Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1)
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I never wanted him to stop what he was doing, even though I was slightly disturbed that he was licking where he’d said I’d bled. The thought made all my heat fade and I tried to pull back from him.

“But… but… the blood, sir.” I tried to make him understand. His teeth dug into the flesh of my inner thigh and made me cry out as pain lanced through me.

“I don’t care about the fucking blood. It turns me on. Don’t pull away from me again….” The words
or else
didn’t need to be said; I understood. His tongue was back on me, and I closed my eyes against the unfamiliar sensations he was causing.

Heat pulsed through me and grew to the point where it became almost painful as my body writhed under him. I tried to control it, but my body didn’t seem my own anymore, not when his tongue was causing moans I’d never made before to rip from my throat. Just as I felt like the energy building within me was too much to contain, he pulled back. My body fell lax against the bed, and I nearly groaned from the loss of his touch.

He stepped away from the bed to slowly unbutton his dress shirt, revealing his chiseled physique one inch at a time.

I couldn’t tear my eyes from the beautiful bronzed skin that covered highly-defined muscles over his chest. I’d never seen a man without his shirt before, but I was sure that all men weren’t made the way Matteo was. My palms itched to run over every part of him.

Somewhere deep down I knew I should be nervous or scared of what he was going to do, but I knew that I had no choice in the matter and what he’d just been doing had felt good — really good.

When he reached the bottom of his shirt, he tugged it from his pants, then stepped up to the nightstand to set his cufflinks down one at a time before letting the shirt slide from his broad shoulders.

Keeping my hands above my head, I turned so I could take him in as he tugged at his belt. Once it was undone, he made quick work of the button and zipper on his slacks, then stepped out of his shoes, tugged off his socks and resumed kneeling beside me wearing only a pair of small black boxers with a long, hard shaft hidden within.

, you do look so tasty lying there like that,” Matteo said with a smile tugging at his lips. “However, I think you’d look much better without the mousy dress. You won’t be wearing such ugly things now that you are mine.”

I tried to smile, but only partially made it there. I’d never worn anything but the rags that Madam gave me and the other slaves to wear.

“Only the best for mine,” he added as if I could forget.

His weight came over me as he rested his elbows on either side of my face, his hips between my spread thighs.

I could feel his hard length pressing against me, making me shiver in apprehension. The glide of his thumb over my cheek, then my lower lip, made the memories from the last time that part of him had been in me flee from my head.

“Don’t fear my cock,
.  You will come to love all that it can do for you,” he breathed against my neck as his hips pressed against me more firmly. His lips brushed my neck, making me moan unexpectedly. Then he sat up and pulled me with him so he could tug my dress over my head. “
Cazzo! Sei bella

I wasn’t sure exactly what he’d said, but if I had to guess I’d say he liked what he saw even though I knew I wasn’t much different from any other woman I’d seen nude.

Roughly, he pushed against my shoulder, making me fall back against the bed, and a small yelp slipped out before I could stop it.

“I do love when you make those noises.” Matteo grinned wolfishly down at me. He shoved his boxers down to reveal his cock to me. It was thick and long with a glistening mushroom tip. That’s why it’d hurt when he’d shoved it into me earlier. It was massive and I was so small.

He wrapped his hand around the girth and slid his palm slowly up and down the length of it, smearing the droplets that escaped the end over the rest of himself.

“Soon I’ll show you how to do this and so much more, but right now I need to feel your tight pussy wrapped around my cock again. Your pussy needs more of my come deep inside it after I fuck you good and hard,” Matteo grunted before lining himself up to my opening and in one rough thrust filling me again.

Instantly, my back arched off the bed and I fisted my hands in the pillow above my head. Pain shot through me, not as bad as the last time, but I still had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from yelling out.

“Does it hurt? Is it painful to take that big dick in your pussy? I bet it does because you are so fucking tight it makes my balls hurt.”

My brain was reeling from the pain and all the new vocabulary I was trying to remember, but after the plane ride I was determined not to let him down again so soon.

“Yes, Matteo. It hurts, but... I like it,” I groaned after taking a deep breath to steady myself. I found that it was actually true too. After he pulled back and filled me again, it felt...good. The pain was still there, but muted. It added to the pleasure I felt this time as he started to quickly slide in and out of my body. Watching the muscles in his abdomen ripple with each thrust was erotic, and I felt a gush of warmth release between my thighs at the sight. His arms flexed and bulged as he rocked against me, and I found it hard to focus on any single part of him as the pleasure built to where he’d stopped with his tongue earlier.

