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Authors: BA Tortuga

MatingCall (6 page)

BOOK: MatingCall
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Chapter Nine


Mike was being pretty decent to her, considering that a big
chunk of one of his arms was gone, and he had a bad bite to his right shoulder.
She’d brought coffee and strudel from Erhard’s, built a cone of energy around
him, placed sage and some wolfsbane around the edges of the room, and fluffed
his pillows before settling down in the chair beside him.

“What the hell happened, Mike?”

“After watching all that, I have the feeling you might know
more than I do, honey.” God, I was just heading to the damn convenience store,
you know? And this wild dog jumped on me.” His blue eyes were almost
unnaturally bright, the pallor of his face making them seem to glow. “I’m going
to end up getting rabies shots, I just know it.”

“Maybe they’ll find them.” Steph wasn’t sure there was a
vaccine for what Mike was carrying. Biting random humans was like a felony
offense in the werewolf world, as far as she understood. The pack wouldn’t let
you stay, at least that’s what Shaw had said. Jordan’s derisive snort had said
more than words about how Shaw was trying to protect her.

If her boys had done this, the pack would kill them.

“What them?” Mike shook his head, wiped his sweating
forehead with his uninjured hand. “I wish there had been a pack of them, at
least then I wouldn’t feel like the world’s biggest dipshit. I mean, hell,
honey, I almost got eaten by a dog.”

“Oh.” She managed to swallow back the immediate “thank the
Lady”, because there was no way it could be her boys. No way at all. They were
a pair. Where one was, the other shadowed.

She’d believed that her boys were innocent, now she knew.

“Steph, can you call the nurse, please? I don’t feel well.”

“Sure. Sure, Mike. I’m going to get one on the way out. You
look like you need rest.” And she needed to figure out what happened, see how
she could help her men.

“Thanks. Thanks for the snack too.”

“You’re more than welcome.” Although she was afraid rare
steak would probably help more than apples and brown sugar.

Steph headed to the nurses’ station, skin goose-pimpling up.
Goddess, she felt as if she was being watched.
, a tiny voice deep
in her lizard brain whispered.

“Uh. I’m sorry. Mr. McAllen in room 310? He’s not feeling
well and asked me to…”

The feeling got worse and she spun around, searching for
some reason she felt so nervous.


“Sorry. He needs help. I’m on my way out.” Because if there
was someone, or something, hunting her, she had to get away from all these
injured people, all the machinery and worry and pain that got in the way of her

She didn’t even wait for the nurse to answer, she just
headed for the elevator bay, punched
and started pacing.


This was all craziness.

Steph managed not to run until she hit the parking lot, and
then she sprinted to her car and started driving. She headed out of town,
first, zipping down the highway before taking an off-ramp, retracing her steps.

That feeling of being watched was gone, the tension around
her shoulders eased, even when she stopped for gas. Maybe it had just been the
pressure of the hospital. So many hurting and scared people there. So much
birth and death all mashed up together.

By the time she was back in her part of town, she felt
comfortable enough to head to the path where Mike had been attacked. He’d been
going to buy some Coke and some cashews when the wolf had jumped him from
behind, tried to drag him off into the bushes. Given that Boulder was one of
the best walking towns in the country, no one would have thought it was odd to
walk to the store.

She followed a dip in the trail, watching for changes in the
light, for anything that might give her an impression of what happened,
magickal or otherwise.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Wendy’s voice came from
behind her, making her jump a mile.

“I’m,” looking for hairs or something for a spell so she
could identify who hurt Mike, “walking.”

“Bullshit. This is where Mike was attacked. Jesus, Steph,
you’re covering for them, aren’t you?” Wendy looked so mad.

“Oh, fuck off, Wendy. I am not! They didn’t do anything. I
thought you were my friend!”

“I am! You’re just not rational about those two.” Wendy ran
a hand through her hair, which was down, bushy and blonde. So she was off duty.

“They were with me, Wendy. They didn’t hurt Mike.”

“With you?” Wendy stared, hands on her hips. “You went out
with Mike and then let them come over?”

“They came over. Lord and Lady, Mike and I didn’t work out.”

What a bitch. Wendy could really be a hard-ass, but she’d
never taken it out on Steph before.

“Oh, Steph, I’m sorry.” Wendy blew out a hard breath. “I’m
just freaking out, thinking it’s my fault he got hurt.”

“Your fault? Why would it be your fault?”

“That’s something I’d like to know.” A big, hairy man Steph
had never seen before came up behind Wendy.

Wendy twirled around and took a step back. “Who are you?”

