Lisa: April (Mystic Zodiac Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Lisa: April (Mystic Zodiac Book 4)
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Jack snorted. It was something like that. “She appeared in my office with a man.”

That news seemed to surprise her. “Oh! You were visited by one of the Fates?”

“Is that what she is?”

“I believe Chloe is what she is going by now. What did she want or do with you?”

“The man claimed me as one of his and compelled me to drink…” Jack searched his desk for the vial. Picking it up, he held it out. “To drink a dark pink liquid from this.”

Mrs. French gingerly took the vial from his hand and sniffed. A slow grin curled her mouth, taking years off her face. “Ambrosia.”

“Yes,” he exclaimed. “That’s what she called it.”

“It is the nectar of the Gods. You’ve been blessed, sir,” she said, her eyes dancing with delight. “What happened when you drank it?”

“I felt like I was on fire on the inside. It started in my chest and traveled out to my arms and legs.” He pulled his right sleeve up, showing her the brand in his arm. “My birthmark changed from a faded pink blob to this.”

Mrs. French gasped. Her mouth popping open into an exaggerated

“What is it?” He asked, because he still wasn’t too sure.

She reached out and he thought she meant to touch the mark, but she stopped, curling her fingers and drawing away. “You bear the Mark of Gabriel, one of the Great Watchers. You have the blood of an archangel in your veins.”

Okay. He vaguely remembered something about archangels, and he’d definitely heard the name Gabriel before. “What does that mean?”

“I’m not sure what you mean?” She said, clearly confused by his question.

“Does this get me closer to what I’ve wanted for damn near three years?”

Mrs. French laughed lightly. “It does, my dear boy. That mark will open doors you didn’t even know existed. Getting into Satyr will not be difficult at all.” She stood, bowing slightly before turning to leave.

“One more question, Mrs. French.”

She looked at him over her shoulder.

“What type of Mystic are you?”

“I am a Sila. A type of Djinn, or as humans like to call us—a genie.”

“I’ve never heard of a Sila.”

“I would expect not. We are rare and while we are meddlesome, we only do it in an attempt to help.”

“So you being here wasn’t a coincidence.”

“Nothing ever is, Mr. Morgan,” she said slyly as she walked out the door.

“Wait, Mrs. French, I have…” He trailed off, surprised to see her disappear in a puff of smoke.

“I will never get used to Mystic powers,” Griff said, shaking his head.

“I suggest you try. I think I just became one.”


April 6
, 6:00pm



Jack promised Griff he’d wait until after work to head to Satyr. Their conversation after Mrs. French vanished before their eyes had been…interesting. Griff wasn’t as familiar with Mystics. He knew they existed. Knew some worked for them, but he had the more laid back attitude of
what he didn’t know, couldn’t hurt him.
Jack wanted to blame it on the more sheltered life Griff had growing up, but that could only go so far. He and Griff were thirty. They owned a company together. It was time to open his eyes to the greater world around him.

Now that Jack, for all intents and purposes, was a Mystic; he hoped Griff’s attitude would change. That wasn’t something Jack could worry about at the moment. He had much more pressing issues to deal with. Like a certain nymph thinking she could give herself to another man.

Climbing into his sleek sports car, he flung his overnight bag into the passenger seat. He made a beeline straight to his condo after his last meeting of the day. Griff knew not to expect him the rest of the week and, thanks to Lisa’s insightful scheduling, Jack wasn’t actually needed.

Speeding across town, he arrived at Satyr within fifteen minutes. He pulled into the valet parking area, grabbed his bag, handed his valet key over, and took the ticket from the young man drooling over his car. “It’ll be here until Friday.”

As the man passed by him and uttered
yes sir
, Jack’s senses came to life. He smelled the woods after a heavy rain, wet loam and pine; the earthy scents were strong but not overpowering. He turned to look at the kid as he climbed into the car. He was tall, with whipcord leanness to his body. A narrow, long face framed by shaggy brown hair that immediately made him think wolf. Jack shook his head at the vision and made his way inside.