. Yes, you feel so good,” Matteo ground out between clenched teeth. Hearing that he was as affected as I was only made my pleasure shoot that much higher. I didn’t think I could contain it within myself much longer. His hand slipped between our bodies, and he flicked a finger against me a single time.

The world exploded into a vast expanse of pure whiteness and pleasure — pulsing, heavenly pleasure.

Somewhere I heard my own voice crying out loudly and moaning, but it seemed far away and unimportant. Slowly I came back to find myself sweating, panting and weightless. Matteo was still moving over me, only now he had a wide smile on his face.

“Welcome to my world,” he said, the smile never leaving his face. After a couple more thrusts, he let out a deep, almost scary groan before his body shuddered over mine, and after a few jerky, uncoordinated movements, he pressed down heavily onto me. His breath was as out of control as mine had been only moments before. “Yes,
, you are right where you should be. In my bed, in my arms.”

He buried his face in the crook of my neck and stayed there until his breathing was even again before he pulled from me, making me gasp at the empty feeling left behind, and rolled to his side.

I waited for him to speak, but he didn’t. Instead, he rose from the bed and stared at my body for a second before redressing and exiting the room quietly.

Yes, my new world and life with Matteo was where I was meant to be. If only I’d known that every day wouldn’t be the same as my first in his house. In fact, they’d become so rare I’d think I’d only dreamed them.



Chapter Three








I stayed where he’d left me for fear that if I moved I’d be punished. He hadn’t said that I was free in my room, not this time. Hours passed while I lay with my arms above my throbbing head, feeling his release dripping from me only to become cold, then sticky and itchy as it dried upon my inner thighs. My shoulders were burning so badly I had to close my eyes and imagine I was back in Madam’s basement… imagine I was anywhere else.

Finally the door opened and Matteo walked in. He was in a different suit than the one he’d worn before. His hair appeared damp as if he’d just showered, but since there was only the light from the hallway to see by, I couldn’t be sure. Upon seeing me, he slammed the door and stomped to the bedside.

Before I could react, his hand was wrapped around my ponytail, yanking me from the bed as I bit back a cry of surprise and pain.

“Why are you still on the bed? Are you that lazy? I gave you more than enough time to get yourself presentable again,” he angrily spat at me as he tugged me toward the bathroom by my hair.

My feet slipped and skidded against the thick carpet as I struggled to find footing so I could keep up with him.

“But... but, Matteo,” I tried to say, but he didn’t give me a chance to explain.

“Now we will do this my way.” He tossed me into the shower stall.

My head banged against the tile wall as he turned on the faucet and scalding hot water poured down on me from above. I couldn’t help the yelp that escaped due to the temperature of the water.

“Don’t be a
. I don’t have the time to deal with your
.” Matteo was clearly angry with me and even though I didn’t fully comprehend why, I hung my head and gave him my submission, hoping it would calm him. He threw a sponge in my face. “Wash your dirty body.”

Dragging the sponge over myself, I tried to connect the man who’d smiled at making me come just hours ago with the raging one in front of me. My shoulders were on fire from holding the position on the bed for so long, but I forced them to move through the painful tingles, desperate not to upset him further.

“Your hair now,” he instructed me as soon as I rinsed the suds away.

After briskly washing my hair, he turned the water off and thrust a towel at me.

“You have exactly sixty seconds to finish in here and be in the hallway before I come back. You won’t like it if I have to come fetch you.” Matteo glared at me before spinning on his heel and disappearing back into the bedroom.

I’d hoped he wouldn’t use such terms when speaking to me as Madam often used them. He’d quickly slain that thought, and my heart sank.

After rapidly running the brush on the counter through my hair, I returned to the room, then looked around for my dress. When I couldn’t find it, I looked in the dresser drawers, but all were empty. Resigned, I left the towel on the foot of the bed and opened the bedroom door.

“Where are your clothes?” Matteo sighed in aggravation when he noted my nudity.

“I…” I started, but he cut me off.

“You know what? Doesn’t matter. Let’s go,” he said before wrapping a hand around my upper arm tight enough I knew I’d have bruises left from it. His anger hadn’t lessened in the time we’d been apart.

