McKenzie, Cooper - His Beck and Call Girl [Club Esoteria 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) (5 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - His Beck and Call Girl [Club Esoteria 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Once the crowd asking for drinks thinned and he could breathe again, Jackson looked for his woman, but didn’t see her.

“Taurus, you see our girls?” he asked, trying to sound casual. When his boss smirked at him, he knew he’d failed miserably.

His gut began to knot as Taurus scanned the room.

After turning a complete circle with the negative results Taurus said, “They’re probably in the restroom. So what’s her story? You’ve never talked about any woman before, not even your ex. She someone new?”

Jackson found himself shaking his head. “Been seeing her about six months, but with my schedule…” Jackson shrugged as if that explained everything.

“That’s a hell of a sorry excuse,” Jenna interrupted as she slipped onto a barstool.

“Pardon me?” Jackson filled a glass with ginger ale and set it on a napkin before the Domme.

“You heard me. If you love that girl, you need to tell her. If not, you need to let her go so she can find love elsewhere,” Jenna said then looked over her shoulder and met Gentry’s eyes.

Immediately her slave/mate rose and crossed the room, stopping and dropping his head when he reached her side. “Yes, Mistress?”

“Where are Sinclair and Whitney?”

Gentry looked toward the back of the room then nodded in that direction. “They went to the ladies,” he said.

Jackson looked to the short hallway that led to the restrooms and waited until the two women appeared. When Sinclair looked up and met his eyes, he lifted one hand and made a “come here” gesture with two fingers.

She turned and said something to Whitney, and the two women headed in his direction. As she crossed the room, his cock got hard just watching her walk.

Damn, he loved her curves.

By the time she reached the bar his cock was hard. He needed to take her somewhere private and play for a bit. She looked stressed and he needed to make sure she was okay with the evening so far. But where? The stockroom? Or maybe the garden out back?

“Yes?” she asked once she had reached the bar.

Whitney and Gentry gasped in shock. Jackson raised one eyebrow at both her question and her snarky tone. He fought back a grin as her eyes widened when she realized her faux pas.

“I’m sorry. Yes, Sir?”

Jackson met her gray-green eyes and saw her arousal. His own sexual hunger responded until his cock throbbed behind the unforgiving leather of his pants.

“Taurus, I’m taking ten to show sunshine the garden.”

“Okay, but if you’re not back in twenty I’m clocking you out for the night.”

Jackson nodded and reached under the bar to grab a kitchen timer. After setting it for ten minutes he showed it to his boss, who chuckled and then ducked under the bar. Taking Sinclair’s hand, he quick-marched back the way she’d just come.

* * * *

Sinclair had to jog to keep up with the fast-moving man, but she didn’t fight as he pulled her along in his wake. She wondered where they were going, but didn’t ask as they passed the restrooms and continued to the end of the short hall. Finally, he turned and pushed through a door on the other side of the hall. She had just enough time to realize they’d entered what looked like an elevator lobby before they were through another door and outside.

“Shit, gravel,” Jackson muttered. Turning he bent and put his shoulder in her middle before straightening.

“Jackson!” Sinclair cried softly when she found herself over one shoulder with the back of her dress flipped over, exposing her bare ass to anyone who might be around. She grabbed at his waist, hoping she wouldn’t slide off his broad shoulder.

“Shhh, sunshine. I’ve done this dozens of times. Relax, you’re in good hands.”

She tensed even further when he started walking. When one hand came up and patted an ass cheek, she jumped. She froze when the large, hard hand slid down the crack of her ass and between her thighs to diddle at the entrance to her cunt.

“Sunshine, your pussy’s all wet,” he said, sounding pleased and not at all surprised.

Sinclair moaned as he slid two fingers deep into her cunt then twisted them back and forth. The arousal that had ebbed and flowed during the evening flared to a new height with that touch.

“More, I need more. Please, Jackson.”

“Shhh, I know you’re hurting, baby girl. A few more minutes and we’ll see about relaxing some of that tension away,” Jackson assured her.

She squeezed her thigh muscles, causing her labia to gently massage her clit, but it still wasn’t enough. When Jackson stopped, a high, whining sound almost drowned out a series of electronic beeps. It wasn’t until he began walking again that she realized the whining came from her.

She tried to look around, but found it was easier to just close her eyes and let Jackson take her where he would. She trusted him. He always took very good care of her, at least whenever he was around.

A moment later he carried her up several steps and he walked across a platform. She sucked a breath when he pulled his fingers from her core, then squealed as her bare ass came into contact with what she realized a moment later was a table.

“Problem?” he asked with a cocky grin.

He straightened, then lifted her legs until she lay back on the table, her ass right at the edge.

“This table is cold.”

He chuckled as he flipped the hem of her dress up and bared her from the waist down. “Don’t worry about it, sunshine. In a few minutes you won’t care that you’re sitting on a table.” He pushed her knees to her chest then lifted her arms and wrapped them around her legs. “Hold those just like that, sunshine,” he ordered gently as he pushed a chair out his way.

