Last Witch Standing (Mountain Witch Saga) (14 page)

BOOK: Last Witch Standing (Mountain Witch Saga)
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Katie advanced towards Iki, as if no longer concerned about
the threat behind her. Seemingly absentmindedly, she tossed a splinter of light
into the air.

The witches behind her moved away, like the parting of a
Katie was using an antimatter weapon.

Eudora’s staff flashed blue-green. Annalisse’s musket fired.
Both musket round and streak of the Power raced towards the antimatter.
Eudora’s bolt reached it first, pushing it further into the air, then
Annalisse’s round impacted. The ground shook and Rachel’s ears popped as a
massive explosion rent the space around the antimatter, which, having its
shield pierced by Annalisse’s mini-ball, reacted with the matter around it,
causing mutual annihilation of matter and anti-matter in a grand explosion of
color and sound.

The sky lit up like the Aurora Borealis.

How can this apocalypse possibly escape human

As if in answer, several helicopters, blades whirling came
into view, the sound of their rotors drowned by the sounds of the battle below.

This event will rupture the status quo between
worlds. Not even the Citadel can put this genii back in the bottle.

Flames cackled and hissed around them. The energy from the
weapons was intense enough to burn rock and earth.

The humans! They cannot breathe this in, and
the temperature will kill them.

Rachel turned towards the trio of humans huddled against
Iki. They hugged the volcanic rock wall with their bodies, Dan Edwards and
Candice shielding Eric, who must have had to leave his place of protection. The
area behind them was charred from a direct hit.

Rachel squinted, forcing her vision to clear. They were
uninjured. The detective held Queen Annalisse’s emerald, which glittered with
the Power.

The queen has put a second shield around these
humans. One so well-crafted that even I cannot see it.

Of course. Provided they do not invite direct attack from
Katie, they are protected from the elements and the inferno surrounding them.
But Dan Edwards would have to leave the protection of the shield to approach
Katie and complete the task before him.

Rachel returned her focus to the scene. Katie was now much
closer to Iki – the witches’ line pushing her before them.

Then, Katie turned to face her pursuers. The sorceress
halted and raised her arms.

She is preparing double antimatter bombs. The
witches cannot defend against two at once!

Annalisse rushed forward and thrust towards Katie with her
musket, now crowned with a bayonet that glittered in the moonlight. Katie
lowered her arms, her preparations interrupted. She dodged, hurling small plasma
bombs and electrical bolts at the Upper Mountain Witch queen. The distance was
so close, the fight so quick, Katie was unable to charge and deploy her most
powerful weapons. In this, at least, the Mountain Witch queen held a slight
advantage, as she, a witch, could store power while Katie had to draw it from
her surroundings.

Annalisse was holding her own, for the moment, but it was
not an equal contest – even with her slight advantage in channeling.

I must get up and join the fight. Annalisse is
going to be killed if this continues. The amount of Power I have stored is
greater than any I have ever had possession of before. Katie chose me for a
reason – I am an exceptionally powerful witch. But, not even she would expect
me to be able to release such energy as I have stored at this moment.

Rachel forced herself to sit, holding a palm to her head to
quiet the spinning. After several false starts, she was up. Could she fire from
here? No. Candice and the Edwards would be in the line of any return fire.

A bolt from Katie struck Eudora and sent her sprawling.

The smell of fire and singed rock hung strongly in the air
as Rachel rose and staggered towards the battle. She raised her palms and
willed the Power into her extremities. The air in front of her flashed as
strands of energy arced from her hands.

Ahead, Katie increased her rate of fire, shoots of power emanating
from both palms. The Upper Mountain Witch fire diminished as they were forced
to take cover. Also, with Annalisse forced into a close-quarters fight with
Katie to prevent the sorceress from firing more anti-matter projectiles, they
dared not fire indiscriminately for fear of hitting their queen.

A hundred meters. Then I will be in range

Annalisse fell backward, stunned by a plasma bomb. Rachel
raised her hands to fire at Katie. The sorceress stood over the Upper Mountain Witch
queen. Annalisse turned on the ground to face Katie, but did not rise.

Rachel took aim. As she prepared to release the bolt of
energy swelling in her palms and up through her shoulders, a mist appeared beside

A creature hopped through. Katie was occupied with the
queen, preparing a final shot, when the sorceress was toppled by the charge of
a goat. Rachel recognized it as the beast she had stalked over a year ago with
Annalisse and her Upper Mountain Witches.

Annalisse took the opportunity to rise. She got behind
Katie, who was sprawled on the ground, the beast facing her, hot breath
steaming from its nose.

