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Authors: Lucy Kelly

Match Made in HeVan (3 page)

BOOK: Match Made in HeVan
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All of her attention was on the clothing in front of her so she only heard the exclamations made by GemMa and NorMa’s assistants as the various gowns flashed by. As she perused the queens’ gowns from four generations back and beyond, she noticed that all of the women wore a specific piece of jewelry, which none of the more recent brides wore. By the time she’d gone back more than a thousand years, she’d made up her mind. Unfortunately, she would require the services of a superb needlewoman and she didn’t trust NorMa. Shutting down the DRD, she replaced the table and looked over at the women clustered together on the couch. NorMa, she could see, was no longer bothering to hide her anger.

“GemMa, how did NorMa become the royal seamstress?”

“Majesty, she was chosen by the king’s mother when she became queen,” GemMa answered.

“And what does it mean to be the royal seamstress?”

“She has apartments here at the palace. She oversees all the manufacture of fabrics, both in type and pattern. She decides all the fashion for the palace females. Clothing is made available for those who have need four times a year,” she recited.

“Why is clothing only made available four times per year?” Malpha wanted to know.

“The changing of the weather means different garments are required. Worn and threadbare garments may be exchanged for newer ones in the correct size at that time.”

“Well that explains much. Is it the same outside of the palace?”

“Very much so, as women are not allowed professions. Seamstresses are women with no husband but still they are not supposed to be seen to be in business.”

It was a small thing, but Malpha had found her first battle. She wouldn’t start the battle as yet; she still needed to collect information. Cassandra had said she and her daughters would change the KowLer for all time.

“Which of you is the best with a needle?” she asked. All of the women looked to the one sitting at the end of the sofa.

“What is your name?”

“QuenBy, Majesty,” she said in a soft voice looking at her lap.

“GemMa, when was the last clothing distribution?”

“We had it just before your arrival, Majesty.”

“NorMa, you may speak. You are relieved of all duties as the royal seamstress. Do you wish to marry?” she asked the woman.

“I am past the age of marriage, the same as you. Without my work, I have no purpose. I am too old to bear young, like you,” she said. The other women in the room gasped at her audacity.

“If you wish to marry and have young, I can arrange it. There are ten million men and only some fifty thousand women on HeVan. Any who are willing to mate with more than one male are encouraged to come. You would be happy there on HeVan; the females make all governing decisions. Employment and education are not restricted. I can tell you care little for clothing. If you had a different dream, you would be allowed to pursue it. Do you wish to go?” asked Malpha again.

NorMa didn’t speak for several moments. Then she answered, “Yes, I would.”

“I will make the arrangements. You may all leave. QuenBy, you will stay.”

After the seamstress had left, Malpha took GemMa and QuenBy into the next room where all her wardrobe containers stood. They had a lot of work to do if she were going to be marrying Ben this evening.

Chapter Three


It had taken some time to find the necklace. Then it was finally located with the aid of a detector locator. When Malpha saw the extent of the piece, she nearly balked. At the same time, she had grown wet again at the sight. Luckily, she had a complete medical kit with her so she was fully healed when the ceremony began. The fact the gold matched the jewelry she’d received from her own ancestress was lucky. She was able to wear them both.

She swore GemMa and QuenBy to secrecy about her gown as they finished the last of the needed alterations. Both women helped her dress in the overskirt and tight-fitting top. It wasn’t until she tried to walk that sensations invoked by the jewelry made themselves felt. She faltered and then started with small steps. By the time she had gotten to the doors of the assembly hall, she was taking long strides and her body was pleasantly flushed.

She hadn’t wanted her skin to be greasy but she wanted it to be soft and smooth. While QuenBy toiled, she had her body prepared with baths, special oils and creams. All the hair on her body, except for her head, was removed.

Nodding to the guards, they opened the tall double doors.

The assembly hall was shaped like a wedge. As she walked up the aisle on the right, she looked to the left and saw Ben walking up another aisle. Facing forward again, she approached the dais where the KowLer Holy Man stood waiting for them to approach.

As she and Ben neared each other, she could see he also was covered in a fine layer of perspiration; it made her wonder. Her outer garment was tight in the top, almost military in the cut and design with a double row of gold buttons until it flared into a wide skirt. The material was of a red and gold brocade pattern. Ben wore his black leather pants with his tunic of white and gold, heavily embroidered.

The Grand High Priest of the KowLer turned to the King. “What promises do you make?” he asked Ben.

“You will be my one and only queen from now until my breath. You will have my protection and my loyalty. All that I have is yours,” he spoke in a quiet but firm voice.

The Holy Man then turned to Malpha, “Do you accept his promises in good faith?”

“Yes,” she answered.

He began to pronounce them as wed. As Malpha heard his words, she interrupted.

“I also have promises to make,” she said in a clear voice.

