Legally Bound 4: Allegations of Love (9 page)

BOOK: Legally Bound 4: Allegations of Love
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Marie cries out as he breaks through and Jas growls, but stills to give her time to adjust. Marie’s fingers move to his back as she claws at his skin. Jasper places his face in her neck to suck at the delicate flesh, just above the collar.

“You feel so good around me,” Jasper breathes into her neck.

“Jas, I can’t, please. I need you,” Marie says in a hoarse whisper.

Jas lifts his head to look her in the face and smirks. Marie is asking for it and he is going to give it to her. Grabbing both her thighs he lifts her lower body and his hips. Holding her right where he wants her he starts to drill into her.

Marie’s fingers dig into his skin. It only turns him on even more as he rolls his hips, plunging deep into her. Jas pounds into her fast and hard with the control of a man that knows his own body and how to read the body of the woman in his care.

He loves her body hard as Marie cries out incoherently. He has never seen a more beautiful sight than the woman beneath him with her head thrashing back and forth. As sweat starts to form between her bouncing breasts, he licks his lips wanting another taste of her full globes.

“Fuck,” he growls when Marie’s tight sheath starts to squeeze him harder. “Baby, you feel so good. Throw it back at me, Marie.”

Marie looks into his eyes with confusion. Jasper feels so good driving into her. Panic rises as thoughts of Olivia not training her completely come to mind. She had been afraid she wouldn’t be able to satisfy him when it come to the real thing. Jas just shakes his head at her.

“Move with me, Baby. Always with me, meet me half way,” he rasps.

Marie blushes as she remembers Olivia telling her this. Her face falls in disappointment in herself. In all honesty, Jasper is fucking her brains out and everything she learned over the last two years is somewhere in the far recesses of her mind.

Jas sees her retreating into her head and that just won’t do. Reaching for the loop in the collar at her neck he gently tugs her forward until their foreheads are touching. He flicks his tongue out against her lips.

“With me Marie, you’re doing fine, Baby. You feel amazing, now move with your man,” he says softly, then tilts his head and delivers a searing kiss.

Marie relaxes and starts to move with Jas. He doesn’t unhook his finger from the collar or break the kiss. Marie moans into his mouth as his free hand moves to squeeze her breast.

Without notice, Jas flips onto his back still keeping their connection. He releases the collar and grasps her hip, still toying with her breast as he sees how responsive she is to the contact. Marie sits up on his cock, biting her lip.

As she looks into his passion filled eyes, her bravado kicks in. Jas is beneath her, inside her, filling her to the brim. Placing her hands on his chest, she starts to rock and bounce up and down on his rock hard erection.

“Oh yeah,” Jas rasps as he starts to top from the bottom. She is so snug Jasper has to fight back his orgasm as he can feel it tingling at the base of his spine. Jas sends up a silent prayer when he feels Marie’s orgasm take her over.

Jas plows right through it knowing he won’t last much longer. When Marie starts to whimper and he feels her pussy sucking him in deeper with the force of her next climax. He knows this is it. Cupping the back of Marie’s head he meets her halfway to kiss her lips.

This kiss is much more tender. This kiss says it all as his hot seed pumps into her womb. This kiss says,
“I love you,” “I’m sorry,” “I can’t live without you,”
“I will never let you go again.”

“I love you,” Marie whispers as she collapses against his chest.

“Always have, always will,” Jasper’s voice rumbles.














Chapter 13

“Jas,” Marie murmured as she sits in between Jasper’s legs looking out at the lake.

They were at the cabin again. Jas had started to bring her here more often after his birthday. His dorm room was fine, but the lake house was a special place to them both now.

“Yeah,” Jas answered kissing the top of her head before placing his chin in the same spot.

“Why me,” she asks so softly Jas wasn’t sure he heard her.

“What do you mean,” Jasper asked back.

“You could have any girl. Why are you with me,” Marie asked with more confidence.

“I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I promised myself I would marry you someday, a long time ago before I even knew what it meant to be married. Rie, things would be so much different if I didn’t have to go away,” Jasper sighed.

“Do you want kids someday,” Marie asked.

