Maid For His Submission (10 page)

BOOK: Maid For His Submission
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She could hear his voice from the morning he had given the wand to her as if he were standing in the shower with her. Tosh missed him desperately and for this moment, she could almost feel him here with her now.

“First, we must prepare your toy as well as you,” he had instructed while stroking the wand with a handful of body wash like a pro. There was nothing he did without confidence, and watching him at that moment Tosh had been overwhelmed with lust. She had seen him handle Thomas with the same skill, and Tosh had been left as a pile of jello at their feet watching them together.

“Turn around,” he had instructed her, and Tosh’s stomach flipped when he used that sensual commanding voice on her.

Turning her back to him, he wrapped his arms around her. Melting into him, her skin tingled when he first touched her with his sudsy hands. She loved the feel of his large strong hands over her body caressing her face, her breasts, her stomach, and thighs. Running her hands over her body, she imagined they were his. Rubbing the underside of her breasts, the back of her neck, massaging her wrists and hands, she ran the wand over her body as he had that first night, awaking every nerve with the touch of his sensual toy. The rubber beads made a massaging ripple and made her all the more aware that something bigger was about to come.

“Lean your head on my shoulder and arch your back.” His voice could make the simplest commands sound wicked and forbidden.

She had leaned her head back and let him guide her arms up to link her fingers behind his neck. She remembered how comfortable and natural it felt just to touch him and savored the feeling. Holding her by the hips, she was sure he was preparing to take her in the shower, but instead he pushed her lower back forward and her rear back, aligning her in the perfect position for him to show her the magic of the beaded wand.

“Oh, was her startled reply when she felt the first bead breach her puckered hole. It was a strange sensation, but the not first time they had partaken in pleasuring this region, and despite her discomfort the first time with the feather duster, she had enjoyed it, but never saw it as a fair exchange for sex.

Two, three, four more beads slid in, each one larger than the last and each gave a pop that jolted her senses. The feeling grew and grew into an electric cyclone in her belly, and then it was in. He gave a little tug test, and she felt a pull that gave her sex a promise for gratification.

“I should attach a leash to the ring and walk you around the living room like this.”

At the time, Tosh felt intrigued by the notion, but since she feared he might force her to take such a step and there were some things she didn’t think she could ever be truly comfortable with. Tosh didn’t know when or if she would ever be able to tell him of her feelings toward some of his suggestions. She was afraid of disappointing him and despite how uncomfortable she felt at times, and though he never forced her to do anything she didn’t want to, he always managed to seduce her into it.

Tosh focused on her memories of his deep voice and slowly inserted the beads feeling the first two ‘pop’ in. The sensation now was thrilling, and she even enjoyed adding that little tug at the end once they were all in place. The beads worked their magic quickly, and Tosh leaned her head against the shower wall, enjoying the coolness of the tile on her face as the rest of her was pelted with hot water from all angles. Quickly, the tension built up and up. It had been less than a minute since she had first inserted them, but Tosh reached around again to take hold of the rubber ring while her other hand traveled up to caress and pinch her breasts. Giving the ring one firm tug, the beads were pulled free, and Tosh cried out in her instant release. It really was a magic wand, unlike the pain in anal sex, her anal beads could make her climb and push her over the edge faster than anyone’s cock could.

Quick panting breaths soon slowed to deep breathing. Leaning against the shower wall, she relaxed under the massaging jets. Richard’s absences had suddenly come to life. For the first time in two weeks he wasn’t there to rub her shoulders and kiss her neck as he always did after she experienced the magic of the anal beads. Missing him more than she expected, Tosh wondered how she would feel come that night when she had to sleep alone.

Reaching over to the panel, she clicked the water off and stopped the play list.
That was a mistake,
she thought to herself. Stepping out of the shower, reaching for her towel and quickly drying her limbs, she pulled on her fashionable sweats and tank with her hair up in a towel turban. Her release had not relieved her sexual needs, but only turned her on for something more, and he wasn’t there to fulfill her.

