Read Manhandled by My Personal Trainer (BBW, BDSM, Curvy, Deflowering, Spanking Erotica) Online

Authors: Penelope Stone

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Manhandled by My Personal Trainer (BBW, BDSM, Curvy, Deflowering, Spanking Erotica) (4 page)

BOOK: Manhandled by My Personal Trainer (BBW, BDSM, Curvy, Deflowering, Spanking Erotica)
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Immediately I lean forward to bury my face
into my hands, horrified by what has just happened. I swear to
myself that I won’t cry, but it definitely feels like that’s

You want to tell me just
what the fuck you were thinking?” He snaps once while I’m still
catching my breath. “You come out here by yourself, add way more
weight than you can handle and purposefully fail-out on the
bench-press? Do you have any idea how dangerous that

I do,” I said in between
heaves, “I just.. got excited.” Kevin didn’t seem remotely
impressed by my answer. For a moment he actually makes me feel
guilty for attempting the weight without him, but then I remember
I’m not the only one who needs to give an explanation. “Wait, how
did you know I was in here?” His mouth hangs open as if he’s no
longer going to start his next guilt-laden sentence and the
faintest hint of pink sprouts at the tops of his cheekbones. While
he searches for his words he comes over to the bench and sits down
next to me.

I... volunteered for
maintenance and surveillance for tonight. I owed a favor to the

And you just happened to
pass the third floor women’s weight room? There’s nothing up here
that needs more than two minutes worth of maintenance.” Now I have
him cornered. It’s time for Mr. Kevin Campbell to come clean with
me. It feels heroic, like I’ve won. But when Kevin allows the
unbroken silence to continue I decide to press further. “Oh, I see.
You were probably showing your new client how to give head while
she work’s on toning her arms.” This reveal of my knowledge about
what I saw him and my mother is the first time I’ve ever mentioned
it out loud. It felt undeniably good to get it out, but once it was
I start regretting the way I said it with so much obvious emotional
attachment. I wish it could sound like I barely remembered it. Like
I didn’t revisit the memory almost every night.

I’m not sure what you’re
referring to, Melanie. And I’m not sure why you’d care who I
brought up here. Apparently you don’t have time to even call me to
let me know you don’t need a trainer anymore.” The nerve of him to
turn this back on me boils my blood. How dare he refuse to
acknowledge what I saw him do with my mother. I could start to
scream. I could start to cry. but instead I turn to him and raise
my hand to slap his self-righteous arrogance right out of his smug
know-it-all smirk.

But before I can make contact, Kevin turns to
look me in the eyes, and I realize how much I’ve missed him. His
absence has been the cause of so much needless anxiety and stress
in the last few weeks. The anger in each of us washes away from our
eyes as we turn to each other, and I collapse into his enormous
arms. He holds me there for a second, tightly, before he lifts my
chin up to his for a soft but very supportive kiss. Our lips
embrace and I feel the warmth of his tongue as it wetly massages
underneath mine.

This is supposed to be the part where we stop
and confess feelings for each other. This is supposed to be where
we apologize, and promise never to abandon each other again. Two
seconds, and then two minutes ago should have been that moment. We
both know it, but the eruption of heat from us now pushes that
moment aside.

He reaches over to place his hand beneath my
knee, the gentle ensuing squeeze beneath sends a reflexive jolt I
can feel in my underwear. I respond by throwing my leg over his
lap, elated and now soaking from the stiffness of his obscured cock
pressing on the weight of my body at last. For half a second I feel
him grind against me while his tongue explores mine. I no longer
control my pelvis as slowly but deliberately thrust so that I grind
my slit against his hardened abs. But without warning he pulls
away, maybe a second before I was going to take my shirt off.

No,” he says firmly. What?
Didn’t he feel the passion between us? Didn’t he want to unleash it
now? I’m confused because the stiffness in his gym shorts that was
nearly supporting me up on it’s own seemed quite interested in
where this was going. “I didn’t ask for this. Get off.” He
commanded, and before I could protest he had me seated back on the
bench by myself. “You’re acting just like your mother. This isn’t
what I want.” I open my mouth to stop him but nothing comes out.
What’s wrong with what we were doing?

