Read Marked in a Vision Online

Authors: Mary Goldberger

Marked in a Vision (7 page)

BOOK: Marked in a Vision
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“If he finds out about her,” Cass whispered, “he would not hesitate to take her along with Michaela because Michaela is just a child still developing her gift; Emily is a young woman whose gift has matured and could be more useful to him.”

Stacy and Jacob
looked at each other then them, “That is what we are afraid of.”

The four adults sat in silence after that for they did not know what to do about this situation.

They would have to think fast because that night E
mily’s vision developed farther
, and she woke up screaming so loud that everybody went running to their room.

Chapter 7


“Emily!” Sasha was yelling when the door flung open.  In their doorway sto
od, Cass and Stan, Stacy and Jacob
, Mark, Michaela, and Jay who was pale as he watched Emily scream.

Sasha turned to them, and she cried, “I don’t know what to do.”

Stacy hurried forward, and Sasha moved away right into Mark’s arms.

“Sweetheart,” Stacy murmured stroking her hair, but Emily’s eyes were blank, and she was still screaming shaking her head back and forward.  Finally, Jay could not take it any longer, and he went across the room to the bed.

“Sorry,” he muttered to Stacy before
swept her aside, and pulled Emily into his arms.  Her eyes were still blank, but her screaming subsided.  Then her eyes came into focus as she looked at everyone, then she burst into tears clinging to Jay as if he was her lifeline.

She cried and cried until she had no more
tears in her, and she just lay
limp in his arms as he stroked her back with his big hands.

“What was your vision of this time?” Sasha asked from the circle of Mark’s arms.  Jay’s hands froze for a moment then continued as he waited for her answer.

Emily sniffled for a moment then she leaned back from Jay’s arms as she looked around the room, then her eyes came back to his green ones
so much like the shadow man in her vision

She shivered, and Jay did not even hesitate to slide into bed next to her.  He placed his arm around her shoulders, and laid his hand over hers that rested on the blanket.  Looking down on that hand, she drew courage from it.

“It was a forest, very dark forest.  I can hear heavy breathing, and whispering as if the person is praying although I cannot understand what they are saying.  It sounds like someone is chasing them, and I hear howling as it gets closer then it gets darker than it was before.  Then I hear voices, one in fear
, a female,
the other in anger
, a man,
and sounds
as if he
is demanding something before the scream.  I know although I do not see it
that the man killed the woman
; it was just the way the person screamed with so much pain and agony.
  I think he did more than just killed her because I can hear a tearing sound, then it all goes quiet before I hear the whimpering of a child.

“Oh my God,” Stacy whimpered, and Emily took her eyes off Jay’s big hand to her mother. 

Emily went white as a ghost as she whispered, “I am not seeing the future, am I, mom, but the past; my past.”  She closed her eyes, and leaned heavily into Jay who took her weight even as he lifted his eyes in confusion.

“The death I hear is my biological mother’s death, isn’t it?  What I am seeing is actually her last few minutes before she hid me away so I would be safe,” Emily whispered, and she gasped, “Her killer was
looking for me?  I was what he

Stacy opened her mouth to tell her the truth when Stan intervened, “We will tell you everything we know, but not tonight.  You need to get some rest for you
weary, and you will need an open mind before we explain to you what we know.”  He watched as Emily nodded her head leaning against Jay, and Jay continued to look down at her stroking her arm.

“Dad,” he said looking up at him, “I am going to stay in here with Emily tonight.”

“Sasha can stay with me in my room,” Mark added as Sasha leaned against him heavily.

The parents could not say anything to th
e arrangements
made because there was nothing to say. 


Back in their room, Cass sat down on the bed while Stan paced.

“She is his mate, “she said softly watching her husband freeze, and turn stricken eyes to her.

“But she is human,” he began.

“Just like I was when I met you,” Cass interjected, and watched him flinch.

“Do you regret it?” she asked softly, and Stan did not hesitate to come over to her.  He knelt down in front of her, “Never, not in a million years; but I do regret the p
ain you
had to go through just
be with me.”

Cass shook
her head as her hand reached out
to touch his cheek, and she looked loving into his eyes, “I don’t because if I had not endured the
pain then I would not be
here with you
, or have our beautiful children and grandchild. 
Remember, you did
not force
to choose you; I chose you of my own free will because I wanted to be with you.  Let Jay and Emily find what is best for them.”

Stan paled, “What if she can
handle it, or does not choose him?”

Cass chuckled, “She has already chosen him just by her actions tonight for it was his touch alone that calmed her down, and as for being able to handle it, she is strong.  I think she will be just fine.  But you will have to tell Jay when the time comes.”

Stan nodded
, “W
hen he absolutely needs to know, I will.” 

