Masquerade (Vampires Realm Romance Series Book 10) (28 page)

BOOK: Masquerade (Vampires Realm Romance Series Book 10)
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Vivek scooped her up into his arms, hooking one under her knees and supporting her back with the other, and carried her towards the exit.

Several werewolves stopped to look at them as he carried her through the entrance hall and towards the mahogany staircase that led up to the first floor. He didn’t care what they thought but it seemed Sophis did. She buried her face against his chest, hiding there, and didn’t emerge until they had navigated the first floor corridor and reached the second floor.

He set her down outside his bedroom door, opened it, and stepped aside. She glanced along the hall, nerves radiating from her, and he thought she would bolt, but she walked into his small room and turned to face him. Vivek shoved the door closed and flicked the lock.

Sophis nibbled her lip.

Was she nervous because she knew that it would be different this time? No more hiding behind a mask and pretending it was just a moment of wild fantasy. No chase to trigger their instincts and drive them to surrender to their desire, to succumb to their need.

This time he would do things right.

Vivek crossed the room to her in one stride and slid his arm around her back. He drew her flush against him and lowered his mouth to hers, his kiss as gentle as hers had been in the ballroom. She moaned and pressed her hand to his chest, and then dug the points of her fingers into his flesh. He couldn’t contain his groan when she pressed them deeper into his chest and a sharp sting followed. Her mouth left his, trailing kisses down his jaw and throat, and he closed his eyes and tilted his head back when she licked his chest, capturing the beads of blood she had drawn. She sucked on one, tearing another low moan from his throat, and he was the one biting his lip this time.

Her fingers crept lower, running over his abdomen, her claws catching his skin at intervals. She followed the scratches downwards, licking and sucking each one, driving him to the edge of reason. When she paused to suck one of the cuts close to his navel, he couldn’t take any more. He caught her under the jaw, roughly pulled her upwards, and kissed her hard. She moaned, looped her arms around his neck, and sucked his lower lip into her mouth. The taste of blood flooded his senses a second before the sharp bite of pain registered through the growing haze of arousal in his mind. He groaned and she followed suit, moaning as she licked at his lip. It seemed she didn’t want this to be about making love, but she wasn’t going to get her way.

He scooped her into his arms again and gently lowered her onto the blue covers of his bed. The single mattress creaked under the weight of both of them, hard and bumpy beneath his hands and knees. He glared at it.

“I wish I had a better place for this,” he said and Sophis shrugged.

“My room isn’t any nicer.” She stroked the hair at the back of his head and lightly ran her nails down the nape of his neck, sending a shiver along his spine.

Vivek frowned at his dull small room. It was hardly the luxury that he wanted to give to her and felt she deserved. It had never bothered him before but he hated it now. He couldn’t give her elegant rooms and fancy living like her sire could. Admitting that to himself made him feel more than a little inadequate.

“It doesn’t feel right... I want it to be perfect and you are lying on a rickety single bed in a cramped grey room.”

Sophis’s smile was brilliant. “I’m with you, and I’m not looking at the room, Vivek... I’m looking at you. I don’t need silk sheets and a bed so soft we can sink in it. I just need you.”

That was reassuring because he certainly wasn’t in a position to give her a room like that, ever. Unless he became the commander of the guard. Now who was slipping into a fantasy?

Sophis pulled him down to her and kissed him, her mouth gentle against his, chasing away his worries and any sense of where he was. He let it all fade away, focusing on her and the feel of her beneath him, her body soft and pressing into his. She ran her hands over his shoulders and moaned.

“Devil I had always thought you’d feel this good, now I know I was right,” she muttered and stroked her fingers down his arms, tracing the lines of his muscles. Her shiver made him smile against her mouth and the scent of her arousal coaxed a low growl from him.

He wanted things to be gentler between them this time, full of feeling. He wanted to make love to her so she would believe that he had told her the truth when he had confessed that he had fallen for her.

