Read Meat Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Meat (2 page)

BOOK: Meat
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Chapter 3

Rebecca glanced up at the familiar voice. The man she’d bumped into earlier. The handsome and very kind man who’d been so nice to her.

She found herself shaking her head.

His compassionate blue eyes filled with concern, and he shifted her bag and coat to the next chair and sat down beside her.

“Tell me.”

She hesitated, drawing in a slow breath.

Then it happened. All the pain she’d kept bottled up … all the tears she’d left unshed … flooded to the surface. To her horror, she felt droplets stream down her cheek and fall onto her sweater.

She turned her head away and tried to wipe them away with her hand, but he presented her with a tissue.

Then he slid his arm around her.

She’d never felt so in need of a shoulder to cry on. She rested her head against his broad chest and just let go.

He drew her in closer and stroked her hair. She was worried that others must be staring at her, but then realized that with the way he’d positioned his body, and with them facing the window, probably no one even noticed.

He slid his other arm around her, too, his chin resting on the crown of her head. Anyone watching would probably just think she was napping.

She let the tears fall, allowing her sorrow its release. But after a few minutes, even though the tears faded, the pain was still there, searing her heart. She continued leaning against his warm chest, listening to his heartbeat.

It was nice like this. In his big, strong arms. Feeling protected.

Her hand was resting on his shirt, and she realized she’d crumpled the fabric in her hand. She drew away a little and saw that she’d drenched his blue cotton shirt. He handed her another tissue, but instead of drying her eyes, she patted his shirt with it.

He captured her hand and drew the tissue from her fingers, then gently wiped her eyes.

“Don’t worry about my shirt.”

She gazed up at him, then bit her lip and nodded.

She reached for her purse and took out her compact. Her eyes were red and puffy. Great—here she was sitting beside this sexy, attractive man and she looked like a bug-eyed monster. Not that it really mattered after colliding with him on their first encounter and blubbering all over him on the second.

“The flight’s been delayed again,” he said. “Apparently, the plane hasn’t arrived yet. I suspect we’ll be waiting a couple of hours. Why don’t I take you to dinner and we can talk about what’s bothering you?”

“But I look a mess.”

He smiled. “Actually, you look beautiful.”

At the sincere look in his warm eyes, she almost believed him.

“Shall we?” He stood up and offered his hand.

She took it and stood up, too.

“My name’s Rex, by the way,” he said as he put his bag on top of her carry-on. Then he laid her coat on top and grabbed the handle.

“Hi.” She smiled. “I’m Rebecca.”

She grabbed her purse and he led her through the terminal, still holding her hand.

It felt good around hers.

He led her to an upscale steak house and had them seated in a quiet corner. He ordered a bottle of wine—something French—telling the waitress they’d order after she brought the wine. Once she was gone, he took Rebecca’s hands in his.

“Now, tell me.”

She bit her lip. “I’m sorry. I don’t usually burst into tears in the middle of an airport. Or sob all over a stranger.”

“No need to apologize. Just tell me what upset you. Did you receive some bad news?”

She shook her head. “No, the bad news came a few weeks ago, when I found out my aunt was dying. She had bone cancer and the doctors told the family she only had about four weeks or so. I went to visit her right away, planning on making several visits over the following

month …” Her lip started to quiver. “But when I saw her … I knew … it wouldn’t be long.” She shook her head. “I had to stay. I’m lucky my boss was so wonderfully understanding. He gave me the time off, and he even insisted I take another week off when I get back.”

And she knew she needed it. She hadn’t been sure before, thinking that maybe getting back to work would be the best thing for her. But what had just happened made it very clear that wasn’t the best choice. She’d spent all her energy being there for everyone else. The next week would allow her time to grieve on her own terms.

“The funeral was this morning and …” Her gaze dropped to their joined hands, not really seeing them. “I guess it’s all just sinking in now.”

He squeezed her hands. “I’m sorry for your loss.” His kind eyes were filled with compassion. “I wish there was more I could say.”

“No, that’s okay. I really appreciate what you did … I mean, letting me cry all over your shirt and all.”

He smiled. “Any time.”

The waitress arrived with two stemmed glasses and the bottle of wine. He released her hands as the waitress filled the glasses.

