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Authors: By Kimberly M. Clayborne

Mended (4 page)

BOOK: Mended
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Timothy pulled up in front of the house, parked and unbuckled his seat belt, humming slightly off key to the radio. He got out of his car and realized immediately that his fence was open.

“Oh no! Oh no, no, no, no!” He mumbled to himself, practically running into his yard. He didn’t see Griffin anywhere.

Tim’s heart went into a panic. Griffin was a gift from Natalie and his ex-wife Nora, last year.

He whistled loudly and called out the dog’s name.

Kassie watched Griffin look up from the bowl of leftovers she’d given him, head cocked to the side, listening. She laughed softly when the dog bent his head to take down the last of the bacon barbeque burger and the salad she’d had for dinner last night. He ate with obvious relish, not allowing any distractions.

“Griffin!” She too now heard her neighbor’s worried voice calling and the dog ran to the living room door, staring out leisurely. She said nothing, just looked on with amusement as the silly dog watched his frantic owner search up and down the block for him.

Timothy felt eyes on his back and turned around. He saw her and Griffin standing at the door watching him. He could have sworn that dog was laughing at him! He stood there tongue hanging out and tail waving back and forth behind him in silent greeting. Tim walked to her door, wondering darkly if a man could go to jail for strangling his dog. The last thing he wanted to do was spar verbally with the ice maiden.

“What are you doing in there?” He said and the goof ball placed its paw on the glass. For all the world, looking like he was having the time of his life. Kassie stood beside Griffin holding the banana. She opened the door and he ran out and down the stairs. She threw the toy; Griffin caught it in the air like an athlete and raced across her lawn. Kassie watched the cute dog with a slight smile.

“That’s warning one.” She leveled an icy glare on Tim and closed the door in his face, walking away.

Timothy looked at his dog as it ran around the yard like a mad thing.

“Griffin.” He called and the dog ran to him. 

Timothy lowered looking into his dogs eyes, checking for any signs of poisoning and Griffin licked his face, his breath smelled like . . . barbeque sauce?

“What is that?” He sniffed Griffin’s breath again. The dog ran off, guarding his secret. Timothy stood and walked down the porch, looking back suspiciously. Griffin trotted behind him with his banana in his mouth as they left her yard.


Kassie watched from her bedroom window as they went back next door. She lowered her head and sighed softly, even that short time having Griffin with her had made her feel better. Now the deep emptiness was back and it seemed to fill every millimeter of her soul again.

Kassie hugged herself and walked across the room, quickly realizing that she was crying. She sat on her bed covered her face and sobbed quietly into her hands. She felt so utterly alone and wondered if she would stay that way for the rest of her life.


The rest of the day Tim kept an eye on Griffin. The dog seemed fine as he played with his toys and pranced around the living room. Tim was taking his violin from the case when the energetic animal suddenly roll onto his back and stopped, dropping the banana from his mouth. He lay there with his paws curled down against his body.

“Oh shit.” Timothy whispered, standing up quickly. She had really done it. She poisoned his dog! As if on cue, Griffin rolled onto his side and simultaneously let out a loud fart and even louder snore.

“Crazy damn dog!” He said loudly, sitting down hard. Griffin didn’t even flinch, simply snored louder. Tim continued to polish his violin all the while wondering what that barbeque sauce was doing on Griffin’s breath. What did she feed him?


Chapter 4

Kassie was finally unpacked by the end of her second week in the new place and she went about setup the den which she decided would be her studio. The den was large with an old glass fronted cabinet running from the floor to the ceiling on one side of the room and two large windows that looked into Timothy's den on the other side.

The current color of her den was something she could only describe as a cross between mud and cement with a crappy dark brown trim. In other words, she hated it and bought a new color for the room in a cheery tone called razzleberry with a warm white color for the trim.

Kassie wanted to paint first before moving her things in to the room. She was going to hang some of her favorite sketches on the walls that she had framed years ago. Being an illustrator was awesome and challenging. She did some of her best and worst work depending on the mood and tone of her work environment. Kassie needed this room to be upbeat and bright since she’d be spending a lot of her time in it.

She had taped every trim with painter’s tape and opened her windows. As she worked, Kassie hummed along to the music coming from her IPod. Her thoughts went back to her neighbor’s dog and she had to smile. Kassie had truly enjoyed having Griffin around. That crazy little dog actually made her feel better when she thought of it and she was now thinking of getting a pet of her own.