Vivek pushed her black top up to her bare breasts and groaned at the feel of them. He lowered his head, captured her left nipple in his lips and sucked the sweet bud into hardness. She moaned softly, clawing at his arms, and rubbed her knees against his hips. He wanted to feel her skin on skin with him, desired it with a ferocity that controlled him. She gasped and moaned again when he rolled her nipple between his teeth and then sucked harder this time. She arched beneath him, pressing her stomach against his chest, and he couldn’t wait any longer.

He sat back and she moved with him, as though she had read his mind and knew what he had to do. She was tugging her top off before he could reach for it and tossed it onto the floor. He went to untie the drawstring on her sweatpants but her hands were on his, pushing the soft material down over his backside and yanking him towards her. His hard cock sprang free and she swept her hand over the rigid length of it, tearing another low groan from him. He sank his teeth into his lower lip to contain another moan when she rubbed her thumb over the blunt head, teasing him until all he could do was sit still and breathe hard, struggling against his desire to thrust his hips forwards and beg her to wrap her fingers around him and put him out of his misery.

She moved backwards, slipping her legs out from beneath him, and knelt on the bed before him. He opened his eyes, swallowed hard to wet his throat and gathered his senses. She scattered them again by leaning over him and licking the sensitive head of his erection. Vivek tipped his head backwards and groaned this time, not caring if someone heard him.

Sophis wrapped her lips around him, her mouth wet and soft, tongue hard against the underside of his cock. He clutched his ankles behind him, arms trembling as they tensed, his whole body going taut as he fought for restraint, battling the overwhelming need to climax. His balls tightened. She moved on him, swallowing his length and sucking on her up stroke, driving him out of his head. He raised his hips on instinct, reaching for his orgasm, moaning louder with each plunge of her mouth, each torturous roll of her tongue up his length and flick of it over the crown.

He couldn’t take any more.

Vivek arched backwards, body straining, and shot his seed into her mouth on a long loud growl.

Sophis lapped at him, gentler now, bringing him down from his high as his body throbbed and pulsed and his fragmented mind pieced itself back together.

He was tempted to collapse backwards onto the bed but steadied himself, breathing slowly and deeply, still clutching his ankles with trembling hands.

Sophis licked a path up his stomach, stopping on each cut to suck and tease a drop of blood from him. She moaned each time, the sound reverberating through him, chasing the calm of climax from his body and replacing it with the warm haze of desire. He opened his eyes and looked down at her, watched her as she took pleasure from his blood, fascinated by each tiny glimpse of her soft pink tongue tracing his flesh.

She crawled up him and then onto his lap, her hands on his shoulders, and his breathing quickened again. Each kiss she placed on his chest wound him tighter, building the anticipation inside him, the need to have her go through with what she was silently working towards. His softening cock twitched at just the thought of it and he released his ankles and sat up. He brushed the hair from her face with one hand, combing it back and holding it there, guiding her ever upwards.

Her tongue swept over his collarbone and then his neck, and he tilted his head to one side, exposing his throat, tempting her into going through with it.

The first rasp of her fangs over his flesh elicited a moan from him and he clutched her side and head, desperate to make her bite him. His breathing hitched and stuttered, anticipation sending his limbs trembling. He had never allowed anyone to bite him since his sire, and he had only ever bitten him once, to turn him into a vampire. He had lived more than a century wondering how it would feel but never giving his lovers permission to take things that far. He had kept them all at a distance.

He didn’t want that with Sophis.

He wanted her as close to him as possible.

Bliss rippled through him at the initial press of the tips of her extended canines and he tensed and groaned, his fingers pressing hard into her soft body. She eased her fangs in so slowly that he verged on begging her to go faster because he couldn’t take the drawn out pleasure. It was too intense, too much to bear. It overwhelmed him and his cock was as hard as stone by the time her fangs were fully in him, buried deep in his throat, causing heat to radiate outwards from the twin points. He gasped and bucked against her when she took things one step further and sank her smaller lower canines into his throat too, clamping him tightly in her jaws. The pleasure was unbearable. She sucked hard and his blood rushed to her, sending his head spinning. His claws and fangs extended against his will, his senses sharpening as his eyes switched to ice-blue. He groaned and rubbed his cock against the apex of her thighs. It wasn’t enough.

He needed to be inside her now.

