Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance
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I lifted her slightly, driving up into her, trying to plant myself so deep inside her body she’d feel me forever. As I groaned her name, she angled her head and kissed my neck.

The tender act sent a shudder through my body. “Och, lass.”

Her body tightened and she started to convulse. As her orgasm took her, her knees buckled and she sagged against me. Holding her close, I ground into her hips, letting my own pleasure wash over me.

We stayed close like that, my body pinning hers to the wall.

I felt Samuel enter the room before he spoke.

“What’s going on?”

I stepped back, letting her feet touch the ground again.

“I’m teaching our beloved a lesson.” I felt a lot better as I ran my hands down her naked form. Brenna shot a sorrowing look at her torn shift on the floor. We rarely allowed her any clothes, thinking that keeping her naked would reinforce our orders to stay in our quarters, away from the pack. We were right. She’d have to earn the right to clothes again, along with our trust.

Samuel folded his massive arms over his chest. “Wulfgar is out there with Fergus at his feet in wolf form. Siebold is in such a state I sent him to the northern watch. It seems our Brenna caused quite a stir.”

“She left the cave, put herself in danger.”

“Is this true?” Samuel snapped, golden eyes heating as he glared at Brenna.

Our woman nodded, her gaze on the ground. At least she was smart enough not to goad an angry Alpha.

“‘Tis partly my fault,” I offered. “I left her alone for too long.”

“That shouldn’t matter,” Samuel said, and spoke to me over the bond. We can’t keep her in the cave forever. 

It’s too dangerous, I protested.

I don’t like it either, but if she’s to remain with us, she needs to learn our ways. It is time.

Samuel held out his hand. “Brenna.”

Slowly she left my side and walked to the Alpha. I folded my arms to hide my nervousness. At least I could enjoy the sight of my seed trickling down her thigh.

Our Brenna wasn’t a small woman, but Samuel’s great body dwarfed hers. Her head only came up to his chest. As she approached, Samuel schooled his features into a benign expression. He had the advantage of size and strength, he took care not to intimidate her.

Samuel sat on the dais and drew our beloved closer to stand between his legs. For a minute he only toyed with her hair, pushing it off her bare shoulders.

“I’m going to tell you the rules. You already know one—do not leave the quarters without our permission. You broke that rule, and in a moment I’ll have Daegan punish you.”

Brenna glanced at me with wide eyes and I winked back. After spending myself deep inside her, my wolf felt calmer. The beast was satisfied. My calm wouldn’t stop me from spanking my beloved’s bottom bright red, but instead of losing control, I’d enjoy the act.

She wouldn’t be able to say the same.

Samuel gripped her shoulders as he thought of how to explain our ways to our little human. I didn’t envy him.

“You must understand the wolfpack runs on careful hierarchy. Daegan and I are at the top. As Alpha, I lead the pack, but I also serve it. If an enemy attacks, I am the first to fight. If the enemy succeeds, I am the first to die. In return, the pack gives me respect. I eat first, I have first right to any luxury. Most importantly, if I give an order, the pack must obey.”

I circled the room, replenishing the wood in the braziers. In the pack, I was called “Daegan Silvertongue” for my ability to speak circles around most wolves, but as Alpha, Samuel had the final say. We agreed it was best for him to instruct the new pack members in the rules. When a wolf broke the rules, Samuel judged and ordered punishment.

“You are not a wolf, but you are now a member of the pack. As a human you are…weak. Frail. Unable to protect yourself. I protect any weak wolf in the pack from death, as long as they keep to their place. But I cannot step in all the time. Wolves naturally fight for their place in their pack. It is not my responsibility to stop a stronger wolf from fighting a weaker one, if the weaker wolf challenged him for dominance. Do you understand what I’ve said so far?”

He waited for Brenna’s slow nod.

“Like it or not, you are the weakest in the pack. We will protect you, but if you leave our quarters and walk among the wolves, you are subjected to the rules. You must never look another wolf in the eyes, whether he is in wolf or man form. Doing so means you’ve challenged that wolf for dominance, and you must fight to uphold your claim. They will fight you to keep their place in the pack. That is not a fight you would win.”

