Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club (3 page)

BOOK: Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club
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I’d arrived, I thought exultantly, I’d made some friends, good friends who were literally cheering for me. When we went into the changing room they came around to congratulate me. I’d just taken off my little hockey skirt and was standing in my frilly panties. Emma came across to me, she’d taken off her dress and was attired in frilly white panties and a sports bra, just like the one I was wearing. I couldn’t resist taking off my hockey singlet there and then.

“We’re like sisters, twins, you and me,” Emma said, looking at my underwear and then at hers. She put her hands on my panties to look at the material.

“Yeah, I thought so, they’re the same, exactly the same.”

I didn’t say a word, I shivered as her hands touched my hips through the thin material of my panties. She looked at my face and said innocently, “you’re shivering, Helen, are cold?”

I shook my head, I still couldn’t speak. There was an odd expression in her eyes, what was it? A challenge, or an invitation? I couldn’t be sure. Her hands left my panties and I felt a little sorry, then she moved them up to my sports bra and started to touch the fabric around my tits.

“Hey, we really are wearing the same underwear, your bra is the same as mine too. They’re pretty good, aren’t they,” she said as she touched the white fabric, feeling my tits at the same time. I nodded, feeling breathless.

“You should think about the Glee club, Helen, I reckon you’d be perfect, a natural.”

“I will, Emma, honestly” I managed to gasp out. She removed her hands from my bra and went over to her locker to take off her underwear and go in the shower. I caught a glimpse of her nubile, lovely firm young body as she flitted into the shower, God, she was so beautiful. The word, ‘perfect’ crossed my mind again.


As I came out of school the Glee girls ambushed me.

“Hi, we’re all meeting up in the coffee bar in the mall this evening, why don’t you join us?”

I looked at their six eager, pretty young faces.

“Sure, I’d love to.” What else could I say? They were taking me into their group and I felt incredibly happy to be asked to go along. Mom was fine about it.

“Don’t be late, my darling, and make sure your homework is all done before you go.”

“Yes, mom.”

Later that evening we were sat in the coffee bar, talking about the serious problem of the photoshopped pictures in Emma’s locker. Who the hell could it be? I had an idea, although I didn’t want to involve my mom in something with, well, lesbian overtones. I’d have to be careful. But I thought that if I could talk to the right person we might get a profile of the type of person who would take the trouble to mess around with pornographic pictures, assembling them from different sources.

“You mean like Criminal Minds, the TV series?” Yvonne Gibbons asked.

She was the group’s computer whizz, she ran the Glee club website and the other girls insisted she could even make computers talk.

I nodded. “Yep, exactly like that. The thing is, if Emma reports this to the headmistress, it will become public knowledge, but if we can find out who is doing it we can do something about it privately, without the publicity.”


Emma looked at me gratefully. “Thanks for taking the trouble to help out on this, it’s been very upsetting, I’m really worried.”

I smiled at her. “Don’t worry, I know exactly the right person, her name is Karen Green, she’s a colleague of my mom’s, a psychologist, she’s reckoned to be pretty good.”

I thought of Karen, the confident, beautiful woman who had totally entranced me at my mom’s dinner party. She would surely be the right person to approach for some discreet advice, but was it the only reason I wanted to go and speak to her? I knew that I would have to be very careful, I found her totally beguiling, if I wasn’t careful I could wind up, well, what? I thought of her lovely face, her smile, the graceful way she moved her slim body. I knew exactly how it could wind up, the question was, what did I want to happen? I knew what I really wanted, a boyfriend to make love to me, to take away my virginity and flush out my girlie crushes on other women, but so far I’d failed miserably.


“Well, well, if it isn’t the Forest Heights lesbian club,” a voice sneered at us. My blood chilled, I knew that voice, John Curtis. But I needn’t have worried. Rachel and Lisa, the girls who had thumped him the previous Saturday in the car park, sneered at him.

“Hi, pencil dick” Rachel said. “Come to buy some penis enlargement pills, have you?”

“Yeah, can’t you get it up, John, are you impotent?” Lisa added, smiling at him.

