Read Lanie's Lessons Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Lanie's Lessons (7 page)

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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Tugging at her jacket, she smoothed the material and brushed at the few wrinkles on her pleated trousers. Linen was so hard to keep looking neat, but it was Calvin Klein and at half off, she couldn’t resist. Looking back, she wished she’d bought the blend instead. She reached up to straighten her collar, tucked in a few stray strands that had escaped her French twist, and then tugged at her jacket again.

“Quit fidgeting, Lanie. You look beautiful, as always.”

Not having realized her nervous restlessness was noticeable, she gave him a startled look and blinked. “I’ve never had dinner with a supreme court justice, Ethan. I have to admit I’m a bit tweaked.”

“You’ll like Raymond. He’s a very down to earth guy. In fact, I’ve heard the chief justice puts his robe on one sleeve at a time like everyone else.” He chuckled at his own little joke, but Lanie didn’t. Sure, he was the chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, not the highest court in the land, but it was still pretty darn impressive and to a fairly new lawyer, a little unnerving.

She found and plucked a loose thread from her jacket, her hands unable to remain still.

“You need to settle yourself. Try breathing in and counting to ten.”

“You know that holistic mumbo jumbo doesn’t work for me, Ethan. Maybe we should stop the elevator and you could fuck me right here. That’s the only thing that seems to settle my nerves.”

Silence encompassed the car. Inwardly, Lanie cringed as she replayed her words. What had gotten into her? Ethan’s arm reached out, his long finger extended and he pressed the stop button. An alarm sounded. Immediately, she started backpedaling.

“I was joking, Ethan. Really! We can’t have sex in here.”

“Turn and face the wall. Grab the rail with both hands.” Always a daunting figure standing nine inches taller and outweighing her by at least seventy pounds, a stern or angry Ethan was especially menacing when he stepped closer, crowding her into the corner. Glancing up at him, she expected to see a dark cloud of anger, or at the very least irritation, but his face appeared calm, almost stoic. Through the low rumble of his words, she could tell he was affected. That sound alone made her heart pound in her chest.

“I’m sorry, honey.”

“Now you are. The thing you’ve yet to learn is to think before you open your mouth and spew vulgarities and sarcasm. Face the wall and grab the rail with both hands. We’ll have a quick lesson in deportment, I believe that’s what they call manners in school. You must have missed that class.”

She winced as she turned. He had never yelled or ever raised his voice, but his tongue could be lethal. Razor sharp and deadly accurate when the situation called for it. She deserved a punishment for her rude behavior, but in an elevator?

“What if there are security cameras?”

“Security will get an eyeful then, won’t they?”


“I checked, Lanie,” he sighed. “There are no cameras.”

Facing the wall, her fingers blanched as she gripped the brass rail. She tensed as she felt his hands slide around her waist and locate her button. Soon the zipper was undone and he was easing her pants down. “Spread your legs so that your pants are held snug around your knees. That will keep them off the floor and from getting dirty.”

Always considerate, her Ethan. His fingers found the waistband of her panties next.

“Please, honey. Can’t we do this when we get home?”


Succinct, too.

“I want you sitting on this tenderized ass all through dinner. Maybe it will serve as a reminder to curb that acerbic tongue.”

A tenderized ass? He was going to spank her, not fuck her. Relief mixed with disappointment, which was quickly replaced by horror. A bare handed spanking would be loud in the metal elevator car—a good fucking would be quieter. She could bite her lip or he could cover her mouth with his hand, but skin on skin was loud and it would surely echo up and down the resonant elevator shaft and no doubt be heard by everyone throughout the fifty-two story high rise.

and a
sounded as a thin line of flames burst along both bottom cheeks. Holy hell! What was that? It felt like a cane, but where on earth would he have gotten one in a freaking elevator? She sucked in a deep breath of air at the sting, twisting her neck to see what it was.

“Eyes front and be still,” he ordered sternly, his free hand clamping firmly around her waist to keep her in position. In the same low rumbling voice, he warned. “You’ve earned a dozen and then we’ll talk. But if you keep moving, I’ll add more.”

followed, then another. He laid swipes—with whatever evil weapon he possessed—all over her bare bottom, never striking the same spot twice. By the tenth sizzling stroke, she was dancing up on her toes and her hands flew back instinctively as she tried to soothe the blazing fire he’d ignited along her skin.