Wait, Kevin.” I manage to
squeak out. But I’m still too confused to know where to begin to

I’m sorry it came to this,”
he mutters as he heads for the door. This can’t be happening. What
did I do? In a fit of desperation I follow him to the door where
he’s a moment away from disappearing around the corner.

What do you want me to do?”
I let out in a desperate call down the hallway. And to my amazement
Kevin stopped, filling the corridor with his extra-large muscular
frame. There’s a pause and Kevin looks relieved for a moment before
retuning to his normal focus.

Follow me.” He commands,
and I take off to catch up behind him. He leads me to the stairs
and he continues down to the first floor. “You know that things
aren’t going to be the same for us. If you keep following me, we’re
never going to be the same people that we were before you left.” he
marches forward, never once looking over to me. My certainty for my
bodybuilder personal trainer wouldn’t allow me to reconsider
anything. As he walks in front of me I can’t help openly admiring
the broad sway of his shoulders. I want to feel them pressed on top
of me. There’s a thousand scenario’s playing through my head of
different ways for my trainer to take me, and I’m entertaining them

I am.”

Good, that’s something I
never got through to your mother. And a likely part of why she
stopped coming to me. That woman has to have control, and that’s
something that doesn’t work for me, Melanie.” I nodded, though I
suppose he couldn’t see while I was two steps behind him. We cross
the gym’s lobby until we’re suddenly in front of the men’s locker

Do you want me to wait for

No. You’ll be fine,” he
assures me. “It should be mostly empty now anyway.”

I step into the steam filled locker room
behind him. I get a few intrigued looks from some of the men I’ve
recognized as regulars over the years. Some look like they want to
say something to me. But part of being in the company of one of the
gym’s most built attendees gives me the confidence to go anywhere I
want. We round one of the lines of lockers and Kevin halts for a
moment to take the padlock off of locker 73b.

Oh, is this your locker?” I
ask intrigued. Right now I feel like I’m on a field trip to a
forbidden part of the gym. There aren’t many men around, but the
few I saw in the steam clouded shower looked amazed to see me. I
hope I run into Paul again here, just to leave him wondering for
the next month.

No, well kinda, I guess,”
he answers. Not the answer I expected as Kevin pulls out a navy
duffle-bag. “Come,” he instructs as we continue walking again. In
the rear of the men’s locker room there’s a solid red painted metal
door with the words “Personnel Only” the vagueness of the door
doesn’t seem to bother Kevin though, who holds the door open for me
this time as I pass through behind him.

I step into a filthy corridor that smells
like cleaning chemicals. There’s only a narrow passageway to walk
through because the walls are lined with plumbing and two
water-heaters that nearly seal the path. Watching Kevin maneuver
through here is almost comical as his larger frame literally rubs
against the plumbing as he passes.

Where are we going?” I ask,
as far as I can tell the room dead-ends not twenty feet from the
door we entered. As Kevin squeezes past the second water heater he
begins shuffling through his pockets and pulls out his keys. Though
I can’t see him completely I hear him open yet another door for me.
The room we enter is unlike anything I’ve seen at the gym before.
It’s a little smaller than the third floor women’s weight room, but
it’s loaded with some of the most intense work-out equipment I’ve
ever seen. The single ceiling light softly reflects a rust colored
tint to everything, as if lit by torch.

This is where the serious
trainers come to test ourselves. It’s free from the distraction of
the crowded main gym. And this is where we bring girls who want to
prove themselves,” he gestures. “You asked me what you could do,
Melanie,” I nodded, it was as true now as it was then, but I still
had no idea where this was going. “I’m going to ask you to
do something, and
depending on your success or failure at this task you’ll determine
how we’ll go from here.”

