Read Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll Online

Authors: Mia Dymond

Tags: #romance, #humor, #military, #contemporary, #music, #navy seal

Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll (13 page)

BOOK: Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll
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He placed his lips to hers in one last,
lingering kiss and then released her to scoop the coat from the
ground. “I’ll return this for you. Do you want Max to follow you

She sat in the driver’s seat, tempted to tell
him she’d just follow him to the hotel. “No, thank you, Hawke.”

Hawke tossed the coat over one shoulder.
“Call me if you change your mind.”

She frowned. “About the gala?”

His low, husky snicker filled the heated
distance between them just before he answered.





Rachel adjusted the thin strap of her emerald
gown one more time before pronouncing herself ready. Her hand shook
slightly as she pushed a wayward tendril of hair off the side of
her face. Good grief, you’ve been to a thousand of these
. Just not with Jaydon Hawke. When she agreed to go
with him, she had no idea she would be this much of a basketcase.
Truth be told, she should be relaxed. Especially after last night’s
romp in the trees.

She took one last look in the mirror and slid
the mascara wand over her eyelashes. Flinching at the shrill tone
of the gate buzzer, she groaned as the wand connected with her
right eyeball.

“Oh...ow!” She blinked several times and then
pushed the intercom button to speak. “Hawke?”

His sexy rasp reached through the box and
tickled her nerve endings. “Am I early?”

“No, come on up.” She rattled off the
security code and waited on pins and needles until he rang the

Taking a deep breath, she poised herself and
opened the door. Only to find herself totally unpoised

The sight of Hawke lounged against the
doorframe weakened her knees. The black jacket he wore showcased
his broad shoulders and toned arms, the white shirt beneath was
unbuttoned to the waistband of his pants to reveal his tempting,
tanned, sculpted chest and steel-plated abs. Rachel wet her lips
with the tip of her tongue. No tie. Her eyes continued downward to
his tailored pants fastened around his lean waist, cupping his
package and daring her to unwrap him.

Hawke snickered and pushed himself off the
frame. “Rachel, if you really want to go to this thing, we better
leave now. Otherwise, we won’t make it. Not the way you’re looking
at me.”

Her cheeks burned. “Oh, sorry.”

He grinned and ran his knuckles down her arm.
“Don’t be sorry, we could just stay here.”

As good as he looked, she wasn’t convinced
she was ready for those repercussions. Rolling her tongue back
inside her mouth, she pulled herself together.

“After I spent three hours in front of a
mirror?” she teased, “I don’t think so, Handsome.”

He placed his hand to the small of her back
as they left the house and approached the limo, only losing contact
long enough to open the door. As she bent to enter the limo, she
remembered too late about the barely-there neckline of her gown and
glanced at the two passengers already seated.

“Hey, Rachel,” Max greeted huskily from
behind his trademark tinted lenses.

“Hi, Max.” Although a little embarrassed, she
fought the urge to giggle. Even though Max had already seen the
girls, she was somewhat comforted by the glasses.

Greg nodded as Hawke slid next to her. “You
look great.”

“Thank you.” Almost immediately, Hawke took
her hand and pressed it against the top of his thigh.

Rachel’s head spun as Greg explained the
tactical procedure of their entrance at the convention center
during the short ride. There was so much planning involved in
everything concerning Hawke.

When they arrived, she watched Max unfold his
burly frame from the car first and scan the area before he signaled
for Greg. Hawke stepped out next and instantly, flashbulbs popped
in the dark night, echoing like fireworks off the downtown
skyscrapers. With Max positioned firmly in front of him, Hawke
extended a hand and gently pulled her from the seat. Rachel drew a
deep breath.
This is it. Now I’ve officially become arm

She glanced at Hawke and for a split second
considered ducking back into the car. But when his incredible smile
lit his face, running away was the furthest thought from her mind.
She balanced one bare, smooth, long leg on the pavement and stood,
holding on to his hand for dear life. As if he sensed her
uncertainty, Hawke drew her next to him and tucked her to his

Once inside the banquet room, Rachel glanced
over her shoulder to see Max pull the heavy oak doors closed behind
them and position himself just inside the doorway. Rachel tossed
him a thankful smile then led Hawke to their assigned table where
Cameron and Sean were already seated.

