Read Lone Star Baby (McCabe Multiples Book 5) Online

Authors: Cathy Gillen Thacker

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Cowboys, #Western, #Foster Parent, #Infant, #Baby, #Girl, #Doctor, #Co-Guardian, #Adoptive, #Family Life, #Secret Crush, #Unpredictable, #Fears, #Father, #Perfect Home, #McCabe Family, #Saga

Lone Star Baby (McCabe Multiples Book 5) (8 page)

BOOK: Lone Star Baby (McCabe Multiples Book 5)
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Well, that was good to know. Not that she was planning on doing that, Violet thought with a heavy heart.

“We just don’t want to see you get hurt,” her dad continued. “So if you don’t want to live in a place that will keep you grounded in the reality of the situation and simultaneously put the brakes on for you while you take care of this baby, then we think you should reconsider the whole arrangement.”

* * *

Violet fumed as she paced back and forth on Gavin’s front porch, more furious than he had ever seen her. “My parents want us to put Ava in foster care!”

Still groggy from the pre-midnight-shift-nap he’d been taking, Gavin took Violet by the arm and pulled her into his home.

This was definitely not a discussion he wanted to have in front of his neighbors. Most of which were home, and thanks to the small acreage of their yards, within easy earshot on this beautiful fall evening.

Gavin shut the door behind them. Peering down at her, he took in the tousled state of her chocolate-brown hair, and the flush in her cheeks. “When did they say this to you?”

“Around seven-thirty.”

Or in other words, an hour ago, Gavin thought, glancing at his watch. “What brought this on?”

“I don’t know.”

He figured she did. So he simply stood there and waited her out.

Finally, she threw up her arms and began to pace the length of his small living area. “I think they’ve gotten the idea, from the amount of time we’ve spent in the nursery, that you and I are becoming too close to Ava.”

He tore his eyes from the flattering dark denim dress she’d worn to work. It buttoned all the way down the front, tied at the waist and hugged her curves in all the right places. A pair of burgundy boots completed the outfit.

He doubted they would be in anywhere near this much trouble if they weren’t attracted to each other. And hadn’t acted on it.

“They may have a point about that.” Although he didn’t regret making love to her, he conceded the timing was not the best.

She took a step closer, looking more beautiful and impassioned than ever before. “You’re siding with them?” she asked in astonishment, slipping the big leather shoulder bag off her arm and tossing it on the chair. Slender hands propped on her hips, she glared at him and waited for him to respond.

Gavin sighed. The last thing they needed to do was to fight each other. He lifted a conciliatory hand. “I’m just saying that we have been put in a very unique situation. It’s hard not to feel for her.”
And each other...

Especially with his body tightening this way.

“That’s why we should keep Ava with us until we find a forever home for her,” Violet argued softly. “To do otherwise would mean moving her from our care to that of foster parents and then to a third home after that.” The corners of her lips turned downward. “That’s too much for a baby who never even got to know her birth mother!”

Put like that...

Gavin walked into the kitchen and poured himself a tall glass of water from the tap, then moved away. “You have a point.”

Violet lounged against the sink, her hands clasped in front of her. She glanced up at him, her expression pleading. “So you agree with me?”

“That we should remain co-guardians and not put Ava in foster care? Yes.”

She released a quavering breath.

Although he could see she was relieved, he could tell by the way she was acting he hadn’t yet heard the full story. He finished his glass of water and reached behind her to pour another. “What else did your parents say?”

She watched him over one shoulder. “Nothing.”

Right. Except she wouldn’t quite meet his gaze. Which meant it was

“Does it involve me?” he persisted.

She stared straight ahead. “It’s foolish.”

He put the glass down and moved so she had no choice but to look him in the eye. He braced his hands on either side of her. Close enough to smell her freesia perfume. Unable to help himself, he reached out to touch her cheek. As he felt the softness of her skin once again, another jolt of desire roared through him. “And yet you’re incredibly upset.”

She leaned into his touch for one millisecond before pulling away. Her teeth raked across her lower lip. “Because they’re so far off the mark.” Averting her gaze, she eased out of his reach.

Ignoring his instinct, which was to pull Violet back into his arms and hold her until her distress subsided, he followed her into the living room. “Are they worried about you and Ava staying here with me?” He studied her closely. “Are they worried that something will happen between us?”

