Read Main Attraction Online

Authors: Anna J. Evans

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy

Main Attraction (9 page)

BOOK: Main Attraction
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“Hello, Edna,” Frank said as he opened the door to her suite. He took her breath away. She could smell his unique, potently sensual scent from twenty feet away. It invaded her body, making her nipples tighten and a sharp knot of longing fist low in her belly.

“Hello, Frank.” Thank god she didn’t sound as lustful as she felt. Now she just had to get rid of him before she did something stupid, like throw herself at his feet and beg him to fuck her. Not something she’d usually worry about, but then, she hadn’t been herself since that night. He’d awoken her long-dormant sex drive and she’d been able to think of little else since.

“You look…” Frank trailed off as he walked farther into the room, stopping about five feet away from her chair.

“I look?” she prompted, noticing that Frank himself looked amazing in a pair of faded jeans and a plain black t-shirt that stretched tightly over his manly chest. He looked even more rampantly masculine clothed, if that were possible. Or maybe it was

just the idea of getting to peel off that shirt to reveal the perfection underneath that made her pussy grow decidedly slick.

“You look even better in real life. You’ve been all over the evening news, but the cameras didn’t do you justice,” he said with a smile, seeming to recover from whatever had stolen his words a few moments before.

She would have liked to believe he’d been dumbfounded by her beauty, destroyed by the knowledge that he’d passed up his chance at such a goddess. But considering she was still in her pajamas, hadn’t brushed her hair or even bothered to put on her makeup, she seriously doubted that was the case. At least she’d brushed her teeth, not that he would be getting close enough to smell her breath. In fact, it would be best if he turned around and left right now.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, so very early in the morning?” She needed to keep her mind on business. Find out what he wanted and then get rid of him. She had enough on her plate at the moment without being reminded that she was suffering from something that felt remarkably like a broken heart.

“They told me you got up early,” Frank said, then fell silent once more, staring at her in a way that would have been flattering if she wasn’t positive that he didn’t care for her. How could he, when he’d left her without so much as a kind word?

“What do you want, Frank?” she asked, springing up from her chair and walking over to the table where her fruit tray from last night still sat. She was no longer hungry in the slightest, but maybe he’d hurry up and get on with whatever he was here for if he assumed she was ready for breakfast.

“Not a morning person?” He followed her to the table and took a grape from the tray with the same ease he’d taken her body in his hands just a few nights before.

For some reason, that air of possession drove her over the edge.

“Hands off my fruit tray, Frank. For your information, I’m definitely a morning person, just not when in the presence of someone I don’t like very much.”

“Ouch. I guess I deserve that,” he said with what almost sounded like a nervous laugh. Why would he be nervous?

“I’ll ask you one more time, what do you want?”

“That’s a big question.” He met her eyes with a look that had her imagination working overtime, but she forced herself not to fling herself into his arms and accept the invitation she thought she read there.

She’d thought Frank cared for her once before, had thought she’d seen the same affection she imagined she saw in his eyes now, but she’d been wrong. He’d left and she’d felt like a lovesick fool. It wasn’t going to happen a second time. If he had something to say, something he wanted, he was going to have to spell it out.

“I got my clothes that you sent over. Thanks for bothering,” he said, then held out a small brown bag she hadn’t even realized he’d been holding.

“What’s this?” Edna asked, the simple act of her fingers brushing against his as she reached for the bag more contact than she could handle without starting to tremble.

“Your diaper. Sorry I took it. I walked out before I thought about it, or the fact that I’d have to walk into the Guard’s Station wearing the damn thing,” he said, one finger tracing a gentle caress over her knuckles before he pulled away, leaving her holding the bag.

“You could have kept it. I’m out of the business.”

“Good. It didn’t suit you.” The affection in his eyes made her want to scream. How could he do this to her, remind her of what it felt like to be the focus of his overwhelming attention when he just planned to drop her diaper and go?

“How do you know what suits me? You don’t even know me,” Edna said, her voice thick with the beginnings of tears. Why couldn’t she be in this man’s presence for more than ten minutes without some part of her getting weepy? It just wasn’t normal.