Rebecca took a sip. Although she managed a restaurant, she didn’t know much about wine. She didn’t have to, really, because in the hotel she worked at, the chef decided the wine they carried on the menu and made recommendations for which wines went well with each meal so her staff could offer the best advice to their customers.

What she did know was that this wine was spectacularly delightful.

She sipped again. “This was a wonderful choice.”

“I like it. And it’s a perfect choice with the Steak Florence, which is a specialty here. They rub a New York sirloin with pink Himalayan salt and freshly ground pepper, cook it exactly to your liking, then serve it with a cream sauce made with chanterelle mushrooms. Have you ever tried them?”

She shook her head.

He smiled, and his eyes lit up. “Ah, then you’re in for a real treat. They are the most delectable of all mushrooms.” He looked wistful as he raised his hand to his face and rubbed his fingertips together while breathing in, as if experiencing some wonderful aroma. “They have a fruity smell … like apricots … and a mildly peppery taste.”

“That sounds wonderful. You know a lot about food.”

“I enjoy gourmet cooking.”

“A man who cooks. You’ll be a wonderful catch for some lucky woman.” Her eyes widened in horror. Had she actually said that? “I mean, not that you want to be caught.”

He rested his hand on hers and laughed. “I don’t mind the idea of being caught … if it’s by the right woman.”

At that moment, the waitress showed up and asked if they were ready to order.

Thank God. Could she have made things any more awkward? This wasn’t even a date, and it sounded like she was hinting at a romantic relationship.

After the waitress left, she started talking about the delayed flight and the bad weather, but finally that topic ran its course.

“Why are you going to Minneapolis?” she asked. “Are you visiting someone there?”

Now she worried that this sounded like she was fishing for his relationship status.

“I’m starting a new venture there. How about you? I assume you live there?”

“Yes. Five years now. I enjoy it.” She glanced toward the window. “Despite all the snow.”

“I’ll be extremely busy for the next two weeks, but after that, maybe you could show me the sights.”

She smiled. “I’d like that.” She sipped her wine. “So you said you’re starting a new venture. Are you moving to Minneapolis permanently, or is it just a temporary thing?”

He smiled. “Well, that depends on a number of things.”

The way his heated gaze locked on her, she was sure he considered her one of those things. Which left her a little unsettled.

And delighted.

Before she had a chance to ask him more about the job, the waitress brought their meals. She took a bite and …

“Oh, my God. That’s fantastic.”

His smile broadened. “I thought you’d like it.”

She ate, savoring every bite. And as he’d said, the wine was the perfect pairing for this meal. Afterward, she sat back and patted her stomach.

“I don’t usually eat that much in one sitting, but I couldn’t resist.” She leaned forward and grinned. “If I’m around you very much, I’ll either have to learn some discipline or start exercising a lot more.”

His eyes glinted with his devilish smile. “Well, I fully intend for you to be around me as much as possible. And I think discipline can be quite … exhilarating.”

His manner unsettled her … in a sexy sort of way.

Was he suggesting her discipline be directed toward exercise? Or did he mean something kinky?

Of course, her imagination was probably just running away with her. Since she’d watched
50 Shades,
she knew just how sexy discipline could be.

“I think that’s an announcement about our flight?” he said as a female voice sounded over the speakers.

She hadn’t caught the announcement, but he waved at the waitress.

“We’d better get going,” he said.

The waitress arrived with the bill and a little handheld machine and ran his credit card through, then he grabbed their things and Rebecca followed him from the restaurant. Another announcement started.

Her heart sank. They had canceled this evening’s flight.

He took her hand and strode back to the gate.

“They said they’d put us up in a hotel, but I think the airport’s basically shutting down so I’m worried about them running out of rooms.” He set their things down on a chair. “Stay here with the luggage and I’ll go make arrangements. Do you have your boarding pass?”

A long line was forming, with people already clumped around the desk.

She did not want to face that crowd, so she handed him her boarding pass, knowing he’d probably need it to get a room for her.

She watched as he progressed slowly up the line, feeling guilty she wasn’t there keeping him company, but someone had to watch the luggage.

