Read Lucky Chance Online

Authors: Marissa Dobson

Lucky Chance (8 page)

BOOK: Lucky Chance
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“So, his was to be killed in action?”

“Do you know his wife started a business in his honor?”

“What?” He had no idea what she was talking about.

“It’s called Sewn with Love. Surely you’ve heard of them? They’ve been all over the news. She turns the uniforms and clothes into something special for military spouses. It started out as a way to remember those who were killed in action, but it’s gone far beyond that. Any spouse or family member can send in their clothes and she will turn it into whatever they want. Quilts are the biggest thing, but she also does pillows, purses, and more.”

“What does this have to do with what happened?”

“Cassy Weber has done something for his memory, and for the memories of others who have died during their service to our country. She’s turning tragedy into something that’s cherished. She gave her husband’s life and his death meaning, and by doing that she’s giving others closure. Maybe that was her destiny.” She paused for a moment before letting a light sigh escape. “Maybe it sounds harsh, but I’ve met some of the people she’s done this for. It’s nothing to be taken lightly.”

He looked at her for a moment and considered what she said before shaking his head. “I can’t justify that a man was killed so his wife could make quilts. But this isn’t the reason I came in here. What happened that day is in my mind. I could have ordered us to wait for the second Humvee, or ordered our retreat when I knew something was off, but I was determined to prove myself. Either way, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

“You didn’t.”

He brought her hand to his lips, and kissed the top of her knuckles. “Seeing Kyle was a shock. The last time I tried, he was still in the hospital and had refused to even look at me. I know he was angry at the world, but it only made me beat myself up harder over what happened. To see him today…well, it was a jolt to say the least. Then to learn he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and put his life back together means everything. This woman he met must be someone special.”

“Everyone deserves a special someone.” She leaned toward him and cupped the palm of her hand to his cheek. “I tried to tell you earlier I want to see where this goes.”

“Even after what you learned today?”

“Nothing I learned or will ever learn would change my mind. I ran away years ago because I didn’t think we could handle the distance…actually, I didn’t think I could. We were nearly inseparable, and I wasn’t even sure I knew who I was when you weren’t around. But times have changed, I’ve changed, and I want to see where things can go.” She let her hand fall away and leaned back. “I don’t expect you to step up and be a father to my baby. I just want you to know I don’t expect anything from you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t want you to think that I’m only willing to do this so my child has a father. I had already decided to raise him or her myself. So, that doesn’t play into this decision.”

He wasn’t sure if he should be offended or not. He hadn’t considered her wanting a father for the child as the reason for her to agree to explore things between them. However, if he was going to go down this road with her, he was going to be fully committed. That meant they’d have a few months to determine if things would work.

“Either we’re in this completely or we’re not. That means we’re in
. You can’t just push me aside while you try to parent the child alone. If this is going to work, then you need to trust me. You didn’t trust me or us all those years ago. Are you willing to do it this time? I want to be a part of your life, and this baby’s life. The question is…will you let me?”

The silence stretched on for longer than he’d have liked. Long enough for doubts to rise within him, but it was the only way. No matter how much he loved her, he wouldn’t be content in this relationship if he were kept out of such a big portion of her life. Depending on her answer, he might have just made himself a father. A bit of excitement blossomed within him. He wanted Maddie and this baby with him.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I trust you and I want this to work.”

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. The sweetness of her mint lip gloss made him want more. He rose up on his knees and cupped the back of her head. With a gentle nudge, she opened up to him, and he slipped his tongue between her lips.

Oh, how he’d missed her.


The following week had gone by quicker than Lucky had expected. Even the media interviews had been less of a pain than he’d thought they would be. Once he got past talking about himself and what inspired him to cook, it was easier. Then again, maybe it was his new outlook, or the weightlessness to his step, now that he had Maddie back in his life. Love did funny things to men, and he was not immune to it.

Recipes had been tested over and over again, but he had yet to settle on what to make for the judges. He only had a week left to decide, yet that was the last thing on his mind. Things had begun to progress with Maddie. Each day he had worked to make sure she could see they were meant to be together. They had a week left, and he was going to convince her things could work between them.