“Good God and all things that are Holy!” Brick said staring out Timothy’s window, watching Kassie in her den. Tim looked up at the tall lanky African-American man. Tim and Brick played in the same philharmonic. Timothy played the violin, piano and sang with such a beautiful voice that his ex wife would swoon when he sang to her. His choral teacher in college said he could be up there with the greats of jazz if he ever decided to record. But Timothy was too shy to ever perform for an audience.

Brick played the flute, bassoon, piano, alto sax, trumpet, slide trombone, and the cello, though not always for the orchestra. He was in a jazz band that was actually excellent, when he wasn’t performing with the philharmonic.

“What in the hell are you doing over here with me when you could be enjoying something soft, warm over there?”

Tim smiled and shook his head, “Trust me. What’s on the outside sure as hell ain’t on the inside.”

He watched her as she rolled some kind of pink colored paint on the wall. Today she was wearing black leggings and a gray tee shirt that was now pulled tight over an exquisite backside. Her curves were sick. Everything fell in all the right places as far as he was concerned. In short, she was stacked. Tim had a weakness for voluptuous women.

“Why do you say that?”

“She threatened to poison my dog if he went in her yard.” Tim said watching her distractedly.

“Really?” Brick cocked a brow in disbelief.


“Damn.” Brick shook his head watching Kassie cover the wall in a sweeping motion. Her body flowed as if she were dancing to some phantom tune as she moved up and down slowly and to his surprise Tim was getting seriously turned on. She annoyed him so much, how he could be attracted to her was a mystery.

“I’m sayin’ though, I’d still have to take a chance.” Brick said scratching the back of his head and bringing Tim back to reality.

“Don’t get your berries crushed.” Timothy warned.

At that moment, Kassie put down the paint roller and walked out of the room, Brick waited to see if she would come back but heard her backdoor slam shut. With a wink at Tim, he stood and rushed out of the room. Timothy followed, running into his pantry to watch from the safety of the window.


Kassie walked out of the garage, five minutes later, with two more gallons of the paint she’d bought. Brick was waiting at Timothy’s fence, watching her as she walked from the garage. Kassie saw the handsome man standing there and groaned inside. There was a look of interest in his eyes and she immediately bristled. Looking past him, she caught a glimpse of Tim’s hair, eyes and a bit of his nose visible at a back window. He quickly ducked down and she felt a muscle tick in her jaw. What were they up to?

“Hello.” Brick said cheerfully.

Kassie gave him a look that would have frozen water.

“Oh.” He groaned slowly, shrinking back into himself and she walked by him, flipping her hair over her shoulder disdainfully.

Timothy laughed hysterically, holding his stomach and leaning against a shelf for support. He had warned Brick!

Brick walked through the backdoor and into the kitchen as Timothy came out of the pantry wiping his eyes.

“What the fuck was that?” Brick asked looking a little blindsided.

“That was my new neighbor.” Timothy smiled, patting his friend on the shoulder.

“She looked at me like she wanted to kill me.” Brick said and Timothy laughed out loud.

“I think my balls shriveled up in fear man.” Brick whispered, giving his leg a bit of a “come-free” shake and Tim roared.

“What’s good looking on the outside ain’t always good on the inside.” Tim repeated.

“Ya got that shit right.” Brick said. “I’m gonna cut my losses, put my tail between my legs, grab my flute and go home.”

“Sounds like the best option.” Timothy said as he followed Brick back to the study.


Kassie had finished the den by eleven that night, but still wanted to do a second coat which she decided to knock it out in the morning. For that, she would pull out the sprayer. Her arms felt like lead weights, but she didn’t mind the work out, she had been stress eating lately and was worried about putting on some weight. She slowly walked through her house admiring it with a pleased sigh. It really was very nice with enough rooms to decorate and keep her occupied when she had a break from work, like now.

Kassie loved interior decorating but Monroe had always wanted decorators, one of which she later found out he had been sleeping with. Kassie loved ordering them around and making their lives hell; wanting them to know that Monroe may have the money, but she was the one in charge.  Thinking about it now, she realized that a large part of her wanted them to be as miserable as she was in her shattered marriage. Now she simply felt ashamed of the person she was back then.

Her life back in Chicago was over; this town was her life now. She never thought she would move to some place like this, but Elgin had proven to be a great place to start over. She stuck to herself anyway and most of her neighbors; save for the idiot next door, didn’t bother her. Kassie was coming to really love her peaceful home.