When he finally reached the front of the line, she watched him talking animatedly to the attendant. After a few moments, he returned.

“I’m afraid they’ve run out of rooms close by. They’re sending people to hotels across town. The problem is, figuring in the time to get there and back in the morning and the inevitable long check-in time, there’ll be very little time for sleep.”

She bit her lip. “So are you suggesting we just stay here overnight?”

“Well, there is an alternative. I have a VIP membership of sorts at a hotel close by, and I was able to get a suite.”

“That’s expensive for a few hours of sleep.”

“They’re not charging more than a regular room. And … please don’t take this the wrong way, but … if you like, you can stay in the suite with me.”

Chapter 4

Rebecca hesitated.

“There’s a foldout couch and a bedroom with a door,” Rex said, “so you’ll have privacy.”

“You’re saying you’ll give me the bedroom.”

“That’s right.”

“And we’ll just split a regular room cost.”

“No. I’m paying for the room. I insist.”

She bit her lip. She did
want to stay here all night.

“Okay. Thank you.”

Rebecca followed Rex from the terminal into the frigid night. She pulled her collar up against the cutting wind. A moment later, Rex hustled her into a cab and got in behind her.

As the cab pulled away, she leaned into him. “We could have taken the hotel shuttle. It would have been free.”

“That would have taken far too long with how busy they are. Really, don’t worry about the cost of the cab. I’ve got it.”

Rex was somehow able to bypass the long line at the reception desk, and they were in the suite within minutes of arriving at the hotel.

“That’s some VIP membership you have,” she commented as he pushed open the door.

As she stepped into the suite, her eyes widened. “Wow! This is some place.”

The suite was huge, with large windows and a wonderful neutral but homey décor, if in a luxurious sort of way. She glanced around at the sitting area, with its large, comfy-looking couch, then past to the doorway beyond, where she could see a bed inside.

Rex shed his snowy coat and boots, as did she, and continued to the bedroom.

“You should be comfortable here,” he said as he set her bag on the luggage rack. “I’d offer you a drink from the minibar, but I assume you’re tired and would like to get some sleep.”

As much as she was tempted, the flight in the morning was very early. Even now, she’d probably only get about five hours’ sleep.

“You’re right. But thank you.”

“Okay. Good night then.”

She watched him cross the room, then close the door behind him.

She sighed, then opened her bag. Oh, damn, all she had in here were the clothes she’d been wearing at the funeral today, some toiletries, plus a few entertainment things, like a book and her tablet. Since she was headed home, she’d only packed it with the clothes she was wearing and what she’d need on the trip, hoping she’d have time to change after the funeral. She hadn’t planned for an unscheduled stopover.

Neither the blouse nor the sweater she wore now would be comfortable to sleep in, and she didn’t want to sleep naked. On a cold winter’s night, she just never felt warm enough without something on, despite the covers.

Maybe Rex would have a T-shirt or something she could borrow.

She knocked on her side of the bedroom door to warn him she was opening it, in case he was changing.

“Come on out,” he called.

The sight of Rex, wearing only a pair of navy pajama bottoms, sent her heart thudding.

Good God, the man was magnificent.
His arms bulged with muscles and his chest was broad and sculpted. His upper arms, shoulders, and chest were heavily inked. While wearing his suit, he’d seemed like a strong, competent businessman, but now, like this, he seemed more rugged … and definitely triggered her bad-boy fantasies.

He was opening the foldout couch, and she watched his muscles ripple as he pulled out the metal frame.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to … uh …”

He tossed a white bed pillow onto the couch, then smiled.

“What can I do for you?”

“I … uh … I don’t have any pajamas with me, so I was wondering if you could lend me a T-shirt or something.”

“Sure thing.” He walked to the bag, which was sitting on a dining room chair, grabbed something, and brought it to her. She realized it was the matching top to his pajama bottoms.

“Don’t you need it? I mean, it’s pretty cold out.”

His smile broadened. “No, I find it warm enough in here. If you’re cold, we can turn up the heat.”

Damn, he’d already turned up the heat, walking around like that.

“No, I’m good. I just like something warm against my body.”

Then she flushed as his eyes twinkled.

