Making Them Happy [The Men of Space Station One #9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (21 page)

BOOK: Making Them Happy [The Men of Space Station One #9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Chapter Nineteen


Her heart skipped beat after beat as she struggled to recover from the mind-blowing orgasm her men had driven her to. When she opened her eyes, Caleb gazed down at her with his honey-gold eyes. They seemed brighter, almost pulsing with light. His dirty words from earlier reminded her that, though she had come blissfully, they had yet to find their pleasure. And she wanted to give that to them.

“I could watch you climax for hours, Bev. You are so fucking beautiful,” Caleb said.

“I wouldn’t last through hours of it. I’d be dead inside of twenty minutes,” she teased.

“I can feel how wet you are despite Jeff trying to lick it all up.” His fingers teased her pussy lips as he dragged them through her folds.

“I want you, Caleb. I want you inside of me.”

His eyes darkened with desire. “That’s where I plan to be in the next two seconds.”

When he started to lift her leg and position his cock at her slit, she pulled away slightly. His gaze faltered.

“I want both of you, together.”

“Bev, you don’t have—”

She interrupted him. “I want you both to take me at the same time. I need both of my men in me. I need you both filling me.”

Beverly could see the struggle in his eyes. She looked over him and saw Jeff sitting to the side, a strained expression marring his natural good looks. He wanted it so bad he could taste it. She wanted to give it to him. She wanted to make them both happy. This she could do.

Caleb dropped his head to hers and drew in a deep breath. When he suddenly rolled over, carrying her with him, she squealed. His smile repaired some of the pieces of her heart that had broken away. He looked over toward Jeff and nodded.

“Make sure she’s ready, Jeff. I don’t want her to feel any pain.”

“I’ll take good care of her,” Jeff said.

Caleb lifted her with his hands at her waist, and she positioned her dripping slit above his huge cock. As he slowly let her down, it pierced her cunt in one long, slow slide that took her breath away. In this position, there was no escaping how long he was, how much he filled her to overflowing. The tip of his dick kissed her cervix.

“So good. So fucking unbelievable.” Caleb ran his palms up her abdomen to caress her breasts.

“I’m so full. How can there be room for Jeff?”

“Don’t worry, baby. We’ll make room.” Jeff’s raspy voice stroked her nerves.

He pressed her down over Caleb’s chest with one hand and kneaded her ass with the other. She relaxed, resting her head over Caleb’s heart. His breath stirred her hair as Jeff kissed and licked her ass cheeks. Then he spread them wide and ran his tongue all around the tight pucker before something cold dribbled down her crack.

She felt him spread the lube around her anus in tiny circles. Then he pressed gently at the tight hole until the tip of one finger popped in. Slowly he slid it in and out until she was taking more and more of the single digit. When he had managed to get the finger all the way in up to the webbing, he added more lube and started pressing a second finger inside of her. She pressed against him in an effort to ease the added appendage past the tight sphincter.

“How are you doing, honey?” Caleb’s voice rumbled in her ear.

“Good. I’m good.” She could hear the breathy quality in her voice.

So far there was no pain, just some pressure and maybe a little burn. She shifted over Caleb’s body. It forced more of those two thick fingers deeper inside of her.

“Easy, baby. I don’t want to hurt you. We’re taking this slow.” Jeff pumped his fingers in and out of her ass.

“Even if it kills me,” Caleb said in a tight voice.

Beverly couldn’t help it. She laughed. Caleb groaned. The next thing she felt was more of the cold, gelatinous substance and a third finger breaching her dark passage. Now the burn kicked up a degree. She moaned but didn’t stop pushing at his fingers with her muscles to ease them deeper.

“That’s three, baby. You’re almost ready. Are you still sure you want to do this?” Jeff asked.

She knew they would stop if she asked them to no matter how hard it would be, but she didn’t want to. She wanted their cocks filling her body, filling the holes that had formed as her heart broke. She needed this. They needed this.

“Hurry, Jeff. I need you. Stop dragging it out.”

He pumped his fingers in and out of her several more times before removing them, and then the head of his thick cock pressed against her back opening. He’d added more lube to his dick, and it slid slightly as he applied more pressure to the tiny rosette.

“Oh, God!” Beverly huffed out a breath as he slowly invaded her ass.

“Breathe, honey.” Caleb didn’t move other than to run his hands up and down her arms in a soothing motion.

“You are so fucking tight, baby. It’s like slipping my dick into a silk glove.” Jeff’s voice grew huskier.

His cock forged past the tight rings of resistance and slowly filled her until she felt Jeff’s heavy balls against her perineum. She couldn’t breathe. So full. They were both inside of her. It was too much and yet just right. The pressure had become almost painful even as the burn began to ease some. They needed to move. She needed them to fuck her.

“Fuck me! I can’t stand it.” She thought she was screaming, but in actuality, it came out almost as a whisper, as if there wasn’t enough room for her to draw in a full breath.

Jeff pulled back as Caleb pressed up, and then Caleb pulled back as Jeff pushed deeper. They rocked in and out of her in a slow, sensuous dance that had her breath sawing in and out of her lungs.

“She’s so damn tight. Perfect. I won’t last.” Jeff’s broken sentences would have been amusing if she could have laughed.

“Hot, tight, wet,” Caleb gritted out through clenched teeth. “I won’t last either.”

“Please. Please don’t stop. I need more—faster.” She tried to take over the rhythm that threatened to drive her crazy.

