Read Losing Control Online

Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Shifter

Losing Control (10 page)

BOOK: Losing Control
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“Come baby, come on his cock,” Shawn told

his hips faster.
threw her head back and screamed as she climaxed. Three quick strokes and he joined her.

He collapsed forward, sandwiching
between him and Shawn. He was still panting, trying to regain his senses when he heard Shawn complaining, “Can someone take these damn cuffs off before the two of you fall asleep on top of me?”




Chapter Eleven




woke with heaviness across her back that she wasn’t used to. She found she remained in the middle of the large bed with Shawn curled up behind her, one leg thrown over hers, and his arm stretched out, holding Kyle close to them both.

She was surprised. She wouldn’t have considered Shawn as the
. She sighed in contentment and buried her face against Kyle’s shoulder.

The night before had been intense. It had shocked her to see the emotion in Shawn’s eyes when he’d panicked. It wasn’t because he didn’t want her like she’d first thought. It was because he was scared of hurting her or Kyle.

Kyle shifted and brought his hand up to brush the hair from her face. She tilted her head and ran her gaze over him. He was looking at her with such a soft expression of love, it made her eyes sting with tears.

Slowly he shifted towards her until his lips were inches from her. “Good morning, love,” he greeted.

smiled at the endearment. Kyle might be the quiet one in the relationship but he felt as strongly for her as Shawn did. The contrast between her two mates made her feel like she would have everything she would ever need.

… The word whispered around her head. She closed the distance to Kyle’s mouth and breathed the word against his lips.


Then they were locked together until Kyle nibbled on her bottom lip and she opened her mouth, allowing his entrance.

They moaned at the same time, Kyle pulling her tighter against his body. Rolling over her, he manoeuvred her onto her back. Shawn shifted with them as Kyle covered her body with his.

When the lack of air had them parting, Kyle was above her, panting. He interlocked their fingers together before moving her arms over her head so he was completely stretched out over her.

wrapped her legs around his waist as Shawn moved behind Kyle, kissing his shoulders. Kyle shivered against her and started to rub their flesh against one another.

Shawn caught her eye and winked. “I want to wake up like this every morning from now on,” he said, his voice husky with lust.

agreed and nodded.

Then Shawn moved from her sight, disappearing behind Kyle. A second later Kyle jerked.

“Oh God!
Yes!” Kyle almost yelled.

wanted to see what Shawn was doing, but Kyle felt too good on top of her. Kyle’s eyes were closed and his entire body quaked.

“What’s he doing?”
had to ask.

“He’s… Shit! He’s…”

“Distracting you,” Shawn answered. “Sorry.”

Kyle growled.

Shawn grinned and pushed Kyle forward until he could reach
mouth over Kyle’s shoulder. She wrapped her arms around Shawn’s neck.

opened and responded to the hot, demanding kiss and Kyle once against started to move against her.
lifted her hips, inviting Kyle to take her since she couldn’t say it out loud with Shawn plundering her mouth.

Kyle got the message and pushed her thighs apart and slowly sank inside.
arched her back taking him deeper. Kyle moaned and Shawn broke the kiss.
ran her hand over Shawn’s shoulder.

“You taste so good,” Shawn told her.

Everything was good. The way Shawn was looking at her like she was his everything, the feel of Kyle inside her stretching her, the smell of their love-making still lingering in the air from the night before mixing in with their new arousal.

Kyle was still thrusting deep inside her, rocking her body, taking her closer to climax. He was thick and filled her up like no one before. And it wasn’t just his body he filled, but her heart too.

Shawn pressed sweet soft kisses on her forehead, her eyelids, cheeks and chin.

It was almost too much—both men loving her at the same time. She closed her eyes tightly, holding the feelings close to her heart.

“Open your eyes,” Shawn requested gently. She complied. “I want to watch you,” he told her and then moved away.
reached for him but he dove for the nightstand, pulled something out and returned to his position behind Kyle.

Kyle’s frantic strokes didn’t ease and Shawn winked at her again.

He held up two fingers and showed them to her. Fascinated, she watched as he poured clear liquid on them then his hand disappeared again.

Kyle groaned and he faltered.

fuck you,” Shawn told Kyle with his mouth close to the other man’s ear. “While you’re taking our girl, I’m
take you.”

bit her lip. Damn, she wanted to see that.

Kyle nodded his head in jerky motions.
gripped Kyle’s shoulders and held on. Kyle’s teeth were clenched as he thrust inside her and pulled back out gently.
knew every time he withdrew from her, he was pushing Shawn’s fingers in deeper. The series of emotions on Kyle’s face spoke volumes.

“Stop teasing, inside now,” Kyle finally pleaded.

Shawn chuckled and, placing his hand over
on Kyle’s shoulder, pressed
chest was laying against hers.

In her mind’s eye, she could see Shawn starting to fill Kyle.
Next time,
she promised herself—next time she would watch.

Kyle arched, his cock slipping even deeper inside as he remained still. Shawn groaned from behind. After rocking several times, Shawn froze behind Kyle.

“We’re connected,”
said in a whisper.
“The three of us.”

Kyle nodded.

“Always,” Shawn agreed.

Then Shawn was moving. He backed away and then plunged.
gasped. Each hard thrust inside Kyle had Kyle stroking deeper into her.

Shawn set a slow steady pace, pulling Kyle’s hips to move with him. Kyle allowed Shawn the control and each time they moved took
closer to climax.

There were so many different positions in which they could make love. But she had no doubt this would be one of her favourites—to be able to watch both men’s faces.

Shawn growled loudly and the even strokes became faster and less controlled.

arched her back and her nails scratched at Kyle’s shoulders, as every other thought escaped. She could only feel. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed around her but she barely heard. All she could concentrate on was how good the strong, hard plunge of Kyle’s cock inside her felt.