“With you, of course, I thought that was the reason we are waiting. We both agreed there will never be anything between us,” Jas replied. “When we make love expect to have my little blonde haired, green eyed monsters.”

Jas chuckled and kissed the top of Marie’s head again. It was times like this that he craved. When they could talk about their future and dream about what being able to be together would be like. He hoped their time would come sooner than later.

“Who says they’ll have blue eyes or blonde hair. They can be grey-eyed and brown haired babies,” Marie smiled wistfully.

“I don’t know. The Briggs have strong genes,” Jas laughed.

“Whatever, I really don’t care. I just want them healthy and happy,” Marie shrugged.

“Are you happy?” Jas whispered in her ear.

Marie sat up from his chest and turned to look at him. Reaching out, she cups his face. The sunlight behind him lit his whole being. He looked like a gorgeous angel. He would always be her angel.

“Yeah Jas, I am really happy,” Marie’s voice comes out thick with emotion. “I know this all could crumble around us, but that will only be for a little while. Someday we’ll be able to tell everyone about us and we won’t have to worry about being separated. You said it yourself. When you turn twenty-seven, you will have more of a choice in where you will get to be. We can make it until then if we have too. I will always love you Jas, no matter what or how far apart we may have to be.”

Jas leaned in to kiss her passionately. “I know Marie, and I will always love you. I want at least four kids by the way,” Jasper beamed at her.

Marie rolled her eyes and shook her head turning back to face the water. “Once we’re settled we’ll get started on that right away,” Marie giggled and murmured.


Jasper smiles at the memory as his fingertips dance over Marie’s soft skin on her side. She is facing him with her face buried in the crook of his neck and it is the best feeling in the world. He looks down at her sleeping face replaying her words and wondering if she still wants to get started on that family right away.

Jas couldn’t wait. Last night was amazing. Once Marie let go and went with her instincts she really opened up to him. He was grateful that Olivia didn’t take away the innocence he loved about Marie.

Jasper’s mind did, however, bank the story Marie told him. He was not aware of the pictures she mentioned were sent to her phone and he hadn’t mentioned them after she told him about them because he didn’t want to alarm her. With all the threats and things, she had thrown her way last year he didn’t want to see her panic.

Although Whitney was out of the picture, Jasper knew there were still some sick people out there. He did, however, wonder where the pictures came from. He would have to do some digging when they returned home. A part of him hoped that it was just another of Whitney’s schemes.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Jas focuses back on the beautiful woman in his arms. Marie was everything to him. He didn’t care what their family looked like he just wanted to have one with her. He yearned to explore all they had to offer each other.

Jasper’s cock starts to stir as he thinks about all the things he planned to do with Marie. She really wants to be his in a way he never thought possible. Jas frowns up at the ceiling when the memory of her calling him Sir comes to mind. Although it was sort of hot last night, it isn’t his thing.

Jas was surprised Olivia hadn’t warned her off of it. Olivia had tried to get him into her calling him Master or Sir, but that was never his level of comfort. She had settled on calling him, Lover and he had called her Pet.

Jasper’s frown deepens as he thinks of calling Marie, Pet. It didn’t feel right, she is more to him and he had used that name with someone else. Marie was too special to him for that.

Marie stirs and looks up at him. “What are you frowning about,” she asks with a sleepy smile.

Jas frowns more. “Honestly, my thoughts, but now. Baby, we both need to brush our teeth,” Jas teases.

Marie’s smile falls and her face compresses. Jas bursts out laughing and tugs her to his chest. He reaches for the mints he just happened to have on the night table. Popping one in his mouth, Jas opens the second one and holds it to Marie’s lips. She pouts at him for a moment before opening up for the mint.

Marie rests her head on his chest for a few moments letting the mint dissolve in her mouth. When she feels more confident in her freshness, she looks back up at Jas to see him watching her. Marie lifts a brow indicating she wants an answer to the question she already asked.

“I was frowning because I’m not really into the whole Sir and Master thing,” Jas twists his lips up as he thinks about how to say the next part, not wanting to mention details of his relationship with Olivia.