Her heels clicked on the hardwood floors, and he turned to see her just as she stepped out of her office. Strands of hair slipped out of the bun and fell down around her face. Jeans and a spaghetti strap tank top hugged her curves, showing off the slight baby bump, making her look completely breathtaking. “Huh?”

“Why are you looking at me like that?” As if his gaze made her self-conscious, she wrapped her arms around her body.

“Don’t.” He set down the tongs he’d used to flip the sausage, which was part of his homemade pasta sauce with peppers and onions for tomorrow’s lunch with one of the reporters from a big magazine. The timing for the interview was perfect, and it would make a big impression.
Guess Maddie’s still hoping I’ll win, and maybe I will…just so I can spend an additional two weeks with her.

He stalked toward her, and every step he took surged his desire to pick her up and carry her upstairs. “Don’t hide yourself from me. Don’t let your self-consciousness overwhelm you. To me, every inch of you is beautiful. If I could have my way, we’d spend all our free time naked and in bed, making up for lost time.”


“I know, my sweet Maddie, you’re not ready. I promised I wouldn’t push, and I haven’t, but I won’t let you hide the little pleasures you give me.” He caressed her hips, running his hand along her waist, and watched as the simple touch hardened her nipples until they stood out like small beads under her shirt. “Your body reacts to me.”

“It always has.” She brought her hand up to his cheek. “It’s sad to think we’re halfway through our time together. Then…who knows.”

“I know I’m not letting you go like last time.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “I want you to come back to Virginia with me.”

“My job is in D.C. but it’s only a few hours away. Maybe we can still make this work…even with the distance.”

He had thought about how he’d convince her to move to Virginia with him, but all of a sudden his plans slipped away. “Could you find another job to be close to me?” He raised an eyebrow at her, but before she could answer, he grew serious. “You need to be around family and friends. Raising a child is a lot of work. You need a strong support system.”


“There are plenty of young children among us…” He placed his hand on the small bump of her stomach. “This little girl or boy will be surrounded by love. Roulette, Wynn’s daughter, and the Garcia twins.”

“You make it sound easy. Like we can just pick up where we left off. That not a single thing has changed.”

“Things have changed, but there’s no reason we can’t be together. I don’t want to miss a single day with you. Come back to Virginia with me. Let’s take this second chance, and not let another moment slip by.”

“I don’t know.” She bit the corner of her bottom lip.

He slipped his hand from her stomach, clasping both hands around the small of her back, bringing her closer to him. “You don’t have to give me an answer yet, but think about it.” When she nodded, he added, “If I could, I’d pick up and move to be with you. I’d do whatever it takes, but even if it’s possible, it will take some time. My contract isn’t up for another two years…”

“I’m not asking you to give up the Marines. You’ve worked hard to be where you are, and you love it.” She teased her fingers along his collar, barely brushing against the skin. “I can’t see you enjoying civilian life much.”

“I know you’re not asking, but I would do it if it meant being with you. I love you, Maddie. Always have and I always will.”

“I love you, too. Just give me some time to think about it.”

The sizzling of the sausage brought his thoughts back to the stove, but did nothing to calm the fires burning within him. “Are you done with the phone calls you had to make?”

“Yeah, do you need some help?”

“No, but you’re more than welcome to keep me company. The sausage is nearly done for tomorrow, but I won’t make the sauce until morning. It’s better fresh. I’m going to start preparing for dinner.”

“I think it’s great you’re having Kyle over for dinner before he leaves tomorrow. I was worried things would be tense for you in those interviews, but you breezed right through. You and Kyle made a good team and kept each of the interviews interesting.”

“Since he’s been here, I’ve gotten a chance to see that he’s accepted what happened and has moved on with his life. I’m happy for him and his wife. I promised that once this was all over, I’d visit Kentucky where they bought a little horse farm. I still can’t picture him on a horse farm, but he says he loves it. It’s something I’ve got to see.” He stepped away from her and back to the stove. “Maybe you’ll join me. We’ll make it before the baby’s due, and we can even have a few days to ourselves without all this competition going on.”