“Well, if you do get cold, just let me know and we’ll do something about it.”

The deep murmur of his voice sent shimmers of heat through her. Oh, she was very sure he could warm her up just fine.

Her hand gripped the garment tighter in her hand. “Thanks. I’ll see you in the morning.”

After lying in bed for an hour and not falling asleep, Rebecca pulled the covers tighter around her. The thought of the sexy man in the next room had her obsessing about what it would be like if she pushed open that bedroom door and invited him in.

She shivered from the cold. She knew it was just the sound of the howling wind outside that made her think she was cold, since the thermostat showed the temperature was a toasty seventy degrees, but she found it uncomfortable nonetheless.

She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

And she didn’t have to be. There was a warm—hell, make that hot—man in the next room willing and able to heat her up.

It certainly didn’t help that she hadn’t been with a man for quite some time. After her last relationship fizzled out, she had no desire to enter the dating scene again, so she’d immersed herself in her management job at the hotel.

Now all her pent-up desire came back with a vengeance. It was all she could think about.

But was she really going to have sex with the man just because she was cold and sexually frustrated?

No, you’re going to have sex with him because he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen, you’re practically drooling over him, and … the way he’s been with you, he makes your heart quiver.

It was true. He was exactly the kind of man she could fall for. Hard.

And that was the problem.

But did it have to be?

Couldn’t she just enjoy the night without overthinking it?

She chewed on her lip for a moment, unsure. Then a loud howl of wind outside had goose bumps dancing over her whole body.

That’s it. She wanted to be in his arms, and why shouldn’t she be?

Rex heard the bedroom door open. Soft light streamed into the room from the doorway.


The soft murmur of her voice rippled through him. He’d been having trouble falling asleep thinking of her in the other room, wearing just his pajama top, the silk snuggled against her naked body.

He glanced up, and saw her silhouette in the doorway.

“Yes? Is there something you need?”

“Yes, I …” She stepped toward the couch, then stood like a sexy angel in the night, the silk of the pajama top clinging to her curves, her long legs left bare.

He sat up as she walked closer.

“I’m cold and …” She bit her lip.

He stood up, hoping this was going where his fantasies had gone moments before.

She stepped closer, gazing up at him with need in her doelike eyes. She rested her hand on his chest, the feel of her soft fingers on his naked flesh causing an ache in his groin.

“I thought maybe you could help me warm up.”

He almost groaned out loud.

Rebecca was a little embarrassed and uncertain, but the heat flaring in his blue eyes encouraged her. She stroked his chest, loving the feel of his hard muscles beneath her fingertips.

He rested his big hand against her cheek, then his fingers glided through her hair, cupping her head as he drew her closer. His lips found hers, brushing lightly at first, sending sparks of awareness rushing through her.

As he deepened the kiss, her knees grew weak. His tongue glided inside and she welcomed it with a stroke of her own.

His body so close … his lips moving on hers … affected her more profoundly than she had anticipated. It was like he was a part of her that had gone missing long ago, and her heart and soul shimmered in delight at the completion she now felt.

He drew back, and she could see a depth of emotion in his eyes that matched her own. His fingers moved to the pajama top, his gaze remaining locked on hers as he released each button.

The top fell open, and she quivered as his hand glided underneath, then slid around her waist. He drew her close.

The shock of his hot, hard chest against the cool skin of her breasts was so welcome … so intensely exciting. Her cold, hard nipples spiked into him.

He smiled, and she felt a bulge against her belly.

Her eyes widened. A
bulge. And it was growing.

She ran her hand down his chest, but before she could reach his abs, he rested his hand over hers and drew it to his mouth. When he pressed her palm against his lips, her whole body quivered.

“I’ve got to warn you. I’m big,” he said.

She grinned and stroked her hands over his shoulders. “You know, you don’t have to sell yourself. I’m already on board.”

“No, I mean, I’m big enough you might have problems.”

She quirked her eyebrow. “Are you saying you’re more man than I can handle?”

He laughed, cupping her chin and tipping up her face. “I’m sure you can handle anything you put your mind to. This is my flaw, not yours.”

She ran her hand down his chest again, gliding over his hard nipple, then down his rock-solid abs.

