Read Love Me Again Online

Authors: Teresa Greene

Love Me Again (5 page)

BOOK: Love Me Again
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Dark eyes met hers causing her to tremble, eyes of the devil she thought. “I don’t think you are a scoundrel. I know you are a scoundrel. I bet many a young lady has lost her heart to you.” Abby feared she was in love with him. He was an easy man to love.

Even though he was in pain, Cord seemed to enjoy their short ride. They rode into the barn and Cord helped Abby down from her high perch on Jess. Instead of letting her go, Cord held her for a moment. With her hands on his shoulder, Abby lifted her face and parted her lips innocently inviting Cord to kiss her. 

Her pulse started racing even before their lips touched. Her mouth went wild under his the instant they made contact. Cord pushed Abby away and she feared he would reject her. Instead, he retrieved the quilt from their picnic under the shade tree. Cord spread it over the hay in the corner of the barn. He extended his hand toward Abby. For one brief second Abby thought she should not take his hand, even though she could see the bold, raw physical hunger in his brown eyes.

A smile touched his lips when she took his hand and lay down on the quilt. Curious, her eyes never strayed from him as he quickly undressed. His muscled chest and sinewy shoulders had her captivated. She had never seen a naked man before and she was amazed, especially about the shaft that protruded from his loins. His gaze held hers as he proudly towered above her not at all embarrassed by his nudity. But then why would he be ashamed? His body was hard and masculine, a sculpture of a perfect man except for the scar where she had dug out the bullet.

Cord dropped down beside her, and she touched the scar with the tips of her fingers as he began to unbutton her dress. Her skin felt scorched every time his hand touched her. He hesitated. “Are you sure, Abby?”

Instead of speaking, Abby brought his hand back to the buttons on her dress. In no time Abby lay naked beneath him. Her whole body jerked when he started at her neck and left a trail of kisses stopping at her breasts. He rubbed his fingers over her nipples and whispered, “You have exquisite breasts, Abby.”

She clung to him when he cupped her breast, covered the hard nipple with his mouth, and began to suck. Her moans of pleasure thrilled him with the passion he was evoking from her. She felt him thick and hard pressing against her. When she began to squirm under him, he almost lost all control. Huskily he whispered, “Slow down, Abby.”

He pressed his lips to hers and gave her a deep, scintillating kiss. The passion he had been keeping harnessed was suddenly released. “Abby, you make me tremble.”

His hand moved to her inner thigh and he gently rubbed and teased her before he ran his fingers through the red-gold curls between her legs. His hand lingered for a moment before he nudged a finger into her moist, hot flesh. Startled from the sensations, Abby pressed into his hand. Her heart began to thunder with a mixture of shock and exquisite pleasure. His finger still touching her in the most intimate place, his tongue tasted gently at first and then drove into her mouth. She moaned and arched her back meeting the thrusts of his finger as he pressed deeper into her moistness.

His groan of pleasure gave her courage. The need to touch him was strong so she stroked his erection with her finger tips. Pulling her hand away, Cord pressed his mouth to her ear. “You have no idea the times I have lain awake at night and
fantasized about this moment.”

He spread her legs and gently pushed into her wetness. Feeling her stiffen, Cord waited for her to become adjusted to him before he pressed deeper, tearing through her maidenhead. She gasped from the pain and then it was gone. As Cord began to move above her, Abby began to feel a pleasure she never knew existed. Her breathing intensified as Cord’s thrusts went deeper and deeper. He clutched her buttocks bringing her up to take all of him. He groaned loudly as a spasm raked his body.

Abby wrapped her legs around Cord and rose up as her climax tore through her body. He pressed his lips to her mouth to muffle her loud groans of pleasure. Then the scream started in her throat and vibrated through the barn. He winced when her nails dug painfully into his back. Then she collapsed under him, breathing heavily. Cord rolled off her and she snuggled close to him. Neither said a word as they lay together, too exhausted to move. 