“Hands, Lanie.”

She didn’t want any more. All she could think about was rubbing the burn from her flaming butt.

“Now, Lanie. We can’t hold the elevator forever. Do you want security or the fire department prying open the doors and finding you with a bright red bare bottom? I’m okay with it if you are, but I don’t recommend it.”

An image flashed before her eyes was of grinning young fire fighters staring down at the five alarm fire on her naked ass. She shook her head. She’d be mortified, but the men would surely delight in repeating the lurid tale of her humiliation from now until eternity.

Resigned, she moved her hands back to the rail and held on. Looking down on her white knuckled grip, she actually tried the deep breathing Ethan was always touting. Two more… that was nothing. Ethan’s warm hand appeared before her eyes, palm up.

She felt his lips brush against her ear as he murmured gently, “Take my hand and hold on, baby. Two more and we’re done. Nothing to it.”

She latched onto his strong hand and clamp down hard. Although she’d just told herself virtually the same thing, she scoffed at his words. Nothing to it? That was easy for him to say. Still, it amazed her how he always knew what she was thinking, and exactly what she needed. As the final two strokes fell low across her cheeks near her thighs, she hissed at the fiery burn.

“That’s the last,” he whispered, shifting beside her.

She moved into him without hesitation, her arms winding around his waist, anchoring herself to his sturdy frame. As she leaned into him, she felt his hands slide down to cup and hold her burning backside. Biting her lip, she fought back the tears.

“Please rub me, Ethan. I’m on fire.”

He squeezed her gently, caressing her heated flesh with his broad palms. It felt good, so good, that she whimpered as he eased her.

“Look at me, Lanie.”

She tilted her head back and melted into the warm depths of his eyes.


He wasn’t referring to her rear end, and she knew it. “Yes, sir. I needed that so badly.”

“You’ve been building toward that for several days. What’s wrong?”

She looked away briefly, but he wouldn’t let it go. He squeezed her ass harder and pulled her hips up against him. “We don’t have much time left. Talk to me.”

“The signing of the lease on the new office, the first payroll, the computers, iPhones, security system… all of it. Money’s flying out, but none is coming in yet. It’s got me worried.”


“I know. We’ve got cases and the first billing hasn’t even gone out yet. I’m this close to having people pay in cash. It’s crazy, but what can I say? I’m a freak.”

“No, you’re a perfectionist. Do I need to explain that again?”

“Please don’t,” she laughed softly.

He smiled as he kissed her, the tension released. Then he leaned down and grabbed her panties. Tenderly, he placed a kiss low on her belly, just above her mound before he eased them up and over her butt, followed by her pants. The zipper came up next and he fastened her button. Lastly, he smoothed down her blouse and jacket. Reaching over to release the stop button, he kissed her lips. “I love you, beautiful.”

As the elevator began to move, he slid an arm around her and gently cupped her behind while she leaned into him. Angling her head, she peered up into his beloved face. “What was that vile thing you used, by the way?”

He grinned. Reaching into his coat pocket, he withdrew a short plastic stick with a black rubber tip. Holding it out to her, he said, “Pull.”

She did and the stick extended to about eighteen inches. She stared at it in fascination, never having seen one before.

“It’s a telescoping cane: pocket sized, lightweight, perfect for when my girl gets sassy and needs a hard lesson on the fly.”

Heat crept into her cheeks. She loved it when he called her his girl. “Do you carry that with you all the time?”

“No, but the idea has merit. I put it in my pocket the day of the lease signing and there it has stayed, waiting for the precise moment when it was needed. I was an eagle scout and well, you know the motto.”

“And out it came in an elevator. Who’d have thought? I’m amazed at how much calmer I feel, more centered. You know me pretty well, don’t you?”

“Most definitely.”

The doors slid open. His hand rose to the small of her back as he guided her out into the Top of the Hub. A spectacular view of the Boston skyline greeted them from the lobby of the 5-star restaurant. Seemingly, Boston was laid at their feet, all lit up and twinkling below the clear night sky. Lanie walked forward to the floor to ceiling windows and admired the cityscape as Ethan gave the maître d’ his name. Their table wasn’t quite ready, so they were shown to the bar to await their distinguished guests.

