Read Love & Curses (Cursed Ink) Online

Authors: Debbie Gould,L.J. Garland

Love & Curses (Cursed Ink) (5 page)

BOOK: Love & Curses (Cursed Ink)
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Resuming the kiss, he moved his hands between them to her bra where he skillfully un-hooked the front clasp, freeing her breasts to the cool air-conditioned air.

“Look at you, so sweet. I want to taste you all over.” He traced his fingers along her collarbone and down to one nipple, which he teased until she was breathless with desire. “I think I’ll start here.” Bending, he closed his mouth over her breast.

The moment his tongue touched her, heat shot through her veins. She arched up to him, the pleasure immeasurable as he sucked her. She ground her pelvis against his, wanting more of him while he worshiped her body with his mouth and hands.

“Damn. I’ve dreamed of this for so long. To be able to touch you.” He brushed his fingers along her rib cage in a feather soft touch, working his way lower. “To kiss you everywhere.” He licked the length of her stomach, stopping at the rim of her pants. His teeth clasped on, giving a yank. “I need more.”

With nimble fingers, he unbuttoned her jeans. She lifted her hips as he pulled them down her legs, tossing them with the rest of the clothing on the floor. A feral growl rumbled from his chest. “I need so much more of you.”

Leaning down, he placed hot kisses up the inside of her thigh. When he reached her panties, he ran his tongue over them sucking at her core through the lace.

She was already so wet, so ready for him she ached. “Ah, God, Andy! Take them off. I need to feel you inside me.”

He groaned. In a swift motion, he grasped the thin waistband and yanked, the flimsy material ripping and falling off her. Not giving her a chance to catch her breath, he settled his mouth over her opening, his tongue darting in and out, tasting her, consuming her. His thumb caressed her sensitive bud, and he drove her relentlessly over the edge. Jamming her fingers into his hair, she cried out as the climax racked her body, wave after delicious wave leaving her quivering with satisfaction.

As she lay in a delightful haze, her core still tingling from pleasure, the warmth of his body left her, and she realized he’d stood. Releasing his belt, Alex shucked his jeans and boxers and grabbed a condom from the back pants pocket. He shifted his gaze to her, and heat flooded through her once again.

A sculpted chest and abs weren’t the only thing he had been hiding under his clothes. His thick erection jutted proudly, and her mouth watered. Moving to her knees, Calista reached for him, encircling his girth. “My turn.”

“You don’t have to.”

She looked up at him. “No, but I want to. Very much.”

Setting her other hand on his hip, she pulled him near, and closed her mouth around him, tasting the salty droplets that were his essence. Good Lord, she’d never been so turned on in her life.

Andy watched her, no veil on his emotions, only love filling his face. The sight made her want to please him all the more. This was the man she wanted in her life a long time.
Like forever
. She worked her mouth over him, from base to tip, until he thrust his hips with her motions.

“Damn, it’s too good.” He pulled her to her feet. “I want to be inside you when I come, Calista. Now.”


He made quick work of covering himself with the condom, eased her back onto the couch, and plunged inside her in one swift motion, taking her breath away. He stilled for a moment and squeezed his eyes shut.


Opening his eyes, he stared back at her. “This is everything to me. Everything I’ve been waiting a year for. I need you to know….” He gritted his teeth. “I––”

“I know. I feel the same way.”

He exhaled a short burst of air and kissed her, a long, searing kiss that sent her head spinning. Slowly, he moved inside her. Each bump of his hips against hers created a rush of decadent heat to dance along her limbs.

It was too much. She needed more. She thrust back, picking up the pace until they were both frantic with need. Tension coiled deep within her core, and her muscles contracted around him until she knew nothing but the feel of him making love to her. Release swept over her, a kaleidoscope of colors and lights flashing behind her eyes as she fell over the edge of oblivion. Above her, Andy thrust once more and then jerked.

“Calista,” he growled, his body shuddering.

