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Authors: Gwyneth Bolton

Make it Hot (14 page)

BOOK: Make it Hot
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“Hey, I remember my dad used to play this song all the time. Who sings this?” Maritza stood and started swaying to the music.

“Tavares.” Terrell watched her move as he answered the question.

Samantha could tell that there was definitely something going on with those two even if they didn’t know it yet.

“Will you dance with me?” Joel whispered his request in her ear.

She stood, and he wrapped her in his arms. They were probably moving way too slow, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was the way it felt to be in his arms.

“I never knew how true the words to this song were before now.” Joel planted a kiss on her forehead. “It only takes a minute.”

She couldn’t help but smile. Truth be told it hadn’t even taken her that long….


Holding Samantha in his arms and dancing to the old-school music felt right. The rest of the people at the cookout seemed to disappear.

“I apologize for how rudely my aunt Sophie behaved. She has always been a bit of a snob, but she seems to be getting worse in her old age. It’s like she’s taken this longtime rivalry she has with my mom and extended it to any other woman within range—at least the ones she hasn’t handpicked and tried to push off on us.”

“Your mother must be a saint. If I had to put up with that mean old woman for the amount of time your mom has, I might be in jail.” Samantha shook her head as she spoke, and he could tell she was still rather heated because her words sped out of her mouth.

She paused, took a breath and continued. “And what is the deal with you all continuing to let her come around when clearly she is a menace. One day, she’s going to insult the wrong person. Everyone isn’t as nice as me.”

He chuckled.

“What are you laughing at? I’m nice. I don’t care what you say. I’m as sweet as can be, and come to think of it, your aunt really can try the patience of a saint, because she certainly tried me today.”

He really let loose a gut-busting laugh then. “Baby, you are sweet, but I told you before, you ain’t nothing nice. Girl, I’m scared of you…Not too many people can say they left Sophie Hightower speechless. You had her shook for a minute there, and I’m sure that if you weren’t worried about making an impression on the family, you would have really told her off when she went on her second tirade.”

“Fat lot of good it did me. My limited constraint didn’t stop me from letting her get to me, but she actually called us nappy-headed harlots! Who calls people that?”

“Like I said, girl, I’m scared of you…but I’m also very proud of you. I love you.”

She tilted her head and gazed at him as he pulled her close and swayed to the music.

“So, you’ve met my immediate family. When do I get to meet yours? Does your mom come visit a lot from Chicago?”

“My mom? No. Why would you want to meet my family? Trust me we are
like you Hightowers. It’s probably best to just leave it at that.” She yawned.

“Are you getting tired?”

“A little.”

“I hope you’re not too tired. I’m thinking we can head back to your place after this and spend some time further exploring our relationship…” He let his words trail off but his eyes spoke volumes.

When her tongue darted out and wet her lower lip before she gulped and swallowed, he knew that she had gotten his message loud and clear.

“We can definitely head back to my place. I’m in the mood for some exploration. In fact, I aim to be well traveled.” Her saucy smirk moved from her sensual lips to her soulful eyes.

He smiled. He loved how quick she was on her feet and how she rolled with him verbally. “With me as your tour guide, you’re in for the trip of your life.”

He thought he had her stumped for a comeback until after a half a second when a sly grin formed on her kissable lips.

She eyed him as if she wanted to taste. “If you’re driving, I’ll take the ride anytime, anyplace, anywhere.”

Chapter 11

hen they got back to her apartment that evening, she saw her message light blinking but decided not to check them. She didn’t want Joel to hear the thousand-and-one drunken messages from her mom, especially after they had spent the day with his wonderful, loving—with the exception of Aunt Sophie—family. If Joel heard her mother’s nasty messages, he would see how dysfunctional her family really was.

She plopped down on her sofa instead and Joel sat down right next to her.

“My family really loves you.”

“Yeah, I think your aunt Sophie would beg to differ on that one.”

She wanted to laugh and shrug what Sophie had said off, but she couldn’t. The mean old woman had basically echoed some of the concerns Samantha already had about dating Joel, and then there was her vow never to get involved with a man who had a dangerous job. Maybe Sophie’s hateful behavior was really a blessing in disguise?

“You handled yourself well with my aunt, and Mom had you in the kitchen and gave you the secret to her potato salad. You do realize she has pretty much given you a life sentence, don’t you?” That sexy smile crossed his face, and his eyes gleamed.

“You pretty much have to end up with one of her sons, and since I have no intention of letting Lawrence or Patrick have you, you’re stuck with me.”

Luckily the phone rang before she had to respond.

She got up to get the phone, hoping it wasn’t her mother. The last thing she wanted was for Joel to hear her having one of those dreadful conversations with her mom.


“Where have you been, girl? I haven’t heard from you all weekend.” Jenny’s peppy voice boomed through the phone line.

Jenny had to be the nosiest woman on the face of the planet.

“It’s only Saturday, Jenny, and I told you I had a cookout to go to.”

Jenny made a
sound. “Yeah, I know, and you got me waiting all night by the phone to find out how it went. I bet his family just adored you. So, how was it?”

“I have company. Can I call you back?”

