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Authors: Kate Valdez

Long Distance Love (2 page)

BOOK: Long Distance Love
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Still a bit out of focus, she pinched her cheeks and slapped herself lightly. The afternoon weather is making her sleepy and the thought of taking a nap tempted her to sneak back home for a while. Rubbing the sleep off of her eyes, she clamped a hand on her mouth and yawned, and stretched her arms.

“Cecilia?” a low voice interrupted her and she froze, straightening on her seat, all the sleepiness gone.

She gaped at the man in front of her. He was still as tall as she remembered him but he was not that tanned anymore. His hair was longer than it was and crow’s feet bordered his eyes but he still sported that same boyish grin, though with a hint of uncertainty. Nonetheless, he was every bit of the man she knew back then.


They met almost every other day, finding hidden places at the far, barely visited areas of farms , clearings among the trees or spaces behind empty warehouses. It scared Cecilia at first. She never disobeyed her parents and she knew how furious they would be if they find out that she was meeting with Harry, but she couldn’t find it in her heart to say no to the soldier. 

Harry was understanding. From Cecilia’s stories, he has come to learn how strict her parents were and how they forbade her to talk to him or to other strangers for that matter. When he asked her if she felt lonely not being able to make friends freely, she just shrugged and stayed quiet for a while before admitting that she was used to it. As a girl, she was often protected and subjected to stricter rules since she was young. Growing up, she just heeded whatever her parents told her and never questioned their decisions, never attempting to even voice out an opinion on even the most trivial matters.

They were resting under an acacia tree behind a small nipa hut in the middle of the farm, basking in the quiet. Harry’s training just finished a while ago and he rushed to their meeting place. 

“How long are you here?” Cecilia asked one day, a few weeks after their secret meetings began. She gestured at the place, hoping she said it correctly. He smiled sheepishly to himself. It was the first time she tried to initiate a conversation.


“Five months.”

She only nodded with the information.

It was brief, but it was a start, Harry thought to himself in delight.

Cecilia grew braver as weeks passed but she was careful not to let her excitement show. Her rendezvous with the male do not last for more than an hour each time but it was enough to keep a smile on her face for days.

Harry never made her uncomfortable and was always patient. Whenever they talk, he listened intently to her words and sometimes figured out what she meant through her gestures. It was comical at times. Since her vocabulary was limited, she had to resort to describing things with actions rather than words but it only made them closer. Their conversations warmed her heart. It was the first time that someone showed an interest in what she wanted to say.

Harry always had a smile on his lips as if it was his default expression. Even on days when he seemed tired, he never failed to show up in their meetings and always joked around with her. She thought that soldiers like Harry were always serious, uptight, and cold but she was proven wrong.


It wasn’t long before Cecilia gradually loosened up to him and felt at ease in discussing random things. Just as how it didn’t take much self-convincing when she discovered what her reactions meant. Her bashful smiles, the blushes she sported whenever he complimented her, the almost reflex reaction to tuck the strands of her hair behind her ears and the telltale thumping in her chest. It didn’t come off as a surprise. One day, she just woke up lighthearted with a diffident grin on her face, thinking of the said man and looking forward to their meeting.

It seemed natural and she didn’t struggle against the thought. She had heard of stories of lads who have shown disrespect to ladies but Harry never showed any signs that he would do anything of the sort. He always asked if she was okay with things and crossed out the options of past times they could do that she was uncomfortable with, which Cecilia was grateful for. It made him all the more of the man she had always dreamed of.

They spent time roaming places, most of which Cecilia herself had never seen. She never had someone to explore the place with her but Harry was an adventurer at heart, always discovering new places no one really paid mind to.

They usually sneaked some time whenever Cecilia sold the rice cakes in the afternoon. Harry would buy a bulk of the delicacies which he apparently gave to his colleagues to help her finish early. She was often late when she arrived and was always rushing to go back home but the male never complained and often offered to walk her back home which she adamantly refused. It was difficult to resist, thinking of the longer time they could be together, but she did not want to take the risk of being discovered because it would mean that she will never see the soldier again.

It was a hot afternoon but the wind was calming. She looked far ahead and listened to his deep voice as he rambled on about his day. Their meetings are typically similar to this, with Harry doing the talking and droned on about his daily life and sometimes telling her about his life before he came to their province. Cecilia just listened and sometimes asked him questions. Life outside the Philippines fascinated her and Harry’s tales never ceased to amaze her.

“Are you not lonely? Being away from home?” she asked one day, leaning on her arms as she sat on the grass. They were at a small clearing by the end of the river where she usually did her laundry. The place was hidden by vines and bushes and was often overlooked by people who passed by. Harry found it one day accidentally.

“A bit,” he admitted. “But it’s okay. I’m happy here,” he stared at her and his eyes were twinkling with mischief causing Cecilia to blush.

“Are you not scared? Isn’t it dangerous?” She ignored the laden words and gestured at the bruises on his arms, which he waved off nonchalantly.

“These are normal when we train. Nothing dangerous,” he chuckled. “I’m scared, but this was part of what I’ve signed up for. It’s my duty to be brave and do everything for my countrymen’s sake.”

Cecilia looked at him, fascinated with how much love he has for his country. 

Harry didn’t take away his gaze from her face when he continued. “And being a soldier also means I get to learn how to fight, defend myself and protect people who are important to me, like you.”

This time, Cecilia’s face reddened and she was tempted to fan it from the heat that crept up her cheeks. She was not sure if she understood him correctly. Her heart started to race and she nibbled on her lower lip, not knowing how to respond.

