Read Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance) Online

Authors: Cassie Alexandra,K.L. Middleton

Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance) (18 page)

BOOK: Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance)
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As part of my reward for getting patched, the guys brought me to an upscale gentleman’s club, in downtown Jensen, called Goddess. Knowing that there was a dress-code, we left our cuts behind and wore black, silk seersucker shirts with the Gold Vipers emblem etched on the back. They were used for formal occasions by patched club members only.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t any alcohol allowed at Goddess, so after my second lap dance, we headed across the street to Rumors for a couple of beers.

“Isn’t this the place that your ex-girlfriend works at?” asked Tail as we walked across the street. There were seven of us – Tank, Raptor, Chopper, Horse, Tail, Hoss, and myself. Grover had borrowed a limo from someone who owed him a favor, and he’d dropped us off at the strip club. He was now on stand-by, waiting for further instructions.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“You’ve been here before?” he asked.

“A couple of times. It’s really not my thing,” I answered. “What about you?”

“I’ve been here a number of times and usually get lucky. In fact,” he grinned. “I have a hotel room on reserve up the road. Just in case.”

“Won’t you get charged if you don’t use it?” asked Chopper, walking next to us.

“Believe me, before the night is over, it will be used. Hell,” he grinned at me. “Even better idea, since this is your night, I say we get you laid first.”

“I’m game for that,” I answered, especially after having two strippers crawl all over me at Goddess. Funny thing was, the first one I’d selected, looked almost like Terin, only with fake tits. I didn’t realize it until Tank had made a comment about it. Afterward, I selected a blonde with tats all over her body, wanting to get my mind off of the detective before I did something stupid. Like drunk texting her later.

“One thing I hate about these places,” said Tank, when we walked into the main part of Rumors, which was dark, packed, and so loud we had to holler at each other. “All they play is fucking pop tunes.”

“Women love dancing to this shit,” said Tail, winking at two girls who were already checking us out. 

“Tell me about it,” said Raptor. “Adrianna has it blasting through the house every fucking morning.”

“Why do you let her if it irritates you?” asked Tail.

“Because she isn’t a morning person and if I take that away from her, then we’ll both be irritated,” he replied.

“You learn to pick your battles,” said Tank.

“Another reason why I’m single,” said Tail. “My house. My music.”

“That’ll change,” said Tank, smirking. “You just wait.”

“I hope that doesn’t happen until I’m forty,” said Tail. “Until then, I’m going to fuck all the girls you can’t and tell you how great it is.”

Tank and Raptor both flipped him off.

“This place is crazy,” said Hoss, frowning at the crowd. “Maybe we should just go to Griffin’s?”

“No. This night is for Ice. He’s not going to get laid at Griffin’s. At least not by anyone new,” said Tank.

“He’s right. Relax Hoss. You might even get laid in this place,” said Tail.

Hoss’s eyes lit up. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a couple of beers. Hell, we’re already here.”

“Damn, I’m so horny I can barely see straight,” said Tank as we made our way through the crowd and toward the bar.

“Oh my God, you guys are Gold Vipers? Can I get a selfie with one of you?” squealed some chick in a pair of jean shorts that had more holes than fabric.

“Here, sweetheart,” said Hoss. “You can take one with me.”

The chick looked at me and pointed. “I was thinking
. No offense. I’m trying to make my Ex jealous.”

“And he wouldn’t be jealous of me?” asked Hoss, looking offended.

“You’re just not might type. Danny would never believe that I’d hook up with you. Sorry,” she said and then looked at me again. “Would you mind?”

“No,” I said, amused. I moved next to her. “So, you’re trying to make your Ex jealous, huh?”

“Yeah. The bastard cheated on me,” she said, holding her phone toward us. “I want him to see what he’s missing.”

I slid my arm around her waist. “Let’s do this right then,” I said, pulling her closer. I bit her lightly on the ear as she snapped the photo.

“Thanks,” she replied, shivering. I could see fresh goosebumps on her arms as I pulled away.

“My pleasure,” I said.

She checked the picture and then noticed Tail. “How about you. Can I get one with you as well?”

