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Authors: Amy Davies

Let Me Love You (13 page)

BOOK: Let Me Love You
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are you doing here?” James smile and fakes a hurt expression.

“Can’t a guy come and visit h
is girlfriend at her work place?” My heart skips a beat from the word ‘girlfriend.’ I look at James confused, and he frowns back at me; my happy loving mood just took a nose dive.

“That’s our cue babe, let’s leave these two to it
.” I watch as Carlos and Sam leave me alone in the lounge with James. Why does it shock me when he says the word ‘girlfriend?’

“Why are you still having trouble with me
calling you my girlfriend, Tally? I thought after last night we would have been able to get past this.” I play with my ring again, it’s a nervous habit and I can tell that James is catching on about it. “Why are you nervous baby? Talk to me please.”  Taking a deep breath I look up at James, his eyes searching mine. His hair is still perfectly styled but he is looking all boyish, even though he is twenty-five. He is wearing faded blue jeans and a tight blue v-neck t-shirt. He is just simply hot.

“It scares me
, being someone’s girlfriend again. I know that you won’t hurt me James, believe me I know.” I touch his thigh and I can feel the heat radiating through his clothing. “Give me time and I will get used to it.” I give him a pleading look and he smiles at me. “James, I’m trying, okay?” I kiss him and I know instantly that it was a mistake. James deepens his kiss and pulls me onto his lap so that I am straddling him, one hand on my ass and the other trailing up my back under my shirt. Both of my hands are around his neck holding him to me, tugging at his hair slightly and James moans into my mouth, which sends hot burning shivers down my spine.

It suddenly hits me that I’m at work, not good. I pull my face away but stay seated on his lap, feeling his arousal between my legs. I sigh heavily
, as I don’t want to stop, “James we need to stop, I’m at work.” James trails soft kisses down my neck, making me burn for him even more. I go to climb off but he stills me.

“Just a few m
ore kisses please? You know you want to.” His sexy smile makes my mouth go dry, as I want to kiss him more, but I know that we should stop.

“I do want to James
, but you have to go; my client will be here shortly. I will text you later, okay?” I reluctantly climb off him and pull him to his feet. He towers over me and bends down to kiss me goodbye. I walk James down to reception and I can see Bella staring at us. She smiles at me and I can’t help but smile back at her. James has his arm around my waist, holding me to him. As we hit reception, Mrs Silver enters through the main door and I pull out of James’ grip. I try not to look at him, but I know he is staring at me.

“Good afternoon
, Mrs Silver. How are you today?” She smiles at me and shakes her head.

ow many times Tally? Please call me Erica.” She glances at James and frowns. “Mr Wilde, did we have a meeting today?” I look at James who still has his eyes on me. I see hurt in them. Fuck.

Without looking at Erica
, James replies, “I just came to visit Tally … Sorry Miss Slone.” Oh Miss Slone, fuck he called me Miss Slone. I just know that he is pissed off by me pulling away. I didn’t know how Mrs Silver would have reacted; I don’t know what the policy is about staff dating the clients. Carlos hasn’t said anything. In fact, he pushed for me to be with James.

I think we’re done, so I was just leaving.” Without saying goodbye, or even looking at me, James leaves and my heart sinks. Mrs Silver leaves to go to her office and my legs feel like they are going to buckle beneath me. I feel arms wrap around my waist and hold me, leading me to one of the back rooms. They sit me on the sofa and kneel in front of me. Only then do I see that it’s Tanner.

“Get her a glass of water
, Bella. Tally, can you hear me? Talls, blink sweetie, please.”  I blink a few times and Tanner visibly relaxes. Bella hands me a glass of water and the ice bobs in the glass.

“Tally, are you ok
ay?” I shake my head. I have just upset my, well, I’m not actually sure what James is to me now. Have I just thrown away the one thing that was good for me?  My chest tightens to think that James might have walked away from me for good.

A chill runs down my spine and Tanner rubs my arms. “I think James just walked out on me. I...I didn’t know how Erica would feel about us being together. About James being my … boyfriend” Oh
God, did I just say that? I did. I have just admitted that James Wilde is MY boyfriend.

