Lover Betrayed (Betrayed #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Lover Betrayed (Betrayed #2)
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ordered me to shift everyday into the same form for a week straight to build up my energy levels with that animal form’s spirit. Therefore, every day after work for a week at a time I would shift into different forms and run. At first, it was exhilarating. But, after a while it got to be a pain in the ass.

After that day I earned respect from every s
hifter here and managed to find new friends and family among the were community.




Two long years passed by after my first fight as a shifter and vampire. Still to this day none of us know what in the hell that mountain lion really was. It never turned back to human after it died and it was way too damn big to be a normal mountain lion. The guys all felt awful for taking me to that ridge. They said if they knew I was going to be crazy enough to fight it they would have left my ass back at the ranch. Well, now they know better. Besides, I wasn’t going to stand by and watch it tear my men apart piece by piece.

The guys never changed. They still flirt and make fun of me because I’m a girl. Well, until I start breaking bones, then they shut up real quick. We all became a close tight
-knit group. We play, we horse around, we rag on each other and we work hard as a team. I didn’t know it at the time, probably because I was too focused on a Godzilla sized mountain lion, but Tucker was one of the men in the water that day. The other guy in the water was Bobby.

Considering how Tucker and I got off on the wrong
foot, he was just glad I didn’t break his bones like I did the others. He was also grateful I ended up saving his and Bobby’s asses. Bobby even more so because he’s Tucker’s little brother. Everyone said Tucker wouldn’t leave my hospital bedside the whole time I was out of it. Alasdair said he even cried, but Tucker will never admit to that. Still to this day, he said he had dirt in his eyes. Everyone just says bullshit and coughs at the same time. We all laugh of course, because the shits just funny. Big bad mister beta sir crying over little ole’ me. You bet your ass I laughed. We even go to the local bars together, which is never a dull moment. Of course, I’m the best wingman ever. Oh wait that should be wingwoman, but you get the point. I help get them girls and they beat the shit out of anyone that even looks my way.

It too
k a long time to get past everyone’s betrayal. If I didn’t have Sam and the guys I don’t know what I would have done with myself. Every time I get down about it they always seem to be there to pick me back up. It probably had to do with Alasdair’s mind reading and Sam’s empathy. No matter, I’m just glad they were all there. I’ve become a different person over the last two years. I’m stronger, faster, and I’ve learned to love again. I also, thanks to Alasdair, completely embraced my supernatural side. Also, Sam’s roommate never showed up. I’m starting to wonder if he ever will.

“Hey Jess, can you come down here for a minute?”
Sam asked from the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah just a sec,” I called back.

I finished shoving all the Christmas presents back into my closet. Yes it is way too early for Christmas, but I like to buy it when I see it, then I hide it away. My motto is the sooner you get it the less shit you have to do later on.

I walked downstairs and followed the heavenly aroma to the kitchen.
I opened the kitchen door and took in a deep breath, “damn girl that smells good.”

Sam turned around and leaned
against the counter. “I know it does. I’m cooking, duh,” she says teasingly.

“So,” I say dragging out the O. “What’s up?”

“Oh yeah, right. Do you remember me telling you about that roommate of mine?” she asked.

“Yeah I remember. What about him?”

“Well, it seems he is finally coming home,” she said staring at me waiting for my response.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, “So, what’s that got to do with me?”

“Okay, well since you live here and you’re actually here all the time I just wanted to make sure you were okay with that.”

“Sam this is your house. You can do whatever you want.”

Sam stepped away from the counter and walked towards me. “No Jess this,” she says waving her hands around her, “is our home. We make decisions around here. If you’re not okay with him being here then he can go stay at his dads. It’s technically his ranch anyway.”

I held up my hand to stop her right there. “What do you mean it’s his ranch and who is his dad?” I asked.

Sam looked down at her shoes as if they were the most important thing in the world. I waved my hands in front of her, “hello, earth to Sam.”

Her head snaps up and she looks at me, “Oh sorry,” she says.

“Well,” I say to encourage her to finish.

Oh, right. Ok um, his dad is Alasdair,” she rushes the last part out.

“Okay so let me get this straight. Alasdair’s son
is Nic. Nic actually owns the ranch. So technically he’s my boss and he lives here why?” I asked raising my eyebrows at her.


“Yes? That’s all you have to say is, yes?”

“Yep,” she says popping the P, “that’s it. Good. Great. I’m glad you catch on quickly,” Says Sam rambling and turning back to the stove to stir the contents in the cooker.

“Sam,” I say slowly.

“Yes,” she replies just as slow.

“What are you not telling me?” I ask. I already know she’s hiding something. Sam always rambles and talks in circles when she’s nervous and or hiding something.

“Sam,” I wine.

“Jessi don’t wine. It’s not very becoming of you,” she scolds.