Caleb cursed, and the two men picked up the pace. Her body burned from the inside out. Probably due to the hot, burning blood that boiled in her veins. One man tunneled in her ass while another pulled from her cunt, never leaving her completely empty. Always one of them was with her, holding her, filling her. This was what she needed, to be part of the whole. They were a unit, a family. Together they would survive, and together they would love their child.

Over and over again they moved her between them, moved over and under her. A roaring began to fill her ears as she strained toward that peak that she could see but not quite touch. They thrust faster and deeper, harder and harder, until in a blinding flash of light, her world exploded. Stars filled her sight even as her fractured heart became whole.

First Caleb then Jeff shouted out their orgasms, filling her body with ribbons of white-hot cum, the seal that bound them together. Beverly collapsed between them. Her throat raw from gasping for breath or screaming, she wasn’t sure which. The roaring had prevented her from hearing anything while she jerked over and under them.

They lay like logs for long seconds until Caleb grunted and shifted under her. “Jeff, I’m suffocating down here.”

“Tough. I’m dead. Dead men can’t move.”

If Beverly could have, she would have laughed, but that would mean she could breathe, and that was still not a done deal. Jeff eased out of her, grumbling all the way. She started to sit up to climb off of Caleb, but he growled and held her to him.

“Wait. Jeff will be right back,” he said.

“I know. I’m trying to make my getaway before he attacks again.”

His chuckle did things to her. Plus, it moved his softening cock inside of her. Little aftershocks spiraled out from her womb. Caleb hissed at the tiny spasms that squeezed his newly interested dick.

“Oh, no. Don’t even think about it.” She laughed when he waggled his eyebrows at her.

“Don’t think about what?” Jeff had returned and was cleaning her bottom with a warm, wet cloth.

“Caleb’s little man is trying to wake up again,” she complained.

Jeff died out laughing. “If he can rally for another round after that, I’m in awe. I think you broke me.”

“It’s a halfhearted attempt, believe me,” Caleb said.

They helped her climb off of Caleb, and then the three of them snuggled down after pulling the covers over them. Her heart was full and solid again. While they’d been bound to each other, Beverly had felt them settle there. She held a piece of them that would forever be a part of her. They each got a part of her that would bind her to them in all things. Nothing would be able to come between them now. She felt secure that no matter how they might argue or disagree, they would never break apart.

Whether they said it or not, they loved her and she loved them. Making them happy meant everything to her. She touched her belly and smiled. She couldn’t wait to feel their child move inside of her. From what they’d said about Rachel’s pregnancy, it didn’t last the full nine months. There was so much to do before the baby got there. Worry and anticipation whirled around in her head.

“What are you thinking about so hard, honey?” Caleb squeezed her arm.

“Just thinking about all the work ahead of us.”

“Stop worrying over it. We’ll work it out, baby.” Jeff kissed her shoulder.

Beverly’s stomach growled as loud as a mountain lion, much to her embarrassment. Caleb and Jeff chuckled.

“Sounds like taking care of you will be our first priority.” Jeff scooted to the side of the bed to get up.

“Where are you going?” she asked when cool air hit her back.

“You’re hungry, and I don’t think any of us has eaten anything since breakfast this morning.”

Caleb kissed her on the nose. “Stay here and we’ll fix something to tide us over ’til in the morning.”

She grumbled when he climbed out of bed as well. They tucked her in and left her to go downstairs. Well, she was eating for two. That meant she needed to eat more, and with her having been ill, she hadn’t been doing such a good job starting out. She could hear soft murmurs downstairs as they banged around in the kitchen. A smile filled her face as she relaxed into the knowledge of being pregnant and being able to feel her husbands’ love inside of her. This was what she had hoped for when she had dared to hope back on Earth.

The aroma of something delicious lured her out of the light doze she’d fallen into. Her eyes popped open just as Caleb and Jeff walked through the door with plates of food in their hands. They set them down, and Jeff ran back downstairs.

“Drinks, be right back.”

They ate sitting cross-legged on the bed making plans and talking about getting a new couch and burning the old one. She teased them that she couldn’t be sick for a few days without them trashing her house.

Once they’d finished, Jeff carried their empty plates back to the kitchen, and then they piled up in the bed and held on to each other. She was so happy and full from her stomach to her heart that she ached to tell them that she loved them, but she didn’t want to put pressure on them. Then Jeff rolled over to look down at her. He traced her lips with his finger. She could tell he wanted to say something. She smiled and poured all of her love for him into her eyes.

“Baby. You make me so happy with everything you do. I love you, Beverly, with all my heart.” He bent down and kissed her, a quick brush of lips against hers.

“I love you, Jeff. You make me very happy.”

Caleb nudged Jeff over and kissed her. “You’re my everything, Bev. I love you so much it scares me sometimes.”

Beverly touched his lips with her finger. “I love you, too, Caleb. Making you both happy makes me happy.”

She squeezed her eyes shut to stop the tears when they both hugged her tightly between them. This was everything that life should be. Love and happiness completed their family, and together they completed each other.









Marla Monroe has been writing professionally for about ten years now. Her first book with Siren was published in January of 2011. She loves to write and spends every spare minute either at the keyboard or reading another Siren author. She writes everything from sizzling hot contemporary cowboys, to science fiction ménages with the occasional bad-ass biker thrown in for good measure.

Marla lives in the southern US and works full time at a busy hospital. When not writing, she loves to travel, spend time with her cats, and read. She’s always eager to try something new and especially enjoys the research for her books. She loves to hear from readers about what they are looking for next. You can reach Marla at
[email protected]
or visit her website at



For all titles by Marla Monroe, please visit




Siren Publishing, Inc.

BOOK: Making Them Happy [The Men of Space Station One #9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
8.73Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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