Tanner smiles at me and looks at Bella then back to me
, “Feels good, doesn’t it? Finally, admitting that Wilde is yours.” I nod and my smile grows bigger.

“Thank you, you two. For b
eing my friends. Speaking of you two, how are you doing?” Bella blushes and Tanner strokes her bare leg as she sits next to me.

“We’re good” He nods proudly at Bella
, who flashes him a seductive smile.

“I’m so happy for you guys
.” I genuinely was happy for them, and I plastered on a smile, even though my heart was breaking quietly. After my afternoon clients I was finished for the day, so I decide to stop by Scarlett Avenue to visit my sister. I step into the shop with my forced smile again. The shop is quiet, just a few customers. Scarlett is finishing up with a customer, when she sees me and smiles her big sis smile.

I walk over to the counter and give her a hug. “How
are you doing, pup? Work okay?” I nod.

“Work is great, been busy all day today. It’s all good
.” I smile. “You been busy today?” I gesture at the store.

“It’s been the usual
, to be honest. I have done a lot for my party, though. The girls have handled the store today. You okay Pup, you don’t seem right?”

I shrug “I’m good Scar

“So let’s go and have a look at what you’re going
to wear for the wrap party.” Oh God, I had forgotten that. It’s been a few hours since I have heard from James. Do I text him, ask him if we are okay, asking if I’m still invited to the wrap party?

My stomach knots just thinking that he doesn’t want me to go with him and I image him going with someone else. No! James wouldn’t do that, he promised not to give up on me.
On us. But the way he was looking at me in work this afternoon, I really don’t know what he is feeling or thinking right now. Maybe I should text. “I’m going send a quick text first then we will have a look at some clothes, okay?” I leave Scarlett standing at the counter. I sit in the staff lounge and pull my phone out of my back pocket.


Me: I’m so sorry for this morning; I didn’t know how Mrs Silver would react to us being together. I’m sorry James, please text or call me back. I hate not hearing from you. 


I wait for a reply from James, but I know that I’m going to wait a very long time. He is gone. I can’t bring myself to tell Scarlett that I won’t be going to the party. She is so excited for me. I try on various outfits for her and in the end we settle on a not to dressy dress and heels, not too big though. I give her a satisfied look that shows her I’m happy with the outfit, even though I probably won’t be going. We lock up the store and walk to our cars. “I will meet you at home, okay?” I say before getting into my car. I check my phone again, but nothing. The drive home felt longer that it was. Scarlett is already in the house when I pull into our drive. I take a deep breath and climb out of the car. My phone pings, which lets me know that I have a text. I look at the screen. It’s a text from James.

: Is that what we are ….together?? You could have fooled me!!!

Tears spring to my eyes, I’ve really hurt him. I can’t stop my stomach from painfully knotting up.

Me: I said I was sorry and I really am, please believe me. I miss you, can I see you tonight? Please James, we need to talk.

I hit send and sit and wait for his reply but after what seems like f
orever I give up and go inside. Scarlett is in the kitchen making us a bite to eat. “God Talls, what took you so long? I got here ages ago.”

“Sorry Scar
, I was on the phone to Bella from work. What are you cooking?” Smells like chicken stir fry.

“I’m going to have a quick shower before dinner
, okay? I won’t be long.”

“You’d better not
, Pup!” Scarlett shouts at me as I run up the stairs towards my bathroom. Turning the water on, I start to get undressed. My phone beeps and my heart skips a beat.


James: No! I can’t tonight, I’m busy

I sink into the chair in the bathroom feeling like I have yet again lost him. I type my reply.

Me: When can I see you? We need to talk James. Please.

I sit and wait again but give in
, as I need to shower before Scarlett rips me a new one. The water is hot but it doesn’t take my mind off James. I just stand under the water letting it run over my aching body but I can’t cry not now. Scarlett is going to ask way too many questions and I’m just not in the mood for her twenty questions on my love life. I climb out of the shower and make my way to my bedroom. I dry slowly and get dressed sluggishly, not really having the energy to do anything. I brush my hair and tie it back, not bothering to dry it. I’m not going back out tonight. I meet my sister at the dining table, where my food is ready and waiting to be eaten. It smells delicious but I don’t think my stomach can handle it. I will try for Scarlett though, since she already cooked and plated it.

