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Authors: Jaylee Davis

Lord of Capra (27 page)

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Chapter Thirty-Six


Nemesis slowed to
sub-light as she approached Capra and swept into a low orbit. She took a
position directly above the palace, just outside the planet’s atmosphere and
powered her shields to full strength.

“You don’t need to
do that.” Evana scolded her ship as she sprang from the pilot bed. “Justice is
your son. He won’t attack you.”

“Pilot, the joining
is an ages old tradition among my kind. It is solemn and very meaningful, a
sacred act. Justice will enter orbit very soon and send Drake to the surface.
You should prepare.”

Evana sighed. As
far as she was concerned, Nemesis was being overdramatic. Joining was
important, she’d conceded, but it was a simple act, an exchange of blood
between pilots. That was all there was to it, and she was anxious to get the
ceremony out of the way.

She and Drake would
mingle their blood in a ceremonial goblet and then drink. They would mark each
other in that way. He would consume hers in an act of submission to Nemesis for
himself and Justice. She’d drink his to show Nemesis accepted their fealty. If
not, the ghost ship would banish her son from the galaxy. That certainly wasn’t
the option Evana wanted.

She was practically
overcome with anticipation. Her mate was almost home. Exchanging blood with him
was just one of the many things she planned on doing. She wondered how much he
might have changed. Thinking about touching him, exploring every inch of him,
sent a flare of heated longing through her. It settled between her thighs,
making her even more anxious to reunite with him.

Nemesis had told
her to prepare. Evana decided to indulge in a bath first. She had three
choices. A traditional shower with ordinary water, a soothing bath in her
relaxation pool or an invigorating soak in her pool of lust, the last choice
being her mate’s personal favorite. However tempting, she decided to opt for
the normal shower, no scented soaps or lotions either. He would want her
exactly as she was, natural, with no masking fragrances, just her own scent.
From past experience, she knew it always drove him wild. And she wanted to
arouse him, wanted him to match her own desire. More than anything else, she
prayed for his love.


* * * *


Drake pretended to
listen to Justice. His wraith droned on, repeating the same instructions he’d
been listening to for the past hour. The ceremony was simple, but Justice
seemed adamant about making sure each step was followed exactly.

“We wait until the
Pilot Evana appears. That is when I will join with you. Nemesis will join with
her pilot also. She will spill some of her blood into a goblet and then hold it
for you while you add yours. Afterward, she will offer it to you. Drink half
and return it to her. She will drink the rest.”

“Yes, I got it.
You’ll possess me,” he muttered. “And don’t speak unless I’m spoken to, or
asked any questions. Be careful with the dagger, don’t point it at her or make
any threatening moves.”
Blah, blah, blah, just change the station already.

Drake just wanted
to get down to the planet and see her. He’d do exactly what Justice and Nemesis
wanted if that’s what it took. At the moment, he was near bursting with energy.

Ever since they’d
entered orbit and he’d drank the elixir, Drake felt energized, so filled with
power he didn’t know what to do with himself. Every other time after drinking
the gold liquid, he’d been called back to the pilot bed and used up the
strength it gave him. Right now, he was pumped up on a dark energy high. While
at the same time he was exhausted. If he ever came down, he was afraid he’d
want to sleep forever. Big problem. He never slept. Evana had told him how
draining piloting was. He’d believed her back then. Now he thought she was the
master of understatement.

As midnight
approached, Justice sent him to the surface. Drake stood alone in the great
room and took in his immediate surroundings. Torches fixed to each column
burned brightly, illuminating the entire area and cancelling his need to
maintain his night vision. He wasn’t in full vampire form, anyway. At the
moment, there was no threat. And Justice had assured him there was no one
present in the palace. No doubt the torches were Suri’s handiwork, her idea of
keeping the lights on for them. He and Evana would be alone.