“We didn’t go there. Exactly. But they were clearly thinking in that direction.”

He caught her hand in his and this time he didn’t let her go. “Because?”

“They’ve noticed I’m attracted to you. And I have the feeling they sense the attraction might be mutual. They also think I might be more comfortable in their home. Although they invited you to bunk there, too.”

He snorted. “Ah, no.”

She laughed despite herself, shaking her head in silent remonstration. “That’s what I said. And for the record? Since you and I are both charged with caring for Ava—together—I still plan on staying here.”

He stroked a hand through the silky softness of her hair, tucking a strand behind her ear. “Even though your parents don’t approve?”

“I’m a
woman,” she reminded him indignantly.

He let his hand fall. “Who’s now blushing bright red.”

She stepped back. “Because I’m ticked off that they would even
that you and I might mistake our duty to Ava for something else,” she huffed, gathering steam yet again.

He grinned at the realization that he wasn’t the only one thinking about traveling that particular road.

“Like what?”

“I—I don’t know.”

Yeah, she did. So did he.

And it was time they both accepted and acted on that.

Leaning forward, he took her face in his hands. “Something like this?”

Chapter Eight

Violet had known Gavin would eventually kiss her again. Just as she knew that when he did, she would throw her reservations aside and kiss him back.

Nonetheless, she hadn’t expected to feel a lightning bolt of passion the second their lips touched. Hadn’t known she would let out an involuntary moan or curl against him quite so readily.

But she did, and her response was all the encouragement he required. He ran his hands through her hair, tilting her face up to his, and tenderly meshed his lips with hers.

Emotion poured through her.

She had never felt such incredible need.

Never wanted someone so completely.

Or felt quite as wanted in return.

Gavin lifted his head, said gruffly, “You better go if you don’t want me to take you to bed.”

She laughed shakily. “Leaving is not an option.”

“Exactly what I hoped you would say.” He tucked an arm beneath her knees and lifted her against his broad chest. Cradling her close, he carried her through the kitchen and into the bedroom.

There was barely room for anything except his king-size bed, but that was fine with her. Still kissing him, she toed off her boots and reached for the buttons on her dress. He caught her around the waist, pulling her snug against him, one of his knees riding erotically between her thighs. “Let me.”

He kissed her again, one hand moving to the sash at her waist. When that was loose, he proceeded to undo the buttons. From the waist up, from the waist down, kissing her all the while.

He stopped to part the edges of her dark denim dress and grinned when he saw the red camisole and matching panties beneath. And then those were coming off, too.

The next thing she knew he was dropping her onto the bed. Following her down.

Laughing softly, she rolled so she was on top.

He rolled so she was beneath.

“I want you naked, too.”

He smirked, put his mouth over hers and took her in. “We’re getting there,” he said, kissing her with soul-shattering finesse.

But not, apparently, until he was ready.

He nipped at her lower lip. Slid his hands beneath her and lifted her into the hard planes of his body. She rubbed against the erection straining through his pants. A whimper of need escaped her.

He caught her wrists in one hand and anchored them above her head. “More?”


She quivered as his mouth found her breasts, his fingertips probing the velvety warmth between her thighs.

She was wet, waiting, wanting.

Gavin couldn’t get enough of her.

The softness of her skin, the way she at first surrendered, then commandeered their kiss. He could feel her fighting the want and need, and he could feel her losing the battle. She was wild in a way he could never have imagined, as giving as he could have wished. He stopped long enough to undress, grab a condom, and joined her on the bed.

She moaned low in her throat, deliciously ravaged.

He penetrated her slowly and she closed around him like a hot, wet sheath.

“Deeper?” he whispered, his palms moving across her slender thighs to her abdomen. He pressed her into the bed.

She arched as he plunged into the sweetest, silkiest part of her. “Yes,” she gasped, opening up to him even more.

Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she kissed him as they moved together. And then there was no more thinking, nothing but feeling. Of passion and heat, acceptance and surrender. Nothing but this moment in time. As they shuddered together in release, and then still clinging, came slowly back to earth, Gavin knew, nothing had ever felt so right.

* * *

, I
to say it, but your timing leaves a lot to be desired,” Gavin murmured.

Violet smiled at the sexy-rough voice in her ear. Her body still trembling with aftershocks, she rested her head on his chest.

