Read Levi Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Gay MM/ Wereshifter/ Paranormal

Levi (10 page)

BOOK: Levi
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Lyndon released Levi’s balls and thought of how he’d had to restrain himself when having sex with a human. The cougar’s urge to claw and bite had always been there, a rough edge Lyndon had kept buried because he’d known how fragile people were. Sure there were BDSM clubs and ways to find men who wanted to be hurt, but what was inside of Lyndon wasn’t like what drove men in those places. He wasn’t a Dom. He was a cougar shifter, and his animal’s desires mixed with his human’s when it came to pleasure. The idea of not having to hold back when he and Levi fucked was an amazing lure, one that snapped the restraint he had always employed before. His fingers and gums tingled and ached as if he were shifting. A flick of his tongue and a curl of his fist told him some parts of him were already were.

“Are you sure you want me?” he asked in an effort to give Levi an out. Lyndon bared his teeth and uncurled his fist, raising his hand to show both himself and Levi the black claws extending from his fingers. They were short but sharp, and if he hadn’t been so horny he thought he’d die from it, he’d have been freaked by it since this had never happened before.

Levi gave him a heavy-lidded glance, a rumbling purr building in his chest as he took one of Lyndon’s hands in his. When Levi licked the pointed tip of one nail, it was Lyndon who shook all the way down to his toes. “Yes,” Levi murmured. “Please, yes! Mark me—”

Whatever else he was going to say was cut off in a gasp when Lyndon spun him around and shoved him onto the couch. “On your knees, arms braced on top of the couch,” he growled.

Levi scrambled, arching his back in a way that spread his rounded ass and gave Lyndon a view of his fluttering hole and swinging balls.

“Mount me,” Levi urged, rolling his hips. “Fuck me!”

Lyndon heard the rip of material, saw Levi’s hands were curled, short, sharp black nails tearing into the couch. He shot a startled glance at Levi’s face, found him peering back over his shoulder, his canines long and deadly points.

He didn’t know what exactly was happening here, except it was irresistible. Levi was irresistible. Lyndon picked up his jeans and took out a condom, glad he’d thought to put some in his pocket back in the hotel room. He cursed when he realised what he’d forgotten.

“Lube!” The snarled word was nearly unintelligible. Lyndon’s tongue felt thick, his mouth dry. He wanted to bite, to let Levi’s blood saturate his parched mouth.

Levi groaned and writhed, arching his back and swaying his hips. “Bedroom, on the nightstand or maybe the floor if—”

Lyndon ran, as uncomfortable as it was. He found the bedroom by following the strongest scent of Levi. The lube wasn’t on the nightstand, and he didn’t see it on the floor, so he ended up on his knees peeking under the bed. Of course it was there, on the far side beneath the bed. Lyndon was never so grateful for having a long reach as he was just then. He got the lube and quickly dashed back into the living room.

Only to find Levi panting as he worked his dick in long strokes. Lyndon’s body tightened at the sight, want prickling all over his skin. He ripped open the package and rolled the condom down his cock, pumping his length once as he considered his options—pounce or draw this sexual tension out until it was so taut it’d snap like a piece of over-stretched barbed wire.

Eyes narrowing, he sought Levi’s gaze. A thrill shot through him when the leopard shifter whimpered and stopped jostling his arm. “You shouldn’t have started without me.”


Chapter Eleven


The low, rumbled reprimand hit Levi like an erotic punch, need so intense it hurt lighting up his body. He opened his mouth to beg, plead for Lyndon to fuck him, but the sharp slap of palm to ass startled a yelp out of him. The stinging pain added to the fire already burning in him, and Levi spread his legs. He pushed his ass up and received another blow that jostled his cock and balls.

What would happen if he came again? Lyndon had already said something about Levi’s lack of control. Before he could decide if he should tell Lyndon to give him a minute to get it together, Lyndon landed a slap to his butt that made Levi scream as he tried to keep from coming. He was so close to climaxing, so, so close—


Just one word. The power in it had Levi clamping every muscle in his body to keep from spewing. His ass was burning deliciously, his balls drawn tight in an instant. Levi bit his tongue then groaned when the pain only heightened his arousal.