The priest was shocked. Many of those in attendance gasped in outrage. Ben only laughed and nodded to the priest. After the priest recovered, he asked Malpha what promises she wished to make.

“I promise that you are the only one to touch and take this body from birth unto death. I promise to bear your children as the Goddess provides. I promise to always tell you the truth in all things. I promise you my protection and my loyalty. All that I have is yours,” she finished. Lifting her hand, she handed him a small gold key.

As the priest concluded the ceremony, Ben didn’t listen; all of his attention was centered on the key he held in his hand. His body began to shake with his arousal and he hardened painfully in his pants. Looking up, he saw that Malpha was unbuttoning the front of her gown. When she had all of the buttons undone, she parted the front and let the garment fall to the floor.

She was left wearing a shimmering column. Parts were so sheer it was as if she were unclothed. Only a slight shimmer as she moved showed the fabric was there. A band of red trimmed in gold ran horizontally in front of her breasts with another wider band around her hips and a final thinner band around the hem. A choker of gold encircled her neck studded with red gems. Three gem-studded chains dropped from the choker. The left and right disappeared over her nipples, which he could see were tightly beaded and then fell down, pulled behind her back just above her hips. The middle chain ran down the center of her body where he could see it was threaded through a gold hoop in her navel and then fell again into the second band of color around her hips.

From the stories he had heard, he knew there would be another piercing lower down. The chain would pass through it and then come up behind to join with the other two at the small of her back. Because of that lower band, he couldn’t tell if she was also pierced and wearing the entire apparatus and he grew even harder thinking that she might be. Bringing his gaze back to her eyes, he conveyed his question through his eyes and nearly groaned at the slight nod of her head. Both of them had a heavier breath when the noise in the room penetrated their cocoon of intimacy.

Taking her hand, he turned them to face the assembly before stepping off the dais and leading her up the central aisle to the exit. He couldn’t get her to his chamber fast enough. As they reached the door, he couldn’t wait; he swung her up in his arms and laughed as he carried her off. The movement had caused the chains to pull and Malpha let out a low moan.

Ben was highly motivated as he walked fast to his rooms. The guards, seeing him approach with his queen in his arms, hurried to open the doors, closing them again behind them.

He put her down and stepped back. He’d heard her words; he was the first to touch her. He couldn’t take her directly to the bedroom and ravish her. They needed to speak.

“I can’t believe you wore it. No one has in generations. I thought it was lost. Do you know the meaning?” he asked.

“Yes. I’m saying that within this chamber, you are my complete master. You hold the key, you make the decisions. Whatever you want, I will give you. Well, I will try to give you. When we kissed on your shuttle, I was surprised by my arousal. I had never felt those sensations before. I even thought I might be unwell. Grace explained to me what was happening in my body. Then she provided me with reading materials that explained how men and women make love. I found those scenes where the woman gave over all control to her man caused me to be aroused again. The pain of the piercings hurt and I didn’t gain any pleasure from the act. But the idea of being at your mercy appeals to me,” she explained in a surprised voice.

“There is nothing more beautiful than a strong woman giving over all control. It proves her strength and her trust. I won’t betray your trust, ever,” he said solemnly. He knelt at her feet, took her hands into his own, and looked deeply into her eyes.

“Thank you for this gift. I know ours is a true union of matched souls. My own body has begun what we call ‘the frenzy’. It’s the reason I pulled the wedding together in such haste. Each minute I go without being inside you, my agony increases. I will be driven to make love to you over and over again until you are with child. Please tell me if it becomes too much for you.”

Malpha could feel her breasts swelling, her nipples tightening even further and the dampness between her legs increasing at his words. After over a thousand years of waiting, she was finally going to join with the one, the only one who would be hers for her lifetime. She leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his.

Ben quickly took over control of the kiss, pushing his tongue deep into her mouth, wanting to taste every part of her. As he kissed her, he pulled her up into his arms and began moving them into the bedroom. Each time he delved into the depths of her mouth, he used his fingers at the small of her back to give a slight tug to one or the other of the chains with his right hand. With his left hand, he held her head to his. When he felt the tremors begin in her, he stepped back and gathered the material of her dress in his hands. He drew it up and over her head.

He fingered the middle chain as he latched onto one nipple, flicking the tight bud with the tip of his tongue. Malpha’s legs grew weak and she might have fallen if he hadn’t clasped her to him. Underneath that dress, she wore only the gift. She was his treasure and he placed her carefully down on the bed. He watched her as he removed his clothing. Each movement she made on the bedding pulled on the chains wrapped around and underneath her. Each small tug stimulated her a little more. He could see her inner thighs glistening in readiness for him.