He noticed a long,
vertical crack in the side wall where Grendhal had thrown him. No wonder he’d
had difficulty standing afterward. His gaze fell on the corner of the room near
the two large wooden doors where he’d spent his last moments as something more
human than he was now. It was also the corner where Grendhal had died. And
dammit, it reminded him of the things the other pilot had told him.

He had to tell
Justice. Drake called to his wraith.

Pilot, focus on the

“But…” Drake spoke
and thought the word.

Nothing is more
important right now.
gave him the wraith equivalent of a “brush off.”

“Fine,” he
grumbled. More than likely Nemesis already knew about the threat.

He heard a startled
gasp behind him. He turned instantly and saw her. His mate stood at the far end
of the room, and she was lovelier than anything he could begin to imagine. Her
beautiful green eyes glowed with warmth for him alone it seemed. He was vaguely
aware he stared back in the same manner.

Drake took in the
vision before him. He could scarcely breathe. She was so beautiful. He felt
like a man surrounded by a scorched desert, throat parched by thirst, who’d
just stumbled upon an oasis of cool water. He yearned for a drink, but his body
wouldn’t move toward her. No matter how desperate he was, he couldn’t move.

He knew the reason.
It was Justice. The wraith had taken possession of him. Slowly, he transformed,
becoming what he truly was now, a pilot. His gaze never wavered from Evana. She
changed also, still lovely in her own vampire form as she gazed at him. There
was deep longing etched on her face and it filled her eyes. He recognized it,
felt the emotion rise within him also. Love mixed with a ravenous thirst as the
driving need to claim her surged within him. He saw it reflect in his mate—pilot
hunger. Drake struggled for control. There was something more he wanted. She
had to know the truth. His desire pushed Justice aside.

“I love you, Evana!
I always have. You’ve got to believe me,” he pleaded while fighting back his
vampire urges long enough to tell her how he felt.

“Oh yes! I love you,
Drake, forever.” Despite the fangs, her smile was radiant.




Happily in the
grips of pilot hunger, Evana ignored Nemesis as she tossed the goblet to the
floor and ran to her handsome mate. At long last she had everything she’d ever
hoped for. Her heart soared. His love for her was true and not some false emotion
based on blood loyalty.

They met in the
middle of the room, entwined in each other’s arms as their bodies lost most of
the physical characteristics of the transformation. She caught a glimpse of his
softly glowing blue eyes and white fangs as their lips met. His mouth was hard
against hers, ravenous and hungry. She let him in, let his tongue explore
thoroughly before she returned his kiss.

As he pulled her
closer and lifted her, she wrapped her legs around his waist, locking them
together. She twined her arms around his giant shoulders, slid her hands behind
his neck and threaded her fingers through his glorious mane, preventing him
from pulling away. He smelled wonderful and tasted even better. She couldn’t
get enough of him.

His fangs pierced
her lower lip. Before she lost herself to the euphoric sensation of him feeding
on her blood, she bit him back. Together they fed. At least the joining was
complete. Drake sank to the floor with Evana still wrapped in his arms.

She tugged at his
belt, trying to release the clasp while he easily deprived her of her thong. As
his fingers found and stroked the seam of her pussy, Evana lost all patience.
With a growl, she ripped the clasp apart. She tore at his waistband, tearing it
open to free the enormous erection tenting his trousers. They each moaned in
unison as their hands gave each other pleasure.

He tore his mouth
from hers. “I want you, Evana. Now.”

He was demanding,
but the desperate need vibrating in his deep voice was unmistakable.

“I want you—” Her
words were stopped by his swift movement as he flipped her onto her back and
covered her. The floor was cool and hard, but not hard enough to hurt either
one of them. In fact, it was in more danger.

Drake entered her
with one deep, hard thrust, filling her completely, making her cry out his
name. Then he stilled. “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered against her

Evana sighed and
grazed his shoulder with her fangs, delighting in the way the muscles shivered
under their tips. “I’ve been counting the days, my love. If you don’t start
moving, I’ll bite you so hard—”

“Stop teasing!” He
growled the order.

