Read Lips Are SEAL'ed (BBW Contemporary Military Stepbrother Romance) Online

Authors: Ava May

Tags: #BBW, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Taboo, #Adult, #Erotic, #Short Story, #Provocative, #Military, #Second Chance, #Stepbrother, #Forbidden, #Family Friendship, #Reuniting, #Navy SEAL, #Five Years, #Parents Marriage, #Fell Hard, #Cancer, #Deployment, #Fighter, #Chemo, #Three Years, #Lonely, #Make Her His, #Stigma, #Stepsister, #Surrender, #Desires, #Feelings, #Emotional

Lips Are SEAL'ed (BBW Contemporary Military Stepbrother Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Lips Are SEAL'ed (BBW Contemporary Military Stepbrother Romance)
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Chapter 2

Instead of going inside, I climbed back up into the tree house ignoring the pain in my ribs. I wiped my eyes getting rid of the evidence of my tears. It was a close call, and I had never been more appreciative of Gabriel than I was in that one moment, but now he knew my secret.

I sat staring at the sky for what felt like hours before I felt Gabriel climb the rope latter into my haven. He knocked on the wood and I glanced at him.

“Can I come in?”

I sighed and shrugged.

He ducked his head and sat down sitting Indian style. His knuckles were bruised and swollen, but he had washed the blood away.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He laughed humorlessly. “I should be asking you the same thing, Brenna.”

“Please don’t tell anyone.”

“That’s why you stopped coming home? Your boyfriend was beating on you and—” he said, disgusted, and even though he didn’t finish his thought I knew what he was going to say.

“Partially. I was ashamed, and I didn’t know how to stop it.”

“Well, I stopped it. If that motherfucker comes near you again, I want you to call me and scream. Why didn’t you scream?”

I wiped my eyes trying to keep the tears away. “I didn’t want my mom to know, or your dad.” I looked at him. “I knew your dad would tell you. He’s got that some protectiveness you have, and I knew this would happen if you knew.”

“Damn straight, no one is allowed to touch you that way. Ever.”

I sighed. “You can’t do that again, Gabriel—”


“Fine. Gabe. You could lose everything you’ve worked so hard for if it gets back to your trainer. I won’t be the reason you can’t fight.”

He scooted closer and gripped my hand. “It would be worth it though. You’re more important than fighting.”

I laughed. “Fighting is your life.” He was too close. I could smell his cologne mixed with the scent of cloves.

He looked at me with that same look he always had when I actually saw him. “If you’d stop fuckin’ avoiding me, that would change and you know it, Brenna.”

I pulled my hand back, but he didn’t let go. “We can’t.”

“Why not?”

“You know why.”

“Hell, Brenna, we aren’t related. Your mom married my father before I even knew he was my dad.”

“What would people think?”

“That we’re fucking crazy about each other. I know you feel the same; I just wish you would stop denying it. You end up with assholes like Jacob because you’re afraid of your feelings for me.”

I sucked in a breath surprised by how close he’d come to the truth. He tugged me close, and I gasped again but this time in pain. I bit my lip hoping to hide it but he noticed. He did.

“Did he hurt you?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Bullshit, show me.”

“Everything is fine, really Gabe, I took care of it myself.”

“Where did he hurt you sweetheart?” He face hovered near mine and his breath whispered against my skin.

I was lost in how close he was. Normally I kept my distance. “Ribs.”

He nodded and pushed my shoulder back urging me to lie back. I sighed knowing he wouldn’t let it go and grimaced when he went to lift my shirt. I didn’t want him seeing my body. I instinctively held my shirt down and blushed.

“Stop your perfect.” He slid my shirt up and growled at my wrap. “Did you wrap them?”

“Yeah, it hasn’t helped though.”

“That’s because it’s too tight. Here sit up. Let me make sure none are broken, and then I’ll fix it.”

I eyed him suspiciously.

“I know a thing or two about ribs because of my line of work.”

Sitting up I groaned. He pulled my shirt off, and I shivered when his fingers grazed my bare skin. He undid the bandage slowly pulling it free from around my ribs carefully.

“Okay lie back down. It’s going to hurt but I have to push a little okay?”

I nodded and bit my lip. He pressed to fingers against my sore rib and I cried out.

“Sorry, baby.”

I did my best to ignore his slip, but my stomach flip-flopped. I enjoyed his attention too much. He pressed along the swollen area and nodded.

“They’re bruised pretty badly, but nothing is broken or cracked. He's one lucky bastard. If I had to take you to the hospital, I would hunt him down and break his ribs.”

I laughed and then held my side. It hurt to laugh.

“It’s easier to wrap them right if you stand up.” He held his hand out and pulled me to my feet. When I stood my chest brushed against his and he sucked in a breath. When I looked at him his eyes were locked on the peak of my cleavage.

I licked my lips hoping I could ignore how it made me feel to have him looking at me like that. “My eyes are up here, Gabe,” I said quietly.