The man growled deep in his throat, the sound making Steph
want to flop on the ground and whimper. “That’s my question for you, stray.”

Drawing herself up, Wendy growled. Steph felt the magickal
energy in the air, crackling like lightning. She backed up a little.

“I’m a police officer and you’re about to get your ass taken
to jail, mister,” Wendy said, low and snake mean.

“You’re a wolf and you’re in my Packlands, threatening my

“Oh!” Steph gasped. “You’re Brett!”

Jordan and Shaw’s Brett. The alpha with a capital A.

“You’re the mate, huh?” He circled Wendy and came to her,
holding out a hand. “Thanks for having the boys’ backs.”

“I have to.” She loved them. They were connected, even if it
wasn’t the way the boys thought. She shook Brett’s hand. “They didn’t hurt

“I know.” Brett smiled at him. “So the question is, who

“Hello! Are we all one little happy, furry family?” Wendy
looked as if she was going to blow a gasket. “I set him up with you and then he
gets torn up. I can’t— Arrrr.”

“Wendy, I swear to you, my boys didn’t do this.” She was
going to find something—fur, a claw, something—to prove it.

Wendy arched an eyebrow. “Yours?”

“Oh, stop. It’s a long story, and if you’re still my friend
after all this, I’ll tell you over tequila.” Steph had taken all she could

When Wendy opened her mouth to argue, Brett slapped her butt
with one huge hand. Steph had never heard her friend squeak like that. Heck,
she’d never thought someone could do that to Wendy and not lose an arm.

“You’re lucky I don’t have my piece with you, you fuck!”

“I’m lucky? You probably would have drawn down on Stephanie
here in the state you’re in. I can fucking smell your panic.”

Steph couldn’t smell anything, but the air itself was
snapping with heat, fury, something odd. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, but she’s freaking out.” Brett casually
shifted, moving halfway between her and Wendy.

“I am not freaking out!” Wendy was shouting, though,
shaking, her face red.

“I don’t… Wendy? Honey?”

“You just…” For a second, Wendy looked panicked, truly

“Stop.” Something magickal popped, just like a cork, when
Brett barked at Wendy.

Wendy immediately rocked back on her heels, her face
crumpling up as though she might cry. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Steph went to her, wrapped her arms around
her best friend. “What’s wrong, honey? You can tell me.”

“I don’t know. I thought for sure I wouldn’t ever.” Wendy
gasped a little, hugging her back. “This is all my fault.”

“Nonsense.” Whatever happened, Wendy was one of the good

“No. He followed me here. I can smell him now. I thought at
the hospital I could, but it was so medicinal. He—”

“He who?” Brett asked, coming to peer into Wendy’s face.
God, he was big.

“It’s not your problem!” Wendy snapped.

“My Packlands, my problem.” Brett got right in her business,
which put him right at Steph’s ear.

“Guys. Guys, careful.” Things were getting a little intense.

Brett grabbed Steph by the upper arms and moved her by the
simple act of picking her up and setting her down out of the way.

Okay. Okay, whoa. Also, wow. Steph didn’t have the foggiest
idea what to do next.

“You’re an asshole. The goddamn alphas always are. I really
need to find a town without a goddamn pack.” Wendy poked Brett in the chest
with one finger.

Brett’s nostrils flared, then the man’s eyes went gold as
she’d only seen her boys’ do. “Who is attacking people in my town!”

A low growl sounded behind Steph and she spun, staring at a
huge, dark wolf crouching there in the grass, teeth bared as it watched her.

“Uh. Guys?”

“Shit!” Brett whirled, and it was as though she was watching
a movie or something. Where there had been a man, there was a wolf, a big,
fuzzy gray one. He snarled, hackles up. That was damn impressive.

“Wendy?” Steph backed up a step. “Wendy, oh Goddess.”

“Go, Steph. Run. You’re just going to get hurt if you stay.”
Wendy’s eyes were glowing. “I’ll call you.”

“Okay. I… I’ll have my phone…” She took off in a dead run,
her heart slamming in her chest as she sprinted to her car. She could hear war
happening behind her and she got to her Prius and slammed the door, grabbing
her phone to call 911.

When Jordan answered, she almost dropped the phone. She
hadn’t called the boys, had she? She pulled the phone back, Shaw’s picture on
the screen. Damn

“Steph? Baby girl, what is it?”

“Jordan? Jordan, there’s a big wolf and Wendy and your boss,
I mean the big guy, the lumberjack one, they’re all fighting and I was going to
call the police because they told me to run and I did, but I’m in the car and I
don’t know what to do and I called you!”