He knew from the many times he’d driven past Satyr that it had two main entrances. One leading to the club, and one leading to the retreat side for the patrons utilizing rooms for overnights or longer periods of time. Jack headed into the retreat side. He figured he’d have a better chance of finding Lisa if he started there.

The huge glass doors slid open silently. As he stepped through, it was like stepping into another world. The lobby was done in elegant shades of deep red and rich dark woods. High ceilings, frescoes, throne chairs, and white marble added to the opulence. Dim lighting and soft music pumped through hidden speakers. And the light scent of lavender wafted through the air.

“Welcome to Retreat Satyr,” a distinguished older man greeted him. “If I could see your membership, sir.”

“I don’t have a membership yet. This is my first time here.”

The man sniffed subtly, but it didn’t escape Jack’s attention. Was he trying to tell by smell if Jack had Mystic in him? “If you’ll follow me, please.”

The man did an about face, leading Jack down a hall he hadn’t noticed before. They stopped ten feet in. The attendant faced the wall and placed his hand next to a picture of a large oak tree. A secret panel opened silently before him.

They walked into a room with a stout, little man sitting at the desk. “Hello, Henry.”

“Mr. Farnsworth, this is the first time the gentleman has been here, and he doesn’t have membership.”

“I see,” Mr. Farnsworth replied. “Are you new to the city or merely visiting?”

“I’ve lived here my entire life,” Jack answered.

Mr. Farnsworth sighed heavily. “Have you come here on a whim? This is a place for Mystics only. No humans allowed.”

“I know. My application is being processed.”

“Then you know that you must wait until we conclude our investigation before you can come here.”

“I do. I talked to the membership liaison earlier in the day. But my circumstances changed this afternoon, and I was told I would get instant access now.”

Mr. Farnsworth’s thick, white bushy eyebrows rose. “Interesting. Most Mystics know they are one. Our circumstances do not change.”

Jack dropped his bag to the floor before pulling up the sleeve on his T-shirt baring his branded bicep. “Mine did.”

The little man’s eyes popped open wide. He scrambled out of his chair and grabbed something off the floor underneath his desk. He plopped a step stool down in front of Jack and climbed up. His stubby little fingers grabbed hold of Jack’s arm, pulling him closer. “This is freshly made,” he murmured. “Henry, grab my magnifying glass out of the top drawer, please.”

Without taking his eyes off Jack’s arm, Mr. Farnsworth snatched the glass from Henry’s hand when he brought it over. “Yes, yes,” he muttered. “Freshly made. That’s why I couldn’t tell. The Mark of Gabriel. You’re from his blood. Must have been a few generations back.”

Mr. Farnsworth climbed off the stool and gathered it up. He walked back to his desk and replaced the step stool before sitting down. “We don’t see many of you often. Most descendents with diluted blood don’t ever know what they are. You must have pleased the Gods somehow.”

Jack didn’t know what he’d done to warrant the attention. Was there some kind of crash course he could take on being a Mystic? There had to be rules and regulations they followed. Jack let his thoughts run away from him as he watched the peculiar little man.

Farnsworth unlocked a drawer, before pulling out a sheet of gold paper. He loaded it into a printer then typed away at his computer.

“Place your hand on the pad please,” Farnsworth commanded after a few minutes. The upper corner of his desk lit up jerking Jack’s attention back to the present.

He did as he was told, placing his hand on the cool metal pad. Seconds later, Jack was handed his new membership card and was following Henry out the hidden door.

“I’ll take you to the registration desk, sir. I’m sure they’ll have no problem finding you a room.”

Jack stopped Henry before they made it there. “Actually, my girlfriend is here for a week and doesn’t know I’m here. Honestly, she doesn’t know about the Mystic thing either. I haven’t had a chance to tell her. I wanted to surprise her. Is there a way we can track her down, maybe send my bag to her room if she’s on the Club side?”