He withdrew and roughly
slid back into her, making her gasp. He didn’t stop. His thrusts were
incredibly powerful, bringing glorious rapture with every smooth movement. His
strength surpassed hers. She cried his name while clawing his shoulders and
back as he pumped his rock hard cock in and out of her slick sheath.

He maintained the
steady rhythm, driving her insane with pleasure as he shoved her closer to the
very brink of rapture. His breathing was heavy, ragged, indicating he was close
to his own climax. Just as she slipped over into orgasm, his fangs sank deep
into her neck. As he fed, Evana’s climax soared higher, pushing her over the
edge. Before falling, she bit his shoulder, wanting to share in his pleasure as
he came.

His next thrust
ripped a thundering roar of gratification from him as his orgasm came in waves.
Shuddering spasms rippled through his powerful form.

The heat of his
body’s juices warmed her. The taste of his pleasure lingered on her tongue. She
knew the taste of her blood was the same for him. Still lying on the stone
floor, Evana snuggled closer, and his arms tightened protectively around her.

“We should go to
our bedchamber.” He nuzzled her ear. “I’m not finished with you yet.”

His very obvious
arousal pressed hard against her stomach. “I hope you’ll never be finished with
me, my love.” Laughing softly, she twisted in his arms to rest on her back, using
his giant bicep as a pillow.

The life inside her
squirmed, shifting positions. Drake’s hand covered the swell of her belly. In response,
the babe kicked hard.

He chuckled. “Maybe
he will be a warrior.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Nemesis considered
her pilot. She also inspected her pilot’s mate. He was marked, again. Justice
waited politely beside her, his shields lowered as he maintained a proper
distance from her. He was a handsome little wraith, she admitted to herself,
and very well mannered. He was her son. She loved him, just as she loved her
pilot. As much as she hated to admit it, she loved her pilot’s mate. Drake was
difficult sometimes, so very demanding. Perhaps it was why he was so perfect
for Evana.

That did not go
exactly as I had hoped.
Nemesis spoke to Justice.

I expected a more
dignified ritual,

As did I. No
matter. The joining is complete.


Nemesis knew if she
scanned him, she would feel him vibrating with happiness.
Do you feel it?

What is it?

It is joy. A
joining can create joy. Sometimes, after a great absence, we experience joy
when we are reunited. It is a special feeling we have for those of us who are
united in a grouping.

What do we do with

We share our joy.

Before her son
could ask how, Nemesis instructed him.
Energize your shield and draw it in
Justice did as she instructed.
We express our joy outwardly like

Nemesis drew her
shield closer to her barrier of dark matter and then moving toward her son, she
grazed it against his lightly.

Millions of highly
charged particles erupted where their shields touched. The specks of energy
that fell against Capra’s atmosphere erupted into tremendous sparks of colorful
lights. They fell toward the surface, illuminating the night sky as they burned

Justice seemed
stunned at first. Then tentatively, he touched his shield against hers. More
particles sprayed outward.
It feels joyous.

Nemesis slid her
shield along his small length. Justice returned her jubilant hug. The night sky
of Capra erupted into a multi-colored light show as a result of their




Drake and Evana
jumped to their feet and looked at the sky in wonder. To him, it looked like a
Fourth of July celebration pumped up on steroids. The whole sky was full of
silent fireworks. Since the great room was essentially a giant open courtyard,
they had a great view from the beginning.

“What is it?” She
gaped at the lights.

“I don’t know.
Maybe meteor storm?” he suggested.

“So many colors!”

The answer to their
question came to them at the same time. Nemesis and Justice explained what was

Warn the people in
the settlement there is no danger,
Nemesis instructed Evana.

“Warn the people. It’s
okay,” she repeated, and Drake nodded his understanding.

“Yes, they might
think the sky is falling or something worse.” He looked down at his torn
trousers and took in Evana’s more than disheveled appearance, and suggested, “Let’s
change clothes. Bedroom. Now.”

