Read Lost In You (The Soldiers of Wrath MC) Online

Authors: Jenika Snow,Sam Crescent

Tags: #Contemporary, #MC, #younger woman, #Thriller, #contemporary romance, #Alpha, #Suspense, #may/december, #Motorcycle Club, #alpha man, #dark

Lost In You (The Soldiers of Wrath MC) (7 page)

BOOK: Lost In You (The Soldiers of Wrath MC)
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Amy was sitting on her bed. Thankfully, Amy hadn’t disappeared for the night with Joker. She didn’t know where Amy’s man was, but his loss was her gain.

“Wear jeans—it’s much easier to climb on and off the bike without showing yourself off.”

“Right, I hadn’t thought about that. I’m so nervous.”

“Is Nerd pressuring you?”

Turning to face Amy, she shook her head. “No, I’m not under any kind of pressure. Nerd’s not like that.”

Amy held her hands up. “That’s fine.”

Opening her wardrobe, Hannah grabbed a pair of jeans that were a little loose and wouldn’t be uncomfortable. She went into the bathroom to change, not wanting to give Amy a show. After she was dressed, she went back into her bedroom, and Amy nodded. “Perfect.”

“It’s fine?”

“More than fine, Hannah. You’re a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you.” Hannah gritted her teeth as her cheeks started to heat once again. Why couldn’t she control herself? Instead she kept lighting up like a damn neon sign just attracting attention.

Grabbing a jacket, she headed toward the door with Amy close behind her. “I really appreciate you helping me.”

“That’s fine. I like to help. I remember dating Joker and feeling all over the place. You’re not alone.”

Nerd was already waiting for her at the front door.

“Are you ready, princess?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m ready.” She got this warm feeling when he called her endearments.

“Amy,” Nerd said.

“Nerd.” Amy smiled at both of them. “Have a nice time.”

She followed Nerd out to his bike. Her heart racing as they approached the motorcycle. He handed her a helmet. “Put this on.”

“Won’t it ruin the feel of the ride?” she asked.

“I want you safe, Hannah. I don’t want to put you at risk.”

Hannah had never ridden a bike before. Nerd straddled the machine, and after putting the helmet on, she climbed on behind him.

“You’re going to have to hold me.”

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she felt a fluttering between her thighs. The engine started up, and she got a thrill from the hum of the machine. She squealed as he took off. He wasn’t going particularly fast, but she wished she didn’t have the helmet on so she could feel the wind in her hair.

She trusted Nerd completely.

He rode out of town, moving between cars, and even leaning over to round a corner. Hannah mirrored each of his movements, following him without stress.

Hannah didn’t know for how long they were riding before he pulled up at a lake. He slowed the bike down to a stop and turned off the engine. “We’re here.”

Climbing off the bike, she reached out to steady herself as her legs nearly gave out.

“Where are we?”

“A little lake that has been deserted and allowed to flourish. I believe some men come out on the weekends to fish. It’s where I come to think.” He took the helmet, securing it to his bike.

“What about school kids?”

“None come here. There’s some kind of tale about a wrongly accused woman haunting the woods.”


He nodded and grinned. “True story.” He winked. “She was wrongly accused by another woman of witchcraft. They tied her up and tossed her into the lake. The woman who accused her married the man that was destined for the ‘witch.’ A few years later, the woman died of drowning.”

“That’s so not true.”

He chuckled. “It is, or at least the tale that is told is true. I don’t know. I’ve been here many times, and no one has tried to drown me.”

Hannah grabbed his hand tightly. “That really wasn’t funny.”

“Don’t worry, I was kidding.”

She pulled back. “What?”

Nerd laughed. “Kids go parking up the creek over there. I wouldn’t bring you here if it wasn’t safe, ghosts or not.”

“You ... horrible man.” She started laughing softly.

“What? It got you to hold my hand.”

When she made to pull away, he wouldn’t let her. She wasn’t afraid. The way he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close, made her feel ... things. She didn’t know exactly what she felt. Each new sensation that he was inspiring inside her, she didn’t understand.

“You don’t have to be afraid of me.”

“Telling me a horror story isn’t going to help.”

“Didn’t you enjoy my little tale?”

“No.” Hannah couldn’t help but smile. She hadn’t liked his tale, but she was holding his hand. It was another obstacle that she’d passed.

“What’s that little smile for?” he asked.

“I’m holding your hand. It means a great deal to me.”

“Good, get used to it.” He squeezed her fingers. “Come on, I’ll take you to my spot.”

He led her to a secluded part of the lake that had a large patch of grass. Across the lake there was an array of trees and shrubs, but the break in the foliage meant the sun cast on that one spot. The grass had grown and flourished because of it.

Nerd removed his jacket, placing it on the ground. Taking a seat, she waited for him to sit back down before snuggling against his side. “I really enjoyed tonight.”

“You and me both, princess.”

“Our first date. I think it was a success, what about you?”

“You’re the first woman I’ve been with that I’ve not wanted it to end. That for me was entirely surreal.” He kissed the top of her head.

The action seemed so natural that Hannah looked up at him. They stared at each other for a few seconds, the pressure and heat surrounding them increasing.

“I want to kiss you,” he said softly. “Will that be okay? I don’t want to rush or push you into something.”

She shook her head. “I want you to kiss me, Nerd,” she whispered.

He leaned in close, and she stared at his lips. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and when his lips touched hers, it was like millions of electric shocks going off along her mouth.

The touch was light, not too much pressure.