I’m ready for anything,” I
said confidently, and it was true. In the last hour I’ve been
scared and felt like quitting, and pressing on more than I had in

For tonight, and from here
on, you’re going to give up your right to let yourself cum,” he
said coldly. “From here on, that is my role, and my role

As he gestures to the various parts of the
room he begins to strip, first removing his sleeveless workout
shirt freeing the mighty girth of his pecs and shoulders. Next he
sheds his gym-shorts to his boxer briefs where the tip of his cock
barely pokes out from the bottom, begging to be released. There’s a
grace to the way the man strips, as if he looks more comfortable
without the clothes that restrict his vascular physique. “I’m going
to be interrogating you in a moment. And during that time if you at
once slip up, I’m leaving you here, and I’m taking your clothes
with me. And that will be the end of us.” I physically gulped. What
would Kevin be asking me? What did he want me to tell him? I
realize now that this is a test of my determination, and I vow

If you understand
everything I’ve just told you, and you still want to continue with
this,” he says as he turns revealing to me for the first time his
colossal throbbing hard shaft, “What are you going to do now?” I
stare, hypnotized by the girth of his erection. I can feel my mouth
flooding with saliva as I think of how it would feel inside me.
“Don’t think too hard, Melanie.”

I’m going to do whatever
you want me to do,” I reply. I’m amazed at how incredible it feels
to release myself in this way, yet it flows out so

That’s a good girl,” he
lauds, “Now step up here, and let’s see how well controlled you
are.” My ever-present want and need to impress Kevin leads me to
stand up onto the strangely positioned machine, but before I can
get my second foot up he stops me. “Not like that, strip,” he
instructs, and I happily oblige. I slide my workout top and
sports-bra off, letting my pink pebbly swollen D-cups stiffen in
front of him. For a moment his guard drops and I can feel him
appetizing over the sight of my perky virgin breasts. I lower my
gym shorts to my ankles, but when I go to slide off my black
G-string thong he stops me. “Not that, Melanie. Now step

I rest my chest against the upright foam pad
that lets my tits swing beneath. The foot stands force me to stay
at a somewhat diagonal angle with my ass pushed up openly on
display. As my head and arms hang off the sides of the foam chest
piece, I wonder what I’m supposed to do next. Just then I feel a
softly tightening restraint secure around my left ankle, then my

Hold onto the bar,
Melanie,” he instructs, and I obey. Kevin then fastens my hands
together with a soft blue nylon rope. It bounds my hands by the
wrists and latches securely to the bar two-feet off the ground.
From there I’m stuck. Completely immobile, I try not to stare too
directly at Kevin’s body as he’s doing all this, but my eyes get
stuck again on his chiseled physique. He’s truly something to
appreciate. Every year he’s spent toning his body is present. His
chest, his abs, his legs all represent the embodiment of physical

After my hands are secured Kevin goes back to
the duffle-bag he pulled out of the locker room earlier. With his
back turned to me, I realize for the first time how much I love
being on display like this. I imagine how revealing I must be as I
feel the ceiling fan air blowing coolly against my panties. I start
to warmly moisten at the thought of revealing everything to my
personal trainer. I never thought this was how I’d first have a man
explore my body, but as my heart pumps faster with anticipation I
know I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Out of the corner of my eye I catch Kevin
walk past me with a black plastic wand with a tennis-ball sized
head at the end of it, and I realize what’s about to happen. Though
I’ve never used one, I recognize what he holds as a
vibrator/massager. Something I’ve thought about buying before, but
have always been too embarrassed by the idea. Motionless, I feel
the round wand positioned against my pussy. While the wand is still
turned off I feel Kevin exploring my ass with his muscular hands,
occasionally pausing to squeeze or pinch a piece of my heavy rump
and then giving it a hard smack. I’m anticipating him so much that
I start slowly gyrating my hips, which is about all the movement
I’m allowed.

Are you ready, Melanie?” he
asks from behind me.

I am.”

Wrong answer,” he says
sternly, and a stampede of vibration swarms my unsuspecting virgin
pussy. My eyes shoot open, and I voice a high-pitched chirp from
the shock. The powerful hum of the vibrator sends ripples of energy
that I can feel from my thighs to my ass. Part of my naivety as a
virgin made me think that nothing could bend me to it’s will like
this, no amount of sensation could make me forget myself the way I
am now.

BOOK: Manhandled by My Personal Trainer (BBW, BDSM, Curvy, Deflowering, Spanking Erotica)
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