Marie starts to giggle. “Yeah, Olivia mentioned that might come up,” she looks at him through her lashes. “What would you like me to call you then?”

“I want you to call me whatever makes you comfortable. This is an equal arrangement in my eyes. I won’t be calling you, Pet either,” Jas replies. He couldn’t believe how easy it was to get over his need for total control now that he actually had Marie in his arms. What he once thought he needed paled in comparison to having her.

“Then what will you call me,” Marie asks curiously.

“I was thinking more along the lines of Dove or Angel,” Jas shrugs with a smile.

“Can I ask why?” Marie lifts a brow.

“I was thinking Dove because you have always been so free about everything. Then I thought of Angel because you have always been like an angel in my life. From the time you stepped in when Courtney Lane was shouting at me for no reason, in middle school, to being there for me when we lost Aunt Raquel, to being there in my thoughts when I needed you. You were saving me when you didn’t even know you were,” he replies thoughtfully.

Marie bites her lip with a little smile. “So can I call you, Boss?”

Jas laughs out, “Do I want to know why,” he chuckles.

Marie nods. “You totally took my body like a boss last night and I will never forget the way you made me feel,” Marie replies with a blush.

A cocky grin broadens on Jas’s handsome face. “When you put it like that I don’t think I mind it at all,” Jas says wiggling his brows.

“Well Boss, since that is settled. How about I make you some breakfast? I’ll just take a quick shower and I’ll head to the kitchen,” Marie teases.

“No way in hell,” Jas laughs. “I’ll get breakfast started. You can shower.”

Marie beams at him as she laughs. Her eyes search his face before she says her next words. “Jas,” she starts.

“What’s on your mind, little Dove,” Jas tests the name on his lips.

“I told you we would be okay someday. And I really do want to try this,” Marie twirls a finger in the air. “I want to be in your world. I know we can make it work for both of us.”

Jas leans in and nips her lips. “We’re just getting started. Last night we made love all night like I promised. Today we will see what all your training did for you. You made me wait a year and a half so you better have learned a hell of a lot,” Jas rumbles and gives her a pointed look, “Shower Angel, now, before I devour you.”








Chapter 14

Once Marie makes her way into the bathroom, Jasper sits up on the bed staring after her. He needed to make some changes in his life the same as Nate had done. He admired his cousin for building his own empire while keeping things going at Briggs Security.

Jas found himself wishing he had done the same. It wasn’t too late. He was only twenty-eight. The moves Nate was now making for the company was actually freeing them all up from their grueling assignments.

What often played in Jas’s head was that he really wanted to break free completely. He didn’t want to leave Marie and their children like his dad had done when he was younger. He didn’t want to have to miss out on things he planned with the kids and disappoint them.

It just didn’t seem like such an easy thing to do when all he has ever known is Briggs Security. From day one he was in training to someday play a bigger part in the family company. He just wasn’t sure if he wanted that now. He finally had Marie and he would give up everything else to hold on to her.

Briggs Security has made Jas and all his family very wealthy. He had no problems there, he just didn’t know what direction to take now that a future with Marie was in his grasp. An idea strikes and he reaches for his phone while listening for the shower in the next room.

Finding the right number, Jas dials before he changes his mind. The phone rings a few times before a male voice comes sleepily, but cheerfully through the line. Jas curses under his breath as he remembers his cousin is actually an hour behind in time.

“Hey Cous, what’s going on,” Kevin answers the line.

It is a little after eight in Colorado, so it was about seven fifteen in California. Jas groans as the baby in the background starts to cry. He totally forgot about the new baby as well.

“I’m sorry Kev. I’ll call back at a better hour,” Jas says into the phone.

“There is no better hour around here. Jr. and I are just doing a little bonding while Mariah gets some sleep. Nick has her back to work already,” Kevin chuckles.

“How is Nick,” Jasper asks knowing how close Kevin is with his longtime friend.

“Nick is his usual moody self, but with reason at the moment,” Kevin snorts.

“Is everything okay? Is there something I can do,” Jasper offers, knowing Kevin would do the same for a friend of his.

