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Authors: Shawn Bailey

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Mark Me (8 page)

BOOK: Mark Me
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A deep plunge into his hole brought Eli back to reality. “Ooh.” He moved his butt.

Dimitri moaned. “Good, you’re back. I was beginning to think you fell asleep.”

“No!” Eli uttered as his cock hardened to near-dangerous proportions. “Quite the opposite. I’m on fire.” Dimitri laid down on him again, smashing his aching cock between them. He rolled it around against his stomach.

Eli moaned. “Stop torturing me.”

“Maybe we should change positions.” He rolled off Eli. “You, on top.”

“Huh? We’ve never done it this way before.” He moved and allowed Dimitri to take his spot on the bed. “Will I be doing you?”

“Not a chance,” Dimitri said. “There’s only room for one lion in this den.”

“But it’s my den,” Eli mumbled as he positioned himself over Dimitri.

“You can be the princess,” Dimitri said as he helped ease Eli down on his swollen cock.

“Ah!” Eli cried out as Dimitri slid up his shaft.

Dimitri chuckled.

I’ll show him
. Eli lifted himself and then sank back down on Dimitri.

“That’s it. Move that hot, little body.” Dimitri looked so fucking hot, lying beneath him in all his blond splendor and tattooed with Asian characters. The sight made Eli as horny as hell. His thoughts turned all slutty as he moved his sticky, cherry-lubed ass up and down Dimitri’s pole. He moaned loudly as Dimitri’s dick touched his prostate.

Dimitri grabbed his hips and moved him quicker to intensify the friction.

After a few minutes of this, Eli couldn’t take it anymore. He’d grabbed his cock and began masturbating. He reached his limit and let go a hot stream of cum all over Dimitri. His body continued to shudder as Dimitri made a mess of his prostate. His body stilled, and the gushing stopped. Dimitri stared up at him.

“Damn. Enjoyed yourself much?”

Eli slid off him and lay next to him on the bed. “Yes, very much so. Thank you.”

“Yuck,” Dimitri teased. “You have me all dirty.” Eli chuckled. “One of the privileges of being a princess.” He sighed contently.

Dimitri took his hand and moved it between his legs. “Don’t get too comfortable. You still have an angry lion to extinguish.” Eli gulped. Dimitri felt huge. “Sorry. I forgot.” Dimitri rolled him over on his stomach and hoisted his hips into the air. “You forgot? Such a selfish princess.” He greased Eli’s ass with lube again, spread the cheeks and slid into him.

“Oh!” Eli moaned as Dimitri screwed his sore hole.

His lover rode him vigorously, thrusting deep. “I have to teach you who’s king here. Ooh,” he moaned.

All Dimitri’s bragging fell apart in about two minutes when his passion took control and made him come. “Shit,” he groaned. “The princess’s throne is too powerful.”

Both he and Eli fell to the mattress, chuckling.

“I want to be the lion next time,” Eli said as they cuddled together.

He sighed. He hadn’t had time to tell Dimitri how he felt about him.

The moment passed when things got silly between them.

“I’ll think about it,” Dimitri said. He kissed Eli on the side of his face. “What about dinner.”

“I need a nap,” Eli said sleepily. “Being a princess has tired me out.”

* * * *

After dinner they decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. And when they returned to the apartment, Eli noticed a familiar-looking car parked in front of the apartment complex
. Justin!

Eli released Dimitri’s hand.

“Is something wrong?” Dimitri asked.

The car doors opened and Justin, Henry and Trey stepped out.

“Oh!” Dimitri said. “Busted.”

“So not funny,” Eli said as the three approached. “What are you guys doing here?”

Trey walked around Dimitri. “We came to check out your new digs. What is he doing here?”

“Isn’t he the guy from the tattoo parlor?” Justin asked.

“Yes,” Trey answered. “He’s the one who worked on Eli’s tattoo and looks like they’re best buds now. They’re holding hands and strolling around the neighborhood in broad daylight.”

“Mind your business,” Dimitri told Trey.

Trey braced up to Dimitri. “Eli is my business.” Dimitri stared him down and Trey stepped back.

“Can we see your place?” Henry asked nervously.

“Sure,” Eli said, running a mental sweep of his bedroom and bathroom to make sure they’d left it presentable. He led the way, and Dimitri followed.

“How come he’s seen the place before us?” Justin asked Trey.

Trey just chuckled.