“Company? Is he still there?” She could feel Jenny smiling through the phone. “I guess things went well then—”

“Yeah, I’ll call you tomorrow, or we’ll chat at work on Monday.”

“Monday! You can’t make me wait till Monday to get the goods, girl. Come on!”

Samantha could almost see Jenny bouncing up and down and pouting.

“Okay, then, Jenny. I’ll talk with you later on. Give the kids a hug and a kiss for me and tell Walt I said hello.”

“You ain’t right. You’re just an evil little wench.”

Ha, ha.
Girl, you so crazy. Bye.” Samantha hung up the phone and hoped Jenny had sense enough not to call back.

Instead of sitting back on the sofa with Joel, she continued to stand. Stretching, she made a production of yawning. The last thing she wanted was for him to go. She would have loved to spend one more night in his arms, but ending things before they got out of hand was the best route.

“Boy, I’m tired. It was a long day, huh?” She yawned again.

He stood up and walked over to where she was standing. “Yes, it was a long day. I’m ready for bed myself.” He pulled her into his arms. “What about you?”

“I’m ready for bed, too…” Yawn. “Mmm…Sleepy…” She opened her mouth to yawn again, and he kissed her.

As soon as his lips touched hers, she melted.


Joel deepened his kiss, allowing his tongue to reach as far into her sweet mouth as he possibly could. He circled her tongue, taking his time to enjoy the flavor.

He could tell when her mood had changed. The mention of his aunt Sophie and the mean things she’d said had Samantha doing an about-face and running in the other direction.

He couldn’t let that happen. Not after he realized what he felt for her.

He nibbled on her lower lip, sucking and pulling it into his mouth as he developed a strategy.

Her lips were luscious, juicy works of art, and they made for the perfect sweet and savory blend. Her mouth was a meal: dinner, dessert and a glass of fine wine. He could feast forever.

By now the recently yawning woman had her arms wrapped around his neck and did a slow and seductive grind against his pelvis as she picked up her pace and started to devour his mouth.

He’d bought himself some time. He had to keep kissing her.

She pulled away and ran her tongue across her lips. He felt a jolt from his gut to his groin. Forget making it hot, Samantha Dash sent him from sizzling to blazing. Her touch sent a scorching stream straight to his soul. He took her hand and led her to her bedroom.

They didn’t say a word as he slowly undressed her. Her voluptuous body took his breath away. Each chocolate-covered curve begged to be touched, and he let his hand linger over them, one by one. He felt electric shocks as he caressed her skin. She must have felt them, too, because she shivered and moaned.

Naked, her full breasts called out for attention. The dark, tight nipples stood firm. He bent his head and took one in his mouth, suckling without a care in the world, still stroking her with his hands until they found the V between her legs. Without a moment of hesitation, he delved into the slick, wet folds of her womanhood, using his hands to bring pleasure he fully intended to heighten and heighten again as the night progressed.

By the time he was done with her, he didn’t want there to be a doubt in her mind he was the only man for her. He didn’t want any doubt they belonged together.

“Joel…” She reached up to try and take off his shirt.

He let the nipple he had been tasting pop out of his mouth. “Uh-uh. I got this. Just relax for a moment. Enjoy.” He latched on to the other nipple.

“Mmm…but I want to touch you, too.”

“We have all night long.” He led her to the bed and placed her so he could devour each inch of delectable chocolate in his own pace.


Samantha felt as if she were going to scream. Joel seemed like a man on a mission, and the only thing she could do was accept each minute of his pleasure assault with mind-shattering orgasmic relish.

His lips knew how to spark desire, how to stoke it until it burst into flames, and those fire-starting lips were more than happy to tell all they knew to each spot on her body they kissed, suckled and nipped.

It all ended in her body feeling hot, satisfied and wanting more.

Even as he explored her with his mouth and hands, he remained fully clothed. She wanted to feel his skin against hers. She wanted to feel him filling her until she thought she might explode.

She wanted him, all of him.

By the time he got up from the bed and took off his clothes, she felt dizzy with pleasure.

Like a little kid who overdosed on sweets, she was high on his kisses and the orgasms his lips had brought her. The giddiness in her spread from her head to the tips of her toes, all she could do was look at him and smile a goofy smile.

His body. Lawd, his body was a sight to behold. Over six feet of brilliantly made, handsome, muscled steel. His pectorals offered perfection. His strong thighs were built for rides—slow, seductive rides and fast, wild rides. Any kind of ride a girl had in mind, and those thighs promised a smooth and exhilarating one.

He must have been reading her mind, because he put on their protection, got on the bed and laid down with two pillows under his head so that his back was slightly flexed.

Oh, yes, someone had been reading up on the best positions for men with chronic back pain.

He looked at her with a grin. “So you said you wanted to touch me. How about taking us both on a little ride?”

He didn’t have to ask her twice.

She straddled him and allowed her already-soaking sex to envelop his manhood until their pelvises merged and he filled her to the hilt.

It felt so good. So damn good.

She had to give herself a minute to get used to the way he stretched and completed her. When she started to move her hips, she closed her eyes.