“If I hadnae stepped in, Fergus or another would’ve either challenged ye or tried to claim ye. Either way, blood would’ve been shed. Do ye ken?”

Her gaze darted between us and Samuel caught her chin. “It is very dangerous to challenge a wolf. More than a few seconds of eye contact is a declaration of dominance.”

“Ye cannae look another wolf in the eye, unless ye are willing to fight him. The only one who can look any other wolf in the eyes is Samuel. Even I cannae face him as an equal.”

“Daegan is almost as dominant as I am. His strength is matched with his leadership and cunning. Long ago our wolves decided to rule together. We are linked as warrior brothers, pledged to keep the pack safe, even if one of us falls in battle, the other will succeed him. That is why we share you without fighting. But even he must defer to me.” My Alpha raised his voice. “Daegan look at me.”

I met his golden eyes as ordered, but after a few seconds my wolf protested, and I pulled my gaze away to meet Brenna’s brown ones.

“Ye see, lass? We all must abide by the rules for the good of the pack.”

“The next time you step out of this cave without permission, and face a wolf on your own, you will be punished,” Samuel said.

Brenna sighed and nodded.

“You’re lucky I was close, today. Fergus is the youngest among us and the quickest to lose control. I do not know what he’d do if he’d caught ye—fought or fucked ye. But it wouldnae end well.” I felt a tinge of fear, thinking about what could’ve happened if Fergus had reached Brenna before Wulfgar stopped him.

“Fergus will be disciplined and shamed in front of the entire pack. But we cannot allow you to go unpunished for breaking our rule and leaving the cave. You knew this rule.”

“I ken it’s difficult to stay inside, Brenna,” I said. “But it's for yer protection.”

“In time you will accompany us outside,” Samuel allowed.

“Samuel will allow you to walk among the pack. But ye must heed his words, and keep yer eyes lowered.”

“Submit, Brenna,” Samuel said, almost pleading. “It is not an easy thing we ask, but it is necessary. Will you obey?”

Eyes downcast, she nodded.

He lifted her chin. “There is an exception to the rule. Unless we specifically desire your submission, you may always meet our gaze. The wolf wants you to act as our mate. So you, Brenna,” he smiled, “are the only member of the pack my wolf will allow to meet my gaze. Do you see why you are so precious to me?”

He kissed her, and I felt his feelings through the bond. Not just pleasure. Relief.

“You are a gift we did not deserve. We cannot see you harmed.” His finger played over her lips, before he sat back. “That is why you must obey us, completely. You left the cave without permission. Daegan left while you were sleeping to get you food. If you cannot obey a rule for a few minutes, we will chain you to the bed.”

“I wouldnae mind tying ye down.” I winked.

Samuel rolled his eyes. “Daegan takes delight in subduing unwilling victims. He also will enjoy disciplining you.”

“One of us should.” I extended a hand “It’s time, lass. Come.”

As soon as Brenna came within arm’s length, I pulled her over my knees.

I held her off balance, her fingers brushing the floor, Her pale buttocks propped high. My sweet woman writhed on my lap, massaging my cock until I pinned her and steadied her with a leg over hers.

“None of that, now. Take yer punishment like a good lass.” I couldn’t keep the joy out of my tone.

Spanking one cheek then the other, smacking the pert flesh. I took care not to use even half my strength, but after a minute a blush spread over her arse.

Samuel watched from a healthy distance. His wolf was too dominant for it to be safe for him to punish her. He would not be able to keep control. Besides, he didn’t really enjoy punishing beautiful women, not like I did.

Part of me was really worried. Our woman couldn’t go about challenging the pack. They’d either claim and fuck her, or fight her for dominance, killing her in the process.

I spanked until I heard a gasp. When I stopped and righted her, the stubborn tilt of her mouth had softened. One small tear fell and I brushed it away. From the looks of her, spanking had set her firmly in a state of submission.