Cameron’s eyes sparkled with curiosity as
Hawke pulled out Rachel’s chair. Rachel gave her a smug

Hawke leaned down and placed a tender kiss on
her cheek. “I’ll be right back.” He glanced at Sean. “C’mon,
Pirelli, it’s showtime.”

Rachel nodded and then glanced around the
room. How many people had seen that kiss?

“So, Rachel.” Cameron leaned forward, braced
her elbows on the table, braided her fingers and rested her chin on
top of her hands. “What gives with you and Music Man?”

Rachel grinned. “Not what you think. We just
spent a little more time together.”

Cameron gave her head a slight nod and for a
moment Rachel thought Cameron might actually accept her
explanation. She should’ve known better.

Cameron’s lips suddenly split into a
mischievous grin. “How was it?”

“Cameron!” Rachel bounced her gaze nervously
around the room. “Lower your voice.”

“How was it?” Cameron whispered.

“Nothing happened.” Unless she counted the
most incredible, fully-clothed orgasm after the fire. Rachel
scanned the room until her gaze froze on Hawke’s long, lean form.
His powerful, well-muscled body moved with easy grace as he
mingled, the rich outlines of his shoulders straining against the
fabric of his jacket. Even in a crowd, the heat that emanated from
his body beckoned her. Her mouth watered as she watched him carry
himself with a commanding air of self-confidence.

“Rachel, really.” Cameron handed her a
napkin. “Just do him.”

Rachel snapped herself out of lustful
appreciation. “I can’t.”

Cameron waved a hand in the air. “I know it’s
been awhile for you, but you probably haven’t forgotten how.”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “No, Cameron, you
know how I feel about meaningless sex.”

“And your reasoning is one I’ll never

Rachel sighed. “Me either.”

Cameron tapped a fingernail against her wine
glass. “The sparks that fly between the two of you are fiery,
sister. I don’t think sex with Jaydon Hawke would even come close
to meaningless.”

“You know what I mean.”

Cameron tilted her head to one side and
wrapped a curl around one finger. “You’ll want more than once with

“That too.” Rachel shrugged and made the one
admission she couldn’t deny any longer. “I don’t want just sex from

Cameron released the curl then started the
process again. “You want a relationship.”


“What’s the problem?”

“Oh come on, Cameron, we’re talking about
Jaydon Hawke, mega superstar, first class sex symbol of the

Cameron couldn’t be swayed. “Who happens to
be your escort to the Diablo Memorial Hospital Gala in Diablo,

“There weren’t any groupies available.”

Cameron giggled. “Nice try. I don’t think

Rachel opted to change the subject. “You
know, I think Max likes you,” she said nonchalantly.

Cameron winked. “You get an ‘A’ for effort.
Don’t think you can escape the subject.”

“I’m just trying to be realistic. What could
he possibly see in me? I’m boring to men like him, Cameron. I work
long hours and then go home. To sleep. Any time I have left for
socializing is for things like this. B-O-R-I-N-G,” she huffed.

Cameron shifted her eyes Hawke’s direction
and made a clucking sound with her tongue. “Um, yeah, probably not.
He’s wearing a very obvious I’m-going-to-have-you look.”

Rachel glanced back at him and felt her
thighs heat. Cameron was exactly right.

Cameron nudged Rachel’s elbow. “And your
expression is so take me, you couldn’t wipe it off if you

Hawke shook hands with the mayor and then he
and Sean walked back toward the table. Although now very hot and
bothered, Rachel giggled, suddenly relaxed by Cameron’s gentle
teasing. “You have such a way with words.”

Cameron shrugged. “Hey, I call it as I see

“See what?” Sean asked as he returned to
Cameron’s side. “Come on.” Cameron stood and took his hand. “I’ll
show you.”

Rachel watched as Cameron led Sean to the
dance floor, wiggling her hips at him the whole way. She sighed
softly, envious of Cameron’s confidence.

“Would you like to dance?” Hawke asked,
interrupting her thoughts.

A dark shadow clouded the table before she
could answer and her response stalled on her tongue when she looked
up at their unexpected female guest.