“Sure, but instead of playing these games, why don’t you just fuck him out of your system?” said Tail, putting his arm around her. “They say that works sometimes.”

She stared up at him and smiled. “Are you offering?”

“Sure, why not?” he answered. “But only if you buy me a drink first. Then you can have your way with me.”

“Fair enough,” she said, dragging him toward the bar.

“That lucky, fucking bastard,” said Hoss, staring at them in disbelief. “Not only is he going to get laid, but she’s paying for his booze, too.”

“He’s something else,” said Tank, smirking. “I would have gotten slugged saying something like that.”

“Me too,” said Raptor before motioning toward the bartender. He ordered a round of beers and took out his credit card.

“I’ll got the next round,” said Tank.

“Damn right you will,” said Raptor.

“Hoss. Check those two out. Maybe you can make a Hoss sandwich,” said Tank, pointing toward the dance floor. There were two chicks grinding against each other.

“I’ll even supply the Hossy sauce,” Hoss answered, wiggling his eyebrows.

We all laughed.

“Holy shit,” said Tank, staring in disbelief toward the other end of the dance floor. “Is that Frannie?”

We all turned to find Tank’s stepmom dancing with a group of women, all of them wearing tiaras and boas.

“Looks like a bachelorette party,” said Raptor, handing out beers as the bartender gave them to him.

“That’s right. She mentioned it to me the other day and I completely forgot that it was tonight,” said Tank just as Tail walked back over to us, alone.

“What happened?” I asked. “You were just about to make use of the hotel room.”

“Apparently, her Ex just showed up. If I’m going to get laid, I’d rather find someone without baggage,” he said, ordering himself a beer.

“No shit,” I replied and then saw a familiar face on the dance floor.


She was with the bachelorette party.

“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” said Hoss, now standing next to me.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I said, unable to tear my gaze away from Terin. She look sexier than hell, and damn if the woman didn’t know how move her hips.

  “Look at Frannie go,” Tank said, chuckling. “I wonder if she ever got down like that with my old man.”

“The woman has skills,” said Chopper, also smiling.

“Of course she does. Women over forty have lots of skills,” said Tail, paying for his beer.

“Let me guess – your first lay was a woman over forty and you’ll never forget the experience,” said Hoss dryly.

“No, but I
had two twenty-year olds at once,” he joked, shoving his wallet back into his jeans. “And I’ll never forget that.”

“So, you’ve never had a woman over forty?” asked Hoss.

“Honestly, not until tonight,” said Tail, heading toward the dance floor with his beer.

“Don’t you dare!” hollered Tank.

Tail looked back at us and smiled wickedly.

“I swear, if he tries hitting on Frannie, I’ll kick his ass to kingdom come,” said Tank, taking a swig of his beer.

“I think she can take care of herself,” said Raptor.

“He’d never fuck her,” said Horse. “She’s untouchable. He knows that.”

“Actually, check it out, I think he’s going for the bride,” said Raptor, pointing.

Sure enough, Tail had entered the circle of women and was now dancing with the blond wearing the mini veil. His hands were around her waist and they were both smiling at each other.

“Hope she’s not supposed to be virgin or the groom is going to be in for a big surprise on their wedding night,” said Hoss, taking a swig of beer. “Especially after Tail gets done with her.”

“If he’s not careful, she’ll be
by their wedding night,” said Tank, chuckling.

Frannie, recognizing Tail, began to laugh. Then she turned and saw us watching by the bar.

“Oh, here she comes,” said Tank. “Best behavior guys.”

We knew the drill. Tank loved Frannie like a mother and wanted us to be respectful around her. None of us had any problem with that, considering she was one of the nicest women around. Plus, my nephew now called her grandma, which meant that she was indeed the matriarch of the family.

“What are you boys doing here?” she asked, after making her way off of the dance floor.

“Ice was patched tonight,” said Tank, putting his arm around my shoulders. “We’re whooping it up.”

“Congratulations,” she said, beaming a smile at me. “I know how much this means to you.”