Eli opened the front door and allowed his friends to enter. They walked through his place without him while he stayed in the kitchen and talked to Dimitri.

“I think I need a beer,” Dimitri told him.

Eli smiled weakly. “I’ll get rid of them.” They were still there an hour later checking out Eli’s music room.

“Where’s the nearest store?” Dimitri asked.

“Around the corner. Why?” Eli asked.

“I need more beer.” He rose and left the music room, leaving Eli alone with his friends.

“What’s he doing here?” Henry asked. “I thought you said you were meeting Randall.”

“No, you assumed I was meeting Randall,” Eli said. “Dimitri also plays the violin.”

“Is he your new main squeeze?” Trey asked.

Eli glared at him. Trey had been quite annoying since he arrived, making nasty comments and just being a bitch to Dimitri. “He’s a friend.”

“I’m your friend, but I don’t ever remember you holding my hand.”

Eli ignored him.

“I always thought you were a little sweet,” Trey continued. “Does he screw you or do you screw him?”

“That’s not any of your business,” Justin said in Eli’s defense.

“Of course not. I don’t want it known that I associate with fags.” Eli grimaced. Trey was in for a rude awakening when he went to the military and found out that kind of talk wouldn’t be considered acceptable.

“What will your parents say when they find out? Dimitri is not exactly Harvard material.”

“My parents love me,” Eli said. “And they won’t care.”

“Sure they will,” Trey insisted. “What parent in their right mind wants a fag for a son?”

Eli glanced at the clock.
When is this evening going to end?
He and Dimitri planned a quiet evening on the man’s only day off and his friends had ruined it.

Dimitri entered the apartment using the key Eli had given him.

Trey glanced at him and smirked. “Has he moved in?”

“No,” Dimitri said, entering the music room with the beer. “Not yet. I don’t know if I like the neighborhood yet. I have a feeling this area is swarming with snobs.” He sat down next to Eli.

“Aren’t you going to give Eli a beer?” Trey asked, still kicking up mess.

Dimitri shook his head. “He’s not old enough to drink.”

“You seem to know a lot about Eli. Do you know that his father is a judge?”

“Yes,” Dimitri said.

Eli frowned. One of his parents must have given his friends his new address.

“So what do your folks do?”

“Both my parents are deceased,” Dimitri answered.

Eli sighed. He didn’t know that. There was still so much about Dimitri he didn’t know.

“Eli is going to be a concert violinist and travel around the world,” Trey continued. “Do you plan to accompany him?” Eli balled his fist. If Trey didn’t stop, he was going to punch him in the face. “I’d rather have Dimitri accompany me than you. At least he’s not judgmental.”

Dimitri chuckled. “I do have my moments. And to answer Trey’s question, I love Eli and I’d follow him to the end of the earth if I have to.”

Justin nearly choked at Dimitri’s confession. And quite frankly it had stunned Eli. Did Dimitri really love him or did he just say that to aggravate Trey?

“Told you that Eli is gay,” Trey said, finally putting a label on him.

“I think you’re jealous,” Dimitri said. He sipped his beer. “In fact, I noticed how you felt about Eli when you brought him into my tattoo parlor and insisted that I tattoo your name on his butt.” Eli glared at Trey. Dimitri should have told him.

“Of course, I didn’t do it,” Dimitri said. “His butt is just too cute to mark.”

Henry groaned.

“I think it is time for us to leave,” Justin said rising.

Henry and Trey rose too, but Trey glared at Dimitri.

“We’ll see you later,” Justin said as he hurried out of the music room.

Dimitri escorted them to the door.

Eli just sat there, stunned and confused. What the hell had just happened? His secret was out of the bag and his friends had hightailed it out of his apartment like they were scared. Did that mean that they no longer wanted to be around him?

Dimitri returned several minutes later. “Awe, what’s wrong?” Eli wiped at the tears as they flowed from his eyes. “Nothing.” Dimitri sat next to him and pulled him into his arms to comfort him.

Now everyone is going to know, and Eli didn’t know if he could handle the pain.

* * * *

“What’s up?” Greer asked Dimitri when he entered the tattoo parlor on Monday morning.

“Nothing much,” Dimitri replied as he prepared for his first customer.

“How was your weekend with Eli?”

“It started out pretty good, and it went straight to hell when his friends arrived and caught us holding hands.”

“Oh,” Greer said, walking over to the coffeepot. “The proverbial cat is out the bag.”

“Yes and the poor darling cried in my arms for hours after they left.”