“Breathe, baby. Just breathe. Are you out of harm’s way?”
Jordan could sound so reasonable, so calm. It gave her confidence.

“I’m in my car.” She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and
tried to center.

“Good. I want you to come here. To the ski shack out past
Mountain Park. Okay?”

“Now? Shouldn’t I help…” She wanted to go to them, more than
anything. Steph started the engine, starting to roll away when something hit
the hood with a thump. A wolf, running hard, followed by two others. She
couldn’t help her scream.

“Steph? Baby?” She could hear Jordan’s voice, sounding tinny
where she’d dropped the phone to the floorboard.

“Jordan!” She stepped on the gas, in pure panic mode.
“Jordan, I’m coming!”

Wendy and the big guy looked as though they could handle

Chapter Ten


Jordan paced, waiting for their girl to show up. He wanted
to go after her, to make sure she was safe. Shaw had pointed out that they
might miss her, or worse, hit her on the road if she was driving too fast.

Her tiny little blue car was making the incline, just
barely, but he could see it now, crawling toward them.

Shaw ran out to the end of the short drive off the road,
waiting for her. They’d both been frantic, but Shaw was going to make himself

The car stuttered, then came on, Steph pulling into the
drive, Shaw pacing her on the short distance in.

When she sprang out of the car and came at him, Jordan
caught her, holding her close. “I’ve got you, baby girl. I’m sorry we weren’t

“Jordan.” She was shaking. “Jordan, I just left Wendy out
there. I just… I’m so sorry. I was stupid and scared and…”

“Shh. Come on.” He picked her up while Shaw dealt with
shutting down her car and getting her lights turned off. She was shaking,
shocky and pale.

She stayed close, sniffling. “I knew you didn’t do it. I
told them. My boys wouldn’t do that.”

“Of course you did.” He wanted to howl his pleasure to the
night. Her boys. They were hers again. Maybe this was a good thing, even if it
had scared her. Deep down she knew what her thinking mind might not yet.

Her hair was tangled, and she looked exhausted. About as
exhausted as Shaw did.

“She’s okay, mate?” The front door was closed, locked, Shaw

“She will be. Our brave girl.” He was torn between being
incredibly proud of her and wanting to beat her ass.

“Good.” Shaw headed over and grabbed her hand. “Don’t ever
do it again.”

“Do what?”

“Whatever. Leave us.”

“I was at home.” She settled deeper into Jordan’s arms, just
where he wanted her.

“You went out with that other guy!” Shaw just sounded
outraged. So cute.

“Uh-huh. You asked me to do magick to find your mate.” Steph
sat up and Jordan grabbed her, rumbling in his chest. His girl. Stay.

“You’re our mate.” Shaw leaned in. “You know that now,

“I know I love you both. I don’t know how the rest will

Jordan chuffed softly. She didn’t have to know. That was,
sort of instinctively, his job. He was good at logistics, once stubborn women
understood the basics.

She was still going to balk at biting.

Shaw leaned close, kissed her, then settled close. “Our

He was damn happy she was safe. He hugged her tight, then
put an arm around Shaw to hold his other lover. Jordan was confident that alpha
Brett would handle the real criminal, leaving them time to bond.

And if not, if that bastard came here, Jordan would tear his
throat out, protecting his mates.

She stopped shaking after a while and Jordan nudged her face
up so he could kiss her.

Her lips opened and she sighed, fingers reaching for Shaw.

Shaw moaned a little and pushed into the kiss. It was more
gentle than hot, but the three of them connected and it felt good. So good.

Steph’s hand was on his belly, solid and warm, moving in
slow circles. He could have stayed right there all night, but his damn phone
came to life, the
Lumberjack Song
ringing out. Brett.


“Do you have her?”

“You mean Steph? Yeah. You get him?” He sure hoped this was
all over.

“No. The son of a bitch gave us the slip and his fucking
scent is everywhere. I want you two to keep her with you, safe. He saw her,
knew she ran.”

“Shit. I could help you with the hunt.” Not that he had any
real desire to leave Steph and Shaw unprotected, but he would be handy.

“You could, but we’re heading back to the hospital, make him
come to us.”

“We? That Wendy lady still with you?” Steph glanced up at
his words, sniffling a little. He figured she’d want to know about her friend.

“Yeah.” He heard Brett’s growl. Oh, someone was riled.
“She’s lucky I was here.”

“You leave Stephanie alone, you pushy fuck!”