She turned on the kettle and slathered two mini bagels with cream cheese and strawberry jam. She realized that she was starving after so many hours of work. As she waited for the kettle to whistle she looked out her back window. She had landscapers come and cut the grass down, and clear out all the extra undergrowth and bushes. Her backyard was a blank slate. The lawn was pretty good, but the yard was in definite need of some plants and flowers. Surprisingly, Kassie was actually looking forward to picking out what would go in the ground next spring.

Lost in thought, Kassie was a little startled when she saw the guy next door walk out onto his back porch, sit something down and go back inside. She tried to make herself inconspicuous, realizing that she had put up the brackets for the new curtain rods and the country themed kitchen curtains, but had left them on the counter. Kassie didn’t want to take the chance of him seeing her and thinking she was watching him. Though she had seen him leave earlier, she tried not to pay much mind to his comings and goings.

She had just finished hanging up the curtains and was making her tea when he came out again in dress clothes. Standing under his porch light, Tim looked over at her yard then at her house with a curious expression on his face. Kassie had to admit that he was hot in a geeky kind of way and he did make her heart speed up in a crazy way that had her still trying to figure it out.

To her consternation, a short, thin woman walked out of the house behind him. Her long brown hair flowed around her shoulders and she wore a spaghetti strapped, tight red dress. She sashayed over to Tim and wrapped her arms around his body. Standing on tip toe in her strappy little heels, the woman whispered something in his ear that made Tim laugh softly. Turning to the woman, he kissed her gently and led her down the steps. His arm slipped around her almost eclipsing the small frame and they kissed again walking down the garden path. Kassie watched his fingers skim over Four O’clocks as they walked and the image of them skimming across her skin hit her.

“Don’t even.” She scolded herself.

But she couldn’t fight her growing attraction to him. He was eye-catching and his voice sometimes sent pangs of satin through her.

Kassie felt a blush stain her cheeks, jealousy burned in her hot and bright and Kassie couldn’t understand it at all. Why should she be angry? Why was she angry? He wasn’t her man and they could barely stand each other, so what the hell was going on with her? No matter how much she talked reason to her heart the jealousy still burned there.

Kassie turned off the burner under the teapot, checked the locks on the doors and windows and went upstairs. But somehow, she didn’t feel herself; she was in a funky mood. 


Chapter 5

Her first year sped past so quickly that Kassie barely had time to catch her breath. She had gotten accustomed to her neighborhood and was actually on cordial terms with a few of the neighbors, though she and Tim still kept their distance from each other. However, the same could not be said for Griffin the dog. He invited himself over to Kassie’s house whenever Tim wasn’t looking and Kassie found herself totally in love with the charming little rascal, secretly she’d sneak him treats whenever she got the chance.


As the summer was coming to an end, Kassie decided to throw a long overdue housewarming/anniversary party inviting all of her friends and their families. She rented a tent, tables and chairs, and grills. She lit mosquito lanterns and candles all over the yard. Kassie also hired a Pyrotechnician, for a big fireworks display at the end of the evening and clowns and magicians to entertain the kids. Kassie had masses of balloons inflated and tied to her fences, porch, tables, and chairs. When everything was done, Kassie stood in the center of her yard, smiling from ear to ear. Tonight would be awesome!


Tim watched it all get set up from his bedroom window. He had been awoken at 7 a.m. by the sounds of voices and work being done next door. Kassie was having a big party and had actually invited some of the neighbors. He watched her interact with the people setting up the festivities and couldn’t help but be amazed. She sure as hell was nicer to these people than she had been to the movers last summer! But then again she seemed to be different, in general . . . nicer. He had seen her talking to a few of the neighbors and had very nearly had a heart attack. Sure, be nice to everyone but him right?

As some men set up the chairs and tables, Tim watched her come out of her house and froze. She was in the shortest white shorts he’d ever seen. For a curvy girl she looked hot as hell in them. Her cobalt blue tank showed off her yummy breast and flat stomach, and the shorts displayed long toned legs.

Tim leaned his arm against the window frame watching her as she spoke to a man holding a clipboard. The man gave her a smile and laughed at something she said to him and she laughed with him. She seemed brighter, even her hair seemed a warmer shade of brown. Her eye had a twinkle as she spoke and suddenly she was a little too much for him to stand. What was it about her? She was so different and refreshing, intoxicating and sexy that Tim was losing it.

When Kassie turned and went inside, the guy watched the sway of her bottom until she walked into her back door. He shook his head and looked at the guys who were with him; they all shared in a look and a chuckle. Tim didn’t blame them. A year of living next door to her had turned him into a silent stalker.