“You’ll come when I tell you,” Lyndon snapped.

Levi mewled, sounding pitiful to his own ears. The feel of cool liquid hitting the top of his crease shut off the pleas which had been on his bleeding tongue.

“You’ll wait until I’m buried balls deep in here,” Lyndon said, sliding his fingers down the furrow between Levi’s cheeks.

The first touch of sharp nails against his hole had Levi crying out and arching for more.

“Be good and I’ll fuck you soon,” Lyndon purred.

The tip of one finger breached Levi’s opening and he froze, afraid to beg or move or do anything that would cause Lyndon to make him wait.

“Just perfect, so fucking perfect. Take what I give you.” Lyndon smoothed a hand over Levi’s flank then up to his lower back, where he rubbed while slipping his finger in deep. “That will be my dick soon, stretching your tight little hole.” He thrust in and out then touched the hidden spot inside Levi he’d heard his past lover’s beg him to peg.

“Oh my fucking hell.” Levi gasped when ecstasy shot up from his ass. “Oh!”

“Better keep yourself from coming,” Lyndon said, sounding strained as Levi’s hole burned around a broader intrusion.

Another finger, he thought, not as big as Lyndon’s monster cock, and damn, it felt good! Levi panted and struggled to keep still, then finally had to grab his cock and pinch the head hard. A mistake, he realised, teetering closer to the brink. Only the desire to please Lyndon kept Levi from tumbling over.

“Good, you’re doing so good.”

Lyndon rubbed Levi’s spot again and he screamed, need and frustration so tangled with pleasure he could hardly stand it. More burning, stretching, then Lyndon growled and the cushions dipped.

I’m going to fuck you.”

Levi whimpered when the blunt tip of Lyndon’s cock penetrated his hole. Then he yowled like the snow leopard he was at times, when Lyndon’s thick length speared into his ass.

Lyndon roared, a human shout and cougar’s scream combined, and slammed his cock in balls deep. He dropped down on top of Levi, teeth scraping his nape. Lyndon grabbed Levi at hip and shoulder, curling his fingers, his nails marking him. The pain that blossomed from the penetration melded with the pain and pleasure spreading up from his ass, and the sounds Levi loosed left his throat raw.

“Yes,” Lyndon grunted. “Mine!” Then he bit, hard and deep, taking Levi over completely, fucking him using short, deep strokes serving to ram Levi’s cock against the couch.

Friction and pain, fucking, biting, clawing—Levi’s mind spun and splintered from the waves of pleasure rolling over and through him. He snarled, reaching back and digging his nails into Lyndon’s thigh, dragging them up to clasp and scratch his pumping ass.

“Fucking hell, yes!” Lyndon lifted his mouth long enough to say, then searing pain highlighted the euphoria when Lyndon bit him again.

“Guh!” Levi had meant to say something, praise or plea or whatever he could get out.

Lyndon drove into him so deep Levi thought he’d never be empty again, and words evaporated in a strangled sound. His cock was getting almost enough friction, almost enough—he was so close, and the way Lyndon was managing to rub the place inside his ass was driving Levi insane. He needed to come, needed more.

Lyndon growled, his teeth sinking deeper at the same time his nails and cock speared Levi. Levi cried out and jerked. Fiery trails were scratched into his skin, down his side, his hip, his thigh while Lyndon battered into him. Levi clenched his ass and a rapturous sensation swam into his veins, making him light-headed.

“More,” he thought he managed to gasp, then his dick was taken in a rough, harsh grasp and everything inside him collided and burst into brilliant streams of colour and pleasure so intense, then Lyndon murmured, “Come.”

Levi couldn’t hold back any longer. He screamed, shredding, clawing whatever he could reach, mindless in his climax. His cock jerked and spunk shot from his slit. Lyndon’s shout joined his, and even in the middle of orgasming, Levi felt Lyndon’s cock swell and pulse.

“Yes, Levi, fuck,” Lyndon groaned, his hips slapping Levi’s ass in a scattered rhythm. “So tight, hot—” Lyndon broke off, his strokes to Levi’s dick almost spastic by then.

Levi came and came, matching the cock in his ass, filling him back up for each spurt he let loose.

