Read Lucky: A Love Lane Short Online

Authors: Olivia Thomas

Tags: #romance, #sex, #ebook, #free, #standalone

Lucky: A Love Lane Short (7 page)

BOOK: Lucky: A Love Lane Short
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Lifting my left leg up over
his shoulder, Henry drives into me with thrust after excruciatingly
delicious thrust, buried so deeply I can feel him in my

I am about to cry out and
demand he let me come.
I can hold
, I tell myself again. I want to fall
over the edge together and never look back.

I’m ready,” Henry grits
out between clenched teeth.

Oh, thank God.

With that, my inner muscles
clench tightly in a pulsating rhythm that is pure bliss. My eyelids
flutter closed, calling out Henry’s name as I ride the

Panting breathlessly, Henry
lowers my leg, and I give it a good stretch along with the rest of
my body. We curl our bodies to face each other, our hearts beating
in unison through our chests, and Henry plants a delicate kiss to
my lips. After such a long day, I feel completely sated and just a
bit exhausted. The gentle caress of Henry’s hand along my hip
combined with the tender kisses all threaten to lull me to sleep
but I fight it, not wanting our connection to end.

Pulling from his lips our
eyes connect and all I can see or think about is this wonderful man
lying beside me. I need him to know what the past few weeks with
him have meant to me.

Thank you for everything,
Henry. For helping me move today, for this, and for being there at
just the right time in my life.”

Don’t thank me just yet. I
had a great time today too and I don’t want it end. I want more of
you, more of this, more of everything. I want to know you Kate, all
of you, inside and out. There’s much more to come for

I smile as wide as I can,
knowing Henry is in this for the long haul. I can’t imagine being
any happier than I am at this moment, and it is all because I took
a chance and got lucky.



Two months


I am not a big drinker, just
your typical beer while watching football or when out with friends,
but that hasn’t happened in a while now. Today, however, my head is
screaming at me to get mind-numbingly drunk.

It is my mom’s birthday, and
no matter how hard I have tried to prepare for this day, telling
myself I was going to be fine and to treat it like any other normal
day, I just can’t. She would have been forty-seven today. So
fucking young. She still had an entire lifetime ahead of

When I should be focusing
my energy on my new job here at Klein Associates, all I keep
thinking is,
forty-seven fucking years
. Now she’s dead, and it is all because
of fucking cancer. Drowning my sorrows seems like the perfect
ending to this shit day, and I have the perfect destination in mind
to make that happen.

Last week, as I was walking
past Mindy’s office, I caught the tail end of a conversation
between her and Kate. Slowing down to listen like the infatuated
fool I am, I heard Kate mention something about her boyfriend’s
pub, Brady’s. I took a mental note not to forget the name, and now
I am glad I did. Drowning my sorrows is just what I need but, if I
also get the chance to see Kate while doing it, all the

Quickly packing up my laptop
in my messenger bag, I am out the door in a flash. When I arrive at
Brady’s, I am surprised to see just how crowed the place is.
Braydon must make a killing here.

With luck, I find an open
stool in the far corner of the bar with a perfect view of the
door—you know, just in case Kate comes in. As I sidle up to the
stool, a very perky blonde greets me.

Hi, there. I’m Candy. What
can I get you, hon?”

Let me get a pint of
Guinness with a shot of Jamison on the side.”

Coming right up,” she
responds with a wink then saunters to the other end of the bar and
over to the tap to get my order.

Once Candy returns with my
drink, I take a long pull, savoring the rich, creamy texture of the
stout. Staring at the door as if willing Kate to walk through, my
mind wanders to the first day I set eyes on her…


I hear the buzz as my phone
starts to vibrate on the nightstand next to me, its incessant tone
comically unnecessary seeing as I have been awake for hours. Lying
on my back and staring at my white ceiling, my mind is a jumble of
thoughts. Today, I start my new job at Klein Associates, a
bittersweet new beginning for me.

After taking a leave of
absence from my previous job over a year ago to care for my mother,
I got laid off just as she lost her fight with cancer. I had used
up all of my leave time, and as much as the company tried to be
understanding and sympathetic to my needs, they just couldn’t hold
my position any longer. Work was suffering in my absence, so they
need to fill my position. It was a double blow for me, and I spent
the days following my dismissal in a state of unbelievable rage and
grief at just how unlucky everything turned out to be.

As the only child to my
single mother, all responsibility fell on me. Once my mom got sick
there was no time for a girlfriend or to build and foster a loving
relationship. Even with the help of a homecare nurse, I still had
very little time to myself. When I did get time, it was spent
worrying over what the future would hold if by chance she made it
through. Turns out, I worried for nothing. My mother died, and
after paying off whatever bills were left from her care, I had just
enough to live on until I could find a new job.

All this doom and gloom has
really changed me. I used to be outgoing and fun loving. Now I have
kind of given up. I don’t reach out to people; I barely even speak
with those few friends and family members who still come around to
check on me.

Grief is a fickle bitch -
you never know when it will show itself. What kind of woman would
want to deal with that?

Standing outside the doors
of Klein Associates, I take a deep breath and straighten my tie,
telling myself over and over again that this is my new beginning,
that I can let my grief go and start to really embrace my

I feel a slight gust of wind
pushing against my back. With a short chuckle, I picture that wind
as my mother, urging me through the doors. Looking up at the
graying clouds in the overcast December sky, I know she is up there
somewhere, looking down on me with a proud smile. With that
thought, I take one step forward, open the door, and walk into my

Taking in the pale,
cream-colored walls, I scan the modern office. It’s then that I
to the left of the desk, talking with the receptionist. Lean legs
that go for miles tapering into a slim waist are all perfectly
displayed in a fitted black pencil skirt. Waves of brown hair spill
over slender shoulders and trail down a pale pink blouse. Making
out the silhouette of her petite breasts underneath all that pink
silk, I feel a twitch behind my zipper.