Stan leaned in
is mate as he thought about what he had to tell his son.  In their world, it is uncommon for a werewolf’s mate to be a human for a human mate could be
as they had no defense besides their mates, but in their line, it seems that
some of
the male wolves had the
tendency to be destined with human females as their mates
.  Because of this, the males in their line are given a special gift if their mate is human than they can change them as they mark them.  In other words, they had the ability to make their mates not full wolves, but to give the
m the
abilities like enhanced reflexes and senses to help them or give them a chance to survive as their mate.  The downfall of
is that
human female
has to
the mark from their mate and they must be able to survive the ordeal of what happens after the bite.  Stan knew that some of these human female changes were not successful for the woman was too weak or their bond was too weak; in other words, both the love they share and the woman have to be strong enough to make the change work. 

Cass knew that this is what worries Stan the most; that Jay would lose her during the change for Cass knows that Stan almost lost her.

She hugged him to her as she suggested that they go to bed for tomorrow they will deal with everything else.


“What did you find out?” a cold voice said as he turned to the servant t
hat he had spying in Alpha Caine

The servant spoke in fear, “They have a human female who from what I have heard has the ability to see into the future.  Her mother and father fear for her life for she
not of their blood but adopted.”

“She can see into the future,” the Alpha exclaimed with cold satisfaction.

“It is what
,” the servant said nervously.

“How old is t
female?” the Alpha said with malice.

The servant swallowed nervously as she answered, “I do not know, Alpha although I do understand she has a birthday coming up.”

The Alpha laughed in triumphant as he said, “Two for the price of one.  I shall have everything that I have been dreaming of,” then with a look at the servant, “Thank you for yo
ur service, but I do not need you
  Kill him.
” He motioned to one of his men, and then h
e turned away as his man with
killed the servant
before turning his face away in sorrow at what he had been ordered to do

The Alpha rubbed his hands together and in the silence of the hallway, you could

“Oh the hunting we will go; oh the hunting we will go; to find a little girl and young woman to give me all that I deserve; oh the hunting we will go” then malicious laughter that even his men shook in their boots.

Chapter 8


Emily’s eyes opened slowly as she started to stretch in her bed only to freeze when she felt the hard warmth of someone in bed with her.  Her eyes flew opened to see the long arm over her holding her tightly to that hard warmth, and she felt secure if a little wary for she had a good idea of who was in bed with her. 

“Good morning,” a soft voice said although the masculine tones were more than evident.

“Good morning,” she stammered slightly.

Jay snuggled her closer to him as he recalled what happened last night.  Right now, the only
thing he could think about was her lying
in his arms for he had the strangest feeling that after finding her
could lose her.

“Did you sleep okay?” he whispered in her ear, and he smiled as she shivered from the contact.

“Yes, thank you,” she stammered again.  Then she sighed, and with
she flipped herself around so that she was facing him.

She looked into those green eyes, and then she hesitatingly raised a hand to his cheek, “
I see the
se eyes in my visions.  Always when I am scared and it feels like I cannot go on, I see these eyes, and they give me strength.  Why?”

Jay was startled to hear that she had visions of him.  He hesitated for a second before he decided to tell her, “Because of this” pulling her into his body.  Emily gasped at the contact because it felt like every nerve ending had come
alive.  She arched into his body
as if she was trying to get closer, and Jay gritted his teeth from doing
his wolf wanted him to do; claim her

“Please don’t do that, baby,” he growled, and Emily could see those green eyes darken until they were almost black.

“Why?” she said softly
thinking she already knew
the reason behind the sensations every time he touched her

Jay’s laughter came out in pain, “Because if you don’t, I will mark you now.  I don’t want to do that because I want you to be sure this is what you want; not because rig
ht now are bodies are in close contact
that we can
think of anything else.”

“Oh,” was
that Emily could think to say.  Then her eyes widened as what he sai
d finally penetrated her need for him
, and she
, “I am your mate.”

Jay nodded slowly, “I knew the night you arrived wh
en you bumped into me, but I tried
to ignore it…for the night at least.”  He joked, and she had to smile although it was a little stiff.

“I thought werewolves were not supposed to have human mates,” she asked quietly resting both her hands on his chest
although she had to admit that it all made sense now that she though about it; the sensations she got when he touched her and the fact that he was there in the back of her mind, her shadow man

“That’s what I thought to,” Jay admitted, and looked at her attentively, “Do you think it is possible
for you
to give me a chance?”

Emily looked at him and she admitted to herself, she wanted for nothing less.  That was why when she thought
was his mate she had felt so disappointed.  Remembering
, she frowned.

“What” Jay asked urgently when he saw her frown.

She bit her lip as she looked into his eyes, and then she softly, “I thought
was your mate.”

Jay sighed, and pulled her closer until her head rested against his chest, “When I turned sixteen, I was so ready to find my mate that I misread the feelings of lust I felt for Victoria for the feelings I would have for my true mate.  She used that for she wanted me, but what I did not know was that she already had
mate; he had not
marked her, or mated with her at that time
.  He was an alpha-to-be for his pack, and since at the time, I was trying to distant myself from my father, I never told her that I was
next in line for Alpha.
  You met him the other night at the Fair.

BOOK: Marked in a Vision
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