“Yeah, that’s what I kept telling myself. We also have different lifestyles, different backgrounds, and I half convinced myself you never wanted to see my face again.”

“Are you crazy? You’re the one who walked out the door.” “I had work to do.”

“You ran so fast you left in a
, Frank,” she said as she watched him pop another grape into his mouth, feeling strangely envious of the plump little green fruit. “You’re in my fruit tray again.”

“I’d like to be in a lot more than your fruit tray,” he whispered, moving so quickly that she was pressed up against him before she knew what had happened.

“Let go of me,” she whispered, despite the fact that letting go was the last thing she wanted him to do. It felt too amazing to have her breasts flattened against his warm chest and his thick-muscled thigh beginning to insinuate itself in between the legs of her satin pajama pants.

“Edna, I’m sorry I left. Can we start over?” he asked, his hand smoothing down her back and caressing the curve of her ass.

“I’m not sure.” She closed her eyes and swayed into him, tilting her pelvis just the slightest bit against the hard cock straining the fly of his jeans. A rush of heat flooded between her thighs and a whimper sounded from the back of her throat as she tried not to wrap her arms around him and press him close with every muscle in her body.

She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted any man, but she didn’t want the drama. She’d had enough pain, enough upheaval. She just wanted to be able to relax and trust again. Frank had seemed like the most trustworthy man in the world, but he’d walked out on her. She didn’t know how she could forget that. How could she open herself up to his powerful draw again when she knew that losing him a second time would be even more agonizing than the first?

“I didn’t think you wanted the kind of relationship I had to offer. You didn’t seem to like your life. I knew you wanted a change. How could I ask you to stay in a world you hated?”

“Relationship?” Edna knew there was something else she should be getting from his words, but for the life of her she couldn’t get past that one word. Relationship. He wanted a relationship? With her?

“But I couldn’t stop thinking about you, dreaming about you. I was a wreck, I drove my son crazy grumping around the house. God, what am I trying to say. I’d never ask you to call me Master, and you’re certainly no slave. That’s never been the kind of thing I get off on, but I do enjoy the type of sexual relationship we started exploring the other night. It’s part of who I am. I couldn’t—”

. This is just about sex,” Edna said, her hope dying as quickly as it had sprung to life.

“No, damn it, it’s not
about sex,” he said, pulling her closer, pinning her against his body with a vehemence that shook her in the best way possible. “It’s about the way I feel about you. I want you, Edna. Sexually, emotionally, mentally and any other way I can have you. I want you to be mine. I want to care for you—fuck it—I want to
you, but I didn’t want to—”

“Kiss me, Frank.” Edna wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled his mouth down to hers. No matter what else he had to say, she knew enough to realize that her dreams were coming true. He wanted her the same way she wanted him, and that meant she didn’t have to fight the mad attraction that was nearly leveling her where she stood.

“First you need to tell me. Tell me that you’re mine, Edna,” he said, pulling away from her mouth just far enough to speak. She could still feel his breath hot on her lips. He smelled of coffee and grapes and something purely Frank, and she was dying for a taste of him. She would tell him anything just to get that taste, but thankfully what he wanted to hear was exactly what was in her heart.

“I’m yours, Frank. My lips, my pussy, my ass, my heart and anything else you can think of down the line,” she said, rocking against his cock again, letting him know how

she ached to be completely his, to be claimed by the thickness that twitched against her thigh.

“And I’m yours, Edna, for as long as you’ll have me,” he said. And then he lowered his mouth to hers and set about laying his claim in a much more erotic fashion.

Chapter Seven

Frank struggled to hold on to his control, fighting the urge to pull Edna down and finish what they had started right there on the carpet. She was so unbelievably sexy, so soft and sweet tasting, and even more beautiful than he’d remembered. When he had first seen her sitting there in those silky purple pajamas, he’d lost the ability to form words. He was sucked in by those big brown eyes and soft, lipstick-free lips, unable to fathom how she could look so stunning fresh out of her bed.

