Read Lone Wolf Justice Online

Authors: Cynthia Sax

Tags: #ISBN 978-1-60521-632-4

Lone Wolf Justice (5 page)

BOOK: Lone Wolf Justice
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Diana arched her back, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. Love and lust and a primitive, wolfish possession shone in his brown eyes. “I do. I feel it stronger than ever. I love you, Justice.”

He grunted his reply, moving inside her at an unhurried pace, as though he had all night to love her, as though he didn’t have to return to work, keeping the citizens of Big Rock safe. She rocked back into him, her nipples rubbing against his cotton shirt, enjoying his lazy loving.

The table creaked as he pumped into her, his pace picking up speed like a wagon barreling down a hill, his hips working faster and faster, until he huffed in her ear, laboring against her. She struggled to aid him with his task, her heels thumping his ass, her lungs aching with her frantic pants, the smack of flesh meeting flesh filling the quiet house.

“Harder, Justice, harder,” she begged. “I need…” She looked up into his eyes. They were more animal than human, and that excited her.

“What ya be needing, Di?” His voice was deep.

“The beast,” she whispered. “Give me the beast like in my dreams.” When he hesitated, Diana nipped his chin with her teeth and raked his cotton-covered back with her fingernails, invoking his animal.

Justice’s muscles bulged, splitting the seams of his shirt, and his expanding cock stretched her pussy, until Diana thought she would burst with fullness. He growled as he rammed into her hard and deep, ravaging her with an animal’s savagery.

A tinge of danger colored her desires. Hair covered his skin and claws extended from his fingers, and she knew with one swipe of his big hands, he could hurt her.

But he wouldn’t hurt her, because he loved her. He was her wild wolf, and he used his great strength to give her pleasure, not pain. She was so close, her body tightening to unbearable levels. “Justice,” she asked him, not knowing what else she needed.

He knew. He always knew. “Di.” Justice bared his sharp wolf teeth, dropped his head to the soft junction of neck and shoulder, and bit her, marking her skin, the pain sharp and arousing.

Diana broke, screaming his name, slamming her breasts against his cotton-covered chest, the tin star imbedding into her flesh, branding her. The candlelight flickered, and the room spun merrily around her. Justice, the big beast-man inside her, was her only constant, and she clung to him.

“Di.” A shudder rolled through his body, shaking his broad shoulders, his control snapping. He thrust forward, and warm heat filled her womb, his cock pulsing inside her. “Di.” He sagged against her, and she held him, rubbing soothing circles into his shoulders as his breathing stabilized, and he shifted back to completely human.

“Gawd, Di, we’ll be needing a sturdier table.” He pulled away from her. “‘Specially with…” He covered her belly with a rough palm.

Diana’s face heated. “You knew? I wanted it to be a surprise for your birthday.” His birthday was in two days’ time. She frowned. Now, she’d have to find another surprise.

“Is that why ye waited?” His gaze met hers, and she read his uncertainty. “Not ’cause you’re afeared of whelping mixed get? She ain’t gonna be all human, Di.”

“I hope
will be his daddy’s son.” She touched Justice’s handsome face. “Big and strong and honorable. Plus” -- she gave him a playful smile -- ”I think puppies are adorable.”

Some of the concern left his expression, but not all. “Folks don’t all think so.”

“Then we don’t need those folks.” She kissed his square chin, the short hairs covering it rough against her lips. “Our children will have you and me -- a family built on love -- and that will be enough.”

“A family.” A sheen covered Justice’s brown eyes. “Gawd, Di.” He hugged her close. “I love you.”





Cynthia Sax


Cynthia Sax lives in a world where demons aren’t all bad, angels aren’t all good, and magic happens every single day. Although her heroes may not always say, “I love you,” they will do anything for the women they love. They live passionately. They fight fiercely. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research. He receives a daily briefing on what every character is doing. You can also learn what Cynthia Sax’s characters are doing by visiting her website at or emailing her directly at [email protected].

BOOK: Lone Wolf Justice
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