Stepping out in the hall, Tosh walked directly toward his room. Tosh was surprised at how quiet the apartment was. Never a place with too much activity beyond their own intimate games. True she had started to grow accustomed to him being absent during his work days, and his occasional ‘administrative’ visits to the club downstairs. Unfortunately, after two weeks of living together, he still didn’t share his outside life with her nor had he permitted her admission into Club Odyssey. Tosh had begun to feel like his dirty little secret and if it wasn’t for how attentive he was to her when they were together, she would begin to wonder if there was another woman or man in his life.

Polished and finger print clean, his doorknob was a perfect example of the rest of his home. Everything had its own place and sparkled from an OCD cleanliness. Tosh had to smile at his OCD tendencies since it was she who was normally put to work in the most creative way. Touching the door knob with her index finger, she watched her body heat and oils leave an imprint in the brass finish. Never before had she imagined that people polished door knobs nor did she imagine such a delightfully creative way to do it.

“Her mouth was made for this.” Thomas had offered, standing to her right, leaning against the wall with Richard to her left holding the leash that he had attached to her collar earlier that night.

She had been dressed in her favorite maid costume with a neckline that dipped below her bust, framing her breasts with rows of ruffled lace, giving them an elegant presentation. Trained to Richard's standards, she had a micro-fiber cloth tucked between her breasts and sitting on the back of her feet giving her mouth the perfect level to fog over the bright brass knob with her warm breath. She liked to add in a long storming lick with her tongue for the men’s enjoyment before she started to make sure to finish by sitting up on her knees and leaning forward to catch the knob between her breasts, pushing it into the micro-fiber cloth before polishing the knob off.

Tosh enjoyed hearing their faint panting. No matter how controlled either of them presented themselves, she could still tease them to near explosion. That night they were both ready for her administrations. Pausing to look over her shoulder, Tosh had watched Richard step closer to Thomas, who was already reaching for Richard's zipper. They were friends and occasional fuck dudes as they liked to call themselves. She looked forward to these nights when she got to see her master and his fuck dude in action.

Over and over again she polished the same door knob to their enjoyment while she got to see Thomas’ manicured hand stroke Richards’s long and perfect member. They didn’t make it to the bed until much later, having lost patience. Richard pulled her leash toward him to lick the pearly droplets of pre-cum from his tip while he turned his head to Thomas, taking him in a deep, maddening, passionate kiss. They had both been turned on and it was thanks to her.

That night they had explored so many more possibilities.

Entering the master bedroom when he wasn’t around had been her norm, only upon his instructions, and normally his instructions involved a wickedly sinful domestic chore and not an offering of a present. She sat at the foot of his bed, which was made to military standard with his favorite blood red silk sheets and velvet black quilt. He definitely had the flare for the dramatic, and it tickled her to know how he had quickly welcomed her into his world of drama and wickedness.

Tosh walked in a large circle around the bed, keeping her eye on the wooden box that beckoned to her. He had not been one to give her a present before beyond the sinful erotic toys she enjoyed, and she was afraid to see what he had deemed so special for her. The box was stained with a nut brown and the size of a Kleenex box, inlaid on the top was a large black ‘P’ that filled her belly with warmth. That title he had once used to mock her had quickly become an endearment that she looked forward to hearing him say.

A quiet creak escaped the brass hinges, and she felt a thrill in opening her treasure chest.

White tissue, folded neatly with a wax seal bearing an elaborate R was all she could see. It looked so elegant and timeless she almost didn’t want to break the seal, but curiosity was a powerful thing. Ripping the paper around the seal, she eagerly unfolded the tissue to reveal red satin briefs. They had embossed filigree and when she picked them up, there was a weight to them that she had not expected. Holding the undergarment up, she looked down into the box and found a note in his hand.


A little something to help you

remember me while I’m away.

Proceed to your breakfast and

await my call when I land.