“Damnit Sam!” I yell. ”What aren’t you telling me?”

Sam spins around and gives me her famous puppy dog look that I’m sure got her out of a lot of trouble when she was a kid. But she’s not a kid anymore and that look only works when Mathew does it.

“Sam,” I
say warningly.

“Oh alright,” she huffs out. “He’s really hot. I mean like you touch
him and you get burned hot, okay?” she says exasperatedly.

I busted out laughin
g. “What’s so funny Jessi,” asked Sam with her hands on her hips while tapping her foot.

I laughed harder. “You,” I say pointing at her and laughing more.

Sam stomps her foot and I look up, “I don’t see what’s so funny missy,” she screeches and starts waving a spoon at me. Which sends me into another fit of laughter.

“You,” giggle “acted,” giggle “like,” more giggling “that” snort “over a guy?” I finally man
age to get out.

Sam starts to jump up and down and stomp her feet, “Jessica Barnes! It is not that funny!” she yells.

I laugh even harder and point at her. “You should have seen your face,” I laugh out.

“Aargh!” Sam grunts out.

I walk around the kitchen overly swaying my hips, flipping my hair, and fanning myself. I left out a deep dramatic sigh and leaned against the counter fluttering my eyelashes.

“I did not just act like that!” Sam screeches.

“Oh Nic. You’re so dreamy,” I say dramatically fanning myself, swatting her on the ass and bolting out the kitchen door and up the stairs.

“Jessica Barnes! So help me god I’m
gonna murder you one day! And for fucks sakes I did not act like that!” Sam screeches after me.

Which just sent me into another fit
of giggles. Mathew walks out of the game room as I’m hunched over laughing, “Let me guess, mom did her Nic is coming dreamy thing huh?” he asks.

At that I lost my footing and fell right on my ass I was laughing so hard.

“I heard that you little twerp!” Sam yells from down stairs and Mathew starts laughing.

“Aargh! I give up!” We hear Sam scream.

We fall over each other laughing. It took a while but we finally got ourselves under control. Mathew and I laid in the hallway on the floor trying to catch our breath. I turned my head and looked at Mathew. He turns his to look back at me and we both smile.

“You know mom’s
gonna kill us right?” he asks.

“Yep. Sure do,” I say standing up and dragging Mathew with me. “By the way thanks for the heads up on the roommate and a good way to tease your mom.
Priceless dude. Priceless,” I say laughing again, shaking my head and patting Mathew on the shoulder.

“No prob Aunt Jessi. I got your back,” he says giving me a
fist bump.

“Alright kid go back to your games before your mother get suspicious.”

“Too late,” we hear from behind us.

We slowly turn around to face a very angry Sam. Mathew and I clasp our hands behind our backs, lower our heads and look up at her through our eyelashes.

Sam stands there with her arms crossed over her chest and tapping her foot. I leaned slightly towards Mathew and said out the corner of my mouth, “on the count of three run. RUN!” I scream and we both shoot off down the hallway with Sam right on our heels.

We all ended up in a heap on the hallway floor breathing
heavily after chasing each other all over the house tickling each other.




Sam and I decided to host a barbeque for all our workers, friends and family at the ranch. Alasdair let it slip one day in front of Sam that he hasn’t had a barbeque in about twenty years. After that, Sam got me on the ban wagon and that is all we have focused on ever since. The planning was horrendous because Sam is so damn precise and meticulous about everything. Other than that, it went rather smoothly.  Tonight was the big night and Sam was running around the kitchen getting everything ready. After the tenth or so bowl went flying across the room me and Mathew decided to just stay the hell out of her way.

Sam comes barreling
through the kitchen door with the last of the dishes in hand, “Ya’ll ready yet?” she asks.

Mathew and I look up at her and nod, “sure,” I say.

After we loaded everything up in the truck and started down the road Mathew just had to open his mouth, “so mom, how many dishes do we have to replace?”

Sam just grumbled something
incomprehensible under her breath, crossed her arms over her chest and stared out the window. I laughed silently to myself not wanting to piss her off more. I looked in the rear view mirror at Mathew and he had his hand over his mouth trying to stifle his laughter.

When we
pulled up in front of the ranch house the place was in full swing. Everywhere you looked there were shifters of all ages, shapes and sizes. Most I knew, some I did not.  We exited the truck and each carried stuff out back where everything was set up. I walked up next to Sam and nudged her in the ribs with my elbow. “Cheer up. You’re at a barbeque that we planned and people don’t want their host biting their heads off.”

Sam huffed, “
I am cheered, see,” she said planting a big fake smile on her face.

I grab
bed Sam’s arm and stopped her from moving forward. “Sam what’s up? I know you’re not mad about Mathew teasing you. So what gives?”

