Read Lust and Other Drugs Online

Authors: Saranna Dewylde

Tags: #Romance

Lust and Other Drugs (5 page)

BOOK: Lust and Other Drugs
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They drove for a while before he spoke again. “Are you

She knew the best way to get past this was to act as they
normally did, but Anne didn’t know if she could swing it. “Not really. It’s
been a long day.”

“Flick?” he asked.

Anne realized he was trying to be normal too. How she’d sit
next to him through a whole movie with the memory of their dance still fresh,
she didn’t know.


“You know you need snacks for movie night. Maybe a little
pizza?” Chase prodded.

She smiled. “I guess.”

“That’s my girl.”

Ugh, she had to stop reading innuendo into every slip of his

Her channel clenched at the visual of
slipping his tongue
Anne was determined not to think about sex anymore. Or Chase.


Chapter Four


So much for not thinking about sex.

Anne was a lumpy mess on the couch next to Chase and she
didn’t even know what movie they were watching. She was so aware of herself.
For years, Anne had hijacked his t-shirts and boxer shorts for pajamas, but
rather than make her feel comfy as they had in the past, she was very aware of
where they’d touched on his body in relation to where they touched hers. Her
nipples were hard points beneath the t-shirt and the throbbing in her sex was
almost unbearable.

He wore nothing but a pair of ratty shorts and Anne still
couldn’t keep her eyes off him. She’d thought he was sin on a stick in the
jeans; it was worse in the shorts because she could see more of his tan skin.
The lines and perfect musculature of his long legs.

Regardless of what either of them wanted, things had
changed. The comfortable companionship they’d always shared would never be that
way for her again. Maybe if they got it over with, if they had sex, this would
go away. She needed it to stop.

When the credits finally rolled, she popped off the couch
like some angry bug had bitten her ass. “Well, I’m tired.”

“Okay, goodnight. Want me to tuck you in?” he asked with a
lazy smile.

Sweet Jesus, no. Because as soon as she was in bed, she was
going to turn her Rabbit on high and make herself come until her brains
squirted out of her snatch. Then maybe she wouldn’t think about Chase and his
lovely cock anymore. And she definitely didn’t want him present this time.

“No thanks. I’m good.” Anne turned and darted to her room
before he could say anything else.

Her laptop sat cold and quiet on her desk, but she wasn’t
touching that thing either—not until she got Chase Donovan out of her head. At
this rate, that would happen when dog shit tasted like Godiva.

Because the memories that washed over her, that made her
hot, were the ones of their dance. Anne eased beneath the covers with her
trusty Rabbit and rolled her nipple between her thumb and forefinger, imagining
her hand was Chase’s mouth. She tugged firmly and imagined it was the gentle
pull of his teeth.

Anne pushed the phallus of the Rabbit into her wet cunt and
turned the setting on low. The jutting appendage on the top pushed up against
her clit. She sighed in expectation—and nothing happened. The Rabbit gave a
little shudder and moved no more. Its death felt like an accusation.

She needed new batteries.

Anne knew with a horrible certainty that she had none in her
room. She’d already cannibalized the ones from her television remote. Chase was
Captain Emergency Preparedness. He had a whole arsenal that was stocked full of
any size battery she could fathom.

In the kitchen.

Past the living room, where he was watching another movie.

A glass of water. She could get a glass of water. Anne
nodded. The perfect excuse. Or maybe she should just tell him she needed
batteries so she could come again and maybe they should just fuck and get it
over with. Then they could be friends again and she’d stop thinking of him.

Anne peeked out of her room and around the corner. It was
dark and quiet. He must’ve gone to bed too. She tiptoed down the hall and
paused at his door. There was a sliver of light coming through the small space
between the door and the frame where it hadn’t been closed all the way.

