Read Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3 Online

Authors: SJ Molloy

Tags: #Book Three The Luminara Series

Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3 (6 page)

BOOK: Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3
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Oh, baby, you have no idea how good we will be together,
I silently think, imagining my lips peppering feather-like caresses all over her glowing skin.

When she leans on me to gently rock, it is all it takes for my painful arousal to tent my shorts, cock expanding and hardening. Clearly obvious, but I want her know the effect she has on me. I
her to know the effect she has on me.

I have never in my life had as quick a reaction to a woman. I have not even sealed her pretty plump lips with mine yet, or ran my fingers through her lustrous sexy hair, or worshipped any inch of her soft skin, but I am as hard as a fucking rock. Christ, am I hard.

With her face being so near to mine, I can feel her hot breath wisp over me, the smell of coffee and mint and a hint of something fruity. The shiny, pale pink colour of her lip gloss perhaps … I am not sure, but I know this: When I take those glossy lips and suck on them for the first time, when I assault that tempting mouth, I will know exactly what flavour of gloss she wears, and I will devour every second of her enticing taste.

I plan to get to know and appreciate every inch of this beautifully haunting goddess leaning over me and teasing my cock if it is the last thing I do.

My stomach curls with unrest when I see the embarrassment flicker across her eyes and her cheeks tint a shade lighter than crimson sending a stab of guilt straight to my gut. Here I am fully fucking turned on and loving every minute of having her bedroom eyes in my direct vision and those ample, big breasts so near my face, and she is trying to be professional, although her irregular breathing gives her away.

I can imagine flicking my tongue over those hard little nipples beneath that lace bra and massaging both of those perfectly round, soft breasts in the palm of my hands. To prevent me from reaching for her, groping, fondling, and attacking her breasts, I need to grip the edge of the examination bed.

If she thinks that I would not be turned on by her, then she must be fucking delusional. She just has no idea how alluring she is. Blushing, she rolls me over, the ache in my balls tugging at me, sending a jolt of antsy pressure to my lower abdomen.

I adjust my cock, letting out a guttural groan from the back of my throat, but despite my efforts to lose my hard-on, it is impossible. Not while the perfetto goddess is blessing me with her talented presence and touch.

She is expertly massaging me for fuck’s sake, caressing my skin, relaxing my muscles while rocking my body. I have never had to have as much restraint as I do now by keeping my hands to myself.

She is lucky I have not pulled her on top of me and ripped those sexy little jeans and sultry blouse from her body then pulled her legs over to straddle my waist … never mind the sore back. The only thing that is sore right now is my throbbing cock, heavy balls, and the frustration that I do not know more about this woman.

If I thought I could take this woman here and now, I would. I would close the fucking club, leaving just her and me and nothing in between us but my hard cock and taught muscles and her soft skin and feminine curves.

“You never told me where you were going on holiday, or your surname for that matter.” I need to know if she is going on holiday with a significant other, some lucky bastard who I will need to taunt to get him out of the picture because I know I do not want to let her slip through my fingers. I also know that no one can make this woman feel the way I can. My papa’s words of wisdom ring in my mind.

“Lucca, you will know, Son. I promise you, when the right woman walks into your life, you will know. Seize the moment and do not let her slip through your fingers. Trust your instincts. I believe in love at first sight … because within moments of stealing furtive glances at your mamma … I knew I had fallen in love with a woman I had yet to know. She stole my breath and intrigued me. It did not take me long to romance her, worship her, and make her feel us … show her how good we were as a couple.”

He looked me straight in the eyes with an arm around my shoulder. His blue eyes wise and well-educated in the art of romancing a woman. He prides himself on taking good care of my mamma.

“ … I knew from that first encounter that she would be mine and I would treat her like she deserved. She had my heart within seconds. I made her my priority in life and will continue to do so until we die. I am saddened that you never had that with Fran, but you will with the right person. I hope you find real happiness, Son, a woman to give all of yourself to.”