Supper was an uncomfortable event. Every time Abby moved she felt the soreness between her legs, and was reminded of her sins earlier in the day. Too embarrassed to look at Cord, she tried to focus on her plate. Her father and Nick discussed their progress of planting the lower bottoms. She tried to listen. But her thoughts kept returning to the fact her body betrayed her and she had acted like a harlot. All she had heard her whole life was, sex was a sin unless you were married. And then you only lay together to produce children.

How could anything so enjoyable be a sin? Utterly fascinated, Abby knew she could not wait to lay with C
ord again. So what if he didn’t make any promises. Yes, he would be leaving in a week, but the fact was she could not fathom denying herself these feelings during the little time they had left. 

There was the possibility he would stay. Maybe he would fall in love with her as she was already in love with him.

Abby glanced up and met Nick’s glare. She paled slightly as he scowled across the table at her. Very perceptive, Nick could always tell when she had done something naughty. Did he know what she had done with Cord? Then she thought how could he?
Because of the way you are acting you ninny.
Giving Nick a weak smile, Abby tried to calm her nerves. If Nick found out she made love with Cord, he would be livid. He would probably tell her father and she feared what he would do. She doubted her father would try to force Cord to marry her. Even though her father had taken him in, it was obvious he only tolerated Cord because he knew that is what God expected of him. The two men had nothing in common, but made an effort to be civil to one another.     

The moment Nick finished his meal, he replied, in a calm voice. “Let’s go feed the animals, Abby.”

Knowing there would be a confrontation, she tried to make excuses. “I will join you after I wash the dishes, Nick.”

“I’ll help you feed the animals.” Cord stood and Abby realized he was trying to protect her. He knew she was trying to put off the inevitable.

“I can tell from the way you are moving around you are in pain, Cord. Maybe you over exerted yourself today.”

Abby’s face turned ashen. Nick was definitely suspicious. She could hear it in his tone.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I am mending nicely.” With stiff sore movements, Cord stumbled toward the door and waited for Nick. 

“Very well. You can help tonight.” Nick’s firm voice made Abby even more nervous. Before he stood he gave her a piercing gaze.

Abby’s palms broke out in a cold sweat as she began to clear the dishes. What would Nick do if Cord confesses they made love today? Nick might ask Cord to leave immediately. Abby felt sick to her stomach knowing that was a possibility. How could she have been so careless with her heart?  

Neither spoke as they went about the chore of feeding the animals. The tension was so thick, Cord’s apprehension intensified. Unable to hide her guilt, Abby had been about to fall apart, and he was responsible for her distress. A devout Christian woman, she put her religion above all else and he caused her to sin. He hoped he had not ruined her relationship with Nick because he could not control his lust for her. When he left, Nick would be the only one she could rely. 

Instead of going back to the house when the chore was done, Nick sat on a bench by the very pile of hay Cord and Abby had made love in. Not waiting for an invitation, Cord sat down next to Nick. Annoyed, he stared at the pile of hay as vivid memories surfaced of Abby lying naked beneath him; her splendid body driving him crazy with passion. Cord shook his head trying to get the lustful thoughts out of his head, and began to focus on what Nick was saying.

“I recall you stating my sister’s virtue was safe with you. Something tells me that is no longer the case.”

Cord actually blushed. He ran his fingers through his coal black hair. “I never meant for it to happen. She is so amazing, beautiful, and sweet. I swear I have fought these feelings I have for Abby. I had a moment of weakness.”

Nick replied acidly, “A moment of weakness. You seduced my sister! What are your intentions?”

Cord tensed. “I don’t know. I have not had time to think things through.”

Nick’s voice rose in anger. “Well maybe you should have thought things through and not been so selfish. Did you once think what would happen to Abby?” Not giving Cord time to answer, Nick exclaimed, “We know nothing about you. You definitely have some demons in your past. I have the feeling you are not the marrying type.” Suddenly Nick stood and
stuffed his hands into his pockets, as he began to pace in front of Cord. “Besides, I don’t know that I want you to marry Abby. Father would be devastated to know she is no longer a virgin. You have ruined her chances to marry Andrew. He will be expecting an innocent to come to his bed.”