She wanted to look, but she didn’t dare. Anne imagined he
was jacking off, thinking about their dance just as she was about to do. It
didn’t matter if that’s what he was doing or not, it’s what she wanted to

But the door
open. If she wasn’t supposed to
look, wouldn’t it be closed? Chase didn’t believe in coincidence, so perhaps
the universe had decreed the door be left open for her viewing pleasure? She
realized that her reasoning was skewed and she was rationalizing. If she wanted
to look, she’d better have at it and be prepared to deal with the consequences
if he caught her.

Being caught was its own fantasy right there. Anne could
easily imagine him being displeased with her for watching him without his
permission, and that should definitely earn her some time over his knee and a
good, solid spanking. Maybe she’d even have to make up for it by sucking his—

She looked. Fantasy didn’t have anything on the
reality of Chase Donovan or his cock. They say the camera makes everything look
bigger, but the website didn’t begin to do the size of him justice.

It also drove the point home that this was real. This wasn’t
happening in some ether of the internet, this was real life. She was watching
her best friend jerk off and she wanted it to be
hand wrapped around
his cock instead of his.

Things could never be the same between them again and even
that realization couldn’t make her stop watching.

He’d palmed himself and was slowly working his hand up and
down the length of his shaft. In all the naughty movies she’d ever watched,
this was the time when she could walk through the door and fall on her knees
and do whatever she wanted to him. That was supposedly the fantasy. There
wouldn’t be any denial, no shock or embarrassment at being caught. Anne wished
she had the nerve to follow through.

She should look away—he hadn’t invited her to be part of
this. It was private.

That thought turned her on more. It was a transgression into
the forbidden. She wondered if it would make her just as hot if he’d invited
her in to watch. If she’d still be entranced by every movement of his hand, the
way his muscles corded when he fought his orgasm.

Almost unwittingly, she worked her fingers into the opening
of the boxer shorts she wore and rubbed herself softly. She was torn between
wishing he’d catch her and praying he wouldn’t. Anne was just teasing herself
though. She wasn’t one of those women who could bring herself off like that.
Anne got bored with her own fingers; she needed her Rabbit or Bullet.

She knew for damn sure he’d hear that thing buzzing outside
his door. Anne turned away reluctantly, padded the rest of the way to the
kitchen and was quick with the battery recon. She had them tucked in her hand
and was on her way back to her room when she realized she was actually thirsty.
She crept back to the kitchen, ignoring the desire to peek into his room again.

There was a glass on the counter filled with water. Anne
upended it just as Chase strode into the kitchen.

His eyes were wide and his mouth fell open. “Don’t tell me
that was the water I left on the counter.”

She looked sheepish. “Uh, maybe.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Sorry. Here, I’ll make you another.” She fumbled with the
glass while she tried to keep the batteries hidden.

“No, sweets. I really needed
one.” Chase pursed
his lips and looked skyward, as if there were another glass of water on the
ceiling that could help.

That was when Anne became aware of an intense heat suddenly
radiating from her skin. It felt like a sunburn.

“It wasn’t only water, was it?” she asked weakly.

“No, I’m afraid it wasn’t.”

“Are you going to tell me what I drank or am I better off
not knowing?” The ache she’d had in her pussy exploded into a nuclear
apocalypse. “Oh my God!” She grasped the counter for support as lust raged
through her. “Chase?”

sorry, Annie! Hold on and this will pass,
okay? I promise.”

He said that as though he knew what she was feeling. He put
this stuff into his body on purpose?

“What is it?” she asked through clenched teeth.

“It’s a supplement so I can film for Dreamed Desire.”

“Like, Viagra?” she squeaked.

“Not exactly. It’s something Seth and I made in the lab.”

“It…” She struggled for the words to explain.

“I know. Here, let me help you.” Chase held out his hand.

Anne tried to take a step but her knees buckled at the rush
of sensation that washed over her when the boxers rubbed against her sensitized
flesh. He caught her as she fell and it was torture. Because her skin burned
everywhere he touched.

“It hit me so fast,” she said breathlessly.

“Because it was a dose for me. To keep the show on the road,
so to speak. We don’t know if it affects women differently.”

“You better not be taking notes,” she growled.