She refused to release his throat when he tried to move her so he shifted as much as he could, intent on stripping her bare. It was impossible. He growled and she stilled and then growled back at him against his throat, commanding him to behave. Vivek couldn’t take it. She sucked on his blood again, drawing it to her, setting his whole body on fire. He bucked into her but it wasn’t enough to satisfy the need spiralling out of control inside of him.

Sophis snarled when he pushed her off him, tearing her fangs from his throat. Blood spilled down his chest in rivulets, pouring from the wound. She went to reach for him again and then squealed as he grabbed the waist of her sweatpants and yanked. She fell backwards, hitting the mattress hard, and Vivek whipped the remains of her clothing off before she could recover. He tried to stand so he could remove his own jogging bottoms but she grabbed his wrist and pulled so hard that he collapsed onto the bed, his back hitting the wall of his room.

She was on him in a heartbeat, her tongue lapping at the blood coating his chest, chasing the red lines upwards towards his throat. Her little breathy moans of pleasure sent heat rippling through him and his cock throbbed, thick and heavy against his stomach. He pressed the back of his head hard into the wall, surrendering to her. Her frantic movements and the need he could feel in her were a potent aphrodisiac when combined with the scent of his blood in the air. She climbed onto his lap again and licked the blood off his throat, working her way around the puncture wounds.

Her hand wrapped around his cock and he waited, anticipating, hungering, needing her to take him inside her again. She sighed as she positioned herself over him and he nudged his hips upwards, pushing the blunt head of his aching length into her slick core. It was torture, worse than her bite had been. She slowly inched down onto him, licking his throat at the same time. When she finally settled, his cock buried deep inside her, a glimmer of satisfaction humming in his veins, she wrapped her lips around the bite mark and gave him bliss.

She sucked and moved on him at the same time, scattering his senses and pushing him back beyond the reach of reason. He claimed her hips and guided her, raising her gently almost all the way off his cock before impaling her again, hard and fast. She moaned and sank her fangs back into his throat, pulling on his blood, softly when he lifted her and desperately when he plunged back into her.

Vivek groaned, the back of his skull aching from how hard he was pressing it into the wall, and let his hunger take over. He savoured each moan he elicited as he thrust into her, claiming her body as she claimed his blood, moving her harder and faster, forgetting that he was supposed to be making love to her. It was impossible when she was driving him out of his mind, forcing him to give in to his base instincts and needs.

He opened his eyes and stared at the healing marks on her throat. Her blood had tasted so sweet. Sophis groaned, writhing against him, and licked his neck, sealing the marks she had made. She was rough when her mouth found his, filling it with the taste of his own blood, and her hands grasped his shoulders. She rode him harder, her breasts rubbing his chest, and he swallowed every moan that escaped her when their hips met.

Her actions turned jerky and desperate, and her body clamped around him, tight and hard, bringing him close to the edge with her. She pressed her forehead to his and broke the kiss as she climaxed, her core milking him and body trembling in his arms. Her breath washed over his face, carrying the scent of him, and shook with each tremor that he felt in her.

Vivek gave her a moment to catch her breath and then kissed her again, harder now, claiming her mouth with fierce passion at the same time as he plunged his cock into her quivering core, letting her know that she was his now. He was never going to let her go.

He screwed his eyes shut and moved her faster, the base of his cock tightening and aching. She thrust with him, countering his movements, sending him soaring higher, and he couldn’t hold on any longer. He jerked his hips up and slammed her down onto his cock, and came with another loud growl into her mouth. His length throbbed and he gave shallow thrusts, unable to control himself as the primal urge to lay claim to the woman in his arms consumed him. She was his now and she knew it. Her body bore him inside her even though that seed would never bear fruit. He relaxed against the wall and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her down to his chest. She rested her head there, their bodies still intimately entwined. He smiled slowly at his primal nature. His sire had warned him that vampires were closer to their animal instincts, that males felt a raw need to claim females, to spoil them to all others and mark them as theirs. He had never felt it before, had always thought his sire had been crazy for telling him such a falsehood, but Sophis had brought that side out in him.

BOOK: Masquerade (Vampires Realm Romance Series Book 10)
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