“Most people wouldn’t consider a big package a ‘flaw.’”

He took her hand and rested it on the tip of his cock, still under the silk of his pajamas, then glided her fingers down the column. The impossibly thick, hard column. And

Then he stepped back and pushed his thumbs under the pajama bottoms. When he pushed them down his hips and let his cock drop forward, her gaze fell to the subject of their discussion. She sucked in a breath at the sheer size of him.

“My God, that thing belongs on a horse.”

She’d had no idea a man could be that big. The head was the size of a plum—a really
plum. The shaft was as big around as her forearm. Maybe bigger.

“If it’s too intimidating, I understand.”

His words soothed the roiling of her stomach at the sight of that monster.

He was right. It was intimidating. But it also represented a challenge. And her insides quivered at the thought of welcoming that monster into her slick passage.

What would it be like to feel it push inside her? To stretch her wide and, when she was ready, to thrust in deep? Deeper than any man had ever been before.

He’d pulled his pajamas up again, tucking his erection inside the fabric as best he could, and stepped forward. He stroked her cheek.

“There are other things we can do to please each other,” he said.

Then his lips met hers. They moved with a gentle passion that set her blood boiling. Her arms curled around his neck and she moved closer, gliding her tongue into his mouth. Seeking his heat. His tongue curled around hers, and they undulated together. His hand glided down her back, drawing her closer.

Then she felt the ridge of that enormous cock again, and stiffened.

He tipped up her chin, his blue eyes assessing her expression.

“Do you want to stop?”

She shook her head, knowing that her potent desire for him overshadowed any physical challenges they might need to overcome.

“No,” she murmured. Then pulled him to her again and captured his lips.

His tongue pulsed deep into her, and passion flared between them. She felt herself scooped up, his mouth never leaving hers as he carried her into the bedroom.

He laid her on the bed, then just stood there, his gaze roaming over her seminaked body. Her nipples puckered even harder at his perusal.

“The whole time we’ve been patiently talking, the sight of those beautiful breasts of yours has been driving me wild.”

He knelt on the bed beside her and gazed at her peaked tips. Then he ran a hand up one swollen mound and cupped it, her sensitive nub nestled in his palm. His other hand found her other breast and she found herself enveloped in the warmth of his touch. She arched upward, wanting more.

He chuckled, then stroked one breast, his fingers gliding over her sensitized nub, then teasing it lightly. Then he leaned forward and licked her hard bud. Then again. Laving it over and over. Starbursts of pleasure burst inside her.

When he suckled, she moaned out loud.

His lips flitted to her other breast, and then he licked that one, too. Her body melted, and her back arched, slickness pooling between her legs.

He lifted his head and smiled. “If you like that, then you’re going to love this.”

He kissed down her stomach. Anticipation built inside her as his lips fluttered along her flesh. Stopping at her panties. His teeth tugged on the delicate fabric, then he leaned back and tucked his fingers under the elastic and stripped the small garment away.

Then she felt it. His tongue stroking her skin … just a breath from her sensitive folds. He licked upward …
going in the wrong direction!
… then pressed his tongue into her navel. He thoroughly explored it, swirling and teasing … then began his travels again.


Her pelvis tipped up, waiting for him.

But when his raspy chin brushed her folds … igniting her need even higher … he lifted his head, then gazed at her slick petals. As if his eyes were made of lasers, her intimate flesh blazed with heat.

His gaze flicked to hers, his darkened blue eyes like blazing embers. She gazed back at him, need pulsing through her.

Then he licked her. The length of her wet slit.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned softly.

He licked her again, then his tongue burrowed into her folds and drove into her opening. Her fingers stroked over his head, his short, soft hair caressing her palms.

His big tongue glided over her again, enthusiastic and thorough.

He gazed up at her with a smile. “You taste delightful.”

Then he ran his thumbs over the nest of pink petals that hid her clit. He parted them, then stared at the tiny bud. She quivered in anticipation, and when his tongue finally lapped over it, she moaned. The sensation was exquisite.

He licked several times, then she felt his fingers glide along her slit. Then two slid inside her.

“Oh, yes!” She arched, driving his fingers deeper.

BOOK: Meat
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