Naked, he knelt between her legs, his cock jutting out in front of him. He ran his hands up her legs, amazed at the soft smoothness of her skin. It was like silk. His hands met at the juncture of her legs and he parted her to find the pierced bud. She had pulled the chain tight with her movements and he could see the swollen nub needed some relief. Pulling the chain up decreased the stress on her clit but caused the beads of gems to rub between the cheeks of her ass against the soft tissues there.

He bent over and began to suckle and lave her soft nubbin with his tongue. Slowly, he inserted a finger into her tight channel. Just that small intrusion sent her over the edge into her first orgasm, drenching his hand. He pushed a second finger inside, stretching her as much as he could…she was so tight. He kept up his ministrations, bringing her to another peak.

Pulling out his fingers, he lifted her legs up, bending her knees. Fitting his cock at her entrance, he slowly entered her in increments, pulling back, only to push forward to gain more ground. Each entry of his cock tugged at the chain and kept up the stimulation on her clit.

With the pressure building, Malpha began to moan, her head moving side to side as she felt herself building again. She didn’t know if she could take another orgasm.

“It’s too much,” she gasped out.

“It’s just beginning,” he said, pulling back and with one last thrust he buried himself to the hilt, breaking through her maidenhead at the same time. She screamed as another even stronger orgasm pulsed through her.

Holding still, fully seated, he bent her knees up toward her shoulders as he leaned over to take her mouth. Panting, she lifted her arms and grabbed onto his head, holding him to her as they dueled with their tongues. Moving her arms, she tried to pull him closer, their chests touching sent another series of quakes through her body.

Feeling her relax, he began to move, first with small movements, a simple rocking motion. Finally lifting away from her mouth, he increased his speed and depth of his thrusts.

Malpha thought she was losing her mind. She didn’t know how much more pleasure she could take. It was right on the edge of pain without passing that line.

“Oh, Goddess,” she cried.

He began moving faster, the tightness in his groin growing, until with a grunt, his features grew taught and he emptied his seed into her womb. The final thrust sent her over the edge and she screamed as her entire body went into a spasm in the strongest orgasm yet.

Wasting no time he pulled free of her body, and turned her over gently, then lifting her up onto her knees, her face and shoulders still resting on the bed. He put one hand between her shoulder blades to let her know to stay as she was as he entered her again, thrusting so hard her hips lifted from the bed.

His recovery almost immediately as the frenzy was upon him. The new position allowing him more depth, making each thrust harder and harder, each forward movement bringing on more pleasure than he had ever encountered.

Malpha was beyond knowing what was happening, only left with the ability to feel as the orgasms rolled through her over and over in an endless wave of pleasure.

Ben saw the fluids leaking from between her cheeks and remembered the Nephilim women had more than one internal pleasure point. Taking a finger, he circle her maiden hole, finding her completely relaxed and with the next outward movement of his hips, he pushed the finger past the ring of muscle. He felt her clench around his cock and tighten around his single finger. Once she relaxed, he pushed in a second finger and began moving his fingers opposite to the movement of his hips.

Malpha tried to arch her back and rise but the hand between her shoulder blades prevented it. Her breasts rubbed against the sheet with each thrust. She flailed to the sides and over her head to find something to hang onto. Her hands grasped something over her head unable to see what it was, but using the leverage to push back against Ben, practically bucking. She’d gone into a completely separate level of consciousness, each sensation only bringing on the need for more. She was losing all control and loving every second of it.

Ben pushed home one final time, his seed releasing as his gave the chain the smallest tug, sending Malpha over the edge as he hit the pleasure point in her womb and ass at the same time. Screaming again, Malpha’s spasming walls pulled him deeper, her tremors milking his cock of every drop of seed. When it was over, he saw she’d lost consciousness. Pulling his semi-hard member out, he picked up the small gold key, unlocking the chains where they came together at the small of her back. Dropping the chains, he went to her neck and unlocked the second lock at her nape.

She’d worn her hair in a long braid starting high at the back of her head except for two long braids that hung in front of her. He hadn’t gotten to play with her hair yet, though he was looking forward to that. Stepping through to the cleansing room, he brought back a towel and some damp cloths. He carefully wiped the sweat from her body, cleaning between her legs and then drying her off.

Rolling her onto her back, he removed the chains from the piercings. Then he removed the chains, arm band, bracelet, and ring jewelry, leaving her with gold hoops and red gems at each nipple, her navel, and her clit. Removing the choker from around her neck, he placed the gift on the bedside table.

He moved her onto her side. Spooning up behind her, he lifted her upper leg and thrust home again. Remaining inside her body was the only thing alleviating his own symptoms. Pulling up the covers, he had one arm under her head and the other wrapped around her torso. Holding onto one breast, he tried to follow her into sleep. He’d emptied his seed inside her twice but his cock still leaked. Now that he was once again inside her, he would experience small ejaculations over the course of the next few hours. When she had rested a bit, he planned to wake her and start all over again.

BOOK: Match Made in HeVan
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