Read Mary and the Bear Online

Authors: Zena Wynn

Tags: #Adult & contemporary romance, #Erotica - General, #Fiction - Romance, #Fiction : Romance - Adult, #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotic fiction, #Erotica, #Romance - Adult, #Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fiction : Erotica - General, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Romance - Fantasy

Mary and the Bear (17 page)

BOOK: Mary and the Bear
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Her eyes widened as his meaning sank in, her nipples tightening in response. She clutched her skirt tighter and braced herself for what he was about to do. He placed his hands on her thighs and leaned forward from the waist. She watched as his dark head descended toward her pussy, anticipation riding her hard.

He began by delicately running his tongue up one side and then the other. “This side is really smooth. My tongue just glides along the surface with no problems, especially with you being as wet as you are now.” He licked her again to demonstrate what he was talking about.

"Now this side, it's a little rough, a little prickly. It feels good to my tongue. It tastes good, too. The stubs of hair are actually catching your honey and holding it captive for me. Watch.” He dragged his tongue along the side with the hair, his tongue laving the moisture clinging there, causing it to tickle. “See what I mean?"

He gazed at her seriously when he was finished. “I still can't decide. This is going to call for further study.” He looked at her pussy like it was the results of a particularly puzzling scientific experiment he was struggling to decipher. Lord, give her strength!

He ran his tongue down the crease in one thigh, and then the other, pausing for a moment to verbally compare the contrast. Then he ran the flat of one tongue down the outer lip of one side, and then once again on the other. After he compared the two, he pinched her inner lips together and ran the point of his tongue down the crease one side, and then the other. From there he gently suckled both lips together in his mouth before spreading them wide to run his tongue down the slit in between.

By this time Mary Elizabeth was squirming. He'd never paid such close attention to her sex before and it was driving her crazy the way he kept stopping and starting, taking time to offer scientific observations between each and every swipe of his tongue.

"Let me see how it feels when I rub my tongue against your clit.” He gave her clit a few licks, stopping when her hips began to pump, betraying her excitement.

"That's nice but it doesn't help me decide. Let's see what difference it makes here.” He spread her lips apart and plunged his tongue inside her hole, flicking it in and out as he fucked her. He brought her right to the edge of release and then stopped.

With an angry growl of frustration, she lunged out of the chair and shoved Hugh onto his back. Following him down, she grabbed his cock with one hand and impaled herself on it. Hands on his chest to balance, she rode him like he was a wild bronco, humping and bucking on him until she came in a gush of fluid. Spent, she sagged upon him until she lay on his chest, his pulsing cock still embedded deep inside.

He stroked her back languidly. “Satisfied now?"

She gave a contented little murmur. “Oh, yeah."

He allowed her to relax for a few moments before sitting up and bringing her with him. “My turn.” He reached out and dragged his pants closer. “Pull my pants onto my legs and put my shoes on my feet.” He stopped her when she went to rise off of him.

"No, don't get up. Spin around.” When she didn't understand what he wanted her to do, he guided her hips with his hands. He rotated her slowly around on his cock until her back was flush with his chest. In this position, she balanced on her knees and leaned forward until she could reach his feet and pull his pants on his legs.

Hugh made her task more difficult. He leaned back on his elbows and contracted the cheeks of his butt, causing his cock to flex inside of her. When she moaned and fumbled with his pants, he laughed. “You aren't finished? What's taking you so long?"

"Hugh, you're not being fair. I can't concentrate with you doing that."

"What? This?” He flexed again and his cock rubbed against the inner walls of her sheath.

Trying to ignore him, she stretched forward to grab his shoe. As she did, she lifted a few inches off of his pelvis until only the tip of his cock remained buried inside. Once she had the shoe on his foot, she sank back down, giving him an excellent view of her vagina swallowing his cock.

He reached forward and spread the cheeks of her ass, guiding her hips into a slow, up and down motion as he lifted her up a few inches, then pulled her back down. The sight of his shiny cock entranced him, disappearing and then reappearing, in and out of her wet sheath.

She bit her lip and struggled to stay on task. He wasn't making it easy for her and several times she got distracted from what she was doing. When she finished, she rested her head on his legs and just enjoyed the sensations he was creating in her body.

"Are you finished?"

"Huh? What? Oh, yeah, I'm done.” His pants were on his legs down around his knees and his shoes were on his feet with the laces tied.

"Good. Turn back around.” He sat still and leaned back out of the way and she slowly rotated back around until she was facing him.

"Brace yourself.” That was all the warning he gave as he planted his feet, lifted his butt and pulled his pants up around his hips. Then he pushed up into a squatting position. The sudden move had her wrapping her arms around his neck and gripping him tightly with her thighs to keep from falling.

"Wrap your legs around my waist and hold on tight.” When she'd done as he'd said, he used his powerful leg muscles to push up into a standing position while holding his pants in place. He lifted her bottom with one hand, still keeping his cock embedded inside and adjusted his pants so that he didn't have to worry about them falling down. He made sure her skirt covered her and gripped her bottom with both hands to hold it and her in place.

"Hugh, what are you doing?” she asked in alarm as he began walking toward the door.