He glowed red, if smoke could have come out of his head I know it would have. He looked hastily around to see if anyone had heard, then stormed off, leaving a ‘fuck you’ in his wake. Emma started laughing and we all joined in. As our laughter rang around the mall we saw him walk even faster, by the time he hit the door he was almost running.

“Thanks,” I said to all of them. “I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.”

Emma put her cool hand on my wrist, I felt myself tremble. “I’ll be here for you, no matter what, we’ll all be here, so you don’t need to worry.”

“You’re wonderful,” I said, mainly to her, I think. Then I had an idea.

“Could it be John Curtis who is somehow behind the pictures in your locker?”


Emma thought about it for a moment. “Nah, he hasn’t got the guts, besides, how could he get into a girl’s school without being noticed?”

“He could get someone else to plant the pictures in your locker, you know,” Yvonne said. “Tell you what, I could try hacking into his email and see if I can find anything there.”

I looked at her skeptically. “Can you really do that?”

“Yeah, often I can, it depends which email provider they’re using but its’ not usually a problem. I’ll work on it over the next few days and see what I can find out.”

“I’ll fix up and see Karen as soon as possible, we can meet up afterwards and see where it takes us,” I added.

“Thanks, all of you,” Emma said, but it was me she was looking at. My cellphone rang and it was mom come to pick me up, she was in the car park.

“I’ll walk you out,” Emma said. “Just in case John Curtis is hanging around.”

We walked out of the mall, I realized that unconsciously we were holding hands. I looked across the car park and mom was a hundred yards away, she hadn’t seen us. Emma put her face close to mine. “See you in school tomorrow, Helen.”

She reached up and kissed me gently on the lips, I felt as if I had been hit with a stun gun, an electrical charge that flowed through me and stopped my brain from functioning. Her tongue went inside my mouth, and I didn’t try to stop her or pull back. It was very gentle, after a few seconds we pulled apart and she watched me as I walked over to mom’s car. All the way home I thought about Emma, the lovely, nubile young woman who I was becoming closer and closer to. The question was, did I want it to stop, or not? I think I knew the answer even then.



* * * * *



chapter THREE



Karen agreed to meet with me, she suggested that I call around to her after school. I rode the bus into town, her apartment was in a trendy, converted loft just outside the central district. I went up in the elevator to the top floor and when the doors opened I found her waiting for me. Immediately I felt sorry that I hadn’t changed, I was still in my school uniform, my short, tartan skirt and white blouse slightly crumpled after the school day. She held my shoulders and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, holding my hand she led me into her apartment. It was beautiful, furnished with tasteful furniture that looked mostly antique. She was wearing a short, white tennis dress, as short as my skirt, in fact. When she moved, the hem ruffled up slightly to reveal a hint of frilly panties, similar to the ones I wore for hockey. She saw me looking at her dress.

“I had an early finish today so I had time for a quick game of tennis. I haven’t even had time to shower yet, did you have time to freshen up after school?”

I shook my head, maybe it wasn’t the time to say that I normally went home and started on my homework straight away without bothering to shower. I desperately wanted to sound so sophisticated to this lovely woman.


“Ok, why don’t you come into the bathroom with me and we can talk while I shower, is that ok? You can clean up too if you wish.”

I thanked her and we went through to her bedroom, she threw off her tennis dress and wearing only her white bra and panties went through into the bathroom. I followed her and watched fascinated as she stripped off totally naked and went into the shower, she was so worldly, so at ease with her own body. She called out to me, “Helen, strip off and have a wash if you like, I won’t mind and you’ll feel a lot fresher.”

I took off my blouse, skirt and underwear too until I was naked. I went over to the basin, but Karen popped her head out of the shower. Her hair was wet, plastered to her head, her skin wet with water streaming down it, I’d never seen anything so erotic in my life. My stomach churned, as she said, “why don’t you jump in the shower with me, we can soap each other’s backs,” I was already walking forward to join her.


In the shower I stood mesmerized by her slim body, long legs, a beautiful pair of firm tits, narrow waist and that face, so classically lovely, with the water streaming down it to make her look like some mythical water maiden.