Sam took a few
deep breaths and turned face to me. ”It’s not you guys really, it’s just that Travis asked me out again and the more I say no the more he asks. I’m just not sure what to do,” she says sounding exhausted over the whole situation.

Travis has been in love with Sam ever since they were kids
and Travis never told Sam. Sam felt the same way about Travis, but Travis never said or did anything about it. Therefore, Sam thought her feelings were unreciprocated and ended up marrying Travis’ best friend who later on she had Mathew with and he got killed in the pride war. Now it seems no matter who asks Sam out she says no because she feels like she is betraying Mathew’s father and her deceased husband. I asked her once if he was her true mate and that’s why she didn’t date and she said no. So I asked her if she knew who her mate was she just shrugged and said it didn’t matter.

As much as Travis chases her around I would think it was him. “Sam,” I
said carefully, “Travis is hot, single and chasing you around like a lost puppy, or should I say kitty. There is nothing wrong with going on at least one date. You have to move on sometime. If you’re not going to do it for yourself then do it for Mathew. The boy needs a male figure in his life and if you’re not going to date then at least let him spend some time here at the ranch.” I said looking at her pleadingly and sympathetically.

Sam stared at me for a moment without say
ing a word. At first I didn’t know if she was going to bite my head off so I stayed silent waiting for her to respond. After what seemed like forever her shoulders dropped and she let out a heavy sigh.

“You’re right, I just don’t know how to start all over again.
It’s hard ya know?” she says sounding completely defeated.

I reached up with my on
e empty hand and pulled her into a tight hung. “Look if I can completely start over and reinvent myself then you can start over with a man. I’m mean really, look at me, I’m wearing a sundress for fucks sake. If my mother ever saw me like this she would have a heart attack and promise you anything in the world just to keep me in this damn thing,” I said trying to lighten the situation.

We pulled away from each other laughing. Sam wiped her eyes clean of a few fallen tears. She
looked me over from head to toe. Well you do have a point. I kinda feel like a proud momma,” she says wiping away fake tears laughing.

“Do you remember the garb you showed up in two years
ago? It was awful,” she says laughing harder.

I playfully slapped her shoulder, “hey it wasn’t that bad.”

Sam shakes her head and laughs, “if you say so princess.”

Sam grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled
me to the back of the house where our guests were waiting. “Come on now we got a party to start. Besides, what’s a party without us?” Sam says teasingly.

The barbeque went off without a hitch. Children ran around screaming and playing. The adults were in groups laughing and reminiscing about good
‘ole times while Sam and I ran around like chickens with our heads cut off making sure everything ran smoothly. Travis asked Sam out again, but this time she said yes. So Travis has been walking around all night in la la land and Sam just rolls her eyes every time she sees him day dreaming about it.

By the time it got dark my feet
hurt so bad I wanted to chop them off. I walked over to the back deck and sat on the steps. “Hey kiddo,” Alasdair said sitting down next to me.

“Hey,” I replied.

“You did a good job tonight you know,” he said bumping me with his shoulder.

I smiled up at him, “Yeah I know. I think this is the first time I’ve been able to be nice a
ll night. I think it’s a record,” I said chuckling.

“Well my dear, the night is still young.”
We both laughed and sat on the stairs most of the night bullshiting about everything and about nothing at all. Out of everyone here that has become like a family to me I’m glad Alasdair took the father roll. Besides Jackson, he’s the only one that has ever been like a father to me. If it wasn’t for Alasdair and Sam I wouldn’t have the friends and family I have now. Everyone here welcomed me with open arms. Even though I broke a few of those arms, I’m still glad I have them all in my life.

“Hey pops,” said a deep rich smooth velvety voice from behind us.

Alasdair and I both turned around to look behind us at the same time. Alasdair mutter, “shit,” and I locked eyes with the man of the most orgasmic voice I have ever heard. I stared into his mesmerizing silver eyes unable to look away. I felt like I was drowning with no surface in sight.

Alasdair stepped in between us causing us to loose eye contact.
”Much better. Now can you two focus?” he asked us.

Neither one of us said anything
and Alasdair just looked back and forth between us. I was about to speak and introduce myself when I was cut off with a very rude, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Confused by his question
it threw me off at first, so I said, “Well, I work here and I live down the highway. That’s what the fuck I’m doing here,” I snapped back.

“Nic,” said Alasdair

“It’s alright Alasdair.
Obviously, the Colorado Mountain elevation has gone straight to what brain cells he has left. I’ll just go find Sam and you can deal with your pissy ass son.” With that said, I reached up kissed Alasdair on the check and walked away. I could have sworn I heard Nic growl when I kissed Alasdair, but I’m sure I was just hearing things.

I walked around looking for Sam and finally spotted her of
f by the hay bales in the back of the barn kissing Travis. I smiled and decided I would leave them to it. At least one of us is having a good night. No reason to ruin hers with my complaining.