"I'm taking you some place more comfortable.” He took a few more steps and then spun around. “Forgot the keys.” He picked up the keys and slipped them in his pocket; then walked back to the door, side stepping the mess on the floor.

As soon as he opened the door, Mary Elizabeth buried her face against his shoulder. “Don't be embarrassed now,” he told her, deeply amused.

He called to Ralph, “I'm going home. Do me a favor and have someone clean up the mess in my office. You're in charge. Make sure you lock up."

When he walked out of the back door, she looked up at him. “I can't believe you just did that."

He grunted in response and gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to finish this here and now. The stairs just about did him in. With each step he took, her internal muscles clenched and released around him, caressing his cock and pushing him closer to the edge. By the time he got to the door, he was sweating, his control hanging by a thread. “Got to make it to the bed,” he muttered. “Just a few more steps and you'll be on a nice, comfortable bed."

Mary Elizabeth licked his neck and then bit down, giving him a love bite. When she pulled the meat between her teeth and sucked it hard, his control snapped. “Oh fuck, screw the bed."

By this time they were in the apartment. He slammed the door shut and fell with her against it, bracing her back against the door as he drove into her, riding her vigorously. Mary Elizabeth hung there in his arms as he pounded into her, unable to move and loving every minute of it.

The force of his thrusts was violent, causing her head to hit against the door with each impalement. She'd have a headache in the morning but it would be worth it. It didn't take long before Hugh locked his knees and came with a load roar. Good thing she didn't have any neighbors sharing her walls or they'd be banging on them right about now at the racket they were making.

Hugh rested against her for a minute before reaching down to lock the door. “I can't believe I just did that.” He'd lost it, coming in seconds like an untried youth.

He carried her into the room and flipped her back to tumble onto the mattress. He stood over her and began taking off his clothes. “I hope you're not tired because we're just getting started. I have several days of abstinence to make up for. That was just an appetizer."

She gaped in amazement when she saw that he was still hard. “If you like those clothes I suggest you take them off. Otherwise I'll rip them off of you.” She gulped and struggled to remove her clothes quickly.

Hugh placed one knee on the bed and then a hand, crouching over her. “Are you hungry?"

She shook her head no.


Again she shook her head.

"Need to use the bathroom?"

She thought about it for a moment. “No."

"Is there anything you need to do or want to get? Do you have any final words?"

Her eyes got large and she slowly shook her head, signaling no.

"Good.” He grinned, right before he pounced.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Seventeen
The next morning, Mary Elizabeth lay in a tub of scented bubbles. She was deliciously sore and pleasantly tired, having gotten little, if any sleep last night. When Hugh said he had days’ worth of abstinence to make up for, he hadn't been joking. He'd been insatiable, his passion causing hers to rise over and over again, far beyond anything she ever believed her body capable of sustaining before.

He truly brought out the wild woman in her, reducing her to her most animalistic nature. She became a creature of sensation, all thought and reasoning swept away. He touched and she responded. He demanded and she gave. She'd bitten, clawed, scratched, and screamed. Hugh's body looked as if he'd been in a war, and he had, one of the most sensuous kind. He'd brought out the feral part of her nature and then tamed the beast he created.

She looked up as the door opened and Hugh walked into the bathroom naked, carrying a cup of coffee. His cock jutted from his body proudly. After the excess of last night, he shouldn't have been hard. One thing she learned last night was to never underestimate this man's ability to achieve and maintain an erection. Granted she was a novice, but whatever the normal parameters were for men, Hugh fell way outside of the norm.

He came over to the tub and squatted, holding the coffee out to her. She reached out, bypassing the coffee and grabbed his cock instead. Just the mere sight of his desire for her raised an answering desire within her. She stroked her hand up and down and he gave a hiss of pleasure.

"Woman, we don't have time for this. You have to be to work in an hour."

Ignoring him, she rose up out of the tub and replaced her hand with her mouth. She made slurping sounds as she sucked on him for all she was worth.

He sighed. “I tried to warn you. Don't blame me if you're late.” Having said that, he gripped her under her arms and pulled her off of him. As he stood, he lifted her dripping, slippery body out of the tub.

"Wrap your legs around me."

She immediately obeyed. He cupped her hips with his hands and buried himself inside, driving in to the hilt. After a night of intense loving, her body was so sensitized that she immediately came. He rocked her through her first orgasm and straight into another. He loved the way she responded to him. Knowing they didn't have time to linger, he braced her against the wall and took her hard and fast, growling as he came.

Once their breathing settled, he carried her to the tub and lowered her into the water. Kissing her lingering on the mouth, he stepped away as she lay back down, her body sated for the moment. He handed her the coffee and called over his shoulder as he left, “Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes. Hurry and finish. I will not be the cause of you being late."

She smiled wickedly in satisfaction as he left. There was something to be said to having all of that potent masculinity at her beck and call. She would hate the way she responded to him if she didn't know that his reaction to her was just as strong, if not stronger.