He nodded and I could see he struggled to pull his eyes from my body. “I know, Brenna.” He moved me back but kept his eyes on my stomach. “Lift your arms so I can re-wrap your ribs. You need to rest for a few days and maybe take some pain pills to help. Otherwise you’ll be fine.”

He pulled the wrap out and stepped closer and slowly wrapped the bandage around me. His fingers lightly ran across my skin and he took advantage of touching me. I noticed they lingered a little longer, and when he wrapped the bandage around the front his thumb ran across the bottom of my bra. It was such a small and innocent touch. Most people would think it was an accident, but I knew better.

When he smirked at me and secured the wrap and shrugged I knew it was no accident.

“My bad.”

Smiling I shook my head and picked up my shirt sliding it back over my head. I felt better when I was covered, but that didn’t stop his gaze from traveling down the length on my body. My skirt went to the middle of my calves and flared out.

“Do you always wear those damn skirts?”

“Pretty much. I don’t like to be confined.”

He worked his jaw and I stepped towards him. I stood face to face with him. That was one advantage of being taller than most girls. I didn’t have to look up to meet Gabe’s eyes. They were dark and haunted. I saw pain and arousal behind the confident veneer he portrayed to the rest of the world. I knew he wasn’t always as happy as he appeared. I closed the distance between us and his hands automatically went to my hips holding me in front of him.

“What, Brenna?”

“I want to thank you.” I looked to the side and sniffed holding back the tears. “You have no idea—” Cutting myself off, I somehow decided kissing him was a better idea. It was light and was meant as a thank you. He froze and his hands tightened on me. When I pulled back he stared at me like I had just done something incredible.

Then he kissed me holding me still. I moaned and pressed my lips harder against his. Finally after all this time I could feel them. They were full and soft, but demanding as he worked my mouth open to slip his tongue inside.

He was breathing heavily and his erection pressed against me. That was all it took to snap me out of my hidden desire for him. I’d wanted to taste his lips for so long. They were even more perfect than I imagined, but I couldn’t. I pulled back and shook my head before burying my face in his neck. “I can’t,” I whispered. “No matter how much my body says yes, my mind says no. I’m sorry, Gabe.”

I felt his heart thumped against his chest and he pulled me back gripping my chin. “So many things I have to say in response to what you just said, baby. But first, don’t ever apologize for saying no—ever. You got me?”

He stared at me until I responded. “Yes,” I whispered.

“Second, I’ve waited a long time for you to realize we could make magic together if you’d just let go. I can wait until your mind catches up to your heart, because it isn’t your body that’s saying yes—well not only your body—but your heart wants me too. I know how you feel; I see it in your eyes every time you allow yourself to be near me. It’s why you stay away, but I’m telling you right now, no more avoiding me. I need you in my life, and I need to be able to prove to you that what we have is more than lust. I don’t just want to fuck you, Brenna.” He chuckled when I blushed. “It’s so much more than that. What’s it going to take to you convince you that I’m not messin’ around with you?”

I shrugged wondering why he chose now to tell me this. “You’ve never told me all this.”

“I didn’t know how to, besides every time I enter a room you leave. How was I supposed to tell you when you’re always running?”

“I don’t know how to handle how I feel, and how can you be so sure things would be so great between us and that it’s more than lust?”

“Baby, I know what lust feels like. I’ve had my fair share of exploits. I’ve been with a lot of women.”

I glared not wanting to hear about how many girls he’d banged.

“See, that look right there tells me so much. You’re jealous, and those girls meant nothing to me. They were a quick lay and that’s it. You’re different. I want to
with you. My heart races, my pulse beats like fucking crazy, I have sweaty palms, hell butterflies swarm in my stomach just hearing your name—and I swear if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll deny it—but all of those feelings are how people describe love—not lust. I can’t stop thinking about you. You have no idea how many times I’ve driven to campus to tell you how I feel only to chicken out. I don’t take rejection well, and you’ve done it time and time again.”

I stood there stunned unbelieving of what I was hearing. There was no denying what he was feeling, and with each word that spilled from his lips my heart raced faster. I knew what he was talking about because I’d always felt it with him too, and it scared the hell out of me. I didn’t trust my judgment, and even though I knew he’d never physically hurt me, I couldn’t ignore the deep seeded fear of him breaking my heart. It wouldn’t just break, it would shatter. Women loved him, model like, stick thin Barbie’s, with the perfect tits and ass. Those were the types of girls that fawned all over him on a daily basis. I couldn’t compete with them. This chubby girl only had tits and ass. I wasn’t small. Even though for the most part I’d come to accept I’d never be tiny, I still didn’t love my body. I didn’t know if I ever would.

“What are you so afraid of?”

Chapter 3

“What are you so afraid of?”

The question repeated over and over again as I tried to decide it I would be honest and tell him. He gripped my fingers and tugged on my arm showing his impatience. “Are you going to help me out here, Brenna?”