Placing the panties back in the box, Tosh closed the lid and then opened it again to properly fold them before closing the lid again and leaving the room.

Tosh had come to enjoy her days, she could relax in casual clothes around the apartment once Richard had left for the office and they shared very adventurous moments during the day with the help of his advanced surveillance system. There was much pleasure to be found in the sexual, restrictive clothing that Richard normally dressed her in, but nothing beat her mornings when he was off at the office and she could lounge around in sweats and a tank. Soon, if her plans worked out, she wouldn’t have the time to enjoy her mornings of leisure.

Leaving his sovereign sanctum behind, Tosh walked into the kitchen. The smell of his custom blended coffee already brewed and steeping in a small French press for one, a white cup and black saucer stood at the ready beside it and her morning serving of vanilla yogurt and fresh strawberries with their heart already cored for her pleasure. Smiling to herself, she made a note to thank Stephanie, who no doubt, had followed Richard’s instructions to the letter.

Pulling out the bar stool, Tosh took her seat very gently, her body may have hummed from their carnal delights only hours ago, but her rear was still a bit red. The curved cold metal seat of the stool hugged her tender round backside and sent a soothing chill through her sweats and new underwear. Much like everything else in his penthouse, the metal stools may look cold, uncomfortable, and uninviting, but once she relaxed into them they were comfortable, soothing and the perfect fit. Tosh cursed herself for becoming sentimental, but when you are loved and spoiled by a dominant stud who treasures you, how could you be anything but sentimental.

With its thick, rich, and buttery aftertaste, Tosh closed her eyes and savored the rich taste of what had become her favorite part in this morning routine. Richard not only knew how to dress, screw, and romance, he also knew how to make the best coffee and judging by how Stephanie jumped in this morning, he had no doubt passed on his great java wisdom which gave Tosh a little bit of hope of surviving the upcoming days without him. She was going to need her strength, today was the day she was going to take his absence and make it a productive opportunity, and with a little hard work she hoped to make him proud of her upon his return. Pondering over the long list in her mind, she tried to think out a plan for the day. It would all have been easier if she could have kept her phone with calendar and lists on it, but that was the first luxury she had to set aside. Now that she and Richard had moved on from employer/employee to a relationship, she had started to feel the tight grip of her empty wallet and that would end today.

Step one: Land employment.

Heaven knew what Richard would say when he returned, but she hoped he would be pleased. She had begun to feel like a free loader and even though she could never afford to compensate what his lifestyle cost, she would like to pull her own weight.

Step two: Go back to school or else.

It was going to take much more humility for her, but Tosh knew she could do it. After three weeks absent from her classes and giving up on useless excuses to her instructors, Tosh was going to go back to school and beg her instructors to take her back without forever scarring her with an F. She was twenty-four years old and it was time that Tosh buckle down and get a job and finish school or move on with her life. Here she had been living in the lap of luxury with a self-made man—as far as she knew—and who was she to not do the same and chase after her own success? She wasn’t going to give up on her dream of becoming a famous artist, but for now, she was proud to be an employed artist. Only this time she would mark maid off her list of employment possibilities.

Setting down her cup of coffee with a clink, Tosh quickly calculated how much time she had until his plane landed and she was expected to be in the apartment ready to greet him and enjoy whatever he had planned for her.

Slowly releasing a breath, she rubbed her thighs together, feeling her body temperature rise just thinking of what he had planned for her. There was no telling what perverted seduction he had in play, but she had never known him to come up short on any of his efforts toward her. There was a growing comfort in knowing that his attention hadn’t wavered. True, their beginning was odd and mysterious, but she had quickly put his deception behind her, and she had since fallen into a domestic routine around his penthouse, but she still acted as his erotic maid. Tosh had asked a number of times if she could take over Stephanie's responsibilities, but he refused to have her take on any traditional service work. He didn’t see it demeaning for her to properly clean the living space, but he didn’t ‘wish it to be her position’ as he liked to put it.

BOOK: Maid For His Submission
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