When she left her house or had people over, he found himself watching her from the window. Lately, some asshole had been showing up a lot and Tim couldn’t help but wonder if he was her boyfriend. If that was the case Tim knew he had no chance because the guy was really good looking.

Even when she went out shopping, he would watch her bring her bags in, wondering if he had the guts to see if she needed some sort of help. She was a tough girl to figure out. Ordinarily he didn’t mind that, but she had been so nasty to him that it made his feelings for her frustrating.

Tim left his window sighing and shaking his head. He was attracted to a witch and she barely knew he was alive.


People began to arrive at about five. The caterers had laid out all of the snack and finger foods on tables around the yard. Her good friends Paul and Van had volunteered to man the grills and Kassie had no problem letting them cook as she didn’t want her hair and clothes getting all smoky.  Besides, the men always stood around the grill with their beers talking and gossiping anyway.

Most of her guests had arrived and Kassie was running in and out of the house, showing people around, chatting and greeting the people who rang her bell instead of just going around to the back. She was just dashing into her studio for some sketches to show a friend when the bell rang again. Sighing Kassie rushed to answer it, and smiled warmly upon seeing her old friend Trish from art school. Kassie hugged her and her fiancé Joe, directing them through the house to the back where the refrains of a slow bluesy number was starting.

As she closed her door, Kassie heard the voice of her hated neighbor . . . only he wasn’t really so hated. Actually she found herself in the really confusing predicament of finding him more and more appealing every day. She’d watched him play with his daughter and Griff, and watched him laugh with his friends and neighbors. God he was hot! Kassie had spent the past year trying to still the butterflies in her stomach every time she saw him. She had seen him on numerous occasions with that little stick figure girlfriend and wanted to claw her eyes out. But she was also happy for the woman’s intrusion because it forced Kassie to remember that this man was off limits.

Kassie had been seeing someone these past few months, shocking herself by her willingness to venture out and trust again. This time last year she had been choking under her own misery, so her relationship with Nick had been a welcome distraction. Kassie had resisted getting involved with Nicholas for obvious reasons, but his gentle persistence and charm had finally won her over. No matter how much she genuinely enjoyed spending time out with Nick; sometimes she still had Tim on the brain.

Being rude to him came easily as all she had to do was transfer her frustration with herself onto him. But truth be told, she always felt bad afterwards and wanted to go over and apologize to him many times. The only thing stopping her was pride and the fear of jumping on him in his front yard and kissing the hell out of him. Tonight though, she was feeling upbeat and happy and couldn’t resist going out to speak with him.


Tim came out with Griffin close behind. He tossed a look over at her house and paused, seeing Kassie standing at her door looking at him. She had changed into a gauzy pink dress and black sandals. In the year that she’d been living there, her hair had grown longer and she wore it pulled back from her face tonight and draped over one shoulder. She was so pretty and for once not looking at him like something that was stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

She walked down the steps and over the grass to the fence that separated their property. Tim sighed hard and walked over, bracing himself . . . for what, he didn’t know.

“Hi.” She smiled at him hesitantly.

“Hi.” Tim said softly, but he was really thinking;
‘Holy shit, she’s smiling at me!’

“I’m uh, I’m having a party.” She said.

“I know.” He said. “I’ll keep Griff out of your yard.”


Kassie lowered her eyes and heard Griffin whine at her through the fence. She looked at him and laughed when he put his little paws up on the fence, seeking her attention. She gave him what he wanted scratching the dog’s head, and crooning softly to him. Tim watched his shameless dog and suddenly felt jealous.

“I hope that the music doesn’t disturb you, if it does just let me know. Or if you want, you can drop over for a beer and some food.” Kassie couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. She was definitely losing it tonight. Had she really just invited the man to her house?

“I’m on my way out.”
Shit! What the hell did you do that for numb nuts!

“Oh.” Her voice betrayed her disappointment a little. He picked it up instantly and regret sliced through his gut because he knew she was thinking he was going out with some woman. She had to have seen his parade of women. 

The truth was he wasn’t going to see her. Krista Lopez was a “booty call” as Brick liked to say and an escort for his functions. Besides, he wasn’t really feeling her the way she felt him. He wasn’t looking for a wife; been there, done that as far as he was concerned, and she definitely hinted at wanting a husband. Truly, she was a great person and a lot of fun but Tim had been thinking of a way to break things off without hurting her.