Her entire body shook as she could no longer hold back. Her breasts felt full and swollen, sweat dripped from her hairline down her face. She couldn’t catch her breath.

Her clit tingled from the pressure and before she could prepare herself, she cried out as her orgasm ripped through her. Dimly she heard Kyle’s shout before Shawn yelled their names.


* * * *


Freshly showered and dressed in a pair of Kyle’s sleep pants and a T-shirt,
opened the bathroom door and released the steam from the shower. As she stepped in the hall, she heard raised voices before a door slammed.

She slowly made her way to the kitchen where Kyle had told her he’d be starting the coffee. As she stepped in the doorway, she saw Kyle standing in front of the sink, his back to her, with his head bent. She didn’t think she made any noise but his head snapped up and he turned to look at her.

“Hey,” he greeted with a small smile.

“Hi,” she replied, unsure of what to do.

He motioned her forward.
walked to him, glancing over at the balcony, seeing Shawn outside, pacing.

“What’s going on?” she asked as Kyle wrapped his arms around her.

Kyle sighed. “I’m not sure.”

turned in his arms and looked up at him. He sounded so dejected and she didn’t like that one bit. “What can I do?”

Kyle shrugged. “I honestly don’t know,” he admitted. “Shawn won’t… I mean he can’t…shit…”

She cupped his face when he tried to look away.

“What happened?”

He shook his head and clamped his lips together.

hadn’t been in the shower long so whatever happened couldn’t have escalated too badly. “Kyle…”

He met her eyes. “I suggested he join you in the shower.”

frowned. “And he didn’t want to?”

Kyle shrugged.

tried to quash the hurt. Maybe Shawn didn’t want her. He could just be settling for her because that’s what Kyle wanted.

pulled away from Kyle. “I think I should go,” she said softly.

It broke her heart to think about being separated from Kyle and Shawn. But she knew it would be even harder on her later if she stayed and Shawn never felt for her the same intense feelings she already had for him. In bed earlier, she had actually believed he cared.

“No… please,” Kyle begged, reaching out for her.

“I can’t…” her voice broke.

“We’ll figure this out,” Kyle promised. “I know we can. Shawn wants you—that’s not the problem. He just…”

“Just what?” she asked sharply.

“Is still scared of hurting you,” Shawn finished softly.

twirled around hand to her throat. “Shawn!”

He shook his head and sat at the table. His cheeks were red and he was flushed from the crisp, cool outside air.

“I thought we took care of that last night… or this morning,”

“Last night I couldn’t hurt you, Kyle was there. This morning my hands were on him not you,” Shawn pointed out.

bit her lip, thinking. While it was true he hadn’t penetrated her, he had still touched her.
Held her as Kyle had been making love to her the night before.
Kissed her this morning.

“You’re making excuses,” she accused.

Shawn stiffened. He stared at her with confusion plain on his face. “What?”

moved to him. He watched her warily. As soon as she reached him he sat back in his chair. Perfect. She threw one leg over and straddled him.

“What are you doing?” he asked nervously.

grinned. “Touch me,” she challenged.


She placed her hand over his mouth. “Don’t talk, touch me.”

Shawn brought both his hands up and cupped her face.
removed her own hand from his mouth and leant in, kissing him softly.

“You’re touching me now, you’re kissing me,” she told him, her lips brushing his as she spoke. “You did last night and this morning too.”

“But I’m not inside you. What if I can’t control myself?” he questioned and lowered his head. “I’ve left bruises on Kyle.”

“And I’m sure he enjoyed every minute of it,” she responded. A quick glance over her shoulder to the man of question and she received a nod and smile. She turned her attention back to Shawn.
“As I would.”

Shawn let out a savage groan. “
,” he pleaded. “What if…”

“Shut up,” she finally stated and took his mouth in a hot sensual kiss. She put all of her feelings into the meeting of lips, teeth, and tongue.

Shawn gave back as good as her. It wasn’t long until his hands fisted in her hair and he held her head still, taking control.
shook with the passion he ignited.

Shawn broke the kiss, staring into her eyes, panting. “I want you so bad I ache,” he told her.

“I know a cure for that,” she stated simply.

She stood and offered him a hand. He accepted and rose to his feet.

“Thank you,” he whispered as he bent his head and kissed her cheek. “I don’t know how we got so lucky in finding you but I’m glad we did.”

nodded, her eyes tearing up. Oh yes she already had feelings for him.
For them both.

Shawn tugged her body close to his. “Kyle,” he called.

Kyle stepped up to them, looking so happy.

“I’m sorry,” Shawn said quietly.

“I’m proud of you,” Kyle responded.

“Proud?” Shawn questioned.

“You didn’t run this time. You went outside, cooled down—probably cussed your head off—but afterwards, you came back in here and talked. You didn’t run,” Kyle repeated.

“I’m nothing without the two of you. I never want to be alone again,” Shawn admitted. “It still worried me.
My lack of control.
I’ve never had to deal with this before. I don’t know how.”

“I have an idea on that,”
broke in. While she was not a shifter, she was part of a shifter family.

“What?” Shawn asked suspiciously.

“Nothing we need to talk about right now,” she told him cupping his erection. “I think we were right about here.” She started to rub.

“Well, I think we were going to take this into the other room,” Kyle said, gesturing to the bedroom.

“Wait,” Shawn told them.

took a deep breath, waiting for Shawn to say whatever it was he needed to get out. Still if the man would just trust her…

Shawn took one of Kyle’s hands, one of hers and put them both between his.

,” he said softly.

“Yes Shawn,” she smiled at him reassuringly.

BOOK: Losing Control
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