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Authors: Shyla Colt

Left (3 page)

BOOK: Left
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I curl my hands around the steering wheel and grind my teeth together. The little bitch is still fucking with my life. I’m emotionally constipated. There's no such thing as doing better than Liv Cole. I know it. Yet, here I am scared to take the next step. She took on the weight of the world to help me with the children when she didn’t have to. What could happen at this stage to make her cut and run? Short or me cheating, which would never happen, we can weather it. I continue the debate as the GPS system guides me into the heart of New Braunfels I realize I might be ready to try. We pull up in front of the tiny electric blue home with white shudders, flower boxes full of colorful blooms and the fairy garden I knew would be a big hit. I can’t wait for everyone to see it during the day.

I reach over and run my knuckles down Liv’s face. Her skin is butter soft.

“Hey, It’s time to get up.” I lean in and inhale her scent. She smells sweet and fresh. I want to bury my nose in her neck and inhale her scent and feel her body pressed against mine.

“Hmm.” Her eyelids flutter open, and she gives me a drowsy smile. “We’re here?” She clears her throat, sits up.

“Yeah. I’m going to unlock the door and turn on some lights. I’ll be right back.”

I walk up to the home and find the rental keys in the mailbox, where they said they’d be. I unlock the white wooden door, step inside and go through turning on the lights and turning down bed sheets. When I return to the car, Liv is standing outside the car.

“I got them all unbuckled,” she says with a soft smile. In the moonlight, she’s an ethereal goddess. I want to step closer and take her mouth and show her everything I can’t manage to say. I look down instead.

“Thanks, let’s get them in bed, and then we’ll bring in our stuff.” We work together quietly depositing the little bodies in their bunks for the evening. We creep out onto the porch, and I stretch my arm over my head.

“Sorry I was a crappy road trip partner,” she says.

“It’s alright. I knew you were tired,” I say.

“You’re too good to me,” she says.

I cup her face, and she leans into my touch. My mouth goes dry.

“Liv.” I breathe her name. She straightens. Her brown eyes darken with the want I feel to my core. I wrap my hand around her neck and pull her to me. She tilts her head back, and I lower my mouth to her lush lips. She moans and I dart my tongue in, taking what I’ve been long denied. She’s sweet, hot, and so feminine it hurts. Her curves press against me, fitting like we’re two pieces of the same puzzle. I run my hands down her body and palm her firm ass, massaging the globes.

She rocks her hips into me, and my cock strains to get out of my pants. I tear my lips for her.

“Careful. You keep moving against me like that, and I’m not going to be able to stop myself from taking you right here on this porch.”

She mewls. “It’s been a long time for me, and right now all I can think about is how good you’d feel wrapped around my cock.” The words are coming out faster than I can try to contain them. She bites her bottom lip. I locked the beast away inside myself the day I was stood up at the altar. Now, he’s unleashed and ready to make up for lost time.

“You shouldn’t,” she whispers. Her voice is husky, and her eyes are unfocused.

“I shouldn’t want you?” I move my hand around the front of her body and cup her pussy through her shorts. “Or I shouldn’t touch you.” I rub my palm against the heat coming through her khaki.

She grips my biceps. “Oh, Hous.”

The sound of my name spilling from her lips has my dick leaking pre-come.  She rocks her hips, and I know I’m hitting the right spot. She mewls. 

“Are you wet for me right now, Kitten?”

“So wet.”

“Fuck, I bet you taste like spun sugar.” I make smaller circles. She bucks against me. Breathe escapes her parted lips in tiny puffs of air.  “That’s it, let go for me.” She leans forward buries her face against my chest and releases a muffled cry. My cock jerks and yields more liquid than I wanted. I growl. “Got me about to come in my pants like a boy who just hit puberty.”  I kiss the crown of her head.

“Daddy? Livy?” Echo’s voice cries out. We jump apart.

“Take a minute, I got it.” I adjust my cock in my pants and go to see my daughter.
Round one goes to me.


In a black bikini top and black shorts that hung low on her hips, Liv looks downright edible. I take a long draw of my bottleneck to quench the fire raging inside me.  She’s my drug of choice. Tasting her lips and coaxing one orgasm from her, will never be enough.  My sister, Neve pops a bottle of wine across the table, and they continue to chat.

My parents have the kids tonight, which gives me the incredibly rare evening solo.

“Do you have something you want to tell me, bro?” my brother, Braden asks.

“Like what?” I lean back in the lawn chair we’ve set out in the back. We don’t get together as much as I like. With Neve working a job as a pharmaceutical rep, and Braden in the Marines, it’s special when we can sync our schedules.

“That fact that you’re aware of the sexual tension that exists between you and your sexy as fuck best friend.”

I snicker. “Still harboring that crush, Brae?”

“Crush nothing. I have good taste. I’m relieved to find you do too. I wasn’t starting to worry about you there. It’s been a long time since you showed interest in the fairer sex.”

“You surprised about that?”

“No, but I do think it’s time you get back on the horse. And I approve of your choice. Only reason I never tried with her was because I knew you’d break my neck.”

“Damn straight I would. She’s been through enough. Last thing she needs is a pretty boy who’s only interested in getting into her panties.”

“And you're a choir boy?” he asks.

I scowl.

“Wow, the protectiveness has gone up too. Is this official?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I refuse to speak to my baby brother about things we’ve yet to work out between us.

“You sure about that. I don’t think you’ve taken your eyes off her all day.”

“Nothing to tell.”

“Yet you mean. The way she’s sneaking glances of her own, I’d say it’s just a matter of time.” Braden asks.

I shrug, feigning nonchalance, I don’t feel. We haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened last night. I’m not sure where she stands. She’s not giving me the cold shoulder, which is a plus. But she’s hard to read.