He led me down the hall and stairs before yanking me to the right and into a sitting area. There were four other men in the room, all of whom lifted their heads at our entry. Only one lifted his eyebrows in surprise; the other three gave me looks that made my back stiffen and fear spike within me.

“Gentlemen, this is Gia. Touch her and you will answer to me,” Matteo addressed the men before turning to me. He held out a hand, which I slipped mine into. “Gia, this is Nicola, Emilio, and Alonso. The one over there with the shocked look on his face is Cosimo. Pay him no mind.”

I forced myself to give the best smile I had. It must have worked because the men smiled back at me with a slight nod each before returning their eyes to Matteo. With the incessant throbbing in my head from the blow in the shower, I doubted I’d be able to remember any of their names; not that I would be asked to, but I tried anyway.

“About time you had a woman around here,” Nicola said. “If you ever need a hand keeping her in line, I’m more than willing to help out.”

He licked his lips while dragging his eyes over my body, pausing for longer periods at my breasts and between my thighs. Matteo responded in a string of Italian that I didn’t understand, but Nicola held up his hands in a surrendering gesture and sat back in his chair, obviously no longer so willing. Matteo stopped speaking and stared at Nicola for a few long moments before turning to me again.

, why don’t you get everyone a drink?” Matteo asked in a much nicer voice than he’d used since he’d returned to my room.

“Yes, sir.” I scurried from the room to what I assumed was the kitchen. To my complete embarrassment, the older woman who’d greeted us earlier was there. She was in the process of cooking something and barely lifted her head to look at me.

“The glasses are over there,” she said, pointing to a counter across from her. “They take Manhattans on the rocks.”

When I stared at her blankly, she sighed and walked to where there was a stash of alcohol and started mixing some together.

“Well, come see how I do it because this is your job, not mine.” She looked over her shoulder to make sure I was watching. I’d been hoping to find an ally in her, but obviously not from the tone of her voice.

I tried to follow what she was mixing together, but it was impossible without any instructions to follow and with how swiftly she moved, not to mention the killer headache I was fighting.

She spun on me, and with a parting glare she returned to where she’d been and resumed cooking.

Gathering the glasses, two in each hand, I went back to the room and handed each man one before standing off to the side. I was quickly forgotten as the men rapidly spoke in a mix of Italian and English. From what I could pick up, I had to have been confused, because as scary as all the men appeared, I simply didn’t think a group of men sat around talking about killing another man as if it was simply a chore to be handled quickly and quietly.

I feared they’d request a refill of their drinks, and I had no idea what I would’ve done if they had; but it never happened. When the four men stood to leave, I released the breath I’d been holding. I’d survived my first outing around Matteo’s friends. However, my reprieve was short-lived. As soon as Matteo shut the door behind his guests, he spun on me. I fought the urge to shrink in on myself. Keeping my back straight, shoulders back, and head down, I heard his approach more than saw it, but I could feel the anger radiating off him.

“So, you think it’s okay to sit in on private conversations, do you? I’ll show you what happens to a nosy little
.” Matteo latched onto the back of my neck before I could respond. His fingers dug deep into my tender flesh. As if my tender cheek and throbbing head weren’t enough.

I’d done well at focusing on anything but the pain he’d inflicted since I’d arrived, but with him only introducing more, I couldn’t help but remember all of it.

He shoved me toward the stairs, keeping pace with me as I reached out to stop myself from hitting them. It was unnecessary as he gripped my hair, yanking me back onto my feet.

I tried to take the steps two at a time in an attempt to get away from him, but it failed as he easily kept up with me. When we reached my room, he slammed me face-first into the wall, pressing his body against mine so I could feel every hard inch of him.

“You might be new around here, but you can’t be as stupid as you seem,” he breathed into my ear before his tongue flicked against it. “I think it’s time you learned your place,
. I thought it had already been pretty clear, but from your actions tonight I can tell it isn’t.”

His weight lifted, then he spun me around with a hand on my shoulder. Stepping back, he rested his shoulders against the opposite wall.

My eyes grew wide when he reached for his belt buckle. I couldn’t help but watch as he released his hard cock from within.

“Knees,” Matteo demanded and I automatically sank to them. “Now suck me off.”