“Yeah. It means a lot,” I said, grinning humbly.

“What in the hell is
?” asked Tank, pointing to her drink. There was a straw that was shaped like a penis.

Frannie took a drink from it and grinned. “Isn’t it great? We all got them.”

Tank laughed and put his arm around her. “You behaving yourself, Ma?”

“Probably a lot more than what you boys are,” she answered.

“What are you talking about? We been as good as choir boys,” he replied.

“Since when do choir boys wear perfume?” she answered, wrinkling her nose.

Tank’s face turned red. “Uh, Tail bought me a lap dance over at Goddess.”

“You’d better make sure Raina doesn’t smell that on you when you get home or you’re going to be in big trouble,” she replied, looking amused.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t even touch the girl,” he replied, holding his hands up. “Here, smell my hands.”

“Uh, I’ll take your word for it,” said Frannie.

“He’s right. You really can’t touch the strippers,” said Raptor.

“Is that what you’re going to tell Adrianna?” she asked. “Because if you are, you’re going to need to douse yourself with vinegar to get rid of the stench of that perfume. Good Lord, do they shower in it?”

“Apparently,” said Raptor, smelling his shirt. “Don’t worry, Adrianna doesn’t get jealous. She has no reason to.”

“Neither does Raina,” said Tank.

“I wish I had someone at home who’d get jealous,” said Hoss, sucking in his gut.  “Hey, hot chicks coming this way. Ten o’clock.”

Frannie looked over her shoulder. “Oh, hey… here comes my friend Tracy. She’s the one who invited me to the bachelorette party.”

We turned and saw a woman around Frannie’s age heading toward us. Behind her was Terin. Our eyes met for a brief second. Recognizing me, she looked ready to bolt.





When I saw Cole, I couldn’t deny it. As much as I wanted to believe that he meant nothing to me, my pulse raced knowing that he was only a few feet away.

“Tracy and Terin,” said Frannie, when we approached. “I want you to meet my stepson Tank and his friends.” She then proceeded to introduce us both to the bikers.

“We’ve met,” said Cole, staring at me, an amused expression on his face.

“Yes,” I replied, my eyes dropping to his clothing. He wore a black, short sleeved dress shirt that emphasized his muscular frame. If it were any possible, I thought that Cole looked even more handsome than ever.

“You’ve met? Oh,” said Mom. “Are you the young man who helped her at the deli last week?”

“Yes he is, Mom,” I said, answering for Cole.

“Thank you,” she said, her eyes softening. “For helping Terin. I don’t know what would have happened if you wouldn’t have showed up.”

“I would have been fine, Mom,” I said, a little too firmly.

“I’m sure you would have but… you have to admit, it was very kind of him. He could have went on his way and stayed out of it. But he didn’t.”

“Yes, he could have walked away.” I glanced at Cole. “She’s right. Thank you, for your help,” I said, feeling as if everyone was staring at me. 

“Like I said before, it was my pleasure,” he said, his mouth twitching.

“I love those new shirts, Tank,” said Frannie, as if somehow knowing that it was time to change the subject. She touched the fabric of his. “I’m so glad you let me order them for the club. You boys look so handsome.”

“Even me?” asked Hoss.

Frannie chuckled. “Yes, Hoss. Even you.”

Tank turned around to show us the Gold Viper insignia on the back. “They are nice. We decided to wear them tonight, since we were celebrating Ice being patched. Some of the places downtown don’t allow vests.”

“Who is Ice?” asked my mother.

“I am,” said Cole, surprising me. He’d never mentioned that he had a road name.

“Why do they call you Ice?” she asked.

“Not too sure myself,” he replied with a goofy smile.

“It’s that cold stare of yours,” said Hoss, smirking. “Especially when you need another beer. Tank, order another round of beers.”

“Ice gets that same look his sister has when she is pissed off,” said Tank. “When she gives it to me, I know I’ve done something wrong.”

“Raina has beautiful eyes,” said Frannie. “So are yours, Cole. I mean, Ice.”

“Thank you, Frannie,” he replied, winking at her.