His release played out, he dropped to one elbow next to her, his weight on top of her warm and reassuring. As he panted, he grinned down at her. Sweat dotted his brow, but his smoldering eyes told of a satisfied man.

He kissed her cheek and rose from the couch. When he turned, she caught sight of his back and stifled a gasp.
Oh crap
. He shuffled down the hallway, the bathroom door clicking shut.

A few minutes later, he returned. Somewhere, he’d found a comforter. Rising, she took his hand and turned him away from her. She bit her lower lip at the sight of the angry welts scoring his shoulders down to his thighs. The whipping piano wires had down quite a job on him.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

He eased back
around, the movement causing obvious discomfort
. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

“You’re not.” She winced. “Did I hurt you while we…?”

He chuckled. “Absolutely not. Sweetheart, I had so much adrenaline going, all I felt was you.”

She eyed him, trying to determine the truthfulness of his words. “Okay. Because I would’ve felt horrible if I’d caused you more pain after you saved my life.”

“No worries.” Clasping her hand, he pressed a kiss to her fingers and pulled her down to the couch with him. He dragged the blanket over them as he snuggled next to her and wrapped her in his arms.

She relished the feel of his embrace, a wisp of guilt swirling through her at the thought of what he might’ve endured to give her the pleasure she’d enjoyed.

“I’m good.” He dropped a kiss on her temple. “Better than good.” Toying with her hair, sifting his fingers through the strands in long gentle strokes. He paused and then brushed his palm over her shoulder. “What’s this?”

Calista tensed.
The bird. Damn.
She twisted to look at him and grimaced. “It’s a

“I can see that.” His fingertip traced a curvy line over her skin, and she shivered. His eyebrow arched. “So…did the last guy…?”

“Ben. Yes, that’s how I met him.”

He nodded, his gaze shifting to her shoulder.

She cringed inwardly.
He must think I’m such a fool. Probably having second thoughts already.
“I’m going to get it removed.”

He glanced at her. “Why?”

It reminds me of him, of how awful he treated me.” She shifted her attention to the
blanket, heat flooding her face. “
He gave me the tat…like he was trying to cage me o
r something.”

“No one could ever cage you.” He pressed his lips to her shoulder.

The scent of lavender danced through the air, tickling her nose. Hmm…they hadn’t lit any candles or incense, so why—

“I like it. It’s you. Soaring high and free.” He caressed the area again.

She dared to peer at him. “Really, high and free?”

“You know what I mean.” He grinned. “I think you should keep it…if you want.”

Andy Mitchell continued to amaze her. Lord knows he certainly sent her heart soaring. She smiled, liking the way he always seemed to lift her up. Maybe she
keep the swallow tattoo on her shoulder. Relieved, she snuggled against him and let her eyelids drift closed.

An insistent ringing grated her ears. She forced her eyes to open. Warm breath caressed her neck. A wonderfully hard body wrapped around her in a possessive

God, they both must have dosed off.

Too boneless to move, she sighed. Let the answering machine take a message. A short beep clipped the air.

“Calista. Calista, pick up, I know you’re there,” came her aunt’s hysterical voice. “Oh dear gods, baby girl. Pick up the phone. Death is after you.”

Chapter Six


Calista’s eyes shot open. Oh, Lord, it was her Aunt Nadya. The woman meant well, but she was crazier than a bed bug. Wanting to get to the phone before Andy heard any more of her aunt’s ravings, she scrambled to untangle herself from his legs and the comforter wrapped around both their bodies.

Managing to slip free, she reached for the phone, but her right foot snagged the end of the blanket. She tumbled to the floor face first, her naked skin smacking the hardwood with a resounding thud. Wincing, she squinted through the semi-darkness at her hand. Well, at least she’d grabbed the receiver on her way down. She held it to her ear.

“Auntie?” She sucked in a breath while the woman babbled in her ear. “Slow down, Auntie. What has you so worked up?”