Her bed. God, he wanted to get her in bed, get her naked and get his cock inside her in the next ten seconds. But there was no way in hell he’d let their first time be a rushed event. No matter how much he ached for her, had been aching for her since he left the parlor three nights before, he had to make this last. He wanted her as crazy for him as he was for her, begging him to fuck his pussy before he finally filled her.

“Frank,” she whispered against his mouth before she bit down on his bottom lip, raking her teeth over the sensitive skin.

“Yes?” He pressed his fingers even deeper into the soft flesh of her delectable ass, pulling her to where his cock throbbed with need for her, and only her. Edna was his, and he had to show her just how grateful he was for the chance she’d given them.

“Are you going to fuck me now?” She scored her nails down his back and he suddenly wished he wasn’t wearing a shirt. He wanted to feel her nails on his skin, feel the slight burn as she lost control and clawed at him.

“Haven’t you heard that good things are worth waiting for?”

“I don’t want to wait,” she said, pulling away from him and whipping her pajama top over her head. He’d had some fantasy about slowly unbuttoning the thing with his teeth, but who was he kidding? He wouldn’t have been able to manage all those buttons without losing control.

“You have the most beautiful breasts.” He fell to his knees and cupped her in his hands, testing the weight of each full globe before he nuzzled his face in between. Softly, he trailed kisses along her cleavage before letting his tongue play across her skin.

“I’m shorter in real life,” she whispered, her breath coming faster as he teased a slow trail over to her right nipple and began to flick his tongue gently over her tip.

“You’re the perfect height. Those heels were ridiculous,” he said, increasing the pressure with his tongue as he captured her other nipple with his fingers, rolling and plucking softly.

“Frank, please. My pussy is already so wet,” she moaned, her hands trembling as she cupped his jaw, trying to urge him away from her nipple. Instead he sucked harder, drawing her deeply into his mouth until she cried out. Then he moved to the other nipple, licking and biting and sucking. She squirmed against him, the nails she pressed into his neck less than gentle.

“Whose pussy?” “
pussy, yours.”

“Now I bet my pussy’s even wetter, isn’t it?”

“God yes, Frank. I don’t think I can stand much—oh god!” she cried out, a half strangled sound of relief, when he quickly tugged her pants to the floor, baring her pussy to his gaze. She wasn’t wearing a damn thing under her pajamas and Frank felt his mouth begin to water as he caught the scent of her. He hadn’t intended to taste her, but the temptation was too much to resist.

With a firm hand, he eased her legs farther apart and brought his tongue to where her small, plump lips hid her clit. Curling his tongue, he began to tease between the petals of her sex, capturing her bud in the warm heat of his mouth, wrapping her completely in his tongue before he swirled around her in gentle circles.

“Frank,” she called his name in a slightly panicked voice and he watched her knees begin to tremble.

“Sit,” he commanded, lengthening himself on the ground beneath her and pulling her hips down. She tensed as she looked down and saw where he had aimed her body, but he didn’t loosen his hold. “Sit, Edna. Now. I want more of my pussy.”

She dropped her hips with a moan, a sound that Frank echoed as he was suddenly surrounded by the sweet, wet heat of her. He tunneled his tongue inside her dripping cleft, lapping up the evidence of her arousal, penetrating her with deep thrusts. Then, when he felt her start to tremble above him, he withdrew, moving to flick his tongue against her clit until she began to cream for him again. Back and forth, back and forth, he teased through her swollen, aroused flesh, bringing her to the verge of release but not allowing her to climax. Finally, she began to rock her sex against him, squirming her clit into closer contact with his tongue, desperately seeking relief from the tension that consumed her.

Frank brought his hands to her waist and held her tight as he urged her to lie on the ground. She tumbled to the carpet with her legs spread wide, a clear invitation for him to fuck the pussy he had just finished tormenting with his mouth. Frank felt the tension in his own groin grow to epic levels as her lust-filled eyes met his and her small hands began to smooth down the front of her body.

“Do you want to touch yourself?”

“No, I want you to fuck me,” she said, but her fingers were already on her clit, circling the needy flesh with swift, wild movements. Her nipples beaded and her lips parted, while a delicate flush rose in her cheeks. She was seconds away from finding release without him.

BOOK: Main Attraction
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