Red hot jealousy almost cut him in two at the thought of Abby marrying Andrew. Even if he wasn’t ready to commit, he could not tolerate her marrying another. The silence lasted for what seemed an eternity before Cord finally spoke. “Please give me some time to think about my situation.  Abby is very special to me and I will do everything in my power not to hurt her.”

Abruptly, Nick halted and placed his hands on his hips. “You fool. You have already hurt her. The moment you leave she will be devastated.”

Unable to look Nick in the eyes, Cord averted his gaze to the floor of the barn. Of course Nick was right. Abby wasn’t the type of woman to sleep with a man unless she had strong feelings for him. He had made a muck of everything.

“If you continue to sleep with her, there will be no other alternative but to tell father of your immoral behavior. I doubt he will allow you to marry Abby. We have shown you nothing but hospitality and you have repaid us by ruining Abby’s reputation. There may be consequences not to your liking. I suggest you refrain from touching her again.” 

Cord did not care much for threats, but in this situation he felt he deserved the brow beating he just received. He was guilty of all the things Nick accused him. He seduced an innocent, not even considering the consequences. They saved his life and shown him nothing but kindness. As Abby said, he was a scoundrel.


Startled, Cord sat up blinking several times to get the sleep from his brain. Sleep had eluded him, not able to get Abby out of his mind. Last night he lay awake for hours wondering what he was going to do about his feelings for her. Cord glanced out the window and saw nothing but darkness.

Noticing the huge shadow standing by his bed, he tensed. “Get up, Cord. You are going to the fields to help me today. Father is going to town for provisions.  I’m not about to leave you here with Abby.” By the tone of Nick’s voice he was still peeved. “Hurry up and eat breakfast. I’ll harness Jack and will be waiting for you outside.” 

It took a lot of effort for Cord to drag his sore, tired body from the bed. He had not given himself enough time to recuperate from his injury, and then he really over indulged when he made love to Abby yesterday.

After he dressed, he hobbled to the kitchen to find Abby washing dishes. Slowly, he sat down at the table and began to eat his breakfast which she had already ladled onto his plate. The moment she turned toward him, he noticed the dark circles under her eyes, and knew she had faired no better than he had last night. Obviously, she slept very little. Their eyes met and her cheeks reddened.

“I take it Nick knows what we did in the barn yesterday. He wouldn’t even speak to me this morning.” The coldness in her voice caused him concern. 

“He already suspected. When he asked, I couldn’t very well lie.” Cord’s features softened. “I’m sorry, Abby. I never should have taken advantage of you. I knew you were an innocent and should not have let myself get carried away.”

Abby’s cheeks turned even redder. Unable to look Cord in the face, she kept her eyes downcast. “It is not all your fault. I am also responsible for what happened.”

The implications of her words caused him to feel guilty. By all accounts he was responsible for what happened in the barn yesterday. He could have walked away and should have.

The heavy silence in the room continued until Nick opened the door and snapped, “Let’s get a move on, Cord. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

Even though Cord only ate a couple of bites of his breakfast, he pushed away from the table and hurried out the door behind Nick. 


Cord stumbled and fell when he struggled with the heavy rock uncovered by the plow. A sharp pain tore into his chest and he winced.

Angrily Nick ordered, “Go take a break. You have done enough work for today.” 

Ignoring Nick, Cord pushed himself off the ground, picked up the rock and carried it to the edge of the field. He returned to the field and followed behind the plow and picked up several more rocks. 

“Wooo, Jack.” Nick pulled back on the reins and laid the plow on its side. He glared at Cord. “I told you to go rest. I don’t want to be responsible for you having a relapse. The last thing I want is for you to have to stay any longer than is necessary. You will be recuperated enough to leave in a few more days.”

BOOK: Love Me Again
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