He swept a hand down her spine. Sighed. Kissed her again, sending sparks down every nerve ending. “I have to be at work in an hour. So as much as I would love to spend the entire night in bed with you, I’ve got to hit the shower. Of course, if you’re up for it, you could always join me.”

“Really,” she chided with a teasing grin.

“Really,” he said with absolute sincerity.

And that was how they ended up making love again, albeit more quickly this time, before he finally did finish his shower and pull on a pair of scrubs.

Violet sat, wrapped in a towel, watching him dress.

Damn, but he was gorgeous.

And this was fun and wonderful.

And who cared if she didn’t know quite what it was, except not a one-night stand.

He came to her, rubbed his thumb beneath her eyes. “You look tired.”

She was exhausted. Physically and emotionally and every other way. Wearily she stood. “Isn’t that my line?”

“Given that it’s almost midnight, why don’t you stay here tonight?” He reached into his closet and pulled out a button-down shirt. “I’ll even let you wear this.”

The idea of sleeping in his bed, in nothing but his shirt, was incredibly erotic. She studied him. “You sure you won’t mind?”

He shrugged. “You’re going to be sleeping here in another day or two, anyway. Wouldn’t hurt to get used to the place.”

To him?

Violet released a quavering breath. “Okay, Doc, you’ve convinced me.” She really was too exhausted to drive all the way out to McCabe House, anyway.

Gavin kissed her again, then slowly, reluctantly, released her. “Make yourself at home.”

“Will do,” Violet promised as he headed off to the hospital.

She sank back down into the bedcovers.

The next thing she knew, it was almost noon and her cell phone was ringing.

Stunned to find she had slept so long, she answered it.

“Hey, where are you?” Poppy asked.

Violet rubbed her eyes. “Gavin’s place.”

“I thought baby Ava wasn’t due to be released for another couple of days.”

“She’s not.”

An interested silence commenced.

“Long story.”

“O-kay.” Poppy inhaled a breath. “Well, don’t go anywhere, okay? Rose and Lily and I have a surprise for you.”

Poppy hung up before Violet could protest.

Knowing there was no dissuading her siblings when they were on a mission, Violet sprang into action. She gathered up her clothes and dressed hurriedly. She’d barely run a brush through her hair when the doorbell rang.

Poppy, Rose and Lily stood on the other side, along with an old-fashioned baby buggy with a canopy top, a box of infant clothes and linens, a plastic baby bathtub, a car seat for newborns and a bassinet. All items that had been used by her sisters when their children were infants.

“We heard you and Gavin were going to bring Ava here for a little while, so we figured we’d all help you get set up.”

“We’re really going to need all this?” Violet asked, looking past them to see they had also brought a gift set from the local baby boutique that included baby bottles and a warmer, several boxes of disposable diapers and a gift pack of baby toiletries.

Poppy looked at the other two and, irrepressible as ever, said, “I told you they were a couple.”

“Temporary co-guardians,”
Violet corrected as she helped lug everything inside.

Poppy grinned. “Uh-huh. Then why were you spending the night here when baby Ava’s still in the hospital?”

“Gavin was—is working.”

“Not till midnight, he wasn’t. What were you all doing before that?”

Violet had no quick answer, since she wasn’t about to reveal what had really been going on.

Poppy high-fived Lily and Rose. “Thought so!”

Rose sympathized. “Well, where would you expect her to go after the talk Mom and Dad gave her?”

Violet shut the door behind them. “You heard about that?”

Lily nodded. “We might have been asked to talk some sense into you. Convince you to stay at Mom and Dad’s during the guardianship period.”

Disappointment spiraled through Violet. “Is that why you’re here?” Because her sibs thought she was making a huge mistake, too?

“Depends,” Rose said cautiously, her sisterly concern evident. “Are you and Gavin an item?”

Were they a

Violet was trying to figure out how to answer that when the front door opened and closed again.

Gavin walked in, looking hunky and handsome in hospital scrubs. He nodded at her sisters politely, then looked at Violet in concern. “Are you okay? Bridgette said you were supposed to come in this morning to feed Ava and you never showed.”

Maybe she didn’t have the mothering gene, after all. “I overslept,” Violet admitted guiltily. The look in his eyes said he knew why. “Is everything okay with her?” she asked, suddenly anxious.