Nerd pulled away. “Too much?”

Opening her eyes, she stared up at him, licking her lips. “It wasn’t nearly enough.”

Chapter Twelve

he kiss was explosive, electrifying, and all Hannah wanted to do was forget about everything and anything except for this one moment. He pulled away, the kiss breaking, but the force of his breathing brushing across her face. The tendrils of her hair moved along her cheek, and she felt her heart beat a little faster. They were so close, but Hannah could still see his chest rising and falling quick and hard from his breathing. Was her need just as evident as his? Although she didn’t think she could have sex with him just yet, her own issues still fresh in her mind, Hannah wanted to be with Nerd so badly she could feel it in every part of her.

I want to feel Nerd on top of me, to feel his strength and power, to know he desires me as much as I desire him.

Her hands shook, and she was afraid of her own arousal, but Hannah didn’t want this to stop.

“Touch me, Hannah,” Nerd said in a deep, soft voice.

She lifted her hands and placed them on his hard chest, feeling the strength come from him. The hard muscles clenched under her palm, and she slid her hands down the rolling, defined hills of his abdomen and rested them on each of his pecs. The beat of his heart was strong and heady, so unlike her rapidly pounding one.

“Hannah,” he said her name on a whisper. If she derailed from what she wanted to do, she wouldn’t be able to regain her strength. And she wanted to be strong for Nerd, for herself. She wanted to get through this turn in her life.

She leaned into him, felt the heat from his body seep into hers, and closed her eyes. It felt good to feel warmth, to feel him and not be afraid. For a long time, all she knew was a coldness that stole her breath and left her numb. Nerd made her feel cozy ... alive.

When she opened her eyes and looked into his face, the fierce look of desire reflected back at her increased her pulse. Very gently she curled her fingers into the hard yet pliant flesh at his chest.

“You make me feel good, Nerd. I don’t want to lose that, or ignore it. I don’t want to give up everything that has grown between us because I can’t get through my past.” She moved an inch closer until her chest pressed against his. “Will you help me heal?” She was asking him for so much, but a part of her knew only Nerd could be the one to help her. She could be strong in her own right, but she wanted Nerd to be that rock she could lean on. She rested her forehead on his chest and closed her eyes, just inhaling the strong, masculine scent that was all Nerd.

His big, strong arms wrapped around her and tightened. Hannah tilted her head back. Thank God Nerd saw how much she needed this and brought his mouth to hers. The kiss started slow and passionate, filled with so much yearning from both of them that Hannah thought she would die from sensory overload.

“Touch me, Nerd.”

The feel of his hands coasting down her back sent a thrill of wet arousal through her. Hannah wasn’t embarrassed to admit her panties were slick. She deepened the kiss and moved her tongue faster and harder against his. His answering groan came from deep within his chest and sent vibrations throughout her. Her mind and body screamed for more, yet she didn’t feel like she could get close enough to him. With a strength that rivaled the wilderness surrounding them, Nerd lifted her so she was now the one on top of him, her legs on either side of his waist. The hard length of his erection prodded between her legs, and a spark of lust slammed into her.

With their mouths still fused, and her pressed against Nerd, she opened her mouth and tilted her head to accept more of him.

“Hannah, baby.” He flipped them around so she was now the one on her back with him above her. “Is this okay?”

She licked her lips and nodded. He pulled back slightly and Hannah reached for him, but he stopped her with a gentle hand to the center of her chest. She rested against his leather jacket and watched him, wondering what he had in mind. Nerd lifted his hands and smoothed them down her arms. Hannah wanted to feel his bare flesh touching hers. When his hands skimmed the hem of her shirt, he flicked his gaze to hers, as if silently asking for permission.

She nodded again.

The sound and sight of him swallowing seemed to fill every part of her. For a suspended moment he did nothing but stare at her. A tightening started within her that she knew was excitement and need.

“Please, Nerd,” she whispered into the darkness. Nerd swallowed again but then pushed her top up, exposing her slightly rounded belly. Her heart was beating so fast it felt as if it would burst right through her ribs. Humiliation slammed into her at the knowledge that Nerd knew all about her past, about what she’d been through. But there was also a part of her that felt free that he knew, that he didn’t judge. She tried to cover herself on instinct, but Nerd smoothed his hands over the bare flesh of her belly.

“Look at me, Hannah.” His voice was soft, but there was a distinct note of command laced in the words. But his dominating persona didn’t frighten her, because she knew deep down in her very soul this man would never hurt her. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes until she opened them and stared into Nerd’s face. The shadows from the darkness around them, but also because the moonlight filtered above them, cast harsh lines across his face. For several long seconds he didn’t speak, just stared at her. Slowly he removed his hands from her, but she didn’t try to cover herself again, not when he watched her so intently, and not when the heat moving through her could have burned her alive.

With her heart in her throat, Hannah stared with what she knew were wide eyes, when Nerd gripped her shirt again and lifted it. He stopped right below her breasts.

“Is this okay?” he asked genuinely, sincerely.

She didn’t speak for several seconds, but even though she was afraid of screwing things up because of her past, right here, right now, she didn’t want this to end.

Chapter Thirteen

erd couldn’t believe that this beautiful, precious woman trusted him with her healing, with her body. This date had gone from good, to better, to amazing. Hannah was such a strong female, and Nerd didn’t want to do anything to hurt her, or to make her feel uncomfortable.

BOOK: Lost In You (The Soldiers of Wrath MC)
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