Harry slid closer and took her hand in his. She tried to pull away but he held on to it lightly, giving her leeway if she really didn’t want to.

“Cecilia,” he called but she did not face him, opting to look ahead as if the vines hanging on the trees were interesting. He forced his smile down, finding her timidness adorable.

Feeling brave at the lack of rejection, he brought a finger to her chin and guided her to face him, looking straight into her eyes. She was alarmed but she did not pull away, which the soldier took in as a good sign.

Everything seemed to stand still and Harry tried to find permission in the lady’s eyes. He closed the gap between them, inching his way slowly, and landed a peck on her soft lips. He wanted to make it last but he stopped himself.

“Are you all right?” he brushed his thumb on the back of her hand and she nodded, then brought her hands to cover her cheeks. The soldier fought down a grin, once again captivated with the way the apples of her cheeks turned rosy. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and planted a soft kiss on her cheek, earning a gasp in return. Cecilia smiled coyly.


Panicking, Cecilia ran only to be held back by the tall man.

“Cecilia, wait,” Harry pulled her close but Cecilia struggled, shrugging off his grip on her arm and stalked away.

She took the small alleys and made random turns in the market and tried to lose him but he was persistent. His height gave him the advantage to spot her wherever she was. It wasn’t her imagination or her mind playing tricks on her. Harry was really there, breathing and definitely alive.

She turned left and dashed to the streets and jogged her way off to the school. It was almost time for Kokoy’s dismissal and she has to fetch him. She hoped she went through enough alleys to lose him.

Craning her neck backward, she was partly relieved and disappointed to find no one behind.


Their trysts grew more frequent that Cecilia’s mother began to notice.

“Where are you off to? It’s late.”

Racking her mind for any excuses, Cecilia blurted out the first one that she thought of. “I left something at Clara’s house. I’ll get it fast and will be back immediately,” her toes curled and her stomach churned at the lie. It took a few seconds before her mother gave her the affirmative that she can go.

She nearly sprinted when she reached the corner of their street, nerves on edge. She just directly lied to her mother, something she never had the guts to do before.

Ignoring the guilt, she went to the farm and was not able to catch her breath yet before Harry’s arms were wrapped tightly around her. His hands felt warm and his sturdy chest gave her comfort and a sense of security. Cecilia created a small distance between them when she remembered that she didn’t have much time.

“I can’t stay long. I told mother I’ll be back soon,” she fiddled with her hands. She was still enveloped within his arms and the temptation to stay longer was strong. She never thought spending time with Harry would evolve to something she desired and looked forward to the most.

She heard a sigh and then a chaste kiss to her forehead. “When can I see you again, then?” His eyes were forlorn. Cecilia traced his face with her fingers. The bags under his eyes have grown darker in the past weeks.

“I’m not sure,” her finger stopped at his cupid’s bow, tracing the curve gently. “Is there something wrong? Are you sleeping well?”


His grin was back and the lady smiled back. He brought his hand to hers and held it, caressing her palm which brought shivers on her body. “We had to be awake for longer times the past weeks. The situation doesn’t look good.”

Cecilia did not understand fully what he meant but it must be related to the ongoing chaos among nations which she heard people at the marketplace were gossiping about. “Promise me you’ll take care of yourself.”

“I will,” he leaned down and captured her soft lips with his. Cecilia felt at bliss. She wished they could remain like that for hours.


Frantic knocks woke Cecilia up and she frowned when she saw that the sun had not yet risen. Kokoy slept peacefully beside her and she got up carefully, trying not to jostle him in his slumber.

What, or rather who, was on the other side of the door made her stumble back.

“Can I come in?” his voice was low but he was calm, though he was apprehensive. Someone yawned from inside the room and Cecilia pulled the door to narrow the gap, blocking Harry’s sight as he glanced curiously at the source of the sound.

Mentally debating with herself, Cecilia came out of the room and closed the door fully, hoping that Kokoy won’t wake up soon.

Harry made a move to rest a hand on her shoulder but she flinched, not expecting the gesture. It has been so long.

“Can we talk then?”

She muttered a small “Okay” and followed Harry out. Her steps faltered and she glanced back at the door warily before catching up.


It was late but Cecilia couldn’t sleep. It has been a week since she last saw Harry. Her mother somehow sensed that something was unusual with her and made her younger brother come with her every afternoon, preventing any chance of them seeing each other.

Moreover, tension was building up on Harry’s side. The war with other nations was costing them a lot of lives and resources. The people in their barrio have also been on the edge the past weeks, unable to sleep soundly at the threat that their place might be drawn with the war any day.

She turned to her side, sighing as her parents and siblings snored softly when she heard a faint hiss.


The sound was soft at first but grew louder by each time until she can distinguish the soft call of her name. The voice was low and slightly accented, still not used to pronouncing her name the way the natives do and she bolted upright, recognizing who it was.

No one else heard it if the snores and the even breathing were any indication. Slowly, she got up and peeked at the window.

Harry’s eyes brightened when he saw her and gestured for her to go out. She was hesitant but her longing made her comply, tiptoeing and making it out of their house as silently as she could.

The male grabbed her wrist gently and pulled her to a safe distance. There was no moon and there was barely any light outside but Cecilia could trace his profile with her eyes. She knew his features like the back of her hand.

His fingers were cold on her cheeks as he drew small circles with his thumbs. Cecilia looked so lovely under the night sky that he threw all precautions away and kissed her, meshing their lips together. She gasped at the sudden action but responded with a beat, missing the feeling of his lips on hers. “I missed you,” he gasped as he pulled away.

BOOK: Long Distance Love
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