazed.
It probably wasn't her first kiss—but not by much.
Nathan badly wanted to discover what additional pleasure he could introduce her to before her nerve broke. Need growling through him, he slid down to settle between her silken thighs. Glancing up, he saw Sebastian taking her mouth in a lazy kiss of his own.
A pang of surprising jealousy made Nathan frown. As a rule, he didn't have a possessive streak. He wasn't sure he liked the idea that little Red could arouse it.
Determined to ignore the lapse, Nathan lowered his head between her thighs and inhaled, breathing deeply of the rich, salty musk of her sex.
Trinity looked down at him as Sebastian broke the kiss. “What are you . . . ?” she began as Nathan caught her vaginal lips between two fingers and parted them. He gave her a long, slow lick, and she gasped in surprise. As he settled down to feast in earnest, he heard Sebastian purr, “Has anybody ever told you what pretty nipples you have? I wonder if they're as delicious as they look?”
She whimpered. His friend laughed. “Ah. They are. Isn't this my lucky night?”
TRINITY had never in her life experienced anything as hot as the feeling of two men moving over her body, sucking here, biting there, teasing her most delicate flesh until it was wet and aching. She moaned helplessly.
She'd never even heard of half the things they were doing.
Yet arousing as all this was, none of it touched her quite the way Nathan's kiss had. There'd been such tenderness in the touch of his mouth, as though he actually cared. . . .
she told herself firmly.
Forget it, Trin. That's just asking for trouble.
“Is her pussy as delicious as her tits, boss?” Sebastian asked between gentle, nibbling bites at one hard nipple. His erect cock rested against her hip as he snuggled against her side. The shaft was long, with a slight upward bow to it, as if it could reach in deep. The captain's wasn't quite as long, but nearly twice as thick. She remembered that much from the moment he'd stood looking down at her after he'd stripped, tall and brawny and built for combat.
What would it be like when he began working all that hard flesh into her scarcely used sex? Would it feel as incredible as what he was doing with that impossibly clever mouth?
Would it affect her like his kiss?
Maker, she hoped not. She was far too vulnerable to these two as it was.
Chapter Six
ATHAN'S strong hands clamped over Trinity's thighs, pinning her against her impulse to writhe as he suckled her clit. The sensations he created stormed her nervous system with such savagery, she could only lie there and quiver. “What are you doing?” Trin groaned finally, clit and labia burning from the beamer-hot pleasure.
Sebastian lifted his head from her peaked pink nipple. “He's eating your creamy little pussy, Trin.”
“Eating my . . . ? Ahhh!” The captain drew his tongue in a long wet stroke between her lips, making her shiver as pleasure snaked and burned along her nerves.
Presenting a forefinger to her opening, Nathan began working it inside. She writhed helplessly at the feeling of being stretched for the first time in years. The protest was out of her mouth before she could call it back. “Don't!”
“Oh, yes,” Sebastian chuckled in her ear. “We like our victims nice and wet before we start using them.” As his captain feasted, he cupped one of her breasts until the stiff nipple pointed upward. He leaned forward, the raw silk of his hair stroking over her skin, and trapped the little peak between his teeth. Gently, relentlessly, he began alternately sucking and raking it with his teeth, creating delicious little pleasure zings.
It was all too much—too intense, too savagely arousing, too delicious. Yet bound hand and foot, there was nothing Trin could do to escape as the two warriors pleasured her.
“You like being helpless, Trin?” Sebastian asked, twisting one of her nipples with slow, hot skill. “I hope so, because we like helpless little submissives.”
He leaned closer until he could whisper into her ear. “There's something about the look in a woman's eyes when she's all tied up, staring at your cock. You can see her wondering how it's going to feel when you slide it inside her.” He palmed her other breast and started teasing its erect, longing tip. “Meanwhile you're looking at her, trying to decide how you're going to fuck her first. 'Cause when she's bound like that, she's all yours. Any way you want her, you can take her. Slow and sweet, or rough and hard. And God, that's soooo hot.”
At those darkly arousing words, heat lashed through Trinity like a whip. She could feel something huge growing inside, swelling as if it would burst wide any moment.
Maddened with a dazzled lust that was so much more intense than anything she'd ever known, Trin lost control of her fear. This was going too far, too fast. “Stop! God, please stop!”
“You want us to stop, use the safe word,” Nathan rumbled from between her legs. “That's what it's for.”
The sound of his voice instantly reassured her. Trin sucked in a breath, realizing she didn't really want the mercy she was about to plead for. She snapped her teeth shut.
“Oh, yeah—you love it,” Sebastian said in a voice as rich and wicked as sin. “Beg some more, sweetheart. Beg the nasty mercenaries not to suck your pretty pink nipples and your stiff little clit. Beg us not to fuck you. Makes me so
. . . .”
Then Nathan closed his mouth over her clit and sucked just as Sebastian raked his teeth over her nipple again. Fire exploded behind her eyes like a sun going nova.
Trinity screamed from the sheer, terrifying glory as pleasure pulsed through her in long, rolling waves.
BOOK: Mercenaries
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