I swallowed hard and scooted closer as I tried to think what those words could mean. I followed his hand as it stroked up and down his length a few times before pushing it forward toward my mouth. Licking my lips, I took a breath before opening up to take him in.

“That’s right. Suck my dick deep into your mouth,” he instructed me. He sank a hand into my hair, fisting it so it tugged at my scalp. “You are all mine,
. Don’t you ever forget it.”

I didn’t think it would be possible with his thick, hard cock so deep in my mouth I was nearly choking on it. Part of me enjoyed the flavor of him blossoming over my tongue while the other part feared he’d use the grip he had on me to take him deeper than I could without gagging.

“Use your hand where you can’t fit me into your mouth or I’ll shove it down your throat and force you to take it,” Matteo growled, yanking me closer, causing my eyes to water as my throat tightened around him. He rotated his hips, shoving deeper, forcing me to fight to breathe.

Wrapping my fingers around his length, I used the saliva left behind to slick my palm and slide over the couple inches I couldn’t take. When he groaned from my ministrations, a rush of heat flooded my pussy. Even though he was clearly in charge of the situation, I loved that I could make him feel so good, that it was me that was causing such pleasurable sounds to leave his body. It gave me the boost of courage to lift my head enough so that I could focus on the engorged mushroom tip, flicking my tongue around it, sliding just that in and out of my tightly-suctioned lips while my palm slid along the rest of him.

, just like that,” Matteo groaned, throwing his head back against the wall and causing a loud bang to resonate in the silence of the hallway.

It was only then that I realized that we were still in plain view of anyone who came up the stairs, but if he didn’t mind, I didn’t either. All that mattered was keeping those noises coming from him and making sure he enjoyed what I was doing.

A flash of saltiness came over my tongue and I moaned at the flavor. It was an unknown —while not an entirely pleasant taste, it wasn’t horrible.

Another moan left his lips, and I was gifted with another salty burst. I realized it was his body’s way of telling me he was enjoying what I was doing.

Having the reassurance I needed, I slid my mouth even farther down his length than I’d gone before, and he surprised me by yanking on my hair until I released him completely. Using his grip on my hair, he forced me backwards until I fell onto my butt and reached out behind me to hold my upper half off the floor.

His eyes locked with mine as he reached between our bodies and aligned his cock with my pussy. With a single thrust, he filled me and I had to lock my elbows to keep from falling. He used his weight to press me back as he slowly withdrew and filled me again. Once my back was resting on the carpet, he raised to his knees, hooking his arms under each of my calves, pulling my lower half off the ground as he chose a brutal, hard pace to fuck me.

Not once did he look away from my face. He focused on the small twinges in my facial muscles that I couldn’t control as pain roared, then passed from his torturous thrusts. He was going so deep, I couldn’t help but cry out every time he filled me. Instead of being turned off by my cries of pain or discomfort, he seemed to enjoy them and only moved harder and faster against me.

Through it all, I found pleasure growing and taking over my body. Something about the heat in his eyes, the way he looked at me as if I was completely his to do with as he wanted, it turned me on. The pain was nothing I couldn’t handle. I’d dealt with worse; different, but worse. At least there was pleasure to be had from what he was giving me. I focused on the pleasure, the only escape I could find.

He placed a soft kiss on the inside of my calf before he sank his teeth into me. Not quite hard enough to break the flesh, but enough to make me cry out louder than before. It was then that I felt the dam break and everything faded away to the peaceful, white wonderland I’d found only at his hands.

There was nothing but the complete bliss that pulsed through my body for a few long, cherished moments. When I found myself blinking back to reality, Matteo was kneeling over my face with his hand rubbing his cock hard and fast.

He was thrusting his hips into his hand as it moved up and down the angry red shaft. With one final pump, he grunted loudly and shot hot white strands across my breasts and face.

He ran his fingers over my chest, then cheek before forcing them into my mouth. I licked them clean, the taste reminding me of the small amounts of salty liquid his cock had released while I’d sucked on it.

“Yes, clean my come off my fingers. That’s fucking beautiful.” Pulling his fingers free, he slid them through the white cream once more before shoving them back in my mouth. “Does my come taste good? Hmm? Does tasting my release make your sweet little pussy all wet? It should, because the only thing hotter than filling you with my come is seeing my come all over your sexy face.”

BOOK: Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1)
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