“Look at me, sweetheart. Look at me and tell me what you see.” His soft and firm command sent a sexy shiver through her body.

She opened her eyes and gazed at him. It was still there, all the devotion and caring she had seen earlier. Only this time it didn’t make her want to run. It made her want to make her man feel good.

She rotated her hips, lifting up, spiraling back down, again and again, over and over. She moved like a woman possessed, loving the way he felt inside of her, teasing all of her spots as she angled her strokes.

She put her palms on his chest and moved her hips in a figure eight;
Cosmo girl
-style. At first she started slow. Then she rode him faster and faster. Samantha felt like she was going to explode.

She raised her arms above her head, arched her back. She loved the feel of her back. She loved the feel of her full breasts bouncing up and down, up and down. And judging from Joel’s reaction—lust-filled eyes and groping hands squeezing her behind—so did he. Samantha rode him like a cowgirl, obsessed with how big and hot he felt inside of her.

She bent her head and licked his glistening stomach and chest letting her tongue trace a path to his mouth. She latched on, kissing him with all the emotions she felt inside. Even if she wasn’t ready to verbalize the emotions he pulled out of her, she could make him feel it.

So she worked him. Steadily moving up and down. He met her thrust with slow steady, strokes of his own. He didn’t have to do much to take her over the edge. She screamed her orgasm into his mouth with her eyes shut tight.

“Samantha, I love you.” His words fell from his lips as he found his own release.

She opened her eyes and saw he had a tear falling down his cheek.

“What’s wrong? Is it your back? I—” She quickly got off him. Her heart thumped with worry.

“No. My back is fine. I’m just happy. Content. Satisfied. Complete.” He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her on her forehead.

Everything she could clearly see him feeling entered her heart and caused it to burst as her own eyes became damp with tears. She nodded. She felt the same.


Joel woke up the next morning feeling rejuvenated. For the first time in a long time he felt like he had a new lease on life—and was accepting his new journey, whatever it turned out to be.

He slipped on his shorts and walked into the living room. What he saw made him chuckle.

Samantha had her iPod on as she straightened up her apartment. She had on those jean shorts he loved and a cute pink T-shirt. She danced as she dusted and fluffed pillows.

Her hips swayed so nicely he could barely take his eyes off her. That wasn’t what made him laugh. The picture she made swaying and cleaning was perfect. The sound? Well, that was another story.

His sweetheart might favor Jennifer Hudson in looks, but not in pipes. She sang along with Beyonce’s “Upgrade U,” and she was
off key.

“I can do for you what Martin did for the people. Ran by the men but the women keep the tempo…Let me upgrade you.”

It sounded like coyotes baying at the moon.

So what, his perfect woman had a tiny little flaw? He watched her for a little bit longer until she started doing the shimmy and talking about ringing alarms.

She tossed a pillow in the air, spun around and caught it, as she did her little disco spin she saw him looking at her.

She jumped, and her eyes widened as she patted her chest. “Boy, you scared me half to death. How long were you standing there?” She took her earphones out and placed her hand on her hip.

“Long enough to watch your rendition of the oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-no-no. The dancing was hot, but…err…Beyonce called and said you can leave the singing to her. ‘Crazy in Love’ or not, you might wanna consider lip-synching.” He chuckled at his own joke.

“Ooh…That’s cold, and I was going to make you the most delicious brunch you’ve ever had. Now, I think I might let you starve.”

“You’d starve a man for telling the truth? Okay, fine. You can sing your behind off. You should try out for
American Idol.
I’m sure Simon would love you.” He laughed again.

She stood with her arms akimbo as she gave him a mock evil eye. “
Ha, ha
…How about you go shower and get dressed and when you get done, I’ll feed you.”

“That sounds like a plan. It would be even better if you could join me….”

“I showered over an hour ago, and I have to cook.” She walked over and gave him a peck on the lips.

He licked his lips and turned to take a shower. Just as he did, he felt her give his behind a squeeze.

“Girl, don’t start nothing you don’t plan on finishing.” He chuckled.

“Just testing the firmness.” She squeezed again. She gave him a pat. “Now go shower.” She giggled.

Torn between taking her on the sofa or dragging her in the shower with him, he decided to be good for now and bathe alone.


Samantha buzzed around her small galley kitchen trying to decide the best thing to cook. She wanted to impress him, but she didn’t want to appear to be trying too hard.

So she settled for an egg-and-Swiss cheese casserole with lots of Swiss chard and some scallions chopped up in it. She also made some French toast on some nice thick, crusty bread she’d picked up from the bakery. After fresh-squeezing some orange juice and starting the coffee pot with some hazelnut flavored coffee, she decided she should check her messages quickly before Joel came back from his shower.

She pressed the button and tried to steel herself for the barrage to come. Her heart stopped when instead of hearing her mother’s drunken slurred voice, she heard a man’s voice she didn’t recognize.

“Miss Dash, my name is Dr. Milford Corning and I’m calling about your mother, Mrs. Veronica Dash—” The rest of what he said got drowned out in her own ears, and all she could hear was her own scream.

BOOK: Make it Hot
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