“He does have very light blue eyes,” said my mother, who was obviously feeling very well from the alcohol. “Almost the same color as my Husky’s. Bailey. Don’t you think Terin?”

“Yes.” I replied, remembering how intense they were when he was fucking me. The memory woke my lady parts up downstairs.

“Thanks,” he said, staring at me while he took another swig of beer.

“So, you’ve been patched? What does that mean?” asked my mother.

Frannie explained.

“Oh. Well, congratulations. You must be thrilled.”

“I am thrilled and honored,” he said. “One of the happiest nights of my life.”

“Hey, did I just overhear that you were patched tonight, Cole?” asked one of the waitresses, walking over. She was dressed in a short miniskirt and a tank top that said “Rumors”. It was tight and barely covered what could only be fake boobs.

Cole tensed up. “Yeah,”

“Why didn’t you call me?” she asked, stopping in front of him.

He shrugged. “I didn’t know you’d be interested.”

“Of course I’m interested! Silly.”

He didn’t reply.

“Well, this calls for a shot. What do you say?” she asked, batting her eyelashes up toward him. “Will you let me buy you one?”

Cole sighed. I could tell that he was irritate, however. “Sure, Patty. Why not?”

was Patty.

My stomach clenched with an unexpected jolt of jealously.

“I’ll be right back,” she said, touching his arm possessively before walking away.

“Patty looked like she wanted to eat you alive,” said Tank, smirking. “Watch out. That shot might have a roofie in it.”

“No shit,” said Cole, smiling grimly.

“Maybe I should take it for you,” said Hoss. “I’d let a girl like that do anything she wanted.”

I was about to tell them that roofies were nothing to joke about, when Patty came back.

The next thing I knew, she was planting a shot between her breasts and thrusting her chest out toward him.

“Really?” he asked dryly.

“Oh shit,” said Tank, chuckling.

“What’s wrong? You chicken?” goaded Patty, staring up at him.

“Of course he’s not chicken,” said Hoss. “Take it, Ice.”

Cole glanced at me.

I looked away.

“Come on Cole. You know you want it,” she said, squishing her breasts together so the shot would stay in place. “Remember, don’t use your hands.”

“What are you waiting for?” asked Hoss. “Get in there before someone else takes the shot.”

“What is it?” Cole asked.

“A slippery nipple,” said Patty. “I know how much you like those.”

My mother, who’d been unusually quiet, giggled.

Cole gave me one last look before leaning over Patty’s chest. He pulled the shot out of her cleavage with his lips and sucked it down.  Then he slammed the shot glass onto the bar. The guys cheered.

“How was it?” asked Hoss, patting him on the back.

“Not bad,” said Cole, wiping his mouth. “A little sweet.”

“Ready for a second?” asked Patty. “I’ve got another one coming up with your name on it. Or, maybe you’d rather have a Blow Job?”

The guys all laughed.

“Are we talking a shot or the real thing?” asked Hoss.

“The shot,” said Patty. “Although, I do get off in another hour, Cole. Wink. Wink.”

Hoss choked on his beer and wiped his mouth. “How can anyone pass that up?” he asked in a raspy voice.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I turned toward my mother. “This place is giving me a headache,” I told her in a low voice. “I’m going to go outside and get some fresh air.”

She gave me a concerned look. “Okay. Do you want me to come out with you?”

“No thanks,” I said, turning away. “Stay here. I’ll just go sit on the bus until I feel better.”

“Alright, dear.”

“Is she okay?” asked Frannie.

“She’ll be fine,” I heard her say as I walked away.

I hurried through the night club and stepped outside. As I made my way over to the bus, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was Tony, the guy from the gym.

“Oh, hey. What are you doing here?” I asked, surprised.

“You’re never going to believe it,” he replied. “I think I’m actually dancing for your bachelorette party!”

“How did that happen?” I asked, noticing that he was wearing army fatigues.

“Someone called in sick and they asked me if I was free. Since I didn’t have a date tonight,” he said, winking, “I told them I could do it. I have to admit, I was hoping it was going to be your bus.”