The Upper Mountain Witches regained their formation and
formed a V heading towards where the sorceress lay. Katie spun on the ground
and jumped over the beast, escaping its second charge. Behind her Annalisse and
her witches advanced.

Katie ran ahead, directly into Rachel’s path – and towards
Iki. The sorceress barely glanced at her as she overtook Rachel.



Katie did not look back after passing Rachel, her child-witch.
These little Mountain Witches were herding her! How precious. That goat had
been a true surprise, an unpleasant one, indeed, but what could they hope to do
against her mastery of the secrets of the Cosmos?

Ahead was a rise in the landscape she could scale and fire
down upon her pursuers. Several life forms were huddled against it.
Stupid. The Citadel Witches had brought civilians to a fight. Well, she
wouldn’t be the one to harm them. If they were caught in the crossfire, that
wasn’t Katie’s fault, was it?

The ground around Katie vibrated, as from an earthquake and
she felt herself paralyzed and falling to the ground. Something powerful had
struck her. She stared at the sky, unable to fly to safety while so bound by
the Power.

Rachel? Rachel had shot her with the Power!
Where had the child-witch gotten such strength? It didn’t matter.

Katie rose, drawing power from both the air and hot ground
and turned to face the pursuing Annalisse.

Time to finish this.

Katie’s palms filled with blue plasma as the Power reached
a crescendo.

Annalisse set down her musket and retreated several steps.
Katie raised her fist to the sky in triumph.

Before her, the humans huddled against the rocks.

Katie looked at Rachel. “Let’s go! We have more to do.”

Rachel did not answer. In front of her, a scene opened: a
family room from a house of forty years before.

“If you cannot defeat me with your musket, Queen, how can
you hope to do so with illusions!”

Dan Edwards stepped forward, morphing into a younger image
of himself.

Images flooded through. Katie was being propelled through a
dark tunnel, spiraling into the past. She was watching Earth, not understanding
what those things were people talked into. Like telephones, but there was no
cord, no outlet. She was discovering Pangea. In the Citadel’s library, after
her defeat of Headmistress, learning about science and philosophy. Running
through the undergrowth in the fields by the lake, unsure of who she was. In
bed screaming in pain. At the park with her brother, flying his airplane. At

Her last Christmas. With her brother on the staircase.

She was home. At long last. Home.

Katie Edwards raised her arms toward Dan. He picked her up
and clutched her against his chest, his right hand cradling the back of her
head, which rested on his shoulder.



“Is it over,” Rachel said. Around her, Upper Mountain Witches
and Citadel witches converged.

“Yes, I think so,” Karen said.

“I control the bond, now.” Rachel stood up straight. “She
relaxed it when her brother stepped forward, and I locked it down, inside me.
She cannot fight while I hold it.”

“I expected as much.” Queen Annalisse’s dress was torn and
blackened from fire, her hair was matted, the musket slung over her shoulder.
“I could not tell thee what was required from you, or your mind may have set up
blocks against it. Necessity brought out your full potential.”

“Where do we go from here?” Rachel asked.

“We must get Katie away. Humans are on their way here. Our
little battle was witnessed by scores of campers. More aircraft are headed here
to check on the disturbance.” The red-haired Citadel witch gestured towards the
sky with her shaft. Her left hand was in a sling, the left side of her face
covered with a makeshift bandage of a yellow handkerchief with the Citadel’s
green and gold crest imprinted upon it.

The party began their hike down the slope. Annalisse and
her Upper Mountain Witches disappeared into the terrain. They must be handling
cleanup, Rachel thought. This must have been a spectacular fireworks show to
the people camped in the park.

“Wait!” Rachel said. In front of her, she sensed a gap in
the fabric of space. “We can go through this tunnel between worlds and emerge
nearer to the parking lot.”

Good work, child-witch. You shall be
discovering more and greater powers in the days ahead. Now, you too can move
between worlds, at will, as your sorceress once did. She is now one of ours and
must come to our Kingdom – where she belongs. You must go to the Citadel and be
trained by the Sisters there. First, you may see your sisters among the lower Mountain

Annalisse had spoken directly into her mind, once again.
The old queen had planned all this from the beginning. She had always known
Rachel’s strength would be required to bring Katie to heel.

“Follow Rachel,” Karen instructed the party.

They formed a line behind Rachel, Eric closest, followed by
Dan, who was still holding his little sister, who was sucking her thumb.

Rachel took Eric’s hand.
I think you will be coming with
me – eventually, at least – though you do not know this, yet. As Karen and
Jakob are partners, so shall we be.













BOOK: Last Witch Standing (Mountain Witch Saga)
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