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Authors: Ria Candro

Mated (9 page)

BOOK: Mated
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“You agree to accept all three of us, then? As often as we desire?”

“Yes,” she screamed as her world exploded once more.

Andros cried out in response, his muscles tensing as he began to shake.

Natalie gasped at the feel of his come spurting deep inside her womb. Looking up

at Andros’ face, his eyes still closed and head thrown back in ecstasy, she was

astounded by the depth of emotions that ran through her. Shock that this was

happening. More desire for him, as his come slickened her womb and increased the

pleasure of him inside her. Desire for the other men, who were roughly groaning while they watched Andros still leisurely pumping in and out of her body.

“That was incredible,” she whispered.

Andros opened his eyes and stared down at her with an expression that took her

breath away. “My mate.”



Chapter Six

Andros felt his muscles harden and stretch as they strengthened upon the

completion of their mating. Lust surged through him, making him unbearably excited

once more, as his newfound strength provided undeniable evidence that Natalie was

indeed their mate.

Ha pulled out of her luscious body and looked down her. Just seeing his seed

dripping out of her body excited him unbearably and he was unable to stop himself

from heavily thrusting to the hilt once more. She cried out, the muscles in her legs twitching at the unexpected intrusion.

“Natalie, you are perfect,” he whispered down at her. And she was, with her pussy

full of his cock, fully drenched in moisture.

What would it be like to see her with her legs splayed open, filled and dripping

with the evidence of all his men’s lovemaking? He couldn’t wait to find out.

Seeing the look of ecstasy on Natalie’s face, Andros was more than eager to hold

her legs open and simply watch the myriad expressions that would come to her face as

each of his brothers took his turn plunging deep inside her, thrusting with abandon

until he found his release and gained his own strength.

The sudden monotone voice of the ship’s computer tore through the relative silence

of the room, surprising them all. It spoke in English, as they had programmed upon

their arrival, intent on dispelling as much of their mate’s uneasiness as possible once they’d found her and gotten her aboard the ship.

“Attention crew, there has been a possible sighting of the ship. A spacecraft is

quickly approaching on the port side. Attention crew, there has been a possible



Ria Candro

“Gods,” Andros muttered, thrusting his loincloth back down over his groin. His

men stalked toward the door leading back into the control room, all business as they

prepared to deal with the possible threat to their mate’s safety.

He turned back to Natalie, who’d removed her legs from the armrests and stood up,

pulling the fabric of her tunic up over her nipples. “Forgive me, mate,” he said, as he stalked to one of the tables and opened the thin drawer built into the side, grabbing a cloth and bringing it over to her. He leaned down to press a kiss to her lips as he

handed it to her. “We must see to the safety of the ship. But I promise, once we have done so, our focus will return to you.”

By the intrigued yet cautious look on her face, he knew his expression was full of

dark promise, and fought to restrain himself.

“I’d like to see what you’re doing,” she said, her face coloring prettily as she quickly wiped his seed from her thighs.

He smiled. It pleased him inordinately that she was interested in the workings of

the ship. That she wanted to remain by his side a little longer. “By all means.”

His hand on the small of her back, Andros led her out to the control room. She

gasped as the panel opened on one side of the room to reveal the clear shield allowing an unobstructed view into space.

Leikos was already seated at his controls. “I’m retrieving an image scan of the

approaching spacecraft.”

“Good,” he said, striding over to his control station and taking a seat. “Chair,” he

barked out, and Zafron retrieved a spare seat for Natalie before returning to his station.

She sat down gracefully. He couldn’t help but glance over at her, taking in the hint of her femininity peeking from underneath her short tunic.

By severn, he was grateful for the simplicity of the wardrobe traditionally worn by

Spygian mates. Such dress allowed each of Natalie’s mates easy access to worship her

lush figure. But she would only dress this way when in the presence of him and his



brothers, of course. Just the thought of another male greedily taking in his female’s assets made him feel violent. He would never allow such a thing.

Leikos’ taut voice broke through his reverie. “It appears to be a Malucon ship,


The atmosphere grew tense. “A Malucon ship this far out,” Andros said finally, his

tone relaying a sense of calm he did not feel. “It’s too much of a coincidence that its presence here would not be related to our own. Activate the hyperdrive, Zafron. Get us out of here.”

He prayed that they had spotted the ship quickly enough that it would not be able

to follow and overtake them.

“Wait a second,” Natalie protested. “You’re leaving now? I don’t know ab—”

“I’m sorry, Natalie,” Andros said, as Zafron took the ship into hyperdrive. “You

have already made your decision. There is no going back now. And we cannot tarry. It

would not be wise to engage the Malucons. Not when we are so far from our own


“What are Malucons?” she asked, the unfamiliar word tripping on her tongue.

“Maluco is a planet on the outer rim of the galaxy. It’s technologically advanced,

but its inhabitants are overly aggressive as a whole, and beyond greedy. Several years ago they decided to expand and began invading other planets, the weaker ones that

were not able to withstand attack. So far they have overtaken several planets, taking delight in decimating the inhabitants.”

She looked both concerned and horrified. “Not your planet, though?”

“No,” Andros said. “Although our planet had already been weakened by the loss of

our women to an epidemic, Spygian males were still too strong for their purposes. We

would have put up much more of a fight than they desired.”

Leikos added, “Were it not for the devastating loss of our women, our race would

have taken on the Malucons long ago.”