Trying to spend quality time with me, my papa arranged an outing so we could bond … father and son. We spent a late afternoon fishing in the Marina di Bibbona with his friend Vincenzo and his son and my good friend, Lorenzo, where he shared some of his wise advice over a beer on the hazy summer’s afternoon.

Following my separation from Fran after we lost our baby, and after having a troublesome few months because she was so distant and we both dealt with grief in different ways, I confessed everything to my papa. I mentioned that I did not see a future for us anyway; she never had my whole heart in the first place because my heart was never truly in the relationship to begin with. I broke. I told him I did not think I had it in me to properly devote all of myself to one woman.

I did not want to disappoint my papa because I have too much respect for him, but he needed to know I was at war with myself and felt deep regret for even giving Fran hope for us in the first place. My papa felt partly responsible and begged for my forgiveness. It cut him up that I had been trudging through an emotional journey and had to endure the things I had.

Initially, my papa was convinced that Fran and I would marry. Hell, he even talked me into proposing to her when she was pregnant, so it took a lot of balls to tell him I never wanted that for us and I was only trying to do the right thing to appease him.

I said I did not love her enough … that I had given up on love and I did not have it in me to truly love a woman the way she deserved to be loved. I doubted I would ever be capable of giving my heart to someone. That is part of the reason I spent a reckless period of my life using woman for pleasure only.

During our heart to heart, my papa then realised how sad and miserable I was and to a greater extent
lonely and bereft.
All he ever wanted for any of his children was for us to be complete and happy. He felt responsible for trying to encourage me to make an honest woman of Fran, and he wanted redemption by correcting his misguidance.

He never knew I was as emotionally detached from my relationship as I confessed to be, but he did mention he noticed there was no sign of lust or honest love between Fran and me in the end. He had to let me work it out on my own.

He just never mentioned this when Fran and I started living together. If he had … maybe our paths would have been different. Maybe not. I cannot blame my papa, because I am an adult and in control of my own feelings and actions, but shit, if it was not a sore lesson and the pressure I felt was astronomical. I made some terrible choices.

Eventually, while our boat lulled over the shallow waters and the sun set overhead, and after hours of opening up to my papa, he said I was capable of finding true love. Real love. Love so honest, deep, and all-consuming that I will instantly know I want to give my heart over to someone on a silver fucking platter, unquestionable for the right person.

“If a woman ignites an unyielding passion in you, steals your breath and touches your soul in the best possible way … then you give them the whole damn world … including your heart because every happy and successful man will never be complete without feeling and being in true love. You need to give love in abundance, and you will receive it in abundance,” he said, drawing a long pull from his beer, placing his hand on his heart.

He advised I should go with my gut instinct and never second guess instant attraction and love at first sight. He apologised for putting me under added pressure at the time Fran fell pregnant. He only ever wanted me to be happy and suggested it is never too late to change the path of my future.

“You are a sensitive soul, Lucca, more than your brothers and sister, but you are capable of giving all of yourself to a woman. You just have not found her yet. You need to let your guard down and start believing you are capable of being in love and being able to love. You tell me you did not truly love Francesca the way you should have, but that is not to say you cannot give the right love … all your love … to the right woman.”

I watched him reel in a large striped red mullet on his line, Vincenzo’s face appreciative as my father unhooked and tossed his catch onto the ice to chill. It would be added to Vincenzo’s assortment of seafood for the evening meal.

“ … You have never felt an unyielding love. A love so powerful that you would move Heaven and Earth just to please the woman of your dreams, the woman you fall in love with at first sight. It is an instant attraction, a pull and hold so forceful that it consumes your dreams, your mind, and takes the breath from your lungs. When you find the right woman, the woman who steals your breath, touches your soul, and sets your whole body on fire, then you give her all of you and you do what the Caruso men do best: You worship her, romance her, and show her love like no other,” he said passionately without looking up while baiting his line for his next catch.