“I remember what it was like when I came out. All of my so-called friends deserted me.” He filled the cup. “I was so traumatized.”

“Yeah. I’m just glad I was there for him, but he still has a rough road ahead of him. His parents still don’t know.”

“I suppose you won’t be their first pick for a daughter-in-law.” 

Dimitri shook his head. “No, Eli’s grade A material. I think they’re expecting him to bring home a princess, not become one.” Greer chuckled weakly at his joke. “You have to have his back when his parents do find out.”

“I plan to,” Dimitri said. “I think I love him.” Greer gasped. “No, not you?”

Dimitri filled his coffee cup. “I’m afraid so. I keep having these dreams of presenting him flowers after his performance at Carnegie Hall. And then there’s one with us running along the beach in Maui with a blond-haired kid in tow.”

“Oh, the family dream. I suppose the two of you will adopt.”

“I suppose,” Dimitri said absently. “Not unless Eli’s little, blonde female friend, Holly, will be willing to be a surrogate mother for us.”

“I highly doubt that,” Greer said. “So how did his friends react to the news?”

“Henry and Justin seemed okay, but Trey acted like an ass.”

“Trey would be the Marine Corps inductee?”

“Yes. He acted like a total bitch, but I think it stems from the fact that he has feelings for Eli too.”

“I noticed that,” Greer said. “He kept watching Eli the entire while he slept in that chair. I just thought he was concerned because Eli was sleepy.”

“I’m afraid he’s going to do something foolish to hurt Eli.”

“Like what?” Greer asked.

“Like tell his parents.”

“Oh,” Greer said. “You think he would do something like that?” Dimitri nodded. “He was pretty mad when he left.” The first customer arrived and the conversation ceased. The man was older than their normal customer, probably in his late fifties and he appeared distinguished in his expensive suit.

“Can I help you?” Dimitri asked.

“I’m looking for Dimitri Miller.”

“I’m Dimitri.”

The man looked him over. “I’m Judge Ambrose Coleman. Eli’s father.”

“Oh,” Dimitri said, jumping to attention. “Then I don’t suppose you’ve come for a tattoo.”

“No,” the man said. “Can we go somewhere to talk?” Dimitri nodded. He led the way upstairs to his apartment. “Eli has your eyes.”

* * * *

Eli sat in a leather chair in the library of their home, waiting for his father. The judge had summoned him over, and Eli had not liked the tone in his voice.

Ambrose entered and Eli rose to his feet.

“Sit down, Eli,” he father said.

Eli eased back into the seat.

“I’m going to make this short and sweet. I want you to end this affair with Miller, and I don’t want you ever to see him again.” Eli gasped. How did he find out?
He moved around nervously in his seat. Damn Trey. He was lucky that he’d left for boot camp or he would have gone over to his house and kicked his ass. All the years they had been friends, Eli never expected that Trey would betray him this way. “I don’t understand what you mean.” Ambrose sat down across from Eli and stared at him. “I know you are having an affair with him. I can’t say that I agree with your choice, and I don’t care that you are gay. Dimitri Miller is not right for you.”

“He is,” Eli said. “I mean, he loves me, and I think I’m old enough to decide who I want to be with.”

“Think about your future. What does he have to offer you? He’s a tattoo artist and he lives above his business in a tiny apartment. And he’s crude.”

Eli shook his head. He knew his father wouldn’t understand.

“And you have absolutely nothing in common.” At least he didn’t say that Dimitri was too old for him. “He’s a violinist.”

“He was a violinist, but he had to give it up because his family was too poor to keep up the classes,” his father said.

“How do you know all this?”

“I have my ways.”

That meant he had Dimitri investigated.

“Being poor does not make him a bad fellow. So he’s had a hard life. Most people have.”

“You haven’t,” Ambrose said. “But you will if you don’t end this relationship.”

At least he wouldn’t starve or be homeless if his father disowned him. Lucky for him, his inheritance from his maternal grandfather kicked in on Eli’s eighteenth birthday. He should be able to support himself until he graduated from college and secured a job. His other inheritance didn’t kick in until he turned twenty-five. He supposed Dimitri would either leave him when he found out just how much he’d be worth then, or stay with him and enjoy the ride. Either way he didn’t care just as long as they were happy. “I can handle this,” Eli insisted. “I know what I’m doing.”

“Do you want to give your mother a heart attack?” No, he did not go there. “No. Does she know?”

BOOK: Mark Me
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