“You’ll have two or four weeks off, won’t you have to get back?”

“I think I can get Graves to agree to a few extra days
I win.” He pulled the skillet off the burner and set it aside to cool before he broke it down for the sauce.

“Even more incentive to win. You’re going to give it your all, then?”

“Would you expect anything less from me?” He shot her a quick smirk before opening the refrigerator, grabbing what he needed to get dinner started. “Just the extra two weeks with you is worth it. But when you add in the money for the wounded Marines, and doing this for Kyle, how can I not? I’ll give it everything I’ve got and then some.”

“That’s a change.” She leaned against the counter, plucked a banana from the basket, and pealed back the skin.

The duck breast he had just pulled out of the refrigerator nearly fell out of his hand as he watched her take such care with the banana. She pulled back the skin, and as the tip slid between her lips, he thought he’d lose his self-control then and there. Even though she wasn’t trying to be sexual, she was, and it was turning him on. “Maddie.” Her name came out as more of a growl than he’d meant it to.


“Damn, woman, you keep that up and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

She took another bite before the realization dawned on her. “Oh.”

“You make me feel like a teenager again with only one thing on the brain.”

“Maybe I should go get ready? I don’t want to distract you.”

“I like being distracted by you.” He went to her, his body tight against hers, while keeping her locked between him and the counter. “You’re all I think about. Not just in a sexual way. I want you in every way. I want what we had, and slowly we’re getting it back, but I don’t want our time to come to an end.”

“Same here. But let’s just get through this, and we’ll see what happens.” She tipped her head back to look up at him. “If you don’t need me, I’ll go get ready. Kyle will be here in an hour.”

“Is that a distraction to keep me from throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you upstairs?”

“No, but you’d regret it later if you mess things up on the last night with him in town.” She placed her hand on his chest. “There’s plenty of time. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

“I’d go UA to follow you and bring you back if I had to.” Even as he said the words, he knew it was true. Never before would he have considered something so dire, but he wasn’t going to lose her this time. No matter what it cost him.

Showered and dressed, Madison sat on the cedar chest at the foot of the bed. Her thoughts were going a hundred miles per hour as she considered all that had happened in the past week. It seemed like it had gone by in a blur, the fastest being the moments she was alone with Lucky. She wanted to throw caution to the wind, give up her job, and move to be with Lucky. Public relations managers were always in demand, and no matter where she lived, she could find work.

She might like her condo and job in Washington D.C., but she loved Lucky. That was more important. But one week wasn’t enough time to know things would work. They both had changed over the years, and no matter what they felt, it didn’t mean things would go smoothly.

With a baby on the way, she needed a solid foundation, and that meant a career that would provide for her and her child. Her employers knew she was pregnant, and while the timing wasn’t the best, they’d make it work. Finding a job while pregnant might be harder. She didn’t care that it was illegal to discriminate, because she knew people still did it, and her pregnancy would be considered when they were hiring.

“Darling, we’re going to be just fine.” She ran a hand over her stomach and glanced in the mirror. The baby bump was still small, but it was a clear announcement that she was going to be a mother in just a few months. “I can’t wait to meet you.”

In two weeks, she had an appointment with her OBGYN for an ultrasound, and if the baby were in the right position, she’d be able to learn the sex. “Little one, I’d appreciate you cooperating. I’ve got shopping to do before I’m too big to move around the store.”

“You’ll be beautiful.” Lucky stood in the doorway.


“You’ll be beautiful through your whole pregnancy. There’s a glow to you, even when you’re looking a little green from morning sickness.”

“I’ll never understand why they call it morning sickness when it lasts all day.” She rose from the chest and looked at herself in the mirror one last time to make sure everything was perfect. The sky blue dress was a little snug around her waist, but flowed nicely and ended an inch above her knee. Her make-up was just as she had applied it, but even she could see the slight paleness beneath. “I’m ready. Are you sure you don’t want me to go out, and you two can spend tonight catching up?”

BOOK: Lucky Chance
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