Henry grinned wide. “Of course. If you don’t mind me asking, what is the lady’s name? I should be able to help you out. I’ve always loved a surprise romantic gesture.”

“Lisa Cannon. She’s a nymph.”

“Ah, I know her. She’s a good friend of the manager, Paul. Give me a few minutes while I get the information you need. You’ll have your lady friend squealing in delight in no time.”


April 6
, 6:30pm


Lisa adjusted the straps on her deep red shift before leaving her room. She’d spent the day relaxing in solitude. Letting her mind and body unwind. Communing with the Goddess and her nymph. It did wonders for her soul. It also gave her time to come to the realization that she and Jack couldn’t keep working together. At least, not like they had been the last few years. She’d spent too many hours in his presence, neglecting her inner nymph and allowing her life to be consumed by him. Her determination to keep their relationship strictly professional was in jeopardy if things didn’t change.

It was time for her to gain some control. Build up boundaries and insist on a private life. She needed to put a stop to him calling on her twenty-four/seven. When she first started working as his assistant, she made herself completely available. She wanted to ensure he knew she was there whenever he needed her.

Looking back, it had been a huge mistake. They’d both allowed her to become more than
an assistant. He leaned on her for everything. Allowing her to be a part of every aspect of his life—except his sex life.

And don’t you wish you were a part of that too?
Her inner nymph giggled.
would have no problem seducing the man. It was a wonder Lisa had been able to hold off as long as she had. She lusted after the man incessantly. Fantasized about him bending her over her desk or his desk. It didn’t matter as long as he was the one bringing her to ecstasy. She dreamt of walking over to him while he sat at his desk, climbing on his lap, and fucking the daylights out of him. Day in and day out she was obsessing about him more and more. Imagining them in every sexual position she knew.

She stabbed the button for the elevator, frustrated with the turn of her thoughts. “And that’s why I’m here. I need to get a grip on this because it isn’t going to happen.” She desperately needed to let the nymph free and work her sexual needs out. She couldn’t have the man. He was her boss and she actually loved her job. Plus, if she seduced him, ten long years of proving to her family she wasn’t a brainless twit using sex to climb the ladder would go down the drain.

The elevator dinged, the doors opening silently. Lavender and lemongrass wafted from the interior. It was meant to soothe and relax some of the more—uptight—patrons, such as demons and other subversive spirits. It did a damn good job of loosening her up as well. Stepping inside she breathed deeply. Her eyes fluttered shut. Tingles raced over her skin, puckering her nipples.

When the car came to a stop on the bottom floor, she swayed slightly. It took a couple of seconds before she could make herself move. Stepping out into the lobby she hooked a right, heading to the interior club entrance. Pressing her hand against the pad embedded in the wall, the large, soundproof leather-studded door opened.

Quickly heading into the club, the door swooshed closed behind her. Her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting in a matter of seconds. People milled about in various states of dress and forms. The music was soft, atmosphere one of relaxed decadence. It was the calm before the storm, a way to get the patrons loose before moving into the room further.

There were three levels to Club Satyr. The main one in which she stood, served food and drinks, and had places to lounge, mingle, and talk. Moving away from the entrances and deeper into the room, there were a couple of stages for dancing. Beyond those, there were three large rooms for open play. Mystics looking to enjoy a more self-indulgent ambience could watch or participate in whatever was going on…as long as the partners were agreeable.

The lower level was where demons and those interested in the darker persuasions would go to mingle and play. Also, there was a large seating area and patrons could reserve one of six rooms, two being dungeons.

The upper levels reminded her of the retreat side of Satyr. They boasted long hallways that branched off into multiple rooms. Like the lower level, the rooms could be reserved at the bar and used for whatever purpose a guest could imagine. If someone had a special request or specific theme, then that could also be arranged.

