Read Leather and Lust Online

Authors: McKenna Chase

Leather and Lust (4 page)

BOOK: Leather and Lust
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She squeezed her eyes shut as his mouth touched her there. Pressed into the swollen folds of her weeping pussy, the hint of whiskers on his jaw only adding to the fiery sensation sweeping through her. Then came her undoing – his eagerly thrusting tongue.


This was what she’d wanted. To feel his tongue slipping between her cum-dampened flesh, caressing her, lapping at her juices.


He continued the sensual torment, his strokes slow and teasing. “Mmm...” he breathed against her over-sensitive flesh. “Definitely as sweet.”


She tunneled her fingers through his dark hair, her legs trembling. Throwing back her head, she writhed under the sensual assault of his mouth.


He lifted his head, watching her with a cocky grin. “That’s it, darlin’, show me how good it feels when I fuck your sweet body with my mouth. When I love your tight little pussy with my tongue.”


His fingers joined into the fray, stroking her clit while his tongue continued to thrust in and out at a maddening pace.


Jillian couldn’t stop the orgasm from ripping through her. Crying out his name, she bucked her hips in protest of the sensual riptide dragging her under.


Jackson backed away just long enough to kick off his shoes and shove his pants and underwear down his leans hips. His cock, no doubt stretched to its limit, drew her appreciative gaze.


“Like what you see?” he asked, his voice husky with desire.


“Very much so.”


He moved over her and she reached out to touch him, but he stilled her hand. “Darlin’, I’m so hot and bothered right now I’m not sure I could take your touching me.”


She let her hands fall to her sides, her fingers curling into the warm grass beneath her.


“Damn,” he swore, sitting back on his heels.


“What’s wrong?” she asked, lifting her head.


“One second.”


She watched as he grabbed for his pants and pulled out his wallet. A second later he was holding a foil packet between his pinched fingers.


He tore it open and then rolled the condom onto his awaiting cock. She imagined what it would be like to run her tongue along that same veined flesh. To cover his cock with her mouth and suck him until he exploded into her mouth.


“Now where were we?” he teased in a husky whisper as he moved over her. Pushing her thighs further apart, he pressed the swollen head of his cock into her - slowly. “So wet,” he groaned.


“Fuck me, cowboy,” she demanded. “Fuck me now!”


He thrust into her. Hard. Deep. Merging his body with hers.


“That’s it,” she gasped as he pumped his cock into her.


“On the contrary,” he warned with a grin. “This is only the beginning of what I’m gonna do to you, darlin’.”


“Lucky for me you’re a man of your word,” she replied as she curled her legs around his thrusting hips. This was exactly what she’d been missing in her life.








Jackson’s ranch was sprawling, set against a beautiful backdrop of towering mountains. The jagged peaks rose high up into the distant sky, cast in a red-gold hue by the setting sun.


Miles of fenced in fields lined the drive back to the ranch house. Behind the barbed wire cattle and horses grazed lazily. Jackson flashed her a wide grin as they turned up a long, winding drive toward a large ranch house.


“This is it,” he said. “My place.”


Several smaller outbuildings surrounded the main house. It was exactly what she’d imagined a real ranch would be like. Jillian’s heartbeat quickened. He truly was a cowboy. One she’d just had hot, passionate sex with.


Her cheeks warmed at the memory of the things they’d done together. He’d made her orgasm twice and then pulled out and turned her over, sliding into her ass while his fingers played with her still pulsing pussy. No man had ever taken her that way, but the feel of him pushing into her, filling the tightness of her hole with his cock, made her wonder why she hadn’t. She came again and she wasn’t the only one. After just a few, teeth gritting strokes, Jackson let out an impassioned howl that rivaled her own passionate cries. It was the best sex she’d ever had.


“You okay?”


The question cut through the silence in the truck cab. She turned from the passenger window to look at him - Jackson Burke, her cowboy lover.


“Yes,” she sighed contentedly. “It’s just that it’s been a while since I’ve been with a man.”


“You prefer females?” There was a hint of interest in his teasing words.


She laughed. “No. I prefer men, with the exception of one.” The tilt of his dark head had her adding, “I ended a two year relationship six months ago. My girlfriends convinced me to step outside of my men-in-suit-and-tie comfort zone and come here in search of a whole different breed of man.”


“Remind me to thank them,” he said with a sexy grin.


He’d have to get in line. Without them forcing her to take this sexual reawakening journey alone, she might never have crossed paths with Jackson. At least not alone. And she wanted this man all to herself.


Her gaze drifted over him. “Although you sort of made me break the rules.”


“Did they stipulate a cowboy not wearing a suit and tie?”


“Not exactly,” she said with a conspiratorial smile.


“Then I reckon you got the best of both worlds.”


“I suppose I did. But even better than that, I got to test the sexual waters with a cowboy who really knows how to satisfy a woman.”


“Glad to be of help,” he said with a teasing waggle of his dark brows. He pulled up in front of his ranch house and cut the engine. Then he turned to face her. “Being serious for moment,” he said. “What happened back there between us...”


“You mean the really, really hot sex?” she teased.


He nodded. “Hell, I’ve never been so damned aroused. But I wanna apologize if I was overly aggressive.”


“Don’t apologize. I liked it,” she admitted. “A lot.” She slid her hand across the seat to caress his thigh through the dark grey dress pants he wore so well. “Thank you for making my cowboy fantasy come true.”


“My pleasure, ma’am,” he said with a slow drawl that made her pulse race.


“I’ve never done anything like that before,” she admitted, much to her own surprise. “Had a one night stand with a guy I barely know.”


“I think that would be considered a one afternoon stand,” he teased. “Having regrets?”