“I…” I took a deep breath and licked my lips. “I’m not like the girls you’re normally with.”

He nodded. “Good. I don’t want you to be like them. Those aren’t the type of girls I want. They’re just easy.”

“Well, I’m not easy. Jacob is the only guy I’ve been with.”

Gabe’s eyes widened in surprise and I frowned. “It probably explains why I took all the shit I did with him. I thought I loved him. He was my first, and had that control over me. He was the first guy to like my body.” I realized then that was how he had such a hold on me. “God, I’m so stupid.”

Gabe glared at me. “You’re not stupid. You’re just a woman who doesn’t have the confidence she should. Your body is amazing. Your curves are capable of bringing any man to his knees. To me you’re perfect. I love everything about you. I’ve dreamed of tasting every inch of your delectable body. If only you’d let me.”

Heat rose to my cheeks with what he was saying. I wasn’t used to such bluntness. His sincerity made me want those things. “What happens when you get bored? I’d fall for you in a heartbeat, and I couldn’t handle you breaking my heart when you realize you want someone more exciting.”

He looked thoroughly offended and stepped back. “Do you really think I’d play you like that? That I’d say all this shit just to get in your pants and then drop you? I’ve had feelings for you since the beginning. They’ve grown over time, but I’ve already told you I don’t want you for your pussy. I want you for you. I want to be your man.”

“I don’t mean that you would go out of your way to hurt me, Gabriel.”

He stepped closer and lowered his voice. “What do you mean then, Brenna? Because right now it sounds like you’re pulling excuses out of your ass so you don’t have to really think about how you feel about me, and you’re afraid because you already know exactly what you’re feeling.” He gripped my hip and pulled me against him. “And it’s the same way I feel about you. I’m not going to run out on you.”

I gasped when I saw how serious he was. Normally he was laid back and was one of those guys who never seemed to take anything seriously. Now every word that he said raised my hopes. “I’m scared for more than that one reason, Gabe. What if our parents are less than happy though? I don’t want there to be an issue.”

He chuckled. “Maybe you should have a talk with your mom before you start worrying about that.”


“Talk to her.” Then his lips met mine in a soft kiss. There was no demands, no pressure, or no slip of the tongue; just a sweet toe curling kiss.

“I will,” I whispered when he pulled back and that was it. He nodded and left me alone in the tree house. I sat down and sighed. I was confused and aroused all at once. That was what he did to me. I shouldn’t have even been thinking about sex, not after my little visit from Jacob, but Gabe made me crazy, and it was for more than his sexy muscled body. Sure his body was incredible, but I loved his mind more. He knew how to challenge me. 

“Well, now what the hell am I supposed to do?” I whispered in the silence.


* * * *


The next morning I woke up remembering Gabe’s parting words. I jumped out of bed and instantly regretted it. My ribs screamed in pain. I held my side and took a deep breath. When I gathered myself I went to look for my mom. I needed to know why Gabe told me to talk to her. She was in the kitchen singing to Shelby.


She glanced at me. “Yes, sweetheart?”

“Can I talk to you—about something personal?”

“Sure, Brenna,” she replied and sat at the table giving me her full attention.

I sat down and fidgeted. She smiled at me.

“It’s okay to talk to me about it.”

“You know?”

“It’s about Gabriel, right?”

“How did you know?”

She waved a hand at me. “He’s talked to me, more than once I might add, and asked for my permission so to speak. I’ve been waiting for you to talk to me too. I’ve always known there was something between you both.”

“But you’re married to his dad.”

“Oh honey who cares? Really, how long has Gabriel even known Dennis was his dad? You two are adults and in no way related. I know some people might find something wrong with it, but I don’t. I just want you happy and away from that boy you’ve been seeing. He isn’t right for you.”


“Yeah him, you’ve changed because of him. You’ve lost your shine.”

“It’s over with him. I broke it off before I came home.”

She smiled. “Good!”

“So you’re really okay with it?”

“If it’s what you want.”

“Thanks mom, I’m not sure what I want exactly, but I wanted to get your opinion.”

She leaned forward and covered my hand. “You want my opinion?”

I nodded.

“I think he would be good for you, but you would be really good for him. He needs someone like you in his life. Someone to help calm his built up rage, and I can see how he is with you. He lights up when your name is mentioned.”

I teared up and nodded. “Thanks, mom.”

“Anytime honey.”

Shelby started screaming and mom looked at her and then back at me.

“Go ahead, we’re good here.”

Mom jumped up and went to the baby, and I sat back in shock. My only other fear wasn’t valid now. Mom gave her blessing, and Gabe had already shown me how he felt about me. There was no other excuse to stay away from him anymore. Did I want to take the chance and risk my already fragile heart on a man I’d been running from for the last two years?

BOOK: Lips Are SEAL'ed (BBW Contemporary Military Stepbrother Romance)
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