It had been so long since Lisa had been at Satyr, she thought she’d hang out on the main level and do a little people watching. Making her way to the bar, she ordered an Elixir de Menthe. A honey, mint, and water cocktail. The bartender had her scan her palm so her tab would be billed to her room.

She found an empty chair near the public play area and sat back sipping her drink. The sweet minty concoction went down her throat smoothly, the burn settling in her belly before flowing through her veins.

She breathed in the heady scent of sex and pheromones, while bodies gyrated ten feet from her. A fairy flitted past with a wolf in tow, a thick black studded collar around his neck, the leash hanging from the fairy’s hand. The giant brown beast’s tongue lolling out of his mouth, its eyes focused on the delicate creature leading him. When they reached the edge of the play area, the wolf shifted into a bulky six-foot man. Dark brown hair flowed down his naked back, swishing above his firm ass.

A couple of minutes after watching the fairy and wolf go by, the man who served her lunch approached. He wore the same tight leather pants and no top. Why would he? His tips were probably fantastic…whether monetary or physical. He really did have a fabulous body.

His grin was slow to take as he ran his gaze over her. “If it isn’t my afternoon tip. You know it’s been months since anyone has turned me down.”

She wasn’t surprised. “It must have been a shock,” she quipped. It had been a shock to her that she hadn’t taken him up on his offer. He would be the perfect specimen in her quest to start working Jack from her system.

“A slight one. But then I’d hoped to see you again and change your mind.” He motioned to the empty seat next to her, silently asking if anyone was sitting there.

She didn’t hesitate this time, her resolve to push Jack from her mind at the forefront. “Please, do.” She took another sip of her cocktail. Fascinated as he lowered his massive body into the chair. He stretched his tree trunk thighs out in front of him. The leather molded to them, showing off the power within. She waited for a flare of arousal to spark and the nymph to take the lead. She was disappointed when nothing happened.

“Thank you,” he rumbled. “I have to ask, what is a woman like you doing in a place like this?”

A burst of laughter broke free of her chest unbidden. “That is the cheesiest line…

He shrugged. “It’s an honest question. I’m going to guess you’re a sprite, elf, or…” he raked a heated gaze over her then grinned, ”a nymph.”

“Ding, ding, ding. I’m a nymph. One who doesn’t get out as much as she’d like. Which explains why I’m here. What about you? You’re awfully…” she paused and licked her lips, “big.” Just because she didn’t feel arousal, it didn’t mean she didn’t appreciate his form.

“What would be your guess?” He asked smoothly, leaning forward as if he were giving her a better view to decide.

She took a moment to catalogue his features. He was a beautiful man: Dark skin. Sculpted physique. Devastating bright, white smile and mischievous eyes with inherent strength oozing from him. Incredible sexual allure that had passersby taking a second and sometimes third glance. There was also a spiritual power vibrating around him. “My best guess,” narrowing her eyes she raked his body again. If only she felt a flicker of something. “Centaur.”

“Very good,” he said leaning back. “Would you like another?” he asked, motioning to her glass.

She hadn’t been aware she’d finished the first. It was on the tip of her tongue to say yes when a figure appeared behind her companion. “No, she would not,” the new man growled.

It can’t be.
She knew that voice, even with the anger threading through it. Her gaze was drawn to Jack, sending her heart into palpitations. He was a man who demanded her attention without even trying, like a sexy pair of heels whispering her name from her favorite store’s display. He was the drug she was trying to give up. She ogled him, skimming over his thick chest, his T-shirt clinging to the muscles beneath. Her breath caught in her throat, arousal pooled low in her belly, erasing the warmth from the alcohol and replacing it with something much more devastating. She never saw him wearing a T-shirt. Not even the nights he called her to his condo for last-minute work or to help with something. It was always a crisp dress shirt and slacks. This new casual look slayed her good intentions.

She swallowed hard when her gaze collided with his. Anger did indeed burn bright in his dark brown orbs. A buzzing started in her ears and her head spun. She’d never had that reaction to him before.