“No,” she said, shaking her head. “Just trying to digest it all.”


“So you’re more of a committed kind of gal?”


He had no idea. “I was.”




“Since catching my ex screwing around on me, I’ve had a change of heart where the whole commitment thing is concerned.”


“I know what you mean.” His expression grew more serious. “I got burned once myself.”


“Was she a fool? If I had a man like you in my life...” She blushed and turned her attention to the house outside of the passenger window. “Nice place.”


“I’m sorry he hurt you.”


“I’m over it.” Not the trust issue part of her break up, but she was over her ex.


“I’m not sure what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, but I hope you know a real man would have gotten out of the relationship first.”


She glanced back at him. “Are you saying you’ve never cheated on a woman you were in a relationship with?”


He shook his head. “Truth is, I only invested into a real relationship once in my life, but things didn’t work out. And it had nothing to do with another woman.”


He seemed sincere. “I’ve heard it said that cowboys live by a different code of honor,” she said with a smile.


“Reckon so,” he said with a chuckle. Then he reached out to caress her cheek, something changing in his eyes. “Stay with me, Jillian.”


“What?” She could scarcely think with him touching her that way, not when she knew how quickly that tender touch could turn into one of passion. Knew the incredible pleasure that same gently stroking hand could bring her.


“For the week,” he replied. “Forget the dude ranch and stay here with me.”


His offered surprised her. “Spend my vacation here?”


“Why not? You’re looking for a cowboy to ride and I’m offering.”


A week of Jackson’s mouth tasting her, his hands stroking her, his cock pounding into her. The thought of it dampened her already wet panties.


She looked up at him. “Are you sure about this?”


He took her hand and placed it over the bulge at the front of his pants. “Jillian, my cock aches to be inside you again. Since that first moment I saw you standing there in all your pink glory, I’ve wanted you. And now that I’ve had you, it’s like a hunger I can’t shut off.”


“What about your job?”


“I can work from home just as easily as I can from my office in town.” Dragging her hand over his erection, he leaned toward her, his lips only a breath away from hers. “I want you. Stay with me. Let me give you the pleasure you came here in search of.”


He already had. But like him, she longed for more of the fiery passion they’d shared alongside the road beneath the leafy canopy of the trees.


She closed her fingers over the rock hard proof of his wanting her. The thought of spending the rest of the week with this man satisfying all of her sexual needs had her pussy aching.


Jillian rose up to brush her lips over his then whispered, “Alright, cowboy, I’ll stay.”

* * *

What the hell had he been thinking?
Jackson wondered as he made his way out to the barn to check on his horses. He’d just invited a city-bred woman to stay with him. Sexy or not, she was the kind of female he’d sworn never to get tangled up with ever again.


The answer was simple. He’d been thinking with his cock instead of his head when he’d asked Jillian to stay with him for the week. He wanted to fuck her again. That was a given. But, despite her protests, deep down he had a feeling she was a commitment kind of girl. That meant he had to be careful not to let things go any deeper than just sharing great sex.

He glanced back over his shoulder at the house as he reached for the barn door. Jillian Summers was a surprising mixture of sassy and sensual, a combination that drew him to her like a fly to honey. And what sweet honey she had.


Stepping into the barn, he reached for the light switch and flicked on the row of overhead lights. Then he crossed the room to stand in front of the first stall where his sorrel stallion, Jack, stood watching him.


“Hey, boy.” He reached out, smoothing his hand down the horse’s neck. “I see Brady’s taken good care of you while I was gone.”


Brady was his best friend as well as his ranch foreman. Two other men worked for him, but unlike Brady who lived in one of the outhouses, the others went home to their families each night.


“Well, well, will you look who’s back.”


He turned with a smile to find Brady standing in the open doorway. “I was just checking on the horses.”


“Speaking of horses, wanna tell me about that little filly you got prancing around inside your house?”




“The outline I saw through your bedroom curtains when I walked by was definitely female. The breasts were a dead giveaway.”


Jackson swore under his breath and turned away, dragging a hand down over his chin. He’d never had a need for curtains that offered privacy. His were practically threadbare. “That’s Jillian.”


“Jillian? I don’t recall you ever mentioning anyone by that name before. Hell, now that I think about it this is the first time you’ve ever brought a female home with you. What’s up with that?”


Jackson muttered his reply.


“I didn’t catch that,” his friend persisted.


He turned to face him. “I said that’s because I just met her. And before you start firing questions at me you should know that she’s gonna be staying here at the ranch for the next week.”


Brady arched a thick brow. “Let me get this straight. You just met her and she’s moving in.”


“She had car trouble.”


“And you’ve offered to look under her ‘hood’?” his friend said with a knowing chuckle. “Lucky son-of-a-bitch.”


“Damn it, Brady, it’s not like that.” Jackson took a mental pause. Who was he trying to kid? It was exactly like that. Jillian wanted sex and he had volunteered his services.

He dragged a hand back through his hair with a sigh. “Jillian’s my guest and I expect you and the other men to treat her with respect.”


Brady held up his hands. “Hold up. I was just messing with you. Boy, this woman must be something else to have you all twisted up and as prickly a strand of newly strung barbwire. Maybe you really are over−”


“I am,” he said, cutting his friend off. He didn’t want to discuss Bridgett. She was a bitch and he was free of her. “Don’t read anything into this thing with Jillian. It’s only temporary.”




Brady was his best friend, so why then was it so hard to admit to him what was going on? They had always been honest with each other. And like he’d told Jillian, lying didn’t sit well with him.


“She’s here for a week of hot sex,” he admitted grudgingly. “Nothing more.”

BOOK: Leather and Lust
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