He nodded, his gaze lingering on her in a way that said she had nothing to feel bad about. “I checked on her a couple of times during the night and managed to get in a cuddle or two, and again before I left. Although I have to tell you, I pretty much had to stand in line. Little Ava’s quite the darling of the nursery. All the nurses, including my sister Bridgette, are totally in love with her.”

Violet understood why. The infant had suffered such a tragic loss, it was impossible not to feel for her and her late mother. Impossible not to want to snuggle her endlessly. “How is she doing otherwise?”

“Great. She’s gained another half ounce since yesterday.”

Unable to help but feel as though she was missing out, Violet glanced at the clock. “When’s her next feeding?”

“Nurses said one o’clock or thereabouts. They’re still having to wake her up instead of the other way around, but they said it won’t be long before she starts clamoring for her bottle at feeding time. And then, watch out.” He smiled affectionately.

For someone who had no plans to permanently care for little Ava, he certainly was emotionally involved. As was she.

Violet pushed the pang of worry aside.

Gavin looked at the plethora of baby things and the posse of McCabe females.

“Poppy, Rose, Lily...” He offered belated individual greetings to their guests with a tip of an imaginary hat. “I assume you’re responsible for all the baby paraphernalia?”

Her sisters nodded proudly in unison.

Then Poppy gestured at Violet. “And we assume
are responsible for the new spring in our sister’s step.”

Violet choked. “Poppy!”

Gavin hooked an arm around her waist and tugged her against him. Kissing her temple, he grinned with masculine satisfaction. “You bet I’ll take credit for that.”

* * *

imply we had something going on?” Violet demanded the moment her sisters had all left.

“Because we do.” His eyes darkened as he took her in his arms. “I’m not going to hide how I feel about you, Violet.”

She splayed her hands across his chest to prevent him from really kissing her this time. “And how exactly is that?”

Was he saying he wanted to start a relationship with her that went beyond their co-guardianship of Ava? And if so, how did she feel about that?

To her surprise, she felt none of the guilt she had always expected to experience when she became involved with someone other than her late fiancé.

She did feel fear, however. She didn’t want to open up her heart only to be hurt all over again. And her family was right about one thing: this was definitely the kind of complex, emotional situation that could lead to just that.

The usually cynical Gavin, on the other hand, seemed to feel no trepidation. Hauling her closer, he tipped her head up. “I’m not sure I can find the words that accurately describe how I feel.”


“Okay. I’m interested in you.” He smiled. “
interested.” Another kiss. “I want to keep on seeing you until we see where this takes us.”

In an effort to inject some levity into the situation, Violet quipped, “Heartbreak City?”

He took both her hands in his. “Now who’s not being honest?” he chided, practical as ever.

Violet tamped down the fantasies their two lovemaking sessions had inspired. She eased away and began stacking the baby things into a neat pile against the wall. “My parents said the joint responsibility for Ava would bring us together in ways that could be very short-lived.”

And when they’d been saying it to her, she hadn’t wanted to believe it. But now? Now she knew if she were smart she would not allow herself to go there. Because this all felt a little too real.

He helped her tidy up. “Then I say enjoy it while it lasts. Although for the record—” he caught her wrist and tugged her temptingly close once again “—I don’t think what I’m feeling for you is a fleeting attraction.” Framing her face with his hands, he lowered his head until they were nose to nose. “I think it’s been simmering for a very long time.” He shifted so they were lip to lip. The closeness turned into a scorching, sensual kiss that rocked her to the core.

“Put on the back burner because of your grief over your loss,” he said, kissing her again, even more ardently this time.

Finally, he lifted his head. “The fact you had some stuff to work through...”

And now that she had...

It was time to think about the future.

What she wanted, needed, had to have.

Violet took a bracing breath. For all their sakes—especially Ava’s—she had to put her usual idealistic notions aside and be realistic here. “You can understand if I think you’re a bad risk, then, for anything long-term or really meaningful, too. Given your own inability to forge a lasting relationship with any woman since your engagement to Penelope ended?”

* * *

Violet would bring this up again at some point. He knew he had a reputation among the local ladies. “I’m not as much of a love-’em-and-leave-’em guy as the rumors would suggest,” he said drily.

Beginning to drag from the night spent on duty, he went into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.

BOOK: Lone Star Baby (McCabe Multiples Book 5)
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