“Lisa,” her companion in the chair beside her said, his voice full of concern. She blinked repeatedly, dragging herself from the fog that descended around her. It was odd to hear her name fall from his lips. She assumed he got it from the delivery ticket, she’d certainly never told him. She snorted when she realized she didn’t even remember his.

“I’m sorry,” she said, directing it to the man. “My boss is behind you, it must be something important if he’s shown up here.” She stood, holding out her hand. “It was nice to see you again.”

He stood without comment, tipping his head down marginally. Taking her hand, he kissed the back of it then walked away. The anger from Jack blasted her, damn near knocking her back. She almost called the man back to be a buffer between her and her boss.

Her boss

boss stood in the middle of the club staring at her as if she’d done something wrong
Her lust drained away, anger taking its place. “How the hell did you get in here?”

“What did you mean,
nice to see you again
?” He came around the chair, stepping into her personal space. Fury vibrated off him, along with something else she couldn’t identify. He was too close, messing up her senses. This was supposed to be her time to purge him from her mind. From her fantasies. Not have him show up and tempt her to let loose.

She opened her mouth, then closed it again without any words coming out. She was stunned by his arrival and incredibly aroused…even angry. At the mere sight of him in this place, her miniscule panties dampened and her pussy convulsed.

The nymph was a devil on her shoulder, tempting her to touch. To take what she so desperately wanted deep inside.


Jack stared down into the face of the woman he wanted as desperately as his next breath. She was shocked. He could see it written over her delicate features as plain as day. It was essential to his state of mind he get her out of the club and someplace where no one would interrupt them. Preferably to her room. He needed her alone, no distractions, until she agreed to be his forever.

His body shook with fury and a strong desire to pulverize the man who had been sitting with her. Chatting her up. Making her laugh. No man had the right to do that. No man but him.

It had been so long since he’d heard that full, throaty sound. The one that reached down and grabbed him by the balls. The time to hold back and keep a grip on the employer/employee relationship had passed. He needed more. Snaking an arm around her, he pulled her to him. He gripped her chin, angling her head to keep her in place, then pressed the first of what would become many kisses to her lips. He devoured her. The rough penetration with his tongue into her mouth a testament to how little control he currently had. He used everything in his arsenal to seduce her: his teeth, his tongue, and his lips. He nipped, sucked, and reveled in her quick fiery response. Her tongued tangled with his and she pressed her body closer. His dick pulsed to life against her flat stomach.

She tasted so damn good. The mint of whatever drink she’d had and the sweet carnal taste of her nymph rolling to the surface. He could sense that part of her now. Feel it calling out to his newly enhanced blood. If only he’d been able to become a Mystic sooner.

A hand landed on his ass jolting him into awareness. Lisa’s hands were curled into the front of his shirt. There was no way her hand was on his ass. He was reluctant to break their connection. His need to feast on her becoming a living, breathing creature demanding satisfaction. But something wasn’t right. Turning his head, there was a slim, willowy woman crowding into their space. She grinned and flashed sharp pointed teeth.

“No,” he growled and peeled Lisa’s hands from his chest. Threading their fingers together, he pulled her toward the retreat side and away from the interloper. She came along without protest; hopefully, still too dazed to realize what was going on. It was a minor victory he would relish later.

“Where are we going?” She asked breathlessly as they weaved between people.

“Your room.”

“My room?” She chirped.

“Yes, unless you want to stay here and have everyone watch as I fuck you senseless and claim you as mine.”

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. She blinked a couple of times and he knew his words were sinking in. “Oh! Um,” she looked around frantically, “no. We’ll go upstairs.”

Jack powered his way through the club and back to the retreat side. They paused at the bank of elevators waiting for the car to arrive.

Her quiet voice broke the silence around them. “How did you even get in? Humans are banned unless by special invitation.”

BOOK: Lisa: April (Mystic Zodiac Book 4)
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