“You are a Caruso, Lucca, and we were meant to charm and take care of our women. Do your papa a favour and be the best man you can be. Seize the opportunity should it arrive and never give up hope. Treat the woman of your dreams as if she is your next breath. Your angel will deserve all of you and everything you can give her.”

At the time, I was going through so much turmoil and not thinking straight. I was guarded and never paid attention to his poetic bullshit. Yeah, it worked for my mamma and papa, but they were young lovers who fell for each other at first sight. Fortunately they both wore their hearts on their sleeves and the sensitivity thing obviously suited them. And, although I was thankful for his advice and the day we spent together, I was not hopeful I would find
the woman of my dreams
My angel.

It was not until a few months later on a wild and downright depressing December day my breath was in fact taken from my lungs by a mysterious yet beautiful woman who I accidently bumped into at Casey Huddersfield’s office within the Mt. Martha clinic.

Instant attraction.

Love at first sight.


An angel.

A beautiful, intriguing woman who slipped through my fingers because I did not seize the moment and ask for her number. I screwed up. And I have always felt regret that I never took my papa’s advice and pursued that woman—a woman who plagued my dreams for many nights afterwards, just like my papa advised. I vowed never to make the same mistake again.

Maintaining patient confidentiality, Casey would not share her personal details with me. Not even when I offered her a substantial amount of money for the information. She was insulted. I hoped to have another chance encounter with the brown-eyed beauty, but as I was at the end of my treatment I did not see that possible since I would not be frequenting the clinic.

I have never experienced the instant attraction; breath-stealing, soul-touching, body-blazing, love at first sight again … until now. Until today. Lexi, this mysterious, beautiful woman—who I know will plague my dreams—has restored my faith in fate and chance encounters. I will not be foolish and let her slip through my fingers.

“I thought you were off to Nodland there for a moment.” She diverts from my question regarding her holiday and surname, but hearing her voice again after a short time has taken hold of all my senses. She is going to be a tough one to crack. That is painfully obvious. A stubborn little thing, but I could have fun with that because hell, if it does not send a rush of excitement coursing through my veins.

“Nearly, but you definitely have healing hands. It feels better already. Amazing, actually,” I confess, broadening the irrepressible smile curving my lips. A very content smile. Muscles which started off tense and taught have fallen lax under her expert hands.

She has my body humming with desire, igniting intense fervour in me I never knew existed, and I know the only way to satisfy it will be to make her mine. Every time her hands work the bottom of my back, I envisage lifting my hips up so she can curl those glorious fingers around my cock and stroke me real nice. Make me feel real good, but that is selfish. She makes me want to satisfy her, show her pleasure she has never imagined possible.

This woman should be worshipped like a goddess and made to feel amazingly good … luminous … incandescent because that what she is. Wonderfully glowing and brilliantly bright. I will fantasise of nothing else after today, of that I am sure.

Soft moans escape my lips, cheeks and jaw achy from smiling so widely, spine limbless, eyes heavy, rolling in my head. Christ, I have been touched by Mother Nature herself, blessed by spiritual divinity in the purist of form.

The thought of sharing intimacy with this outstanding woman sears my insides and warms my heart so much I feel it ache. Ache for her. Ache to get high on her, under her, with her, and inside her. Inside her heart.

Time passes and I do not know how she has done it, but she has lolled my body into a drugged state of tranquil bliss, as if I am drowning in her intoxication, gasping for that very breath she has stolen from me, her every essence filling my lungs.

Her warm, sensual hands leave my skin when she leaves to write up her report at her desk. I want to leave her my number, but she seems shy and the chances of her calling me are highly unlikely … plus it is too cliché. Instead, I use my Caruso charm.

I find a card in my pocket and search a nearby shelf for a pen. I want to leave her a message she will not forget, as I will certainly not be forgetting this day any time soon. I will be making it my mission to get close to this woman.

BOOK: Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3
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