“Yeah.” He continued the lie, cringing inside.

Kassie nodded and lowered her head again. They stood silent for a moment.

“M, my purse,” She stammered, filling the silence. She sighed and looked at him, “When I came that day to look at the house and you spoke to me,”

She looked down at her wringing hands, not realizing that she was doing wringing them together and Tim knew it cost her a lot to be saying this, “What I did . . . clutching my purse like you were some kind of thug; it was insulting and wrong. I, I’m sorry.”

He looked at her, admiring the strength it took her to admit her mistakes and simply said, “It’s forgotten.” 

Kassie looked up into his eyes. He really was very handsome in a geeky sort of way and the more she stayed here looking into his beautiful eyes, the more she felt herself imagining how good kissing him would feel.

Dangerous thoughts girlfriend!’
Kassie chastised herself. But they were wild inside of her and had been for a year now.

They held each other’s gaze. The urge to share a kiss filled them both. That was until the black sports car sped past the house, parking in the empty spot at the corner. He knew who it was. It was the ass she had been carrying on with for weeks now and he felt a surge of jealousy shoot through his gut.

“Saved by the bell, huh?” Tim said with spite in his tone. A lost expression crossed her face as he turned and walked away with Griffin trailing him, looking back at Kassie with a soft wag in his tail. Kassie watched him as he opened his car door for the dog letting him hop in the back. His eyes never returned to her which made the entire situation worse. 

Tim pulled out and drove down the street as Kassie greeted her “friend” with a kiss.
kiss, as Tim saw it and his anger became almost unbearable.
Why does he get to kiss you
! He thought angrily.
Why not me?

The attractive couple faded into the distance as Tim drove down the street. He didn’t understand it. He honestly couldn’t stand her. So why was he feeling this way?


Kassie’s mind was on the “Tim moment” all day and Nick saw it in her expression. She lowered her head as he stroked her cheek. They were sitting on the porch together. Nick pulled her away to talk to her for just a moment. They had a bit of an argument last night over the phone and needed to clear some things up.

“You know that call last night left me feeling a lot of things for you.” He said softly.

“That’s good and bad. Remember what I said.”

“Yeah, can’t change that.” He shook his head, standing up and walking away from her.

“She hates me and you love her. I can’t compete.” Kassie said softly to his broad back.

Nick looked back at her and sighed softly.

“Maya’s hoping Julissa and I will get back together, and honestly I think Julissa is hoping the same thing. But I can’t be with a woman who cheats.” He said softly. “All of this is partly my fault because I should have left Julissa a long time ago. I should never have allowed them to think there was a chance for reconciliation.” 

Kassie nodded in understanding. She was apprehensive about divorcing Monroe at first but the miscarriage made the decision for her.

“I know you tried to do the right thing, but your daughter is your top priority. I can’t elbow my way into your life when she’s resistant to me. Our entire life together would be miserable, we’d fight constantly, and I don’t want that.” Kassie said as he walked back to her.

Nick dropped his head. “I know”, he whispered, kneeling in front of her.

“Stay the night with me.” She said. He looked up quickly. “Then tomorrow morning we can let go.”

Nick stared at her and she leaned forward slowly kissing his lips.

“I will.” He whispered. “I have to run out to the drugstore.”

She nodded.

Kassie had truly enjoyed spending time with Nick. He had become a pleasant distraction for her. The problem was his daughter. The little girl had detested Kassie from the first moment they met and coming from a broken home herself, Kassie could sympathize. She refused to be the reason for Nick’s bad relationship with his child and Kassie would never make him choose.


When darkness came, the fireworks began and Nick left for the drugstore. Fear and excitement filled her because she hadn’t ever been with anyone other than Monroe, and she had never done a one night thing in her life. In a word, she was scared witless of what would happen in her bedroom tonight but Kassie knew without a doubt that every part of her wanted it. She felt alive and free tonight and it had taken a long time to get her life back. Kassie was determined to enjoy it. 


Closing the front gate behind him, Tim began up the path when he saw Kassie’s “friend” walking out of the backyard. Griffin ran to the fence in anticipation of seeing Kassie, but stopped upon seeing the powerfully built man walking over to them. Tim could have sworn the dog actually sighed in disappointment as he turned, ran up the stairs and flopped down on the porch. Tim watched him, shaking his head; even the damn dog had the hots for her!

“Hi.” Nick leaned casually against the fence.

“Hey.” Tim nodded.

BOOK: Mended
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