“It’s nothing that isn’t being handled already,” Kevin replies. Jas can hear the baby’s cries getting closer to the phone as if Kevin has just picked him up.

“I just wanted to talk. It can wait,” Jasper offers.

“Jas, just spit it out already. You know I always have time for my little cousin. Come out with it. What’s up,” Kevin coos at the baby some then gets quiet to offer a listening ear.

Jas sighs. “I always looked up to you and Nate. I mean Nate started his own business and you opened the restaurants. You guys never let the family business take over your lives,” Jasper starts.

Kevin snorts into the phone. “I don’t know about all that. Where is this coming from?” Kevin knows Jasper is one of the best in the family. He and Rita had surpassed all expectations.

“I’m ready to start a family and I want to be there for them. Granted I haven’t been out on a major assignment for about a year now, but what if that changes,” Jas sighs. “I want to be with my wife and kids.”

“I hear you, but it’s a part of the job,” Kevin says. Jas can almost see him shrugging in his own head.

“That’s just it. You walked away and started your own successful business. I could too. I just…,” Jas huffs into the phone. “I’m not whining about it. Briggs Security has fed me all my life and I have a pretty nice house that I’m getting ready to turn into a home for my family. I want for nothing, honestly.”

“You just want to be your own man,” Kevin chuckles. “I get it. I was there.”

“Yeah, I guess that is a part of it,” Jas presses his lips.

“No matter what job you have you are going to have to go out there and make things happen for your family. That could keep you away for hours as well. I think I put in as much time into the restaurants as I would have at Briggs California branch,” Kevin muses.

“Do you ever regret walking away,” Jas asks.

Kevin sighs into the phone. “Who says I did,” Kevin asks.

“What,” Jasper wrinkles his brows. “You and Nick have the restaurants. Shit, your dad, ranted to my dad and Uncle Thomas for months about you going off to cook instead of running the office there.”

Kevin sighs again. “Nick may have given me the money to start the first few restaurants, but that wasn’t the only thing he gave me. Jas you have to understand that Nick didn’t know I was his bodyguard for years.

“When I went off to boarding school I started my detail with him. When his world fell apart, the truth came to light. Nick and I were already really close. He knew what I wanted to do with my life so he fronted me the money on two conditions.

“One I had to make a success of the first three restaurants we opened, which I did. Second, he would put up the money to buy out my contract indefinitely if I stayed on as his head of security. I may not be out in the field with him day to day, but nothing happens in Nick’s life without Dad or me knowing about it.

“Dad was willing to hand me the Lincoln account, but we know our dads and Uncle Thomas. They will always have our back. Honestly, dad makes my job easier. I may not be running the office out here, but there is no getting away from Briggs Security. I just found a way to get around or should I say to live with it,” Kevin explains.

“Well shit,” Jas murmurs.

“You didn’t know all that did you,” Kevin chuckles.

“No,” Jasper grumbles.

“You see the trick is to find what you love and go after it. The old men aren’t as hard as we think. Sure my dad was pissed at first. He didn’t speak to me for about a year, but he got over it and he is there when I need him,” Kevin says as the baby starts to whimper.

“Give Jr. and Mariah a kiss for me. I’ll figure this all out,” Jasper says as the shower cuts off in the bathroom.

“Hey, call me anytime, Jas. You know you can, right?” Kevin asks.

“Yeah, I know,” Jasper smiles. Kevin and Nate have always treated him like a little brother.

“I’m expecting you to make a trip out here too. You can meet my son and bring Marie with you,” Kevin chuckles.

“What,” Jasper replies.

“You really think no one knew. I figured it out that summer I came to train with you guys,” Kevin laughs. “Be well little cousin, it will all work out.”

Jasper hangs up the phone just as Marie walks into the room in a towel. She would always be beautiful to him. His cousin had a point. He would have to make a living for his family somehow. One way or another he was going to make sure they have a happy life.

Marie steps out of the bathroom with her hair still wet, running her fingers through it. She looks just like the model she has always wanted to be.
His own personal wet dream
, Jas smiles at his thoughts.

BOOK: Legally Bound 4: Allegations of Love
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