Because she'd never desired any man before Hugh, she'd secretly feared that she was frigid. Because of Hugh, she now knew she was as warm-blooded as any other woman.
Umm, imagine having all of that in your bed for the rest of your life?
The minute the question crossed her mind, she shied away from it. This was an affair and she would enjoy it while it lasted. She wouldn't ruin things by allowing thoughts of the future to intrude.

Although Hugh seemed to be her perfect match in every way, what did she really know about him? She'd known Charles a lot longer and a lot better and look how that relationship ended. Since she didn't expect anything from Hugh, so she wouldn't be disappointed when the relationship ended, which it would. It was better this way. There was less chance of being hurt.

She finished washing and got out of the tub, her body offering only a twinge of protest. Knowing Hugh would come and get her if she dawdled any longer, she dressed in a loose outfit that was also concealing. She pulled her still wet hair up into a knot at the nape of her neck after making sure that her neck was sufficiently covered. She didn't want to answer any embarrassing questions about the love marks on her body.

Her stomach growled reminding her it was time to eat. Because of Hugh's spoiling, her appetite was changing. Where before she disdained breakfast, now she needed it, and not the coffee and toast she was used to eating. Eggs, bacon, sausage, and more. She wanted it all, and heavy on the protein, which was surprising since she'd never been much of a meat eater. Lately she craved the stuff, which she guessed was a good thing since Hugh did most of the cooking and he ate a lot of meat.

She poured another cup of coffee before sitting down to eat. She was so hungry, manners went flying out the window as she wolfed down everything in sight, going so far as to snatch the last piece of bacon off of Hugh's plate. He just sat and watched, amused.

Finally, once she'd eaten her fill and all the food was gone.

"I told you that you would have to eat more if you wanted to keep up with me."

She leaned back in her seat, cradling her coffee in her hands before replying. “After last night, I'd say I keep up with you just fine."

Heat flared in his eyes as the memory of the night before lingered in the air between them. With a low growl, he got to his feet and reached for her. Laughing, she slipped out of the chair and darted out of reach. “No, no, no. You wouldn't want me to be late for work, would you?"

"Kiesha will understand.” He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper, allowing his heavy cock to spring forward. The sight of it stopped her for a minute as lust surged to the surface, causing her to lose her train of thought. Fortunately, the phone chose that moment to ring, snapping her out of it and allowing her to dance gracefully out of the way of his reaching hands. She ran to the phone to answer it.

Looking at the caller's ID, she felt her desire die when she recognized the name. She picked up the receiver.

"Hello, mother."

"Mary Elizabeth, you need to come home.” Her mother's voice was as commanding as always.

"I'm not coming home. We have this conversation every time you call. This is my home now. I like it here and I'm staying."

When Hugh realized who was on the phone, he zipped his pants back up and came closer to her, silently offering support.

"That is not your home. It's time you gave up this foolishness and came home where you belong."

"Mom, this is not foolishness. This is my life, my career. I explained all of this to you before. I'm not moving back."

"Well, since you refuse to move back here to be with your father and me, when are you coming for a visit? You've been gone a long time and your father misses you."

The comment about her father got to her, weakened her resolve. “It's only been three weeks. I just started working. It's too soon for me to ask for time off and the distance is too far to come down for just the weekend."

"Mary Elizabeth, you're our only child now that your poor sister is gone. It's only natural that we would want to spend time with you, no matter how short a timeframe. So, when can we expect you?"

Feeling harassed, her eyes unconsciously sought Hugh's for support. He must have understood, for he wrapped his arms around her. His presence gave her the strength she needed. “Mom, I can't come home for a visit right now. I'll come when things are more settled on the job."

"I can't believe the selfishness I'm hearing. Fine, we'll wait until
the job
is more settled. Imagine, putting a job before your aging parents. Since we have to wait for you to find time to visit, at least tell me where you're living. All I have is this phone number and your email address. I don't even know your mailing address. What am I suppose to tell my friends when they ask about you?"

Mary Elizabeth immediately felt guilty. She hadn't told her family where she was living. All they knew was that she lived in a small town in North Carolina. She hadn't even told them the name of the town. She meant to give them more information once she arrived, but it had slipped her mind. “You're right. Forgive me. I should have given you my address. If you have a pen, I'll give it to you now."

When her mother was ready, she rattled off the address to her. Looking at the time, she said, “Listen Mom, I've got to go or else I'll be late for work. I promise I'll get home for a visit to see you and Dad as soon as I can."

"Okay, dear. You go to work. I'll speak with you later."

"Bye, Mom. Give Dad my regards.” Mary Elizabeth hung up the phone, grabbed her things and headed for the door, with Hugh trailing behind her.

"Everything alright at home?"

"Everything's fine. I've got to run or I really will be late.” She buzzed him on the lips before heading out of the door.

At the other end of the line, Susan Brown hung up the phone and turned to the man seated next to her. “How was that?"

Charles smiled at her and said, “You did just fine, Mom. I couldn't have done better myself."

"And you'll do what you said?” Her eyes were full of hope as she handed him the sheet of paper with the address on it.

"I'll bring your little girl home. I promise.” No matter what it took, Mary Elizabeth was coming home where she belonged.

BOOK: Mary and the Bear
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