“Get off me!” Man, that was pure command tone in Brett’s
voice. That Wendy chick had balls of solid brass. “You keep her there, keep her
safe. I’ll deal with the new crazies. Plural.”

“I will. She’s safe.” He wasn’t letting her out of their
sight, not right now.

“Good deal. I’ll keep you updated.” Brett hung up and Jordan
hugged Steph tight.

“Your friend is okay.”

“Oh, good. Did they catch the man?”

“No.” Damn it all. Shaw stiffened, pulling back to look at
him. “They’re trying to lure him out.”

“I… Do you think I should go to the hospital? Make sure
Mike’s okay?”

“No.” Brett had made his order extremely clear. “We need to
stay here, stay out of the way.”


He growled low. “No, Steph. We stay.”


Steph blinked at Jordan, that low growl infuriating and
arousing as fuck all at once. “What do you—”

Her phone rang and she answered. “Yeah?”

“Don’t let that motherfucker tell you what to do.” Wendy
sounded absolutely enraged.

“You mean Jordan?”

“No. I mean that fucking alpha son of a bitch.”

“Oh. I, I don’t know him. I’m okay.” She looked at Jordan,
then at Shaw, whose hand was still around her thigh.

“You don’t have to stay with them, honey. After what they

“I know.”

She could see Jordan’s nostrils flare, and that growl got
louder. If Wendy wasn’t careful, she’d never get invited to dinner.

The thought almost made her giggle.

“Don’t get involved with them. Don’t let them bite you.” Wendy
was growling too. “Fucking men.”

God, they made her head hurt.

Jordan finally just took the phone. “She needs to rest.
Brett will keep us posted.” Then he clicked her phone off.

“Jordan.” That was incredibly bossy. Incredibly. He had to
stop that.

“What? She’s freaked out and she’s taking it out on you.”
Shaw was the one to answer and he looked incredibly sure.

“It’s been a freaky day! Has it only been a day?”

“Yeah.” They both said it together. Jordan chuckled. “Do you
need anything, baby girl? A drink or some food?”

“No. I just need to figure out what I’m doing. Good thing I
fed the cats last night.”

“Yeah.” Jordan made a face. He really didn’t get along with
her cats.

She chuckled. “I promise not to move in with you and infect
you with kitty germs.”

“Bullshit. You’ll just have to leave the cats at the shop
when you move in.” Jordan pinched her butt.

“What shop?”

Shaw chuffed. “The one you’ll do your magick in, lady-mate,
when you move.”

“Our place is too far out of town for all your customers.
Hell, we’re up here during the moon most of the time. That’s even farther.
You’ll have to have a shop.”

She’d lost track of the conversation, somehow. They
obviously had a plan she didn’t know about. Something that involved her moving.

“I have a place. You know, the house where I live?”

Jordan’s hand was stroking her back, moving in long, slow
strokes. Soothing. He was mesmerizing.

“Mmmhmm. You could make it your shop. It’s cute.”

“It already…” Her eyes crossed, nipples going hard.

“Exactly. Why move the cats?” Jordan kissed her neck.

“I wasn’t.” Her lips parted, her body flushing with heat.

“Oh, good.” Shaw moved in, his hands on her hips, his lips
sliding along to her ear.

She’d lost the train of the conversation altogether; her
focus on those touches. They’d always done that to her, their bodies and hands
and mouths overpowering her good sense. Now that she’d admitted they were her
boys for good, she couldn’t even worry about it.

Her shirt was pushed up, Jordan murmuring happily when he
found she’d run out of the house without a bra.

Shaw helped drag her up, lifting her enough to work at her
jeans and her undies.

Jordan moaned as she slipped up along his body, his hands
cupping her breasts, thumbs sliding across her nipples. He always knew when it
was time to take it to the next level, always knew when she was moving from
comfort to arousal. She rocked against him, her body heating up.

“My mates.” Jordan’s words brushed against her skin, and she

Shaw made this happy noise, crowding up against her, his body
warm and hard. “Our girl.”

“My boys.” She blinked at Shaw. “When did you get naked?”

“I’m like lightning.” He grinned at her before kissing her

She moaned, then arched as wet heat surrounded one of her
nipples, Jordan’s mouth hungry. Her boys were ready for her, both hard, both
eager. It was as if she could almost hear their thoughts, and they were all
pornographic. Between that and the buzz of magick that seemed to be growing in
the air, it made it impossible to think.

Jordan bent her back against Shaw, lips moving over her
breastbone. He was hot as fire.

“Want you.” She moaned as his mouth found a hot spot on her

“How do you want us, honey?” Shaw kissed her shoulder, her
upper arm.