“You ok
ay, Talls? You’re not looking right.” She gives me a concerned look.

I smile and shrug
, “I’m okay, just a busy day at work. It’s coming to the end of the summer and everyone wants to get their family photos done and portfolios need to be updated. Things like that.” I start to eat my food but struggle, thinking about James again. My stomach tightens again. Scarlett’s phone rings, bring me back to the now. I hear her saying, “Okay” and “Will do” and she ends the call. “Who was that?”

“Just a friend
,” but she doesn’t look up at me. I remember that I have left my phone in the bathroom, so I sprint up the stairs and check my phone. There is a text from James.


James: I really don’t know. I have a busy week so….cya around.


He has really left me, and tears stream down my face and I can’t breathe.  How could he do this to me? He promised that he would never give up and told me ‘he loved me’. I sink to the bathroom floor with a thud, pain shooting through my knees, but the pain of my breaking heart is much worse.

Chapter 14


I don’t notice Scarlett joining me on the floor until she has her arms wrapped around me, rocking me back and forth. “Shhh Pup, it will be okay.” I stop crying by her words and look up at her.

“I need to see him … tonight
. I hurt him. I pulled away when Erica came into the studio. I didn’t know how she would feel about us being together. We just got together and he walked away so easily,” I try to lift myself up off the floor but Scarlett stops me, holding me to her.

“Pup leave him, he isn’t worth it
.” I can hear the anger in her voice.

“But Scar…
” She cuts me off.

Slone, you will stay clear of him for a few days, okay? Promise me you will do that, give yourself some time?” Maybe she is right. I should cut him off like he has with me. Obviously I didn’t mean that much to him. I nod but stand anyway.

I’m going to bed Scar, I need to be alone right now.” Scarlett leaves me in my room. I climb into bed and weep into my pillow, which still smells like James Wilde. I cry until my body gives in and falls asleep.

It’s been two
days since I saw James last. I distract myself by running myself ragged again. I wake to the sun shining through my window and my phone ringing, ‘It’s too early to be calling people!’ I shout at my phone. “Hey Miss Tally, did I wake you?” Oh God, it’s Carlos.

“Oh my G
od, am I late for work? Did I sleep through my alarm?” I sit upright and glance at the clock on my wall. It says it’s five-fifteen. I relax and fall back down on my bed and I can hear Carlos laughing. “Yes Carlos, you woke me. What’s up? Is everything okay?”

He stops laughing
, “We have been given a permit to do a shoot on a location and it’s your contract Talls, you need to get over there ASAP. Can you do that? I will email you the details, okay?” Without me answering, he ends the call. Great. I stagger out of bed and go shower. I quickly dry my body, still aching by the way, and get dressed. Today I’m going for skinny jeans and my Exposure thick strap camisole and if Scarlett doesn’t like it, then tough. I head to the kitchen and Scarlett is no-where to be found. Then I remember it’s stupid o’clock, she won’t be up yet. I scribble a note and head out to the location. Carlos has sent all my equipment over already, so they are just waiting on me. I have The Script playing in my car to calm my down, as there is a high possibility that Wilde is going to be there.

I turn down a tree lined lane and at the top on the road there is a stunning
, larger than life house, no doubt worth millions. There are cars and trucks parked to the one side, so I park my Wrangler in the same place. I bang my head on the steering wheel and try to slow my breathing down. A tap on my window startles me; I whip my head around to see who it is. Staring at me is this petite young girl, with short designer blonde hair and a huge smile across her face.  I exit my car and she greets me with her chipper morning attitude. “Morning Tally, I’m Cleo. I will be your PA while you’re on this QBC contract. Everyone is inside waiting for you.” I look at her as she hands me a thermal mug of tea.

BOOK: Let Me Love You
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