Tucker found
me as I was walking away from Sam and Travis. “Hey, what are you doing all the way out here?”

I reached up,
covered his mouth to stop him from saying anything else and pointed behind me towards Sam and Travis. I felt Tucker smile underneath my hand. “About damn time,” he whispered.

I smiled back, “I know right. Come on before they see us.” I grabbed his arm and pulled him away. Once we
were out of earshot Tucker draped his arm around my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around his waist snuggling into his side. Tucker and I have been attached at the hip ever since I woke up in the hospital bed from my fight. We came to an understanding and have a brotherly and sister love for one another. We talked about dating once, but before we even finished that thought we both laughed and agreed it would never work.

When we were about to turn the corner of the backside of the house I was rudely snatched out from under Tucker’s arm. I looked down at the hand that had a death
grip on my upper arm and followed that arm to its owner’s face. I looked up to find Nic glaring at Tucker. I tried to snatch my arm away but it was no use. Both men started arguing in a language I did not understand. I repeatedly tried to pull away from Nic but I couldn’t even budge him an inch. Tired of standing there listening to them argue I called out to both of them hoping I would get their attention. Well, at least Nics anyway. If he didn’t stop squeezing my arm he was going to break it.

No matter what I said both men completely ignored me.
Therefore, I reached down, grabbed Nic by the balls, and squeezed as hard as I could. He dropped my arm and snatched my hand off his package. Standing there bent over cupping himself he said, “What the fuck woman?”

“Next time when I try to get your attention don’t fucking ignore me. You almost broke my arm,” I said rubbing the spot in question.

I went to step around him and walk back to Tucker when I was snatched backwards again by Nic.

“Mine!” he snarled.

Tucker stood silently looking at Nic and waiting to see what I was going to do. The men around here know not to fuck with me. They learned their lessons a long time ago. Truthfully I don’t give a rat’s ass if this asshole owns this ranch, I’ll be damned if a man is going to manhandle me. I tried again to pull away from Nic with no avail. Each time I tried to pull away he would growl. Tired of his shit I turned my body into his and kneed him right in the balls. He dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes cupping his man hood letting out a string of profanities.

I leaned down and growled at him, “Don’t ever fucking touch me again. By the
way, in case you haven’t figured it out yet. I belong to no one.”

Tucker was doubled
over gasping for air he was laughing so hard. “She has one hell of a knee, doesn’t she?” said Tucker still laughing at Nics expense.

“You belong to me and the sooner you realize that the sooner you’ll get rid of this
git,” grunted out Nic pointing at Tucker.

I was
walking back to Tucker when he said that. I turned around and stalked back over to him. He smiled up at me from the ground and I smiled back. “Come to your senses aye?” smirked Nic.

I pulled my leg back a kicked him right in the nose. I heard a satisfying crunch and Nic scream
ed out. “What the fuck Jessica?”

At this point Tucker was
doubled over in laughter trying not to fall on his ass from laughing so hard. I leaned down once again and said, “Like I said pretty boy I belong to no one and no one is going to insult my brother except me. So get that through your thick fucking scull and stay the fuck outta my way.”

I stepped over a bleeding Nic and walked into a laughing Tucker’s arms. Tucker wrapped me back up into the side of his body and yelled over his shoulder to Nic, “Sorry man forgot to tell you about her mean kick too.”
We both laughed and continued walking back to the party.

“You do realize who you just kicked the shit out of right?” asked Tucker.

I looked up at him and gave him my best evil smile. He laughed and said, “From that look I’m assuming you know.”

“Yep,” I said popping the P.

The party went on for a few more hours. I stayed glued to Tucker’s side like I always do. Nic glared at us all night long. Everywhere we went Nic was sure to be right around the corner watching. I kept catching scents of vanilla and pine. It seems the more I would concentrate on the smell the more it would dissipate.

Once the party
ended, Sam showed back up to say goodbye to everyone. I wanted to ask her about what I saw but figured I would do that at home. Nic did as I said and stayed away even though he was never far he at least didn’t say anything to me or Tucker. Which was a relief because I would really hate to explain to Alasdair why I broke his son’s neck. Alasdair caught up to me when I was getting in the truck with Sam and Mathew.

“What’s up Alasdair?” Sam asked.

“Just need a word with Jess,” he said.

Oh great. Just as I thought I was going to leave here without getting into trouble over Nic
, I was sadly mistaken. “Look if this is about Nic know now that I am not what so ever going to apologize. He deserved it.”

Alasdair chuckled, “no my dear, you are
absolutely right he did deserve it. I just wanted to ask you to please give him a chance. He caught your scent and apparently it went to his head.”

BOOK: Lover Betrayed (Betrayed #2)
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