However, it’s her smile that
strikes me speechless. Her full, lush lips tilted up at each
corner, her perfect, white teeth peeking through, combined with her
hazel eyes, glimmer with a lightheartedness so pure I can only hope
to one day feel it again myself. I want to savor this feeling
coursing through my body. It has been so long since I have felt
anything other than grief and loneliness.

Just then the receptionist
catches sight of me, and I make my way closer to the

Hello. How can I help
you?” the bubbly, older woman asks.

Trying to find my voice as
the beautiful woman next to us looks me over with that smile still
present, I respond, “Hi, I’m Henry James, the new IT

Oh, yes, Mr. James, we
have been expecting you,” she replies with a welcoming smile that
doesn’t quite match the intensity of the woman next to me. “Kate,”
the receptionist exclaims, turning to the stunning brunette, “can
you take Mr. James down to Trish in HR? I’ll call and let her know
you’re on your way.”

Absolutely,” she responds
then begins to lead me away from the desk and down the corridor to
the right.

Turning towards me while
still keeping pace down the hall, she offers her right hand in
introduction. “I’m Kate Winters, one of the advertising

Taking her outstretched
hand, I feel a rush of tingles up my spine as our skin connects, a
timid smile my only reply.

Here we are.” She gestures
with her left hand toward the glass double doors marked Human

Removing my hand from hers,
I can barely speak. Overcome with an unexpected punch of
emotions—nervousness and desire mixed—I can only manage to squeak
out a thank you before she begins her journey back.
God, I feel like such a jerk. She must think I am
so lame.

With my hand to the door, I
watch Kate walk away. She gives me one more look back over her
shoulder, that radiant smile still on her face.

Welcome to Klein
Associates, Mr. James. You’re going to love it here.”

I already do.” My response
whispered only for my ears.


That was two months ago, and
after finding out Kate had a live-in boyfriend, I pretty much gave
up hope. I considered dating websites, but I’m just not sure
they’re for me. It’s also not really fair to go on a date with one
woman when you keep thinking about another.

Hi, Braydon.” Pulling me
out of my memory, I hear my perky waitress purr in what I can only
guess is her bedroom voice.

Looking over to the right, I
am intrigued to see what kind of guy Kate goes for. Braydon is a
big dude, the type of big that can only come from spending hours in
a gym. If that’s the type of guy she wants, there is no way I can
compete. I enjoy staying fit and active, but I would rather be
outdoors playing sports than grunting my way through rep after rep
in a stuffy gym.

Trying to be as
inconspicuous as possible, I focus all my attention on the
conversation in front of me.

Hey, Candy girl. Holding
down the fort?”

You know it, boss,” Candy
replies as she bends over slightly to grab a bottle from the lower
shelf, her huge tits practically spilling over her tank top as she

She’s making it very obvious
that she wants Braydon to notice her, and by where his eyes are, I
think she got exactly what she was hoping for. I’m a guy, too, so I
totally get it. Candy has a hot body, but from what I have seen so
far, that is about all she has.

Turning to walk out from
behind the bar, her ass swaying, Candy flicks her long blonde hair
while looking over her shoulder at Braydon. His eyes are glued to
the ass in question.

Hey, boss, a few of the
other staff are heading over to my apartment after work to hang
out. You’re more than welcome to come. You can even crash at my
place afterward.”

Looking as if he is
considering her invitation, Braydon takes a moment before he
responds, “Thanks, Candy girl, but maybe another time.”

Sure thing,

I am actually impressed that
Braydon turned her down. I would have bet money he would

When he removes his eyes
from Candy’s ass, he catches sight of me looking in his direction.
Thinking I must want another drink, he comes over. “What can I get
you, my man?”

Nothing, actually. I’m
good,” I answer, nodding toward my half empty mug. “Hey, I
overheard you talking with that pretty waitress. Looks like she has
a thing for you. Why’d you turn her down?”

I’ve thought about it a
lot, actually, but I got a girl at home.”

Doesn’t sound like your
girl at home is holding your attention. From what I just witnessed,
your Candy girl has all of it.”

Touché,” responds Braydon
with a chuckle. “My girl isn’t actually home much nowadays, anyway.
She’s working crazy hours, trying to move up the corporate ladder,”
he says while mockingly using his fingers to make quotation marks.
“I guess you could say we’ve been slowly drifting

I’m sorry to hear that,
but if things aren’t so great at home, why stay?”

Looking as if in deep
contemplation, Braydon finally responds, “You know what? I have no
fucking idea. I’ve been thinking about ending things but then I
feel like a dick for it. My girl at home is great, but I don’t
think relationships are supposed to be this hard - you know what I

I’m unattached but yeah, I
don’t think relationships should be hard but I do think they
require some work every now and then.” I reply hoping he sees the

I guess your right but I
work hard enough here, I need something easy and free to go home

I am really trying to
understand this guy but he is making it difficult with his douche
responses. I want to jump across the bar and put a fist in his face
or at least give him a good shaking to knock some sense into him.
How can he not see how lucky he is to have someone as amazing as
Kate? Instead of showing my rage I decide to end this line of
conversation and get the hell out of here.

BOOK: Lucky: A Love Lane Short
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