“Really? You were hoping… So, I get to see you naked and we haven’t even been out on a first date,” I teased.

He laughed. “No shit. Well, you could keep your eyes closed… although, you might not want to.”

“I think I’ll keep my eyes open. Just so that I can watch my mother and the other girls throw dollar bills at you.”

“Let’s hope they do. Maybe we can use the money afterward? An early breakfast?”

“Maybe,” I replied. He seemed nice, although he was obviously conceited.

Tony looked over my shoulder. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah. Take a hike,” said a deep voice behind me.

Stiffening up, I turned around to find Cole standing there. He was all danger and hard muscles, ready to strike. It was both frightening and sexy as hell.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?” asked Tony, staring back at him with a scowl.

“You heard me,” he replied in a rough, dark voice.

Sensing that the situation was about to get ugly, I stood between them. “Just… hold up. Cole, what do you want?”

He looked down at me and his face softened a bit. “I want to talk to you.”

“Talk? Why? I thought you were busy inside, getting a blow job?” I said curtly.

“That’s not what I wanted from her. Hell, I don’t want anything from Patty. I told you that before.”

“So, you just want to talk?”

“No. I want more than that,” he said, his eyes smoldering with frustrated need.

Oh God.

He was horny.

So was I.

“We’ll talk about this somewhere else,” said Cole, grabbing me by the hand. He started pulling me with him, away from the bus.

“Wait a second. I can’t just leave with you! Let me go,” I demanded, trying to pull away.

“You’d better let her go, buddy,” said Tony, following behind us.

Cole stopped abruptly and turned on his heel. Still holding my arm, he addressed Tony. “This doesn’t concern you
, buddy
,” he said. “And the only reason I’m not kicking your ass at this moment is because you serve our country.”

“Actually, it’s just a costume. I think,” I said, not understanding why I was telling him. It could only make matters worse. “Isn’t it?”

“Yes, but that’s not the point,” snapped Tony, looking angry. “You can’t force a woman to do something she doesn’t want to do.”

“Terin, am I forcing you to do something you don’t want to do?” Cole asked me, his eye boring into mine.

My heart began to race as I realized that more than anything, I wanted Cole to whisk me away and fuck the hell out of me.  Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the thought of him and Patty together and I was jealous. Or, maybe, I just missed the hell out of Cole
Johnson. I wasn’t sure.  I just knew that I wanted to leave with him and screw everyone else.

Wait, I’m no longer in that department
, I thought.

“No. You’re not,” I said, unable to look at Tony.

“Crazy broad,” mumbled Tony, turning and walking away.

“Hey… hey… hey… What’s going on out here?” asked Torie, walking quickly toward me with Amanda.

“I’m leaving,” I said, giving her an apologetic smile. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“What do you mean you’re l
?” Noticing that Cole was holding my arm, my sister frowned. “Wait a second, who in the hell are you?”

“I’m a friend,” he said, turning on the charm. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she gets home safely.”

Torie looked at me in disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re leaving. What about the strippers?”

“I don’t think I’ll be missing them,” I replied, as Cole pulled my back against his chest and I could feel his raging hard-on.

“Wait a second, aren’t you with the Gold Vipers?” she asked.

He smiled. “Yeah.”

“And you two are leaving together…?”

I nodded.

“As in hooking up?”

My cheeks grew warm. “I… I don’t know. We’re just going to talk.”

“Right.” She grinned. “Hell, if anyone needs to get laid, it’s you. Have fun.”

“Thanks, you, too,” I replied. “Tell mom I’ll call her tomorrow.”

“You’d better call me tomorrow, first,” she said. “If I’m letting you leave my party, I need details. Okay?”

“We’ll see,” I answered.

She looked at Cole. “Damn, I hope the strippers are as hot as you are.”

“Stop, you’re making me blush,” joked Cole.

Torie laughed and then dragged Amanda away.

“You ready to get out of here?” he whispered into my ear.

“I’ve been ready since you drank that slippery nipple,” I told him.

Growling in the back of his throat, he grabbed my hand and led me away from the bar.



BOOK: Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance)
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