Lifting her head from the table, she looked down her body and watched as Jackson lowered himself so his face was even with the top of the table. All she could see was the top of his head and eyes over her belly. His eyes met hers, and he winked.

Sinclair sucked a breath as Jackson licked at the skin just below her pussy. His mustache brushed over her entrance. Fire shot to both clit and nipples as he then breathed against her clit. She moaned when his tongue slowly traveled up her channel, pressing between the thick, swollen lips of her labia. She gasped when the tip circled around and around her knotted-up clit.

A moment later, fingers slid into her cunt.

“More,” Sinclair moaned.

Releasing her hold on her legs, she tried to reach down and touch the man between her legs. But he was well out of reach below the table.

Instead, Jackson pulled lifted his head where his tongue circled her clit without actually touching it. “Play with your tits, sunshine,” he ordered, his voice low and deep.

Without thinking, her fingers went to her tits and began to roll her hard, fleshy nipples. Her touch was rough and she cried out as lightning streaked through her body. She began to pant as she fought to remain in control, to keep from coming.

“No, sunshine, don’t fight it. Come for me. Let it loose.”

With that she felt his lips surround her clit and pull hard. She cried out as her orgasm slammed through her. Her belly muscles tightened, drawing her head up from the table as she panted and tried to fight it off.

She whined when Jackson pulled his mouth from her clit and his fingers from her cunt. When the thick, blunt head of his cock nudged at her entrance, her eyes opened and she looked down her body. She began to pant again as Jackson slid his long, thick length gently into her overflowing cunt. She moaned her approval as he filled her. They fit so well together.

He met her gaze and smiled. “Feels so good,” he murmured as his hands wrapped around her hips to hold her still. “This is going to be fast and hard. Later tonight we’ll do slow and easy.”

Sinclair felt her eyes go wide. Later? They’d never had sex more than once every couple of weeks, and he was talking twice in one night after she’d already sucked him off? Had her temper tantrum the day before really changed him that much? Or was it their surroundings that turned him on so much?

“Go for it,” she murmured with a grin she hoped looked as sexy as he made her feel. “Pound me into the table.”

Jackson began to thrust deep then retreated, each stroke hard and fast. He then leaned forward and kissed the skin between her breasts, his heavy-lidded blue eyes gazing deep into hers. “You stopped playing with your tits.”

Sinclair grabbed for her tits as he continued pounding into her. Her orgasm swelled and rolled over her once again and she tightened around the cock filling her. Three short strokes later, Jackson grunted and pushed even deeper, once, twice, and the third time before holding still. She felt his cock jerk inside her, then flood her cunt with additional heat as he came.

He relaxed over her, resting his forehead on her chest. She wrapped her arms around the back of his head to keep him close as they settled.

She jumped when a loud pinging cut through the silence of the garden.

“Damn,” Jackson swore softly as he pulled from her and straightened. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

Sinclair watched as he straightened and grabbed a white bar towel which he used to gently clean them both up before he pulled his leathers back into place. She’d barely caught her breath and he was already dressed and fully functioning.

“How do you do that?” she asked as she sat up and brushed her dress down her body.

“Do what?” he asked.

“I can barely move and I’m not sure my knees will hold me if I try to stand, and you look like you’re ready to run a marathon. How do you do that?”

Jackson looked startled by the question then shrugged. “I’ve been a firefighter a long time. Dressing fast is part of the job. Come on, Taurus is probably swamped.” He swung her up into his arms and carried her back the way they’d come.

This time Sinclair had a chance for a quick look around and found they were in the middle of an enclosed garden. It was beautiful in the dim light provided by the waning moon overhead and the white twinkle lights that were strung everywhere. The tall wooden fence surrounding the enchanted area was barely visible behind the bushes, flowers, and trellises covered with tomatoes, roses, and other plants. Stone walkways led between beds filled with more flowers and bushes and other plants.

“It’s incredible. Like Alice’s Wonderland,” she breathed, turning to look over Jackson’s shoulder as he opened the gate and carried her through.

Jackson did not put her down once they got back into the building.

At the door to the ladies’ room he stopped and set her down. “When you’re finished, come to the bar and take a seat. Do not speak to anyone, do not look at anyone, and do not get into trouble.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Chapter 6

Ten minutes later, Sinclair slipped onto an empty bar stool and folded her hands in her lap. She wasn’t sure what she was allowed to look at, so she stared at the clean, shiny bar. A moment later a bottle of water slid into the center of her view.

Lifting her gaze, she found herself trapped once again in Jackson’s deep blue eyes. “Thanks,” she said.

“You okay?” he asked as he twisted the top off.

When she nodded, he lifted an eyebrow as if to challenge her answer. “I was afraid you might have snuck back out the back door. I was about to come check on you.”

“Sorry, I was making a list,” Sinclair said as she placed a crumpled napkin on the bar, then smoothed it flat.

“A list?”

“Of major topics I wanted to ask you about.”

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - His Beck and Call Girl [Club Esoteria 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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