Heads turned as Ethan passed, both male and female, all shooting him admiring glances. She didn’t blame them. He was sexy as hell in his heather gray suit and burgundy tie. She could hardly keep her eyes off of him, herself. Evidently, the same went for their redheaded waitress, who eyed him hungrily as she led them to a table by a window. Preening for him in her clingy black top and short skirt, Lanie fumed as a goodly portion of her large boobs jiggled precariously over the top of her dangerously low neckline. She leaned forward as she flirted outrageously and Lanie feared if she bent over another fraction of an inch, they would pop out and injure Ethan or some innocent bystander. Pushed up practically to her chin, they appeared grossly unnatural. Lanie shook her head in disgust, not seeing how any man with functioning eyes could think the mammoth melons were real, let alone attractive.

When Red reached out with her red tipped talons, like the vulture she was, Ethan pulled away from her touch.
That’s my man
, Lanie cheered inwardly, but her anger flared. The nerve of the woman; was she invisible by his side? Having had enough, Lanie cleared her throat, earning a cursory glance from the flamboyant woman. She raised her left hand and flashed her wedding rings in warning. The bitch actually shrugged as if marriage wasn’t about to stand in the way of what she wanted, but she had enough sense to tone it down a tad as she laid down two cocktail napkins and an appetizer menu. Then, she spun with a flip of her brazen hair and winked at Ethan over her shoulder, promising to get back to him in a few.

Lanie frowned after her, livid. As she glanced around the crowded lounge, she ignored Ethan’s amused grin. Most of the women wore evening wear, cocktail dresses for the most part, making Lanie feel woefully underdressed. She’d come straight from court, with little choice but to wear her conservative suit, her hair up in her signature French twist. By comparison she was dull and completely unremarkable. She should at least check her hair and makeup, maybe kick it up a notch since it was evening. She excused herself as soon as they were seated. “I’m going to freshen up, honey.”

He stood as she did, and bent his head to kiss her cheek. “Do you want something from the bar?”

She turned until her lips brushed his ear and whispered, “After that scene in the elevator, I’d love to have a screaming orgasm.”

Pulling back, Ethan shook his head, giving her a flash of his brilliant white smile. “Me too, baby, but I’m not asking our waitress for one. Not today, not ever. She’s scary.”

“Mm,” she murmured as she eyed the overblown redhead taking orders nearby. “Smart man. She’d probably take it as an offer and spread eagle right here on the table.” As Red bent over to collect some glasses, Lanie couldn’t suppress her grimace as her skirt edged up higher and exposed a good deal of thigh. When she straightened, she noticed that her boobs were testing the limits of her top, her bra evidently not up to the job of wrangling the titanic twins and keeping them contained. “Ask for a vodka shooter. I can wait until later for the other.”

He pulled her against him and gave her a lip-lock so steamy it was worthy of the silver screen. It drew the attention of several of the patrons nearby, and thankfully Big Red noticed too. “That should hold her off for a few minutes, but hurry back. Without you, I’m unarmed and she’s loaded for bear. I’m afraid if she gets close, that top is gonna give way and take out an eye, at the very least.” He shuddered in mock horror.

Lanie laughed. “I thought the exact same thing, sexy.” She cupped his cheek and wiped the lipstick from his mouth with her thumb. “I’ll be back in a jiff to protect you. If she gets too pushy in the meantime, just whip out your cane and hold her at bay like a lion tamer. Be careful, though. She may try to mount you, because I think she’s in heat.”

As she walked away, she heard his bark of laughter. With a smug grin, she purposefully crossed directly in the enemy’s path and gave the woman the glare that had broken many a hostile witness under cross examination. It appeared to work beyond the courtroom, because Red became flustered and promptly spilled the beer she was serving right in her patron’s lap. The waitress gaped at her as if she had some magic power that made her spill the beer. Lanie simply stared at her, letting the power of the Ice Queen do its thing. As she tried to sop up the mess, Lanie grinned with satisfaction.
Yeah, beeotch, don’t mess with the real alpha kitty and you best stay away from my man.

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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