The familiar honey-dipped drawl made Rachel’s
skin crawl. “Hello, Rachel. Fancy seeing you out and about on the

Rachel struggled to keep her voice steady.
“Nice to see you, Monica.”

“I see you’re entertaining again this

“Hawke is a guest speaker.”

“So I heard.”

Monica paused, obviously waiting for Rachel’s
response. Rachel twisted her napkin around her fingers instead. She
wouldn’t give Monica the satisfaction.

“Well,” Monica said finally, “you two have a
nice evening. It was nice to see you again Mr. Hawke.”

Monica didn’t wait to hear Hawke’s response
and stalked away in a heavy fog of perfume. Rachel resisted the
urge to fan herself.

Rachel heard Hawke clear his throat before he
spoke. She stifled a giggle at her next thought.
Probably to get
better air flow

“Let me guess," he drawled, "she’s the
chairman of the hospital board.”

Rachel twisted the napkin tighter. “Not this
time. She’s just on the fundraising committee.”

“Is she always this polite to you?”

Rachel smirked at Hawke’s sarcasm. “That was
for your benefit. She rarely speaks to me.”

“She’s jealous.”

Her hands stilled. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

Hawke untangled the napkin from her fingers,
threw it onto the table and stood.

“Enough.” His dark eyes pierced hers as he
lifted her by the arm. Pulling her from the chair, he pushed her
through the crowd and out onto a corner balcony without

“Now.” His tone was soft but strong. “You and
I need to get a few things straight.”

Still stunned by his dominance, Rachel only
stared as he continued.

“I don’t know who convinced you that
intelligence is not beautiful but they were a damn fool. And you’re
an even bigger fool if you believe something so ludicrous.”


He silenced her with one hand. “I’m not done.
Not only are you insanely beautiful on the outside, Rachel, your
insides are amazing. Your ability to compose yourself is
outstanding. Your heart is big enough for at least three people,
and your dedication to your work and your friends is incredible.
Now, ask me again why Monica is jealous.”

Rachel folded her arms and shifted to one
side. “You rock stars really are dramatic.”

Hawke released a husky laugh. “See? You have
this uncanny sense of humor and I, for one, think it makes you

“Hawke, you don’t really know me.”

“I do know one thing,” he began easily. “A
little bird told me about the charity you support and the time you
devote to it.”

“A big, burly bird or a little, blonde

“Never mind.” He dismissed her concern with
another smirk. “I’d really like to get to know you.”

Despite her best effort, her smile slipped.
“No, you wouldn’t.”

“Yes, I would,” he insisted, inching

Rachel felt her hair tickle her shoulders as
she shook her head. “Sometimes people aren’t who you think.” This
was something she knew for a fact. No way would she let him
convince her otherwise. “And sometimes it’s better to believe what
you think rather than know the truth.”

“Not necessarily.”

“You don’t think so?”

Hawke leaned back against the balcony
railing. “Do you believe everything you’ve heard about me?”

“I haven’t heard much,” she mumbled.

His soft laugh wrapped her like a warm
blanket. “Surely me and my gaggle of groupies have crossed your
home page at one time or another.”

She had to grin. “I did read something like

“And you’d rather believe that than know the

Rachel imitated Cameron’s patented eye roll.
“It’s not the same, Hawke, you’re a celebrity. The average Joe
doesn’t have the opportunity to discover the truth.”

Hawke pushed off the railing. “But you do.
Would you rather keep me away because of what you think is the

Rachel looked him straight in the eye, still
very afraid of the consequences of her answer. “No.”

“I’m offering you the chance to make your own


“I trust you.” His fingers rubbed small
circles on her bare shoulder. “You want me, Rachel, and I refuse to
let anything stand in your way.”

She was now convinced he could see right
through her. Flames licked her cheeks. “Sure of yourself, aren’t
you?” she squeaked.

“Very.” He stepped closer and caressed the
side of her jaw with his knuckles. “After last night, I’m positive.
It’s simple chemistry. I want you, you want me.”

Rachel wanted to deny his observation, but
her denial wouldn’t hold water; her body reacted too violently to
his touch.

BOOK: Leather, Lace and Rock-n-Roll
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