“It’s about time you saw what was right in front of you, old man.” Braeden bangs the side of his fist on my shoulder.

“Old man? You’re only three years younger than me,” I say.

“You’re the one turning forty in a few days.”

“Rub it in asshole,” I say.

“Why was the catalyst to this awareness?”

Next to Ollie, Braeden is my closest friend. I cave and decide to spill my guts.

“The kids came back home asking questions about families, moms, and why Liv couldn’t be their mom. It made me think, and her panic.”

“Why? She loves them like a mother would,” Braden says.

“She’s worried it’s detrimental to them.”


“That it might’ve skewed their view on families and taken away from what it means to have a mother. Phoenix told a kid, he had something better than a mom, he had a Livy.”

Braeden chuckles. “I love that little dude.”

“Yeah, he’s pretty impressive.”  Pride washes over me. 

“He has a hell of an example to learn from.”

“Thanks, man,” I mumble. 

“What did she do after that happened?”

“Said she needed space and pulled away. This weekend is the most time I’ve spent with her in like a month.”

“What’s your plan?”

“I’m figuring it out as I go. I don’t want to spook her. Told her already if she runs, I’m chasing her ass.”

Braeden snickers. “Damn, tell me how you really feel.”

“You know I’m not one to bullshit.”

“Sounds like you made your decision,” he says.

“Maybe I have. You don’t get many chances in life like this.”

“Dude, this is huge.”

“Yeah, it is,” I admit. The conversation’s illuminating. There’s no going back to what we were. I want more. We deserve to find happiness after all the utter hell we’ve lived. 

“Well, you aren’t going to make any Leigh way from over here, let’s go bug, Neve,” Braeden says as he rises from his chair. I follow him across the lawn.

“You up for some corn hole, or what?” Braeden asks.

I want to hug him for his laid back approach.

“Girls against boys?” Neve asks.

“What? You still think I got cooties, sis?” Brae wraps his arm around Neve’s shoulders, and she laughs.

“I’d be amazed if you don’t have something. You want to play with me? I’m game big brother,” Neve says.

“Maloney’s versus whatever lame name you guys come up with,” Braedon says with a wink.

“Brats,” I call as they walk over to the slanted board with a hole in the center. They pick up the black bean bags.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders. “You ready to slay them?” She relaxes against me, and I mentally pump my fist in the air.

“We should be the slayers.”

“Sick name. We’re the Slayers. Yes, I know you’re regretting your name choice now,” I say.

“Nope. I stand by Mahoney.”

“And you’ll lose by it too,” Liv says.

I bark a laugh.

“Oh, you’re trash talking now? “Braeden says.

“You know Mahoney girls are full of piss and vinegar. But now, Liv’s earned her honorary M,” Neve says.

Liv sticks out her tongue.

“Game on,” I say.

Braeden hands the tiny black square to Neve. “Ladies first.”

“You’re too kind,” she says as she bends down and tosses the bean bag underhanded. It lands on the inclined board with a plop, balances on the edge of the circle for a moment and goes in. Neve turns and holds up a finger. “One.”

“What’s the winner of these get anyway?” Brae asks.

“Pride,” I say.

“The title of winner,” Liv says making me giggle.

“Bitch duty for the rest of the trip?” Neve suggests.

“Sounds good to me, Liv?”

“I think we’ll enjoy a dish free weekend,” Liv says.

I smile down at her. I move my hand to her hip and squeeze gently. She turns toward me with laughter lighting her eyes. In the view from the flickering Tikki torches and white bulbs strung around the perimeter, she’s a fae creature from the old lore of the Emerald Isle.  Her full lips tempt me to kiss her, claim her, and hear her needy noises.

“What?” she asks.

I shake my head. “Enjoying the view.” 

“You’re up, Slayers,” Braiden says.

“You go first.” I release her and refocus my attention on the game.

We play a half a dozen rounds between refills of wine and fresh bottles of beer. Right now we’re tied.

“This one’s for all the marbles, Liv. Don’t choke,” Braeden says.

She nails the toss. “Don’t worry.I won’t.”  She nails her next two tosses, thrusting us in the lead.

“Yes.” She jumps up and down, and I open my arms for a hug. She comes to me, and I lift her off the ground. Her hard nipples press into my chest. I hear her intake of breath and feel her muscles tense. I lower her slowly, letting her body graze mine on the way down. Her little pink tongue darts out, and she moistens her lips.

“We’re going to start on the dishes,” Braeden says. He sounds far away. I’m vaguely aware of footsteps retreating. She places her hand on my shoulders and kneads.  I tighten my hold on her. Our faces move toward one another. Her warm breath teases me. I bend down and brush my lips against hers, once, twice. She grunts.

“You want it. You need to ask me for it.”

“Houston.” Her voice shakes.

“Yes, Kitten.”

“Kiss me.”

I nip her full bottom lip and tug, punishing her silently for making me wait. Mine. My heart knows what my brain has been slow to piece together. I need her to know it too. I soothe the abuse dealt with the tip of my tongue. She shivers.

“Let me in,” I whisper, nudging her nose with mine.

“What happens if I do?” her voice wavers. Despite the light-hearted delivery, I see through to the fear that’s held us both captive for far too long. “We break the last chains of the past, and I show you who you belong to.”

“Whose that?”

“Me. I didn't know when it happened or how we missed it, but I know I’d slaughter any many that so much as stared at you too long. I know this is scary. I won’t lie and tell you I don’t have my own worries and demons I’m battling.” 

“Then why?”

“Because you're worth it, and I think we owe it to ourselves to try.”

She toys with the nape of my hair. “So sure.”

“I know what I want, and you know better than most once I have my mind set on something.  I don’t stop until I get it.”

BOOK: Left
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