“Hmm? Now is good.” Her chin lifted, Jordan starting to nibble.
“No biting.”

“Oh, I think biting is mandatory.” He nipped at her, not
enough to break the skin, but that might be on the way.

She shook her head. “You…” God, that felt so good. “You know
the rules.”

“The rules have changed, baby.”

Shaw’s lips met Jordan’s on her neck, and she moaned,
needing them to touch her, love on her. They teased her with kisses, and she
could hear them kiss each other, right there next to her.

She reached down and unfastened Jordan’s jeans, fingers
searching for his cock.

He lifted up, letting her get to him. His cock pushed right
into her hand, so hard it bounced a little.

“Yes…” Steph groaned, her thumb sliding over the slick heat
at the tip.

“Fuck, baby. That feels good.”

She brought her fingers up to her lips, licked them clean,
Jordan’s flavor rich and male. “You next, Shaw.”

Shaw grunted, cock pushing toward her, and she reached for
him, needing him. He was wet for her, the tip of his cock rubbing against her

She licked her lips as she touched, rolled her hand over the
sensitive tip of his cock.

“Fuck. That’s the hottest fucking thing.” Jordan was
watching them, eyes almost glowing, his chest heaving.

“He’s so pretty.” She shifted over so she could kiss Shaw,
her tongue flicking at his parted lips.

Shaw moaned for her, one hand coming up to sink into her
hair, holding her close. He was greedy, taking her mouth by storm. His cock was
caught between them and then Jordan was behind her, his fingers between her
legs, sliding against her folds to touch her.

“You never said what you wanted, baby girl. You want Shaw in
you? Want to take one of us in your mouth?” He lowered his voice, growling in
her ear. “We could both take you at the same time…”

“Jordan…” That growl made her arch, a wild sound escaping
her. “Please.”

Jordan’s fingers moved, meeting Shaw’s around her clit.

“Mmm. You like that idea, huh. Shaw in front, me back here?”

“Uh. Uh-huh.” The room was spinning as Shaw helped her move,
straddle him and that sweet cock. “Need.”

“So pretty.” His eyes were all pupils and he looked so damn

“I love the way you look like this.” Jordan stroked her back
before moving away for a few seconds, rummaging in a drawer. Then he was back,
slipping up behind her again, chest hair rubbing her back.

“Mmm. My boys…” Her eyes crossed as Shaw tugged her nipples.

“Our mate.” Shaw kissed her, licking at her lower lip. His
cock pushed at her, rubbing her clit.

“Yeah.” She kept him right there, just for a second,
electricity shooting through her.

“Steph.” He licked her lower lip, his hands moving on her
skin, his thumbs circling her nipples while Jordan started at her from behind,
his fingers wet and a little cold.

Shaw kept her close, licking the needy sounds out of her

“Just relax, baby girl,” Jordan murmured, fingers circling,
pressing into her a little. It was strange, scraping her nerve endings.

Shaw’s hands were everywhere, pinching here, stroking there,
making her skin burn and ache.

All the while, Jordan was getting her ready, working lube
into her. He kept nipping at her, throwing her off balance.

He pushed her hair off her neck, teeth on the curve of her

“No biting, Jordan.”

“Shh. It’s important, baby girl.” He scraped his teeth
across her skin, pushing two fingers into her ass.

Shaw distracted her from the front, circling her clit over
and over.

“Oh…” Her thighs shook as her body began to burn, and she
clung to Shaw. “Oh, light…”

“That’s it.” Shaw hummed, his breath fanning her cheek.
“Feel how good that is.”

“Love.” She did. She loved them. Both.

“Yes. We love you. Ours.” Shaw moved up, his cock sliding
into her, right into her pussy. He filled her and, although they had fucked a
hundred times, this felt different, slower, stronger.

Jordan pressed against her back, his cock sliding against
her hole. He was huge, hot and she couldn’t even breathe.

“Easy, baby girl. I won’t hurt you. You belong with us. Both
of us.”

Jordan’s words poured over her, making her relax, take them
both in. Yes. Yes, she was theirs.

She could feel Jordan’s cock, sliding in deep, stretching
her, even as her hips rolled. Shaw slid in as Jordan slid out and they had a
counter-rhythm going in no time. Steph still couldn’t breathe, but it didn’t
matter. They were touching her, inside and out, both of them calling out to
her, tugging and pushing and taking her.

They surrounded her, took over her body and her good sense
and made her want everything they had to give her.

BOOK: MatingCall
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