“No, not when my carelessness hurt you. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, just make it stop,” she pleaded.

“I can’t make it stop,” he said, and hauled her up into his
arms. “But I can ease the pain.”

“Chase, you have to stop touching me.” Each word was uttered
carefully through gritted teeth. “I’m on fire.”

“No, I have to touch you more.”

His words made her breath catch. “It hurts!” she cried.

“I know, baby.” He laid her on the island and she leaned
back on her forearms with a small moan.

Chase tugged her boxers off and she had no voice to argue,
even if she’d been so inclined. The throbbing that centered at the core of her
cunt wouldn’t allow it. She was spread before him, half-naked and exposed. Part
of her wanted to cry that they could never recover from this, but it was
quickly silenced by the need that was a drumbeat, keeping time with her
pounding heart.

“This is the fastest way to work it through your system. If
you can’t breathe or you feel a pressure in your chest, tell me, okay? I’ll
have to take you to the ER. That’s what I should do
.” Chase’s mouth
was set in a grim line.


“I would if I didn’t think it would be worse for you.” He
looked at her for a long moment.

Another wave of ecstasy and pain rocketed through her core and
she bit her lip to keep from crying out. “How long?”

“I don’t know. It keeps me hard for hours.”

Terror knifed through her. She couldn’t stand this for
“Can’t you put me to sleep?”

“No, I need you awake to know if your heart is in distress.
Unless you
to go to the ER?”

“No! I want to stay with you. Please.”

“And this too?” Chase slipped a finger inside her slick
pussy and she clenched as a tremor shook her body.

“Yes,” she said without hesitation.

He eased a second finger into her hot channel and she arched
against his hand. Chase thrust in and out, seeming to keep rhythm with the rush
of blood that pounded through her head. A few more small tremors echoed through
her and they eased the pain, but the tension was still building inside her.

Chase moaned as he ghosted his thumb over her clitoris.
“Damn me for being a bastard, but I want more of you.”

“Take it,” she offered.

He carefully climbed atop the island, kneeling between her
legs, and pushed her shirt up to expose her breasts. Chase’s hot tongue stroked
over her nipple and she arched her back with a cry at the intensity of the

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he continued to
thrust his fingers inside her.

“More,” she demanded, stripping her shirt off completely.

“All you can take, Annie.” His voice was full of promise.

She shuddered again and her core throbbed. Anne realized
those shudders were vaginal orgasms. She’d never had them before. Only
clitoral. They were different in how they felt and what they did to her—not
only in duration but in how they affected her release.

He moved up her body and kissed the hollow of her throat.
His thumb moved over her swollen clit and, just as she was about to come, he
stopped. Chase eased back down the length of her and dipped his head between
her thighs.

Anne propped herself up higher on her forearms to watch him
work. She briefly threw her head back in delight when he touched his tongue to
her, but forced herself to look at him. He was jacking his cock inside his
shorts while he laved her and she wanted to give him the same pleasure but was
too weak to demand it, too caught up in the bliss to speak.

The searing pain had stopped, but still her body yearned for
something more. Anne bucked against him. The batteries that were still in her
hand clattered to the floor as she reclined back on the island.

Chase didn’t stop his ministrations when she pushed her
hands through his hair and tugged him closer to her slit. The staccato of his
tongue changed, paused. She arched to see him and when she did, she noticed
he’d come in his hand while getting her off.

That knowledge was what flung her over the edge—and she came
hard. Anne clenched her teeth as sensation exploded inside her.

“That’s right, baby. Come for me.”

Anne threw back her head and screamed as her hips jerked to
his thrusts. She struggled for breath and feared for a moment she had stopped
breathing, but as she fell back to earth, Anne realized it wasn’t heart
failure. It was simply the most intense orgasm she’d ever had.

And he hadn’t even kissed her.

“Kiss me, Chase.”

“I can’t,” he whispered as he climbed off the island and
pulled her ass to the edge.

BOOK: Lust and Other Drugs
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