Ria Candro

Andros nodded at the truth of Leikos’ words. “As it is, our planet has continued to

weaken over the years, to the point where we fear we are becoming far easier a target. It is the reason for our journey here. Other brethren pods are taking similar journeys. We could not sit back and wait like docile lambs for a mate to come our way. If enough

Spygians can become mated, we will be strong enough to protect our planet.”

“It is why we must return home so quickly, mate,” Zafron added.

Andros glanced over at his precious female. She looked worried, biting her lip. “Do

not fear, mate. You are in no danger from the Malucons. We would never let anything

happen to you.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Actually, I wasn’t even thinking about that until now. What I

was wondering is whether Earth is in danger from these Malucons.”

He sighed. Gods, now he had caused her to worry over something she had not even

considered. “No. Not any time soon, at any rate. Earth is too far from their planet, and far too technologically infantile to garner any interest from the Malucons.”

“It appears we have lost the Malucon craft,” Leikos announced, and Andros

breathed a relieved sigh.

Natalie also looked relieved at Leikos’ pronouncement. She stifled a sudden yawn.

Andros felt a surge of affection rush through him. His mate was tired from the

events of this past day. From his rigorous lovemaking. Since their ritual mating had

been interrupted, they would need to complete it. But they couldn’t do so until they

were farther out and able to autopilot the ship, which wouldn’t be for several hours yet.

The ritual required that all mates participate in the first mating.

“We are safe for now, though we will need to man the controls for a brief period of

time,” he told her. “You appear tired. Why don’t you rest for some time?”

Natalie nodded, stifling another yawn.

Get plenty of rest, mate. You will need to save up every ounce of energy for your mating.



From the expression on her face, Andros had the feeling she’d read his thoughts as

clearly as if he’d spoken them.

* * * * *

Natalie yawned again as she made her way back to her quarters, going straight to

the bed and stripping off her poor excuse for clothing before ripping down the covers and climbing into bed. She could probably use another shower. The insides of her

thighs were still sticky from Andros’ lovemaking. But she was honestly too tired at the moment to care.

Her mind raced furiously as she took in all that had happened over the past several

hours. She’d finally stopped kidding herself and admitted that this was no dream. Her imagination would never have come up with a scenario as wicked as the one that had

just happened to her. To have those delicious men taking turns stroking her with their long alien tongues, driving them deeply inside of her. Just thinking about it made her all hot again.

I can’t believe I did that. Me. Safe, boring Natalie.
But if there had ever been an occasion to take a risk, this was it.

I’m on a spaceship, for god’s sake! Heading off across the galaxy, to a planet far, far away.

It was unbelievable. But it was real.

Oh god.

She was leaving behind everything and everyone she was familiar with. But she

refused to worry about that right now. Life was for living, not for fearing the unknown.

Besides, if her dream aliens could make it to Earth once, they could get there again. She could always go back.

Though she bordered on exhaustion, she couldn’t help but imagine Andros again.

The way he’d thrust himself in and out of her tight heat, his muscled torso glistening with sweat and his eyes rolled upward in ecstasy. She bit back a moan. The man was

seriously fuckable. They all were. And they wanted her badly. More than that, they had 69

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all gazed upon her in admiration, as if she was a treasured prize they had won. As if she was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. Each of them had taken pleasure in her ecstasy, had encouraged her to shed her inhibitions and simply enjoy the feeling of

being desired by them.

What woman in her right mind could resist that?

Natalie just couldn’t bring herself to feel bad about her desire to be taken by all of them. If it was wrong, so be it. She was going to seize the day.

* * * * *

Several hours had passed since they had escaped the Malucon ship. They were well

on their way into deep space. Since they only needed two hands on deck at this time,

Andros had sent Zafron to bed. They would all have to rest, to ensure that they were

able to fully pleasure their mate without early release. Zafron would relieve Leikos in a few hours, so that he could rest as well.

Andros grinned as he thought of Natalie’s sweet curves once more, of the look of

pleasure on her beautiful face as she reclined underneath him on her chair, her body

readily absorbing the impact of his deep thrusts. His female truly did have spirit. And it appeared that his worries over her accepting them were for naught. She seemed more

than eager to take each of them into her willing body. As a Spygian mate should be.

No, this human would not break.

Leikos groaned roughly from his position at his station. “I cannot believe our

mating was interrupted. Our Natalie is so sweet. I cannot wait to taste her again, to bury myself inside her.”

Though Leikos had gained satisfaction from Andros’ mating, from the bond that

tied them together as brothers and allowed him to feel what Andros was feeling as he

penetrated their mate’s lush body, his satisfaction would not be complete until he

mated with her himself. He would not gain the Spygian strength until that moment.

Andros was determined to make that happen as quickly as possible.



They only had a few weeks until they arrived back at their home planet. Though

they would still have time with Natalie there, they would also be expected to train, to perfect their strengthened skills so that they could properly defend their planet. These next few weeks until their arrival would be devoted to learning their mate, to giving her such complete ecstasy that she would never again question where she belonged.

With them. As their beloved mate.

“Soon, Leikos,” Andros reassured him. “Soon we will be buried deeply inside her

willing body.” His cock grew stiff at the thought of it. Their mate would be well-

pleasured, well-loved. She belonged to them. As they belonged to her.

* * * * *

Zafron came awake with a start. Though he’d slept through the night, he’d been

plagued by sex-crazed dreams of his mate.

“Natalie,” he breathed, closing his eyes and remembering the soft texture of her

creamy flesh, the delectable taste of her female essence. Lords, but he wanted her.

Though he’d received a great amount of satisfaction from watching her pleasure,

from feeling that of Andros, he wanted her still. Thought that maybe he would never

BOOK: Mated
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