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Authors: Jennifer Duffey

Love and Lies (23 page)

BOOK: Love and Lies
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It'd been a week since we'd come home from New York. After dealing with my parents
, we went to the play, which was nice, but no matter what I did, their dismissal weighed on my mind.

As I sat on the couch feeling sorry for myself
, a vibration against my hip jerked my back to the present. I slid my finger across my cell phone’s screen to answer. “What?”

We're going to dinner, so do whatever you need to do. I’ll be there in forty-five minutes. Mari just found out she's been officially accepted. Her auditions finished this afternoon, and Logan wants to celebrate,” Eric said.

Why do we have to go?”

Because you're his friend, and he specifically requested that I bring you. Besides, you need to get out and spend time with us. The couch is beginning to sag where your butt's been planted this last week. You looked like shit today. Get a shower and meet me outside.”

Eric, I really don't—”

No arguments. If you aren't downstairs, I'm going to come up there, and I will drag you out kicking and screaming.” With that, the call disconnected.

I groaned and rolled off the couch
. Eric was right—it did sag from where I'd been camping out. Forty-five minutes later, I stood on the stairs and watched Eric pull up in his car.

Where are we going?” I asked as I settled into the front seat.

Logan got a table at Acme Oyster House. He said something about it being Mari's favorite. I dunno.”

I nodded.
“Yeah, I've been there before. They've got decent food.”

Eric's hand rested on my leg after we got on the road. For a moment
, I felt his eyes on me, and when I turned to look, our gazes locked.

I'm worried about you, Carissa.”

I lowered my head and placed my hand on top of Eric's then intertwined our fingers.
“I know. I don't know what I'm going to do. My parents hate me, they think I'm a whore, and when I get done with school, Dad's cutting me off for good. I know I complain about how controlling they've been, and I'm still annoyed at you for working for them, but I honestly have no clue what I did for them to
me. The hurt is worse than everything else.”

The rest of the drive was silent
, except for the low thump of the radio. Eric's musical tastes varied depending on his mood and the weather. Tonight the radio had been tuned into a rap station, my least favorite.

You didn't do anything. Your parents are the sole nominees and winners for Worst Parents of a Lifetime. What can I do to make you happy again?” Eric cupped my face with his right hand and ran his fingers down my cheek with his left.

I need time.”

With his thumb and forefinger Eric lifted my chin so our eyes met.
“I've got plenty of time.”

I closed my eyes. Eric brushed his lips across mine
, causing warmth to sweep through my veins. My heart thundered at his touch.

When I opened my eyes
, the smile on his face was the perfect touch. Somehow he knew just what to do wipe away my sadness. It wasn't gone for good, but I'd make it through the night.

I leaned my head against the seat and sighed.
“Do we have to do this?”

Yes,” he said as he opened his door and got out of the car. He came around and pulled me out.

Fine. Let's go.”

We were the last two to arrive. The hostess showed us to the table where Mari, Logan, Alec, and Sean sat.

“She's alive,” Alec sang.

Ha ha, and you're a comedian.” I stuck out my tongue and sat in the chair Eric pulled out for me.

Alec reached across the table and handed me a silver box with a blue ribbon tied around it.

“Tiffany's?” I arched my brow.

Just open it.”

I opened the box to find a chain link bracelet with a heart in the center.
“What's this?”

“This dinner isn't just for Mari. It's for you, too.”

For me? I didn't do anything for this.”

Sean turned his eyes down and tilted his chin, Mari sniggered, and Logan coughed into his hand.

“What did you guys do?” I asked warily.

cheeks flushed, and Eric gently tugged me closer to him.


Turn it over,” he directed.

did as instructed. Inscribed on the back were three sets of initials,
, and
My heart stopped and droplets of water fell down my cheeks. “Wow.” I flipped the heart back and forth between my fingers. “I thought we were here to celebrate Mari's acceptance.”

Oh, we are,” Logan said. “But, like Alec said, we’re also here for you. You've been dealt a shitty hand in the last week, and you needed to know that no matter what, you've got people who care about you. We may not be your family in the blood kind of way, but we’re your family in every way that matters.”

I sat at the table stunned. All eyes turned to me and silent nods confirmed Logan's
statement. I really did have a family that loved me. It was larger than Mom and Dad. It was Alec, Eric, and Logan.


* * * *

Months Later

I stepped back to admire the newly decorated apartment. Eric and I gave up our own
separate spaces and had moved into together between the fall and spring semesters. Lucky for us, Louisiana didn’t know what snow or frigid temperatures were. People like Eric and I enjoyed the year-round warmth.

When callused hands scraped against my bare skin and strong arms wrapped around my waist
, I smiled. Eric kissed the curve of my neck.

“Love what you’ve done with the place,” he murmured.

“Me too. Tomorrow, I’ve got to start looking for a job. The board approved my scholarship and agreed to change my financial information. Since we’re not married, I can’t get financial aid because Mom and Dad make too much money and according to the government I’m not an Independent student.”

“Welcome to the real world, princess.”

I chuckled. Yeah, Eric knew exactly what I was talking about. But the financial obstacles were worth ending all contact with my parents. After the disastrous trip to New York, I concluded the only way to recover and find myself, was to sever all ties. No money, no contact. As soon as the semester had ended, I worked with financial aid to apply for a scholarship and have all my personal information updated.

“It’s worth it. You know, I still can’t believe you asked me to move in with you. Are you sure you didn’t fall and hit your head recently?”

“One hundred percent. You’re mine, Carissa. This way we get what we want, time with each other, and help when we need it. A shoulder to cry on or days wasted away in bed. Whatever we want, or need, is ours.”

“Mmm. What do you say we give that wasting away in bed a try?”

Eric swept me off my feet and ran to our bedroom. Dealing with my parents had been hard, but I’d made it through to the other side a far better person. My new family made it a hell of a lot easier. Now I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.





There are so many people who had a hand in this book. It’s been a true labor of love and I’m so glad I get to share it with all of you.

Thank you Lynn, Beth, Sandy, and everyone else who has helped me shape and mold these characters. Each of you gave me the kick I needed to get the story just right. It certainly wouldn’t be the same without your input.

My husband helped me brainstorm the original idea. I can’t thank him enough for all the questions and brainstorming sessions.

And to the rest of my family for supporting me in this endeavor. Writing is something I’ve always loved to do, now I get to make it my profession. 




Born and raised in Texas, Jennifer is a transplant to Missouri long enough ago she should probably consider that her hometown. But she will forever be a Texan. She loves to write any story that will make a reader smile, laugh, and maybe even cry (although you won't ever hear her admit that she cries). Whether the next story she writes is contemporary, urban fantasy, LGBT, or whatever other crazy idea she comes up with, there will always be love and romance in the midst of trials and turmoil.


When she's not writing you can find her on Twitter, with her family, or buried in a book trying to escape reality for just a minute.


BOOK: Love and Lies
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