“You’re not washing, let me help you,” she said. I didn’t move as she covered her hands in soap suds and started to rub them over me, over my tits. It was like one of my fantasies sprung to life, I unconsciously pushed towards her and she gave a small smile. “Would you do mine, Helen, I’d like that?”

I nodded and took the soap, covered my hands and started to rub and stroke her tits. They were so nice, bigger than mine, perfect. Her eyes closed with pleasure and we moved nearer to each other, then I felt one of her hands slide down and feel around my crotch. She waited a few seconds to see if I would object, but I wouldn’t, couldn’t, I was the innocent princess totally entranced by the delightful prince that had come to show me the path to true pleasure. She rubbed the outside of my vagina, then her fingers slipped inside and she found my clit. Her other hand was still stroking, soaping my tits, it was unearthly. I heard her speaking to me.

“Helen, would you do the same to me, please, I’d like you to a lot.”

“Sure,” I breathed. “I’d love to.” I was still soaping her tits, I moved one hand down to her fanny and felt inside, she stiffened, uttered a small groan as I found her clit. Our lips met and we kissed, desperately, we were both aroused beyond caring, her tongue explored my mouth and I pushed my own tongue into her. Our hands were moving feverishly, bringing each other to a peak of sexual frenzy. I lost it completely, I worshipped this woman, I dropped my head and kissed her tits, kissed her nipples, then sucked on them like a babe. I wanted all of her, to experience every little piece of her, to savor it, to enjoy it, to lose myself in her. She groaned even louder, I pushed my hand further inside her and felt her tremble. My knees were about to collapse, then I felt the dam inside me about to burst and then it did, I came in a shuddering, screaming climax, she was only a few seconds after me and we held each other tightly, our hands in each other’s cunts, the other hand around each other’s bodies, holding tightly together, so tight that we were one body joined by the sheer pleasure of our shared lust.


After a few moments, we released each other. I stepped out of the shower and started to dry myself with a towel, Karen followed shortly afterwards. For a while, neither of us spoke. She broke the silence first.

“Have you ever been with a woman before?”

I shook my head. “Or a man?” she continued.

“No, no, I’m still a virgin.”

She must have heard some of the bitterness in my voice. “It’ll happen sooner or later, Helen. So you’ve really never, you know, done what we just did?”

“No, that was a first. Look, Karen, I’m not a lesbian, you know, really I’m not.”

She laughed. “I didn’t think you were, did you think I was? Of course I’m not, I just look for beauty and excitement wherever I can find them.”

I was relieved, but even as I began to relax, she came and cupped my tits in her hands. She held them and kissed me lightly on the lips. “You’re very lovely, you know, Helen. I hope you’ll come and see me often.”

I could hardly breathe for the effect this gorgeous, exotic woman was having on me. “Yes,” I said throatily. “I’d like that.”


We got dressed, me in my rumpled white school blouse over my sports bra and white frilly panties, as I buttoned my short tartan skirt I sneaked a look at Karen and saw her putting on a tiny, black cocktail dress, it so elegant and understated that I felt totally envious that she owned such marvelous clothes. I dragged a comb through my hair and retied my ribbon, then left the bedroom. She came out shortly after, looking like a million dollars, cool, sophisticated, sexy. She crossed over and gave me another kiss, then sat down on the couch and indicated that I should sit next to her.

“Now, tell me what the problem is, my darling Helen.”

Wow, she called me ‘my darling’, I glowed with warmth and pleasure. I told her about the pictures left in Emma’s locker, that they were fakes, photoshopped by someone.

“The thing is, Karen, it’s not just a matter of Emma being so upset, we’re all a bit worried that there might even be a sex crazed lunatic stalking the school, we’re all a bit worried about it. Besides, if the staff or our parents find out, what will they think of us?”

She was thoughtful for a moment. She took hold of my hand with both of her hands.

“It’s always a difficult one, trying to work something like this out.”

She asked me about Emma, what she was like, how old, then the other members of the Glee club.

“It’s probably a man, I can’t think that a female would do it. Obviously, he’s sending a signal that your friend is some kind of a kinky lesbian, probably he’s been refused by her and this is his way of getting back at her.”

BOOK: Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club
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