“Oh, Cece. Thank the gods you answered. You must come to me immediately. And be aware of your surroundings. Take no chances. Hurry.”

Calista shoved to her feet and walked down the hallway to the bathroom, so she wouldn’t disturb Andy. “Auntie, its dark out, and I have company.” Grabbing a robe from the hook on the back of the door, she shrugged it on. “Tomorrow is Sunday, I’ll come see you after mass.”

“Tomorrow could be too late. I’ve done an awful thing, and we must work together to find a way to make this right. Death is after you, child.”

She rubbed her forehead. Her aunt had always fancied herself a Gypsy and dabbled in the use of spells and magic. It was her ancestry, she’d claimed. Calista had never believed any of the hocus-pocus. However, she’d always loved her aunt dearly and indulged her, pretending to go along with her fantasies. But death being after her?
Too much
. “What are you talking about?”

“You remember my friend Tobias?”

“The street vendor?”

“Yes. He told me of your two near misses with death, and so I have a confession to—”

“They were accidents. That’s all. I’m fine, so stop worrying.” She peered down the shadowy hallway, the dark outline of the couch visible from the moonlight glazing the window. “Besides, I have my very own guardian angel.”

“You don’t understand. I cursed your Ben. I used my gifts for evil, and now it is coming back at you.” She moaned, a dreadful sound laden
with regret. “You are being punished for my wickedness. You must come to me, so I can protect you while I find a

Anger surged along her nerves. Damn Ben for everything. “First of all, he’s not
Ben, nor was he ever. You should have stayed away from him. Second, I don’t believe in all this stuff, Auntie. I had two accidents. That’s it. Please stop this nonsense.”

“Are you sure it’s nonsense, Calista? Have you had any other accidents in the past two days?
Something you might have brushed off as a misstep?” A reproachful
snapped across the line. “And you
believe. I know you do. You have the gifts within you, running through your veins. If you’d only embrace them, you’d see the truth

She shook her head. This was an argument she wasn’t going to get into. “Just do what you can to reverse whatever it is you think you did. I’ll make sure to be careful. Goodnight, Auntie.”

She hit the end button and tiptoed back into the living room only to find Andy sitting up. Reaching over, he clicked on the table lamp and leaned back into the cushions, arms crossed against his chest, eyebrow cocked.

Well shit
. “Everything was all on speaker, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, it sure was. So, your aunt is a witch or something?”

Calista set the receiver on the charging unit and sat next to him. “Or something. She believes she and our ancestors were Gypsies. And that she has the ability to cast spells or, in this case, curse people. It’s all a bunch of hooey, but I’ve always put up with it because it’s easier than arguing with her.”

“I see. So she believes she cursed Ben, and now you’re being punished for it by all these accidents?”

Hearing his summation made the whole thing sound even more ridiculous. “Well, yeah, when you say it like that.” Heat crept up her neck, and trying to play down her embarrassment, she shrugged. “In a nut shell.”

He nodded. “Guess I’d better watch my back when it comes to her, huh?”

Calista’s heart stuttered. Would her crazy aunt be a deal breaker for him?
Just my luck. I finally find a great guy, and wacky Aunt Nadya decides to start hurling curses. Great.

“Hey, I was joking.” He stood, the blanket draped around his waist, and grabbed her hand. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep. We’ll worry about death later.”

She followed him upstairs to her bedroom and joined him beneath the covers. Andy snuggled next to her, his arm warm against her hip. But as she lay there in the dark, listening to his slow, rhythmic breaths, worry crept up from the pit of her relationship abyss and picked at the frayed edges of her confidence.

He probably would’ve found another excuse to walk away anyway. They always do.

Closing her eyes, she committed to memory the intimate feel of the man next to her. The hardness of his body against hers. The alluring scent of his aftershave. The way his mouth had felt on hers.

BOOK: Love & Curses (Cursed Ink)
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