When Lyndon finally stilled, panting and gasping, Levi tried to stay awake. His body ached in so many pleasurable ways, sated as it’d never been before. They needed to talk, needed to do—so many things. Soft wet kisses along his shoulders then up his neck convinced Levi they could talk later. For now he wanted to lie here boneless and quivery, and enjoy the attentions of the man he intended to keep.

Chapter Twelve


Levi was thoroughly fucked out and Lyndon pretty much the same, and it made it difficult for Lyndon to get up. His cock was still wedged in the tight confines of Levi’s body, still enjoying the fluttering spasms of Levi’s inner muscles. Lyndon kissed the spot he’d marked. He leaned up to see it and his stomach plummeted even as his cat purred its approval. The mark was large, brutal-looking. Blood seeped from the wounds Lyndon’s teeth had made. Tenderly, he bent and lapped at the coppery liquid, his cock twitching at Levi’s taste. Sweet, salty, strong—much like the man, Lyndon suspected. Levi was an incredible lover, demanding and so very responsive. He’d begged for more, wanted not only Lyndon’s cock, but his bite and scratches.

Lyndon had gone wild on Levi, and Levi had marked him as well. Lyndon’s thigh felt like it was on fire, as did his ass cheek. If he was aching, how must Levi feel? Lyndon started to pull back. Levi grumbled a protest and Lyndon traced a hand up Levi’s sweaty side—sweaty and bloody, he realised when he reached Levi’s biceps. Concern bubbled over into stark worry and regret.

“Levi, come on. I need to see how bad I fucked up. I don’t—I didn’t mean to—” He’d lost his goddamned mind that was what had happened. Levi had been every fantasy Lyndon had ever had, brought to sheer, screaming, needy life.

And Lyndon had let go. Sure, Levi had urged him on, but the man couldn’t have had any idea of what Lyndon would do to him. Lyndon hadn’t known he was being so…so violent. He’d only heard his cougar screaming for its—Lyndon shied away from finishing the thought. As far as he knew, cougars didn’t have mates, not permanent ones. Yet the word suited, and he didn’t feel like he wanted to let Levi go, ever. What the hell was happening here?

“Stop worrying, Christ,” Levi muttered. “You’re going to suffocate me with your regret and all kinds of crap I don’t want.”

Lyndon stood and nearly stumbled. His legs were wobbly, which might have been funny had he not almost collapsed. Levi rolled onto his back, hissing when his weight came down on his ass. A beatific smile spread his lips and he turned his sated gaze to Lyndon.

“You gave me exactly what I wanted, Lyndon.” Levi let him process the statement, hoping Lyndon would hear the truth in his words. “I’ve dreamt of being taken just like you did, of having a man bring me pleasure and pain. It—you—are incredible. So please, stop thinking you made a mistake. It does both of us a disservice.”

“But—” Lyndon took in the scratches, some deep, others not more than pink trails. Those would surely fade before tomorrow, the light ones, but the others… “Levi, look at you! You’ve got scratches and I bit you! Not like before, but bit you and had your blood, your flesh, in my mouth, on my tongue! How can being treated like a scratching post not make you feel like I abused you?”

Levi opened his eyes wide enough to let Lyndon see them roll. “Please. Lyndon. You think it’s abuse, giving me what I begged for? And I begged, didn’t I? For more, even. I marked you.” Levi pointed to the wounds he’d left on Lyndon. “And I knew you liked it. I could feel it, just as I could feel the thrill it gave you to make me yours.” Levi tipped his chin up and Lyndon couldn’t have looked away from those pale eyes if his life had depended on it. “I am—yours. You know it in here.” He leant forward and pressed a hand to Lyndon’s chest. “Listen to what you feel here, not the human babbling bullshit in your head. Look at me, know me. I’m yours.”

He said it with such conviction, and such devotion, Lyndon almost couldn’t grasp it. He’d wondered what was happening between them, but that word, mate, kept swirling around his head, and every time Levi said he belonged to Lyndon, the word grew louder, more insistent. He wished he knew what Levi was thinking, what he was feeling. Levi seemed to be able to peer into him. All Lyndon had to go on was Levi’s expressions, his scents.

BOOK: Levi
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