“Up now and go to the wall. Nose to the stone and wait there for a few minutes.” I rubbed her bottom to relieve some of the pain, then sent her off with a playful swat. “No touching yer arse, unless ye want another session over my lap.”

She hesitated, but did as I asked. Her face burned with humiliation, but she still didn’t look repentant. I sighed. I didn’t want to beat out her spirit, but we’d have to keep an eye on her. We might not be so lucky the next time she broke the rules.

After a few minutes, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the corridor. Wulfgar paused in the doorway to request entry, and waited until Samuel allow it.

“Alpha,” Wulfgar rumbled respectfully.

Brenna stiffened and started to turn around.

“Eyes to the wall, lass,” I said to Brenna. “This is part of the punishment.” Her body stiffened and I leaned and spoke soothingly. “Tis only one of our soldiers, come to see that we upheld the laws of the pack. We will not let him harm ye.”

“Wulfgar,” Samuel greeted the visiting warrior. The two had fought many battles together, since the witch changed them both to Berserkers.

“There she is,” the Alpha continued, inviting the warrior to look at the woman standing in disgrace like a naughty child. My wolf didn’t like exposing our beloved like this, but Samuel had to follow protocol. “You see she has been punished.”

Wulfgar nodded. For all his great mass, he was the most in control of all the wolves. Not quite as dominant as Samuel, but certainly strong enough to challenge for Alpha, if he wanted it.

The Viking’s eyes, when not gold with magic, were grey. They swept over Brenna’s naked form, heating only for a second before he politely averted his gaze and nodded to Samuel. He would report to the pack that justice had been done, punishment delivered.

“She is new. She will learn,” Samuel said.

The giant nodded again.

“How is Fergus?”

“I’ll keep him in wolf form a few days,” Wulfgar grunted.  “Cool him down.”  Custom called for the injured party—poor Fergus—come to inspect the wrongdoer and see that punishment was meted out, but Wulfgar had come in the more unstable wolf’s stead. Most pack discipline was carried out in public, but we would not stand for our beloved to be put on display in front of all of the Berserkers. Not unless it was necessary.

“Will the pack be satisfied?” Samuel asked.

Wulfgar nodded. “I’ll carry word to them that justice was done.”

“Thank you, Wulfgar.” Samuel said.

Another nod of the shaven head, and Wulfgar left.

I leaned against the wall, running my hand down Brenna’s back when I noted her trembling.

“It’s alright, lass. He’s gone.”

She blinked hard, forcing back tears of anger or embarrassment.

I took her into my arms, holding her stiff body close, tipping her head back and brushing away one tear that escaped down her cheek. “None of that now. We would not let ye come to harm.”

I paused, silently asking Samuel to help me explain.

“We bent the rules by disciplining you in private. Fergus is not so lucky. The whole pack knows he is forced to stay in wolf form for a few days, as punishment for nearly attacking you. Wulfgar will carry the tale of your punishment back to the rest of the warriors. Otherwise they would come and demand to see evidence of your discipline themselves.”

“We cannae abide that.” I shuddered. Brenna shot me a furious look as if to say “It must be so difficult for you.” She wrenched away from me. Her red bottom jiggled enticingly as she strode to the dais and picked out a pelt to cover her naked form. Her chin stayed in the air, as haughty as a queen’s.

I bit back a smile. The punishment had bruised her pride, but not broken her. As bright as her bottom was now, the marks would fade quickly. We had to make sure the lesson stayed.

“Brenna,” Samuel called. “Come here.” Our beloved avoided my eyes as she marched to where he sat. The big blond set her on his knee. She winced as her punished behind hit his hard muscled thigh, but gritted her teeth.

“You’re a brave girl to take your punishment so well. I know you are new here but you must understand. Any wolf who harms you will be put to death. If Daegan had not interfered…We do not wish to see you hurt.

She glared at Samuel as if to say,
Then why am I sitting on a red arse?

BOOK: Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance
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