Drake figured the
natives would already be charging up the hill toward the palace, anyway. They
weren’t exactly prepared for company. They raced up the stone stairway to their
bedchamber, which was well-stocked with clothing.


* * * *


Just as he’d
suspected, the entire population from the settlement gathered in front of the
palace. They stared at the strange night sky. Burst after burst of light
illuminated their frightened faces. He heard several murmurs running through
the crowd. Many expressed their relief that the Lady Evana had returned with
her consort.

Drake had followed
her up the stairs near the front entrance of the palace. At the moment, they
stood on the walkway above the doors so the people could see them.

Evana had insisted
they dress appropriately for the occasion. He suspected she’d been instructed
by Nemesis to do so. Hence, the black boots, tight black trousers, black vest
and the always required leather harness that held a sword strapped to his back.
He detested his formal attire. She wore her own formal version of the women’s
favorite apparel—a barely there black garment he called her “nymph outfit,”
snugged in at her waist with a wide black belt. It left her sides completely
exposed. She’d placed a gold colored circlet on her head. On her, it looked
like a dainty crown.

Earlier, on their
way up the stairs, she’d winked, and said, “Just stand beside me and follow my

He was more than
happy to follow. From his perspective, the view was certainly worth the climb.
Now he waited beside her, his curiosity running wild as he tried to imagine
what she’d tell the people of Capra about the event they witnessed.

Evana lifted her
arms and stretched them outward. She seemed to gather the crowd to her. They
looked at her trustingly, waiting for her to speak.

“People of Capra!”
Her voice rang loud and clear, filled with confidence. “Have no fear! Tonight
you witness a rare sight. This is a Celebration of Light
It begins our
weeklong Festival of Jubilation! Send riders to all the cities and townships.
Inform the people!” They accepted her brief speech with great enthusiasm.

The crowd erupted
into shouts of relief and praise for their lady. Drake searched the sea of
faces and found Suri and Ronnan holding their two children. Mara, Suri’s
mother, cheered beside them. He located Bracken and Travis behind Mara. They
all looked happy.

Well, why not?
Evana had just announced a new festival, after all. Drake knew how much the people
loved their festivals. He noticed her steal a quick glance at him. She smiled

He gave her a large
grin. “I guess this means I’ll be going hunting tomorrow morning, and you’ll—”

“I’ll be helping
Mara and Suri prepare for tomorrow night’s celebration.” Evana caressed her
unborn child. “And maybe organizing the nursery?”

He sighed heavily
and frowned.

“Stop pouting. I
think the crowd is breaking up.”

She waved at Suri
and Mara. The two women waved back before turning around to leave. Continual
flashes of light illuminated their path. Drake waited impatiently for the last
group to disappear from sight.

“How long do you
think this display will last?”

“Nemesis isn’t
telling me much, but I think we can expect it to last all night, maybe sunrise
and after.”

He stared at the
sky. “They must really be happy.”

She leaned against
him. “Yes, I think they are. I know I am.”

He pulled her
closer and bent over to whisper in her ear. “I’d like to take you to our
bedroom and see if I could make you happier.”

Her eyes narrowed
in suspicion. “Are you trying to relieve yourself of your sword, my lord?”

He replied with a
husky growl. “My lady, I’d love to sheath my sword inside you. It’d relieve my

“My lord! Do you
think of nothing else but your sword?”

“Of course I do.”
He grabbed her hand and placed it against his straining erection. “But you
brought it up.”

She stroked her
hands up and down the length of his shaft. The material of his trousers
stretched tighter. He breathed in the scent of her sweet feminine arousal, and
his fangs tingled in anticipation of tasting her again. He clutched her
securely. A low moan of desire vibrated within him. His mate trembled in
response. He knew she was wet and ready for him to take her. God. He loved her
more than anything in the universe.

“I intend to make
love to you all night, Evana. You know that, don’t you?”

“All night and

He took it as a
command and happily swept her up into his arms to carry her to their

BOOK: Lord of Capra
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